Man says Nazis were socialist, gets schooled by history writer

""'Nazi' is the short name. The full name for the 'Nazi' party was the "National Socialist German Workers' Party" ("Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei" in German).""

The fact that the far-right party contained 'socialist' in the name was a rebranding gambit to draw workers away from communism and into populist nationalism.

Despite this, the populist nationalists that support the likes of Donald Trump, regualarly take the oportunity to remind modern day liberal or left-leaning critics of white-supremacists and neo-nazis that 'Socialism' was included in the Nazi party name.

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there were real leftist Nazi but they got purged in 1934

God damn I think I OD'd on ideology from the comments.


do burger public schools dance around the fact that the KPD, unionists and actual leftists got gassed en masse with the jews? must be an inconvenient narrative. no mention of how the centrist cath party propped up the nazis though? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm makes ya think. how is this even a fucking debate still

fuck off

This newspeak is so god damn confusing!

What's wrong with Asserites?
it's a serious question

They repeat that "first they came for" thing but no, our education is complete shit.

the brown shirts protected picket lines and beat up scabs

They basically do. Doesn't help that American backed zionist jews are more than happy to erase the memory of the goyim who died in the camps with them. Fucking zionist scum.


private property

Fuck people who write out 20x tweet long explanations on twitter. Literally the platform LEAST suitable for writing more than 140-280 characters.
actually fuck twitter in general, i should just host file blacklist it

they are just succdems

Burger right-wingers are already pathetic on their own but adding in lines such as:

Didn't help that guy's case but then i'm reminded "leftists" like comrade Cenk think this is socialism too and it just makes things fucked either way. Just nuke us pls.

The answer is no.

The comments are horrible.
Joe Hill didn't die for this

she could have just mentioned their liberal economic policies, she didn't have to go into all this philosophical bullshit

The word KPD doesn't get brought up in school.

t. Burger