Post sasuke pls

Post sasuke pls

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oh hi poo

oh good, for a second there i thought id slipped into a coma

sama san please tell me

i wish i had friends

tell u wut


nezi's problem is that he is pretentious and a rich kid

i mean it's true

how am i pretentious

and I can't do anything about my monetary situation

i was born into family X and there's nothing I can do about it


imagine if a pretentious self absorbed fuck like nezi had a kid

that would be too much to handle


Same ;-;

I'd imagine said kid would act something like TP.

i will let you figure it out for yourself

how you been love

aren't you 15

fuck off



spectre's underrage faggot ass lol

I don't want kids

and, continuing on what I said, you can't just accuse me of being something without elaborating on why

otherwise your words hold no meaning

no one even read what you said cause like you read all those cuck bois


nezi once you are ok with yourself

you will be ok to talk to

Having kids would be great.

What the FUCK are you saying, Phil?


oh man i love hu

these idiots

so... yea

threads going pretty well so far dontcha think

oh no dar is here

i was just having some fun

Silly TP

Hi Darwin!

frankly i'm tired of darwin making me feel less-than

Ms. Ross.



darwin pls

Stop it with that name >:(


when darwin and you have a connection you don't even need words

The name stays. I really like that character too. You ought to take it as a compliment.

What Phil said.


what did darwin change his name to abbott?

based wutang

No, this Phil



you faggots and your constant name changes....

I have always been the same tho

I have always been the same tho

i mean emma still responds to wishy

i got scared


I'd rather not respond to Emma tbh

We named the cat "Emma."

But I still go by Wish

who gives a damn what you want

delet this

i never liked emma tbh

I just realized the great revelation that is your current nickname.


So I'm still the same

i would like to make wishy as comfortable as possible


A rose by any other name?

Except I didn't try to deny I was a rose~

Who needs to deny being something they're not?

delet this

He does.


I got some weed butter


okay bye


Who is Neil Breen? Also this is as clickbait ad your playstation cutscene snippets.



inb4 grim im wishy

oh hey brad

dawg i got like a fuckin u quart of budderlmoa

NOO!!!! DON'T GO!!!


A god among men and a masterful filmmaker.


I wish all your file names were diffrent because I force myself to highlight over it to see what he's the best at.

oh shit dude

you ok?


why doth everyone hate me

i like you

I don't hate you.

but you kinda fucked that shit up

Yah I'm not gonna eat it all at once LMAO

It's for cooking with and shit but likke
fuck I'm set for a while

Ilearned how to make it and myfirst harvest is done

They are all JEALOUS of you.

this tbh nezi

my life's shit why would anybody be jealous

Everyone else's is laden with more shit.

a pool?

for one


i was mostly just jealous of the pool

You do not even clean your bathtub, Phil. A pool is not something you want.

I don't even like swimming

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Old dead memes.

He's the best at everything.


wow dar is on a tear

where you been douche

i prefer old dar over new bi colbert still

The unruliness has been kept in check, but sometimes it surfaces by its own accord, capriciously.

Stop drinking.

did you see my comment earlier?

I noticed several of them.

Stop lusting after 15-18 year old males.

o-oh //

The 19-24 demographic is more appealing to my predilections now.

Moving into the strictly legal age range now huh? Also I unfortunately fit in that age range and now I wanna die

And they need to have Asperger's.

it turns out they were always retarded

They are less needy.

I can't see how you would be attracted to people in that younger age range if you didn't like that they were needy

That basically defines that age range


i really don't get why we are suddenly giving weight to short bus people

if florida's school system wasn't one of the worst in the country

they surely would have had a short bus program for that idiot who shot up their school

So you're dumb is what you're saying

We are all victims of akrasia occasionally.




Those times I pretended to be Louise do not count.


it turned out louise was just a stoner

colbert was so wet for that dude

kinda gay tbh


so fucking gay

You have had your gay moments too, Phil.

i don't even jyack to that shit anymore

this is why dar is a stalker

i love you bro

but not this much

What, I'm not allowed to like someone?


Also you can't blame all of that on akrasia

I loved that show.

Alcohol, then.

i walways figure darwin is lurking

well, Chiri lurks too sometimes.

in my calculus

Sure, if that makes you feel better

i plan shit

You can't really plan shit, shit happens.

Well, you can eat at Taco Bell, and then you have a basic idea of a shit timeline, so I guess you -can- plan shit.

colbert is busy realizing his gayness so he's been blowing fools for cash

See the Triball $20

lol colbs is a homo

i plan shit the best i can


i won't lie about being a girl


he really is gay tho

pretty gay, yeah.


I remember the buttplug kon bought him.

not that theres etc

more gay than chirbir

the butt plug

He had Soto shave his ass, and they made out afterward too.

chiri should be banned

passing out in the shower to alleviate the shame

Lying about being a girl is pretty much how I survived MMO's through the late 90's to mid 2000's.
I had you all fooled until Dr. Stalker and what's her face dug up my old websites with Wayback Machine.

his canadian crocked teatch ass is laughin

English motherfucker

Do you speak it?


fuck i laughed

Oh, hi Colbs ;^)



reminds me of Ken Ashcorp's vocals. a lot

touch fluffy tail ^~^


^ this sounds like Sneaker Pimps.. but it's Ken Ashcorp :3


< here's the song Ken got inspiration from.

I have a good memory of songs.

hey TP remember when you showed me CocoRosie?

cause I'm gonna pay you back now, in full.

Zip hile



lol Mr. Bill

uh oh Sluggo's gonna be mean to me!

Why was Colbert even naked?

he was drunk on chat. laid on the bed naked, I noticed he rolled a bit when he laughed, so I made him laugh until I could snap a shot of his balls.

peer pressure

they try to corrupt base colbert

for TP


was group, I wasn't on cam. I was there just to be the chaotic element and I got what I needed.

I missed the ariel cutting scene.


holy shit this is good


that's neat tp.

ikr i just accidently stumbled arous this

ever heard of

Mord Fustang
Com Truise?


i'm going to report every time someone made me fee unfortable


podrías hablar inglés?


> unfortable


bitch faker

Culero, estás fingiendo.

Me vale madres.



I'm game.

Go jerk off.

because boardgame

benis is broken

i already gamed for hours

I know that fe-
Wait, what? How?

idk, then go jerk off.


haha tru tho :(

idk not in mood to fap

fapping is like 5 mins

there's TWENTY FOUR HOURS in day friends

rough life

Smells like lies.

No wonder a girl will be disappointed.

lul I actually had opposite problem

i think i was gripping too hard when fapping so it was harder to orgasm from sex

fak u

mad cuz I'm rite

I mean not really comparatively ;3

what r u tyin to say?

What are you tying to ask?

only five minutes?

geez, sometimes I just lie in bed when I wake up and slow-handle for like half an hour while half dreaming, and I don't even need to look at porn or anything, it's just hard and I'm ok with it so you know, stuff happens, but I don't climax.
It's just hard for 30-60 minutes and I control my muscles so that I don't ejaculate.

Don't play games with me!


can't fap more than once a day

i'm fap or not fap

no in between really

I could probably set a world record for ejaculations if I had to do it.

seriously, once a day?

i mean i can press the issue if i want

but it kills the enjoyment

F-fine :/

If you jerk off daily or more, it sort of kills any enjoyment when you do it and makes it all the less enjoyable when you're with someone.

well exactly, and enjoyment is up to the individual.

I often don't watch porn, I fantasize - especially coming out of a dream when waking up, I can be hard and semi-lucid for about an hour and visualize delicious waifus without committing 100%, I'm very in control of my own body, I don't piss myself or accidentally cum in my hand, everything is very carefully pre-planned.

I also sleep light, small noises wake me up, anything that is not categorized, door sounds from other housemates I hear but dismiss, anything unusual, voices, I am awake immediately.
My alarm always commands attention, I become fully 100% within two seconds from a deep sleep.


To be fair, you have to have a high IQ to visualize waifus.

I have lived with my own subconscious for so long that it also watches out for me, and any alarm times set in my head usually end up with me thinking about needing to wake up during dreams.

I'm very in tune with my unconscious and dreaming self.

Shit, now I know what Kanra was talking about when he was saying you need a high IQ to move things in dimensions: he meant bringing your 2D waifu into your dreams.

I also don't cum my blankets; I've surpassed the barrier where normal people while dreaming, ejaculate in their dreams and cum themselves in their sleep- I've reprogrammed my dreams so that I have dry orgasms if I cum in my dreams, without a wakeup-trigger, so I can carry on, and when I do wake up everything's dry.

lrn 2 git gud

You know how in shonen manga, the protagonist always has powers that come from the author failing even rudimentary biology or physics? Yeah, that's Chiri.


I dislike the typical everyman hero who seems like an idiot but somehow has the balls to step up and be a hero when the plot suits it.

I prefer broken protagonists, older characters who have already failed and have to struggle to climb back up.


This image looks fucking weird. Can't put my finger on it.
I think it's the face and head, something's wrong there.

yeah when you can turn the switch off, it's amazing.

generally you'd just like, cum yourself in your sleep right..
but you acknowledge it, and then ejaculate as you please in the dreamworld, stop associating the ejaculation with the wakeup mechanism because you're worried you came in the bed- stop giving a fuck is the first step.

then, you can just turn it off. you can stop cumming entirely, and stay in the dream ;)

pro tip

There's no switch bro, just flat out no nighttime emissions.
Pretty great. Keeps the sheets clean.


Good evening, people.

it's the tiny arms.

ikr never going back to the old ways

Naruto a shit
have a goat instead

but really the whole thing is to delete the ejaculation-'I need to wake up' part.

The worry emotion associated with soiling your bed with ejaculate can be bypassed by your willingness to stop caring about the consequences of ejaculation.

Sure, you'll fuck up some sheets and blankets but you can train yourself to never give another fuck, and eventually stop yourself from ejaculating, and staying in your dreams as long as you want, no wakeup-calls.

Take that, brain.


What's up?


am alonest
gonna learn korean or somethin.
sup with u?


Just playing games.
Room mate went to bed so I'm just bored on my own.

Oh my god, I don't even want to comment on that image, neither do I want to acknowledge the previous anime image where her eyes are as big as her fucking mouth..

Korean isn't too hard to learn because it is one of the most modern asian languages in terms of their alphabet which actually makes sense, so it can be quickly read and written unlike older chinese/japanese. A whole phonetic alphabet based on logic.

Sup witchu?

(that's why it pays well to become an english teacher in korea.. if you want to learn korean)

Oh shit my bf Squash is posting

And yet here you are.
Commenting on it. And acknowledging it.

yee i'm aware, I was studying a bit a few months ago but trying to get over the hurdle of actually being able to read the characters is like

but I'm gonna practice even more!!

layin down!!
Gonna do stuff!!
what's up with you?

Soto, please.
We hardly even hold hands.

rippy :(((
whatcha plannin on playin? more mhw?

I'll always trash you for being a furry, it comes with the territory- and you're used to it, possibly enjoy the negativity that reinforces your commitment to bestiality.

Oh come on, we're like the new Echo and Rin

You be Rin though cause I have a job

Yeah, the greatest part is the korean alphabet and how it makes logical sense, phonetically.. it's the easiest to learn because you can see the sounds!

Was trying Factorio.
Now I'm just here. Nobody is online in our guild so I'm taking a bit off from hunting.

I mean, I could rape your dog if you really want to go down that road.

I also have a job.

Actually I probably have had more jobs than any of you.

But you wouldn't, because I know your character here, you are a personality and I would trust you not to rape my dog if I were to leave you alone with her.

one day I'll know more than just milk and starbucks >:))

factorio is good, I enjoyed kinda fuckin around at my own pace n stuff.

I'm willing to bet I had way more jobs than you last year since I would work for a week or two then quit and just get another job at some shitty staffing agency

Do you know how awkward it was showing up to do my taxes and pulling out my 12 W-2's lmaooo

I could attempt to contest you on that figure; I'm aware that you are younger than I am, despite your more elderly fursona. I could break your record for different professions.

Yeah Soto probably wins cause he's a shit employee, most of my tenures were 1-3 years.

Taxation is theft

Do you honestly think my personality here is for show?

I can't get into it.

Yeah, I had about 9 W-2s filed this year.
And juggled 3 jobs for a while. Shit is ass.

Also my dad is taking me to an anime con in Kansas City this weekend.

I've held about 20 jobs I think.

yeah 12 Soto.. that's nothing to brag about.

You win for most jobs. But you didn't last.

I conclude that you are a terrible employee.

I would just constantly call off cause I'd be too hungover to work

Sup bby

Your dad?

Thats crazy dude
He into anime too?

How's you?

He likes some of the shows.
I think he's watching Fairy Tale now.

I think he mostly wants to just do something with us kids because I'm always off 1000 miles away and my other brother is on the coast now, and the eldest never does anything.

We've discussed it before, you're gay furry and looking to hook up with more mature gay furry adults because the kid scene is a shitfest and I can attest to that part. I understand the fursona and commend you for raising the bar and seeking better people to associate with.

That's actually pretty off base as to why I use Paulie.


Well, don't wind yourself explaining it to me, then. Keep it to yourself, muttstuffer.

Longest I've held a job was 3 years from 2012 through 2015 for Fresh and Easy, they ended up getting bought out by Tesco I think and became 'JBS USA Case Ready'

Why are you playing old games?

Well that's nice of him

Take him to the exhibit hall and buy some nerd shit then just walk around and check stuff out
Maybe have some food at the food trucks there

ye things are like that sometime.
it is what it is, santa :)

Cause everything released in this decade is garbage

Eat slag, you knuckling goon.

Tesco is a British supermarket chain you foam weapon.

Last time he watched me and my brother win first in the LoL 3v3 tourny. Had about 200 contestants.
Then I took 4th in the Smash tourny.

It's a lot of fun at the con hall.

It's a shame.

Don't chafe your bag on a wire brush.

I havent really played anything that's recent other than Nier

Ive been busy with RE HD Remaster and RE4 Remaster lately

But tbh Im not much of a video game fan

I thought Fresh and Easy was also mainly a UK thing
They tried to expand it out here in burgerland but it failed horribly

Like they filed for bankruptcy


welp a job is a job right?

You should apply at Pita Pit with all of your experience, I enjoyed my time there working the grill. Met some cool customers, had my share of rushes and drunks but I liked the job and the employee free lunch was dope.


Me neither. Probably also why I mostly play old classics

II quit my shitty job for another better one that pays 2 dollars more, it's graveyard shift but I like it and the job is super chill making frames fopr glass doors and such

What do you do for fun?

Nice hipster bike, ya hipster.

Glad you have income, it sucks to not have any, tell you that much... put some away in savings every check, hide your money from yourself so it'll come back when you need it, I learned that and it saved me.
I've been soo fucked but I had backups to save me.

also literally I had a HDD eat it late 2017 and I didn't have much backups on that, so, I've been backing stuff up more, mostly just 'important shit' onto a pos 111gb 5400rpm drive but it's the backing up that's important-
I lost 3 years of data. (despite not actually doing much so I didn't really lose much)

old games :3

no offense that's the gayest bike I've ever seen in my life


Old games you say?

Fuck off I painted it myself, it's got the Joker and Harley Quinn on the other side.

pls. you can't even build a bike.


i said no offense

therefore you can't get mad


ultima 4

2007 scape.
Vanilla WoW
Heroes of Might and Magic II-IV
such old games

oh, nice trap.



Wot is the only game in universe, where teammates can kill u in start of round, cos you playing good

Hello friends, I return from the great beyond.


uwu good mron

how are you doin?

fucking danes am I right lads


what the hell hu I told you yesterday that I play quake live but you just COMPLETELY IGNORED the fact that it doesn't work on leenux >:( >:(

oh yeah good morning lads

You said it was old. I assumed it might work in Wine.
Also didn't know it even was on Steam, didn't research it. Main point was just to see if OS run more smooth on your hardware

if that was your goal then why does insurgency, a game that started this whole thing due to poor performance on my machine, require a full extra 0.4ghz to run???????
can you tell me that????

I'm going mental here

"specs" are just guidance, not the whole truth. For Aspyr games, they advertise much higher requirements than are actually needed, simply because that's the only hardware they had lying around, and they also only advertise support for Nvidia cards, although both Intel and AMD ones work just fine, sometimes even better.
It's the same with games ported by Feral.
I don't know how it is with Insurgency, but just because it states 2.8GHz rather than 2.4, doesn't mean the same hardware can't play it. Even then, they state a "Core 2 Duo", chips released last decade. Your 2016 chip can't be compared to this one GHz-wise

Am okay. How's Sinni?

I don't recall but I met all the min. system requirements except the processor which may have been 1.6ghz I don't remember
I'm pretty sure I posted it a couple days ago when I was discussing computer porn or something

but having the number rise from 2.4 to 2.8 can never be good

not the GPU part. Again, your 1.6GHz CPU is faster than the 2.8GHz core2 duo

Doesn't necessarily mean anything.
System requirements should be taken with a grain of salt. You already own the game, you're much better off trying it on your own machine to see how it runs

numbers man how the fuck do they work

They don't

am good! Trying to study but getting distracted!

I'm pretty sure I asked this before but hypothetically could I replace the processor of my PC for a better one

That feel. I can't study from home either, really suck at it.
Good luck though!

Sadly no. It's a BGA chip, which means it's soldered to the motherboard. You'd have to replace the motherboard too.
And the motherboard is probably connected to the PC's case in such an odd way that you can't even buy another motherboard and install that into it, meaning you need a new case too.
If you're really, really lucky, you might be able to reuse the power supply, but that probably isn't the best idea either.
Can keep the harddrive at least, and case fans too maybe


You can do it~

oh yeah I remember you saying that
by the way there's a bird sitting outside my window and it's freaking me the fuck out what do
I really really dislike birds

Get a cat~
Even a lazy cat works fine, can just move him and sit him by your window, and the bird will fly away

no thanks I'll just wait for it to go away
even if I had a cat I wouldn't want to put it on a window

question for you
if I had 64bit windows does this mean linux will also be 64bit

does this mean the answer to my question is no

by the window, not on it, silly.

Only if you install the 64bit version, which is the one I linked you, so that's all taken care of already

It's 64bit. That's the name of the 64bit extension to the x86 architecture. It's also called x86_64 someplaces and Windows tends to misname it was x64.

yeah but like what if it jumps out or something

does that mean the answer is yes

when you try and actually explain things to me it's just in one ear and out the other so just simple answers will make things easier for both of us

Doesn't matter if Windows is 32bit or 64bit. What matters is if the image is 32bit or 64bit, and the one you're using is 64bit.
So it does mean it'll be 64bit if you install it.

uhm... "yes" then :3

You keep saying you aren't the brightest, but you've actually managed to do what 9/10 people fail at

I actually required extensive assistance you shall come to find, and I most certainly would have failed without it
also this gzdoom installation is concerningly long
also will I need to move my wad folder into downloads or will it still work if it's on windows

Still running it off a flashdrive, aren't you? It's slow as balls, due to that.
Also, Didn't you only have a 1GB drive? How come you can keep installing all this stuff without running out of space?
I'm so confused

ok so where is this config folder

no I did some installation and am no longer using the drive
I was following someone else's advice so it's safe probably

I guess you need one of those .wad files. Then you can move those to ~/.config/gzdoom

The .config folder is hidden. Any folder starting with a . is hidden. Can view it by doing this

Ah, that does make sense

internet went out desu
it doesn't work :(
I don't know if this is related but any windows doom sourceport I used required the pwad (doom/doom2 in this case) to be in the directory of the sourceport before I could start up the game from another folder (my custom wad folder in this case)

iwad not pwad my bad

also why does leenux have a habit of closing down my steam and discord for no reason what's up with that

uh... that's odd. If you run "dmesg" what's the output?

That does sound odd too. Are you running out of memory? What does task manager say?

dmesg creates a line of text too big for me to screenshot or type
pic related is task manager

and by too big to type I mean that 8ch won't allow me to put it in because it is so long

Can mark the lines with your mouse, then press CTRL+SHIFT+C to copy the text.
Ah, hmm. What about the bottom quarter half? Or pastebin ?

I assumed it would state that something crashed if gzdoom crashes and steam and discord for some reason just closes too, but I see nothing...
What if you run "gzdoom --verbose"?

GZDoom g3.2.5 - 2018-01-03 23:41:06 -0500 - SDL version
Compiled on Jan 4 2018

M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.
Aborted (core dumped)

same error message as before I'm pretty sure

Haven't a clue.. Don't even know what to look up either

guess I'll ask some people who are more familiar with doom then
would you happen to know how to get thumbnails for images
I drag and drop images because of it. The stupid as fuck Gnome devs, which are the ones that are the reason of this not being a feature, fail to realise there's a demand for it, even though the feature was requested way back in 2004. It's still a problem today.
They're going straight to hell.
Sorry, but there's nothing you can do, except compile it yourself after applying a patch or two.

And that's the most stupid shit about it. People has already fixed these guys' shit, but they don't want to use the fixes provided for them, believing they know better than you.

which of the 20 links do I use and what do I do with it

Nothing... I've tried compiling this stuff myself, but builds always fail.
There really isn't much we can do

so is there some alternative to file manager that does allow it

KDE does, but that also requires another DE I believe.
I just wish there as a PPA which had this thing included like there is on Arch Linux, but there just isn't.. Haven't been able to find such anyway

Just use iOS

just use Ikt!

Has there ever been a proper Linux install without additional fucking around in a terminal with commands copy-pasted from the internet?

Has there ever been a proper Windows install without additional fucking around in a terminal with commands copy-pasted from the internet?


I'm not some coder hacker man I just want to watch anime and talk to my internet friends and play vidya

How are you launching steam and discord?
If you're launching it with the terminal, and then close the terminal at some point, that would explain why the applications close

by typing it in on the rat head in the corner

next time it crashes for some reason, try launching it in a terminal window and keep it open. If it crashes again, pastebin the output

ikt stop bitching about everything

just use windows

just use what i use omg stop doing different things
no one's forcing loafie to try leenux

i use debian tho

For realsies though, don't even consider Linux unless you know same basic coding and are interested in learning more.


it hasn't happened since I said it desu so it's probably fine

Sure, all the time.

If you want to do a few little tweaks, that's all optional.

then stop being a whiny bitch, just because he's a beginner doesn't mean he can't eventually figure this stuff out. The problems he's running into are pretty weird, too, so looks like he got unlucky which sucks, I've had lots of friends try Linux for the first time without a hitch. Idk what's up with loafie's install but i for one am curious about it

Oh, is that why it found its way onto my harddrive...?

Is the Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 any good

It says 2016 but it only got to market this year so I'm confused.

Ah, that's good!

After not using Windows for a year, and I wanted to play a game, I thought it was best to just boot it up rather than try Wine, I ended up having to do
So not really.

Apparently so!

More chai, or kohi?

did i just insult ur mom xd

no ur just a fgt

u mad

le epic trol
no i just think you're being very unproductive, loafie clearly wants to try linux or he wouldn't do this, he can go back to windows any time he wants

no u just hate me

you're literally one of my favorite people u homo. i do wish you'd post more tho

ok I finally got my cfg for insurgency again since that's why I installed leenux I think I don't even remember
if this isn't any better then I'm going back to windows and then I'll hang myself


I don't even know who you are.

And if performance is the same?
Is the general desktop experience at least more responsive?
I'm quite curious about this tbh

That doesn't really affect my opinion of you.

Everything keeps crashing for him, i doubt he's staying if the thing he set out to get from linux doesn't work better

I feel kinda disappointed tbh

Want to unblock me on steam?

Hasn't crashed again yet!
But yeah, makes sense.
I was more thinking in the way of opening the file explorer, moving windows around, using the browser, browsing the internet and so.
I couldn't even drag an explorer window around on my netbook without the fan spinning to 100% and even then, it would lag and stutter almost as if the display was clocked at 15hz.
But on Debian Sid, even the clunky and heavy-as-fuck Gnome, the desktop effects ran smooth as silk.
xfce ran just as well too.
This was why I even mentioned he should try this in the first place. If his machine felt much faster, then something good would have come out of it, even if his games ran at the same framerate

I don't use Steam anymore :c

I'm thinking about making Discord though

You little cutie.

Please don't use Yuzu.

ok it took like 5 minutes to load the menu and then when I clicked on the server browser it crashed and I couldn't be bothered to wait that long again
I don't recall why I installed linux maybe it was something else
it'd be optimal if I could install windows 7 because while I very much disliked lots of the features of windows 10 it wasn't terrible
being mentally retarded is jokes

I want to become yamakasi

Citrus is trash but enjoy your lesbian imouto rape garbage
I hear eromanga sensei is pretty same too

I hope you've got a good enough memory to remember why I did because I certainly don't
Maybe you just told me to install it and I did because I always just go along with what I'm told to do

You're running insurgency off your integrated graphics and Hu said you might get better performance on something else than windows

I miss Steam, I miss playing that game you bought for me
It was a lot of fun



I thought I said that I didn't mind getting 15fps but too late now I guess

I still have it installed. Never removed.

Don't remove it!

I really want to play with you again!

Because there's aspects about you that could not line up with her at all, and aspects about you that I don't want associated to her.

I thought you said Windows was running slower and that, plus Insurgency running at 15fps was kind of meh, and since apparently no graphics card driver exists for your chip whatsoever, chances were it might even be better supported on Linux. That's why I suggested it

can I just kill a bunch of people and then get an insanity plea and then be in solitary confinement for the rest of my life that'd be fucking fantastic


nice get satan I knew you were doing something evil
but yeah that obviously hasn't worked and I evidently don't have the mental capacity to use linux so get me windows 7 please

But she's so cute and stylish! What should I use?

-hides my smile- ^///^

Don't know how, you're on your own


ok understood
is there still system 32 for me to delete


Also they got Momokino's hair wrong.

Doesn't surprise me though.

Cry more Rin you trashbaby faggot

There's a command that does it, but don't do that

Being able to make an observation is crying?

I mean, Yuzu's hair is also the wrong colour.

It's supposed to be light chestnut in colour - shy dyed it to look more like her father.

Erio is using her. And I don't like bad girls :c

no its mine!! ;~;

I'm using Yuzu and Matsuri isn't a bad girl.

Asking someone not to use an avatar because it upsets your delicate sensibilities about yuri trash characters certainly is.
Complaining about color schemes is secondary to that.
Making an observation is the broadest possible rephrasing.
You could also say "Making a post is crying?" if you really want to be defensive about it.

I was making a gentle request to a friend that she not use an avatar, a request she could have refused.

It genuinely was an observation that the character's colour is wrong, not a complaint that it was wrong.
I think the fact that I wasn't expressing displeasure or annoyance should have made that one obvious.

be nice yan ;-;


are we talking about

What can be the cause of numbness of the tongue?

Rin I know you're used to being a delusional fucktard but please refrain from trying to land your disgusting mental gymnastics on me.
They don't work.

...are we fighting about avatars?



So I'm supposed to lie when she asks me why I don't want her to use an avatar?

I'd rather be honest with her, sorry.

Please, Yan, clarify how "They got X wrong." is a complaint and not an observation.

Not really.

Not really.


You're supposed to not feel entitled to a fictional incest rape victim.
The added "I'm not surprised though" implies negative connotations even if the original statement itself does not, which "They got it wrong!" does.

­>:) Alt+0173 Sinner.

I'm not surprised though?

It's incredibly common for anime adaptations to slightly change minor details like hair or eye colour.

It was more to express that I'd expected them to do just that.

I'm pretty sure if I felt entitled, I'd've demanded she change, rather than request it.

Admittedly, I'd expected her to just say no, and keep using her to spite me.


어떻게 지내세요?

what does this mean

don't know if you're still here my danish friend but where's my usb

I was already making this because I knew.

This creates a blank character that still registers in text. It isn't a space, nor will it show up as anything, but it stops you from greentexting if you make an >
Like this:


This is annoying. You don't even like anime.

I'm hungry... what should I make ?

Whatever you want.

left-side of the screen. Don't know which one of them it is. Documentation perhaps, if it still has the iso on it


wow can't believe yan lied to me

You fucked it up, obviously. Do you even have numlock on?


Who told you that?

I have to admit, I'm watching that anime for the plot and not the lewd scenes... I wish I could skip them but they're dialog and ugh...

You're watching it for Erio.


No I'm kidding.

I think you're only using Yuzu because I'm using her

it's been a long time since I've used a numpad.


Oh yeah for Erio too.

And I like Matsuri, she looks like a doll

Try again

that's called a documentation CD, so I don't think it'll be that

I know I'm retarded but do you think I didn't try each of the devices available to me before asking

I don't know

I used her a lot when the Citrus Manga was still on Chapter 10.

And I still go to and from her folder often enough.

Kankokugo o hanasemasen
I can't speak Korean.

no I did try all of them before asking

Just don't use Windows lmao


Did you remember to plug it in...?

sudo lsblk

hey whats a nce os to try out

yes I did





Your comments are truly valuable and really adds to the quality of the conversation.
If you don't have anything constructive to say, you probably should just keep your mouth shut tbh

Try typing that in a terminal

wat linux


ignore this post

I cannot help you... I'm sorry.

and this one

xfce pretty

I'm also relearning french, does that make me a Francophile?

I need more Asakura pics


Two unrelated things because you are in fact, a weeb.

that's alright I appreciate your effort

see pic related


I kinda like bein green

혈액 언니 무서워.

I can't speak japanese.



I mean, I can't deny it but I feel like it's a bit of a misnomer since it isn't exclusive to Japan.

Studying going well, then? :3

sudo mount sdd1 /mnt/
Try doing that, then open /mnt/

nah I picked out a name and then called it a day.

my brain is having a hard time absorbing information today

Hu is so helpful~

mount: /mnt: special device sdd1 does not exist.

Is that what that "White Apricot" thing was? :3c

Fair enough, I have those days too.

And because I study before bed sometimes I forget or I just can't because tired.



is eOS good


baek salgu
white apricot >:)

one day I'll be good I promise.

I came to say hi to my honey, Rin

The thread filled up with FEMALES and FURRIES while i was gone.

Thanks, jews