Do pubes get grey when you get old?

Do pubes get grey when you get old?

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I missed drunky again huh.

mmhm :(

Drunky's not dead?


Drunky's so nice^^

How was your day, Mandy~?

I ride to work in that real fine mist kind of rain so when I got to work my legs were drenched. Busted ass at work and got done on time. Went home and passed out. With up to texts I don't want to read and just want to die.

But other than that, I can't complain. How was yours?


A good pass-out is always nice^^

Mine was okay.

hihi Grim!

I've basically been passing out every day this week. Just exhausted.

Do anything fun?


Ooh. I wish I could do that lol

Nah. And at this point I doubt anything fun will happen :/

That is a myth


Kill yourself.

It's not fun though.

I have some ideas of fun things you could do..

Goddamnit, TB
quit changing your name


Hey bud

idk I couldn't fall asleep for shit last night, so I'll take a good ol' passout.

What's some fun stuff I could do?

Hey, Mandy.
How are you?

By fucking the police!


Alive, sadly.

That fucker literally parked like that and just walked away.

It's not even like it's a nice car looool

I feel ya.
I can't sleep for shit and am feeling kind of physically needy today.

It's an older Jeep. Kind of a stupid hard top on it though. It's manual so that's a plus.

It has a bumper-sticker referencing Zombies, so it's automatic

ly trash.

I just sorry for a few hours so I'm probably going to have a hard time sleeping now. But I'm about the opposite. My girl thing had been blowing up my phone and I fucking hate it. I'll tell you what, she's going to end up making me eat a bullet.

But I drove it, TP.... And it's a manual

Just don't kill yourself or anything over it.
I would legit miss the fuck out of you.

There's too many anons so I'm confused.


You're right, I should plan to get hit on the road instead

I was making a joke.

It's mostly just me. And I stopped posting a picture. I'm being lazy. Sorry.

Hit the road and come get wasted with me.

I can't become a rambling Rover, even if I wanted to.

Well if I can help you let me know.


I thought you had fun things to suggest and then it was something about police?

idk maybe that wasnt you even.

I'll keep you in mind. Anyway I'm gonna try and sleep. Good night.

Good night elms.

Night, man.
Sleep well.

I was going to try and find a pic of a girl in leather straps, but I don't have one on my phone. Sorry. But fucking the police is always fun. Just don't do it here. They fuck back.

But I'm off to bed. Good night you.

Off to play Monster Hunter.

mother fucka I'm making Taquitos!!!!!


these tiquitos are great!!

Taquitos suck.

fuck you!!!!

Mexican food sucks.

Mexicans suck.

meximerican food is great!!!!!

Spotted the Mexican.

Hol up. Nah. That's good shit.

Spotted the other Mexican.

Anyone here I love?

I am a proud white cis male, don't you fucking race gender me like that!!!


do youy not love me?

Go back to Mexico, Pablo.


I support trumps wall as well.

Awww, thank you!!!


Filter me

No, I like you.

Ceramic, charcoal, or paper filter?

oh, does that mean I'm like a coffee, only the best comes through?


Idk I don't drink coffee

the old OP was a link to pedo shit and you guys still filled the thread up before making a new one

truly unbelievable

i went to cedar point with my friend one year and me and him giggled endlessly at these badges there that said "I

I'd drink you if you told me you were coffee.

i like coffee as much as this man

reverse osmosis.

so if you have a really retarded idea and its making a lot of money, what are you more likely to take special notice of? that it is a retarded idea or that it is making money

making money, is it really retarded if it makes money?

thats america

thats as american as it fucking gets people

*cries patriotic tears all over the floor*

seriously though, if it makes money who cares?

fidget spinners, pokemon go, the last 7 or 8 call of duty games, and the last 5 seasons of digimon

im not saying you are wrong, i'm just saying

yeah, and I was smart enough not to buy those things.
is it that hard to understand, you don't have to like it to sell it.

im going to avoid going into how i feel about salesmen by posting this and saying a lot of people here might think that it is NEAT!

yeah, I hate salesmen too, I just work in retail, I don't push things on people, and I'm not paid on commission, but if you want a figgat spinner, I'm not gonna stop you from buying it.

im not going to say they arent retarded



do that with my hiccups next

you have to post it in all threads.

how do you guys feel that the observable universe is likely 10x larger than we expected it to be even a decade ago

how does anyone feel about the recent comment on darkmatter filaments and how they actually contain more matter than all the formed stars and galaxies, this is actually a pretty recent discovery

whenever i bring stuff like this up everyone just memes about rick and morty and IQ's and I know it's hard to show proper interest in something so far detached from your everyday reality, I'm not unaware of that, but I still think it's really interesting in attempting to understand the reality we are thrust into

I wish Cato was here

how do you think it would be to live in a nearly empty sky, to be a planet orbiting a rogue star, our Sun a main sequence star carrying use along in space in any old direction with a mostly black sky

assuming technology ever advanced as far as it has without so many dancing lights in the sky to spark wonder in the world do you think we would few the universe any differently?

it's not at all impossible we could exist without being inside of a galaxy cluster, the planet would still follow the star and a nebula could still technically form with enough stray gas without being in a central cluster, or even a rogue star could get flung out from a galaxy in a collision, what if that had happened before intelligent life had developed on the planet?

man i'm way too fucking high right now



Pass that shit over here.

heeeeeeeeeeeey what the fuck up cynic i havent seen you since i played DnD with you

sorry friend the bowl is empty and i am all out!

Oh shit whaddup.


You're all dirty weebs

You most of all

And you're a dirty slut.

I'm the biggest most dirtiest slut weeb of them all.

How so??

Society would still accept me more than you.

Now that's what I call owning it

I bet you're a dirty boy, and you post weeb shit


Your words won't bug me if I just accept them as fact~

good morning my friends how are you all

americans stop sleeping

no u

ok I awaken
how's you

tired been playing monster hunter all night with Gilgamesh.

that sounds fun
that monster hunter game looks like it's been really popular, makes me sort of wish I had a SWITCH(tm)


Why am I awake?


Loafie show me ur butt

no thank you

but y

why not

I have to be in a classroom with 30 teenagers in four hours and I can't pass out.

I'd rather avoid posting my butt if I can


Can somebody call in a bomb threat so I don't have to go to work tomorrow?

Just kidding NSA I love you.

Wait... Fuck...

I wish sin was here so he could give me tech support

Wish me luck

good luck fag


I need someone to rev my Revy bits

You're all cowards
It's because I died that you don't love me

It probably doesn't help that everyone's dead.

Yeah and I didn't stay dead and you're jealous

I was pointing out how everyone else is dead.

Yeah but I'm Revy because I died

I ain't following.



I died and it didn't stick and I'm Revy
Kids these days...


Don't rev kids
that's illegal

You don't understand
What I am is Revy

you ever give someone a hug and accidentally squeeze so tight their ribs break and stick out of their chest

it's crazy to me to think that I used to play an instrument that I have no idea how to play now

I don't understand because you're speaking GIBBERISH

Literally constantly

Finally i'm at home

Good job
u did it

That was hard

hi hu 2.0


Hu evolved into Hutzpa

Aa, you mean Hu

hu means hu

Good morning friends.
I am s o r e

Hey Sinni

Hey Gawg

How ya doin?

I woke up from a nap and it's midnight.
I lack any motive to do anything.

same except it's 7am.

I hope you have a good tomorrow :)

How silly

sorry was I too rough?

Hu is cute!!

Nezi no!!!

and nah my being a woman mixed with working until I'm like bruised and beat has made my body a planescape of pain

no u!

shush up cutie >:)



He's not that cute.

lol fucking pleb

get on my 24/7 pain levels


You don't even know me

I've seen you post, pony.

Good job
Same except I woke up at 6

I would rather us both be pain free :)


why must everything be cute.... its awful

Hey pony


should probably just commit sudoku

you're right, let's buy ski masks and steal all the morphine from a local pharmacy


or we could both end it all

ur a nerd

who *hasn't* impregnated Hu these days

Pretty much.
Feeling well?

Nobody. I'm a pure maiden


i just typed up some very edgy jokes because I'm tired and joking around but my better judgment won over and I deleted it so have this reply instead♥

suicide is no bueno


kinda? Better than yesterday but not by much.
How are you feelin?


Nobody hasn't impregnated you?
Oh my~

You have.
It was probably just in your sleep or something.

Nobody cares about you.



b-but why?

Suppose kinda is something... Still :<
Am fine, nothing too much going on right now on my end. Just weekend

Hey man, Nobody was pretty hot, okay?!?

you're a pony, and a ponyfucker

I wouldn't, I'm fuckin shit


sexing Hu would be like taking a trip to Seattle.

its cold, wet and takes entirely too long to get there

Now that's just rude

Then why didn't you let him impregnate you?

Last time I checked, I don't think so

You don't care.

Maybe I DO

afternoon nezi

I've been meaning to talk to you my friend

Seattle is fucking shit like me too

Cause we didn't marry

Was quite some time ago.
Like me.
So if I am, then so are you

*head pats






alright so I found a way to get insurgency to run at 640x480 and stretch itself because as it turns out at 800x600 I get 10-12 fps which I deem 'unplayable'
so I got it to work and then I join a game and the game crashes
I restart and it's back to being a tiny fucking box
I'm real pissed I should harness this piss and vinegar into money or something


I will enjoy and cherish it very much

best to pack it up and use that shit machine as a workstation


Didn't stop you with anybody else!

bruh at that rez you're not going to be able to see anybody you need to shoot anyway

what would you like to talk about dear?

Never did anything with anybody

one day my friend


you shut your mouth I can see just fine when it's stretched you richfags can't even stand on a control point with 25fps while I can do it with 25

let's start with you and how your day was



been sleeping weird hours and not enough

just watching House

need food soon i think


This is unplayable, u should get new comp. How long have you not updated this one?

Yeah but you won't see the fucker with the AKM behind the crate next to it

You just said everyone impregnated you though

I suppose I'm not too different in that regard desu
if you couldn't tell already I've been trying to get insurgency running but I've been having troubles
just ate a sausage roll myself

I don't know there was a windows update last week or something

fucking microsoft and their "improvements" that make your pc worse that you can't remove

have you tried running the game in compatibility mode?

also post a pic of your sausage

no I haven't tried that and I finished eating the sausage so I can't post it

His CPU was released in Q1 2016, so his whole desktop is probably just a year or 1½ old.
It's just not the greatest CPU, the machine is a pre-built and it doesn't come with an option for a dGPU, so he's stuck with an iGPU.
The poor guy ;_;

I miswrote

*cough cough*

don't cough at me please I have a very weak immune system

ye try the thingy

i once ran Halo: CE on a fuckin netbook with the world's worst specs

Should try another OS~


Switch into win7, it's much lighter

You're such a bully

are you implying I have the mental capacity to do that
I spent a solid 2 months trying to go from win 10 to 7 but even that was too much for me
I'm not a man of action I suppose


you should gather all your outmoded tech and make computer porn

I'm hungry again I guess this is my punishment for waking up early
time for an almond croissant lads

I can't say I know the feel... But I rarely ever spend money either, so...

Throw on a flashdrive with
Choose to format the USB as FAT32 in the popup.
Then reboot system and choose to boot to the flash drive. Then you can choose to boot into "desktop", which allows you to use the OS almost as if you installed it.
The installer is easier than the Windows 7 one too. Most difficult part is choosing how to partition the drive, but it has an option called "Install alongside Windows", which does everything for you.
It's really, really easy.
But as mentioned, you don't even need to install it in order to use it. Data you save might get lost though, but you can try it out before installing it. See if it behaves more smoothly than your current install


Not my fault
You're the one saying bullyable stuff

So mean to me


install gentoo

mint master race

Xubuntu. Not Ubuntu, it now ships with Gnome and that filth is even worse than Unity.
But it's even lighter than Windows and Intel's driver is pretty damn good. I think it'll make his machine feel much faster

Too old

When have I EVER

You've always been mean. It's part of your identity

do I get big money for that
money that can buy me a computer of equal or greater value to my current one

heh, thats better i guess

old enough for me

It is not
I'm the nicest

hahaha NO

yes... that was vista

this is all my my private rl collection RL. vintage 5ish years ago

Loafie got a Broadwell chip though, and latest Mesa still adds support and optimisations for Broadwell and newer chips. Shouldn't go with Mint then~

No you're not!

thats a pentium 2

Goddamn, good times


thats all the computer porn for one day

what incentive do I have to create computer porn then

You get big money that can buy you a computer of equal or greater value to your current one by seeking employment.

the joy of posting images of it on image forums years after the fact?

but that will not involve the creation of computer porn, meaning I wouldn't need to get a computer, as I have a working one already

no thanks I have plenty of other images to have joys of posting
also considering I do not have any sexual attraction to computers I don't think I'd be able to make particularly good cp

old pics of computers?

way to not enjoy things...

dat gloriously overpowered psu

hold on what's a flash drive


Actually got a few good reasons for it.
Previous PSU wasn't enough to feed the two GPUs and it was a 750W one. Turns out it was just because it was cheap chinese filth.
And two, it was 30% off. I got rid of the stupid SLI though, and got a better cooler later


oh, that was the new build with a new platform, whoops. Oh well

whoops by mistake this is
a picture of pizza instead

yeah them lil bastards get shit done

chinese knockoff would do it... yessir

what are your thermals like now?

Cheap and incredibly effective at what it does.
If you buy a high-end CPU, then one really shouldn't go with stock cooling when the 212 evo is just "pennies"

You don't lose functionality by making good computer porn.

All it is is pictures of the internals of deliciously powerful and well organized computers.

so while I'm waiting for this to download
norway-san would I hypothetically be able to make my windows look like XP
I just really like the look and feel of XP desu

CPU and GPU never goes past 70C, not even if I'm compiling something using all 16 threads on the CPU.
Ryzen is ridiculously cool.
CPUSMBus isn't actually 78C max. It has a 20 degrees offset


sounds boring
someone else would be happy to do that I bet, like you maybe

Sinni wakes back up!

you didn't tell me I was downloading linux
what about muh games

yeah that was my dilemma, I have a dual-core AMD a4 3.8ghz and it was running way too hot on the stock cooler, so hyper 212 had to be.

I have the option to upgrade to an a10 quad 3.4hjz on the same fm2 platform but since I run win7 professional I don't really care about it that much. I would want to get 16 gb ram upgrade from 8gb first before I even touch the cpu.

I mean... I suppose you could.
Mine currently looks like this. Nothing fancy

I got incredibly lazy when I made one so she's by no means organized.

I tried to clean my wire mess a bit the last time I was in her but it's still not that... good looking.


I actually underclocked my cpu down while on the stock cooler until I had the upgrade.

o howwo
I didn't practice korean like I was suppose to qq

i havent into ryzen.
only amd machine i use is my laptop. img related

You only really played Insurgency, no?
It's on Linux too it looks like.
I also just said you could try it out without installing anything, just to see if your machine felt faster

I've yet to do this successfully. Would think it was easy but turns out it just isn't.
And I wouldn't upgrade to another FM2 chip. Would rather wait and save up for a newer platform that is much, much faster

The only one you hurt is yourself. :c

**I missed yesterday because I got super busy and even almost forgot an appointment I had.

you left meeee!

Wow heck I need morning drink.

I'm gonna practice more!!!

I wanna learn that alphabet then I can get the ball rolling with learning :)


wish to obtain beverages but its raining :/

Those temps are really good too.
Really should get a new laptop myself. It's old and the cooler is dying, and since it's old, I'd rather just buy a new one than replace the cooler since I might just replace the whole thing in a few months anyway

that's the most modern game I play yes
runner up for that title is quake live

outside of 100% orange juice and visual novels everything else I play is pre-2000

that one is 2 years old... was 400 CAD. can fine a new one with a modern set for about that right now. I use it as a daily driver for work, loaded with a proprietary version of mint and 3 displays

yeah problem with my MB is I have 2 ram slots, so I can't even pair off gank ram to get 12gb with the extra 4gb piece I have.. so I need to get paired 8's for 16.


I meant, like, coffee, or tea.


most recent gut shot.

Chances are it'll run fine in wine too. Tends to work very well with old games, but really, should first see if things feel faster in general before installing it. If it doesn't, then you don't really have a reason to.
Although opening stuff the first time and navigating the file system will be slow, due to it running off a flashdrive

That's pretty sweet!
I can't even hook mine to a single one, because this will require installing the proprietary nvidia driver, and I'd honestly rather not, and just keep that hot-as-fuck chip disabled

before even buying the RAM, you should definitely check if the motherboard even supports 8GB RAM modules.
And seeing you're using an APU, the faster the RAM, the better the iGPU will perform as well

this download is really slow I hate this country


nice and clean... looks good man

True enough, that's a good idea. I think I have one that can support more than 8gb per slot, it's DDR3, but one can never be too sure- I planned it ahead when I built it so it could eventually take a quad-core a10 on the FM2, and hopefully enough ram for the future, starting out with twin 4's.

im using a display link driver with a kensington port multiplier. better support for linux on displaylink.

the linux version i use doent even support the onboard vga or hdmi ports so i needed a dock

Ganbareyo - a somewhat forceful way of telling someone to do their best, yo adds emphasis.


god damn americans
what happened to that ajit pai fellow I thought he got rid of your internet freedom or something

I made the mistake of buying 3 2GB DDR3 sticks clocked at the same frequencies that my current modules were, and made sure to get 2GB sticks too since my current 3 sticks were only 2GB as well. But when installing those three modules in to the remaining 3 ports of the triple-channel motherboard, it just wouldn't post.
Apparently despite all modules being 2GB, clocked at 1333MHz and all with the same latencies, the modules just weren't compatible.
Upgrading RAM is awful. I really hope your experience will go a whole lot smoother, if you go through with upgrading to an A10 and getting more memory

It doesn't? You can't download the module source code and compile that against your current running kernel?

Every time man :3

Just removed a bit of regulation here and there, nothing major

its nvidia... so same issue you ran into

laziness on my part

Yeah, when I do a memory upgrade, it has to be paired sticks of 8gb to get to 16, my board has only two slots.

Here's an even better guts shot:

stop bully

you can even read the Gigabyte GA-F2A68HM-H


this is a station, there are many like it but this one is mine

They make things so difficult. Also why I'll either get a laptop without a dGPU or if it got one, then it'll definitely have to be from AMD.
Shit just works if you avoid Nvidia

So long the board does support 8GB sticks, else you'll run into the same problems as me where it won't post.

Not bullying. It's a good purchase :3

Are they high or something?
8GB modules are at least listed, so that's good news

welp mine is disappointing, one monitor, one keyboard/mouse.

seriously who has more than one monitor?

*raises hand*

get a second display, i promise once you go to extended display you will understand and never go back

I don't want to get out of bed but I should if just for a bit

Yeah on some quick searching on my GA-F2A68HM-H it'll support single 8gb and 16gb, so I can easily run it up to 32 if I need to, but no worries.

well idk fuck off I have one and it's old



Eh, at that point, I'd still upgrade the platform~
Get another :3

ok installation is done
spoonfeed me please

Installation? You did just throw it over to your USB-drive by using that tool, no?

Celaeno is sleeping and I wish I was too

I'm not going to be very interested in seeing my afk mining on a second screen when it's why I run browser and discord over top of it in the first place, what, am I going to put discord in another window? for the amount of attention it gets?


this feel. life is so hard

no I just clicked on that link you sent me and I did nothing else
is spoonfeed not strong enough a term for forcing you to cope with my mental retardation

use 1 display for file management, the other for apps or browsers, the third for systems resource monitoring

I sent two. First one is an .iso which is the image.
Second one is a tool which assists you in throwing it on a flash-drive for you

the goal was to benchmark a bottom end on a budget but give myself some options; I have the a4 to a10 chip for FM2+, and it has docks for up to 32gb ram but I only aim to upgrade from 8 to 16.

my 8gb are actually hella tight too, if you must know they were DDR3 @ 798MHz (9-10-10-26)

and I have a 2gb NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti (EVGA)

so I have the best budget shit anyone could wish to build.. I think this whole thing cost me $700

hey chiri, hey hu

Stupid video card and heatsink are practically worth 1/4 of the whole computer.

Also I got a decent name brand PSU so nothing's gone wrong with that. Thermaltake bitches.

Hi foreheads, have you cringed enough lately to add any extra ridges to your cranial crown?

lol nobody has ever talked about my forehead lines

they are the same

how are those sharkteeth of yours?

That's pretty good though. I was stuck with 668. 800 not bad for DDR3~
Wait.. You went with an FM platform but an Nvidia GPU? Why though?
Point of an APU was to get pretty decent iGPU performance and should you choose to get a dGPU later, you could use some multiGPU functionality which allowed the iGPU and dGPU to corporate, but would only work if you got an AMD GPU.
This build confuses me

Hi Grim, hi Holy Fervor :3

I'm kidding, I love ya, happy Valentines and Chinese shit.

here's a joke I made;

What do they call the Chinese zodiac calendar in China?


the menu.


Holy Fervor eh, haven't heard that name in years...

same, all jokes and fun

nice one

you know I really wanna try donkey and snake tho

Good morning Celaeno

yyeeeaaaaah Radeon is not compatible with what I'm playing so I obvs went NVIDIA for reasons.

I mean, I could have gone Intel build but also,


lol sup grim.. hows trix

goddamn try some fresh eel.

Already said Grim once, saying Grim Fervor seemed weird~

Really? What do you play though?

which distribution from the dropdown do I put on my USB

oh Grim, that av reminded me,

guess what is real now..

xubuntu 17.10 is what you downloaded

I need the 16gb upgrade to play Star Citizen.

A drunk guy is serenading me with a guitar on VR chat at 2 in the morning.

I like to think this is why this game exists.

And Star Citizen isn't compatible with Radeon?
Didn't they make an AMD ship even?
Got a friend with such a card who plays that game too, so I don't know

trix are good
I managed to get jury duty postponed till july today
told them my boards were crying at the lab

got new monitor for my ps4 at the apt, its F R E S H

might get soundbar as well

hows your bald ass and back?

no worries bub
what it do

I have had it in sushi

this is what you wanted tho?

I couldnt believe my eyes when I saw the preview on fb lol

oh by the way there's no space for me to put in a usb

at least he is not tongue clicking at you, calling you his queen, or suggesting that he knows the way.

Cooking actually.

You got no USB ports??

brb, gottta cook, am starving


what's on the menu tonight

my shorn ass, back and scrotum are feeling refreshed. i hope your veritable forest of body hair are well conditioned.

id go for a freestanding wireless tower speaker.
why avoid jury duty? its your civic duty...

Furfag detected.

whose that sexy man... 10/10 would bang

Oh those guys are in the next room following the girl's voice.

Yyeaaaahh nobody told them the meme was over, Vain and Captain Alex want their shit back.

nvm I found one I didn't need :')

bro I dont fuck with shaving my body. the spikiness that appears soon after is hellish. spiky pubes during sex is the worst

its a waste of a weekend LOL

as for the speaker, idk will have to do research

for the record I'm not dense intentionally

just suggesting the wireless tower... less shit bolted to the wall that way

wow, user has a face.

a scary one.

You mean people aren't naturally retarded?


How does one accidentally become a neutron star

I want something portable, something I can move with my laptop

also holy fuck it looks like you lost weight my boy

They're swarming over something popular right now, jumping on a bandwagon gives their lives a temporary meaning.

Cool it, Spider Jerusalem.

I don't know why you asking me

Yeah same, tbh

me neither, i suppose

went from a strapping 140 to a scrawny 121. never been thicc like you my lad

knock it off you love this shit

brotein it up and lift my guy
even for an older chap you can still put on weight you just have to be a bit more careful

also Squash says "hi to my papito"

I need help again

tell squash i love it when you call me big papa...

dude, i eat like a pig, cant pack it on to save my ass. just out of surgery, im hoping i can get some back

Got beer and smoked cheese, nice

Here, have a press day.

This one's on me.

stout beer and cheddar are on my todo list for later... excellent idea

i had leftover curry for breakfast and i want to go back to bed but instead i'm going to vidya

count your calories/foods and youll see how much you're really putting in ya.

you'll be ok

enjoy enjoy
youre laif

like a true canadian mountain man... youre a lumberjack and your ok

I shall, good sir.

yea man... im working on it.
thanks for the advice

I know the reference there, I grew up with that album, you cheeky bastard.

I like Chinese.

de nada

do you still see the kiddos?
how are they

What beer? Manufacturer

Go to bed back


please respond scandinavian friend

i see my youngest... skype with my oldest from time to time. ex is still a cunt

always good to maintain a good relationship w the little ones

tbd... local store has a broad selection... rasputin or guinness... old dirty bastard perhaps (not a stout, still a favorite)

Fukken Monty Python's Contractual Obligation Album, shit.

yea man... my youngest turns 3 on the 23rd. time flies

flying circus tv series... not shit

well obviously that's where the songs are from, but the album. I had it on cassette, I know all about lumberjacks being okay.

bless up

They sleep all night and they work all day, and we stop right there user.

dude speaking of beer and cheese, I bought some english muffins and marble cheese, and well I have a waffle grill and things are going to happen

Godness taste

im glad you get the reference tho, you get an attaboy

thanks grim.... so when will you be procreating? i need grandkids, biological clock is ticking

A cassette could hold an album, pleb.

this sounds very nice.... grilled biscuits and cheese. marvelous

i can't sleep
i'm either cursed or have insomnia

its called a tape then, not an album

implying implications

whenever I find a woman worthy of deez nuts

just import one from pakistan....

I made friends with the drunk australian guy. We taught the brazilian how to speak proper english.
Words like 'yeah', 'nah' and 'aye'.

Spend time or get tired, or drink with me)))

shit quality

pakis are dirty anyway

yes, just missing the egg and/or sausage.

Considering McDonalds has now upped the price in two years from 1.75 after tax to 1.90 and now 2.10, fuck McDonalds and don't fucking buy a stupid sausage-only mcmuffin. Fuck them. Seriously.

I bought a pack of 6 english muffins for $1, and a stack of 12 marble cheese slices for 4.99, and I'm going to make six goddamned cheese melted muffins for a total of $1 each.

super cheap tho, just gotta wave an american fiver in the air

can get that frozen tube of sausage for 2 bux, add to your recipe


Double the cheese, none of the bullshit

Chiri muffins~

I hate weird meat tho.


Cheese, that's fine, but meat, I don't play around .. it has to be fresh, and actual thing. I don't do hotdogs or packaged pre-frozen shit.
Cheese I like though.

dammit grim i need grandkids i can sugar up and send home hyper af to they indian daddy and Vēsavā mum

eh its just spiced pork sausage

pork what, though?


spiced pork sphincter...


pork anuses
pork perineums
pork ballskins
pork testicles
pork feet skin
pork ankle meat
pork tongues
pork brains
pork eyeballs
pork intestines
pork bladders
pork .. idk lips
idk pork liver is actually used for pate so yeah most of the organs are done, this is just the leftover crap

lad did you go off to a farm to stab a cow or what I need help

all the candy and away they go

I want a shashlik

see, when you're a seafood fan

usually you get what you want

and these things you are apparently opposed to eating frozen rather than other. ingredients are the same


i have a craving for gyros

Have money for another beer

What is "gyros"?

accept no substitute but an actual spinning lamb on a skewer.

stop drinking

lamb and beef shavings slow cooked on a kebab, over flat bread (pita) with lettuce, onion, tomato and cucumber sauce

Still waiting for my better valentine card.

yep, theres a spot here that does it right

Honey, it's only 0.5 liter more

I want it!

lamb/beef mix usually served in hot slices in a bread pita, with tzatziki (cucumber yogurt) sauce and depending on the establishment, onions are usual, be glad they finish the wrap there or they will wrap french fries and vinegar with it to and make you carry it all out in tinfoil to the gawking stares of spectators.


no you shouldn't you might damage your feetsies

ikr? is there something of a greek type place there that serves street food or tapas ?

I prefer to walk barefoot on the streets only at night, but it's your call//

Na, ma feets like stone, i walk like this 5km

I'm Blood-chan, not Erio

You beat me when you're drunk...

you might think that to be the case now, but it might not be so good for you when you're older

There's shoe speed and there's barefoot wandering speed, it all depends if you need to be somewhere.

Barefoot is usually you don't care where you're going, or where you're going to end up.
Or, you know where you're going, but you have all day to get there.

That changes nothing.

its still raining and i want to go outside...

But I'm not the romantic type.

Where do you live?

also not the love em and leave em type... ehs a prude

I walk like 10km a day, but I tell you, I have such worn out old shoes I am basically walking flat sole, but since I have places to be I walk shoe speed.

That's why I wear out so many goddamn shoes. I travel, but I don't think about walking.

When I think about walking, it's when I'm going up a mountain, or on an island, or following a dry river bed in the middle of summer.

in your flower bed

Go outside in the rain anyway and get wet on purpose.

That's 10km in American?

Did I ask for a poem? no.

bloodchan will you make me a cafe its cold out here

10km Canadian, I don't know if Americans use kilometres.


cold rain and shit melts


Sorry, I wouldn't want you to melt.

You posted huzzah!

Fertilizer? Kinky desu

You asked me to give you a Valentine's card. I didn't get any this time either.

You want me to build an entire Cafe shop???

Wait what's a kilometre?


eh ill prolly motivate when hunger overwhelms

1,000 metres.

this is fine too

put some shoes on my boy
I don't want you to damage those qt feet of yours

its just under 2 miles guise

No, when i'm drunk, i'm x10 lovely, :3

Ziga with leg

And you fucking walk 10 of those? What the fuck is wrong with you?

I want some coffee now, but I have to stop eating sugar...

That means you'll cheat on me when you're drunk.

That's how you know you're Russian


You are an interesting species.
When satiated, not particularly motivated to seek sustenance.
Sir, even snails are motivated by sustenance; I have pet snails, they will eat til they're fat and keep eating, and sit on top of food, you're lazier than a snail.

i take mine no sugar or cream

like my women... strong and black

I'm not russian, i'm Ukrainian, don't call me russian anymore

this is a fair assessment, ill take it

No i don't, i 100% honest every time

Well, it's to keep my physical body from deprecating into a lump of unusable material, mostly; and the distances usually involve work, so it is habitual as well, and therefore the shoes disintegrate.

That was experiment)))


Hilarious, we have flowers blooming on Vancouver Island.

Cute feet

You're... wow... do... you have taste buds?

How do you make your coffee?

Aw okay...
I'm American but I'm of Russian and Mongolian descent

Hmmmm so you won't cheat on me..?

Hmm... how many shoes do you buy a year?

Why are you posting that evil little thing?

in a french press with freshly ground Colombian beans

about three pairs

Ladies first.

oh noe

go away


I saw this the last time u posted it

looks golden

Hmm... I make cowboy coffee...

What's a good French Press I can buy?

Would you consider wearing steel-toed boots?

Wait who are you?

I don't cheat to anyone
Ghhhhh, khhhhhhhh

ooh fancy, french press.




percolators kill the flavor and rinse away the natural oils... a press is the best way to brew


No; my work doesn't require it, and steeltoes are heavy, I have a pair of steeltoes but I had considered them winter project boots, I did not get around to stuffing them with fleece insoles or find laces so I did not wear boots this winter; it was mild, I wore running shoes.

I have 2 empty bottles, what am i supposed to do with them?

recycle them

the rus... er... i mean uke is adorable when ehs drunk

I steam a pot of water in my kettle, I add some ground mix to a disposable filter; I pour one cup of coffee, holding hands steady on kettle and filter (with handmade holder) and depending on my mood will drink black, with milk, or sometimes without milk.


i like how he gets mad when you call him russian...

Stoooop drinking, please.

I didn't even know fleece insoles existed
I wear my steeltoe boots during summer in case someone wants to mess with me.

Do you run from place to place with your running shoes?

You didn't answer me... I'ma go for a while... I'm sad

that filter takes away all those delicious oils from the coffee... terrible idea

holy fuck this is adorable

also the joke

missed it... bodum makes a good one, see ya

I don't like the weight of hiking boots, and the shoes I have are usually fairly worn down so they are not adequate for hiking, I consider them work shoes and do not actually run or jog, I just sustain a pace that gets me around 5km/hr.

Who the fuck cares? It's black, it has caffiene, it's cheap it works now shut the fuck up about being a coffee hipster holy shit.



whatever chiri, enjoy your bleak coffee





the curtains in the classroom

so eastern european loll