

Niggers gonna nig.


Every day, we grow closer to a skynet scenario.

those things are so rad

i for one embrace our new robot overlords

I hope the robots kill Grim first

First they were engineered to run. Then, they were engineered to perform acrobatic maneuvers. Now, they can open doors. Once they reach the point where they can easily convert bio-mass into fuel, it's over.

I'm gonna try to slow the inevitable

or at least try to work out a solution

I'll be building them to try and speed the process up :^)

At least the sanitation bots will wipe out India first.


overwatch is hard :(

Just play whichever hero is most unbalanced in the current meta.

Or just no skill heroes like D.Va. and the street shitter.

good. that way they go rogue on you first

I'm not awful at coding though, so I'll train them only to hate Grims

the better you are at coding, the faster they go rogue, though. cmon wishu

ill get some overwatch in with you some time pretty soon maddie

It's parabolic :^)

It's dumb but I kind of like it tbh

I am just an icon living

You're dumb but I kind of like you tbh

Y-you too


Seek help.

I don't want to be helped ♥


Is that one of your fetishes?

Absolutely not.

Oh, you've said you have fetishes more extreme than pee and you've memed that puke is hot before, so I wasn't sure ^^

I wouldn't even tell you if it was~

I know, you're still a shy boi

It's cause ur gross :^)

Cute bratty boy :3

This one is also good

You're right about me being a boy at least :^)

And a cute brat

You need spanks in your life

Only from Dutch posters

You just say that because you know they're all too subby to really do it

I did see some posts that would go pretty well on a Wish slut wall last thread

It's a certified meme that I have e-crushes on all Dutch posters.

Would you care if I made a slut meme of you like that one you made of Peru? I think it would probably be easier, actually :3

Isn't ikt the only active Dutch poster right now? So it makes sense; he has a nice cock

I always forget to unspoiler

I wish I was this attractive

I wouldn't really care, no.
No using dumb out of context shit like me meme licking Ban's foot though :^)

Mmn, Angel has posted fairly recently too. There was also some nameless Dutch poster that posted for a few days that I liked.


I've never actually sucked any e-dicks btw the way; it's always been ironic

Angel's kawaii

Reason #8293 why Matsuri is best girl: she's gyaru and yet is pale skin masterrace and doesn't have the dumb gyaru shit tan

Oh, makes sense :^)

Yuzu has a bit of a dumb gyaru shit tan, so she's more of a stupid basic bitch than best girl

How are you feeling tonight, sweety? :3

My head kind of hurts, to be honest.

I dunno, life sucks :^)

Do you make sure to drink enough water? ^^

I guess it's probably from not sleeping enough, though

What happened to the turbogay Peruvian?

I did, yeah.

Mmn, I think I slept enough last night~


That's good, have you been starting to sleep more again in general? ^^

Sleeping too much, if anything.

Donate me some sleep.

What did you even do to him?

Good, I think that's healthier than being way behind on sleep :3


They bullied her


How to donate?

I don't think it is at all...

drag and drop amount of sleep to me

I thought you e-dated him and cybered him on discord or something.

How u

Why's that? How much have you been oversleeping exactly?

ned slep


Mmn, I'm averaging 12 hours I guess.




She was my pet for a few days

Pretty good

Drink coffee

How did you go from sleeping way too little to that? Maybe part of it is catching up on sleep you're behind on?

i am coffee

I'm cute.






You mean you're drinking it? Hopefully you'll feel better soon then ^^

You should talk to the doctor about that; you have an appointment for something else later this week, right? ^^

Or did it already happen? I'm bad at keeping track of time on the internet

Peru needed the orgasms

Who dis tho?



covfefe doesnt fix too little sleep though

Thursday, yeah.






We have such an amazing connection with each other.

It's true love.

we're the same person

Or as Ikt said, You're just the same person



brb work


frick you

Not entirely but it helps a lot in some important ways

Good ^^

I guess the problem is probably that you aren't sleeping deeply enough so you have to sleep for longer to make up for it


Bi bi

Have a good day!


have good day!

maybe i hope



I dunno, I was fine sleeping for so little though.


Have a bad day :(


no u!

Well, yes.



Good luck at work ^^

I hope it'll balance out to normal soon ^^

Poor Wish-chan -huggu-

That makes sense :3

How've you been?

I hope I just die tbh

No hug pls

The only way you're allowed to die is getting hugged to death by me


Limes is here and he's queer

Hug me to death with your dick uwu




hupony wan nya

hii s quiddy

Good post

You earned that get


Oh, I wasn't sure what kind of terms u were on with him

I'm not sure he'll stay now that he's done interrogating me about a poster he probably had a crush on anyway

How u

I'm fukken BORED

find something fun to do

just made a fat 1k how are you

I was just trolling desu

but what


Limes stay tho

That's good ^^

I'm high and sleepy but I used coffee to stay up cause I got tired of falling asleep early

You're so adorable ♥

coffee is a drug for middle aged moms

Barto pls

You're so dumb and gross.

coffee is the drug for like, everyone though
try finding a student or a buisnessman who doesn't do caffeine, for example

boring squiddy

hi Bard

I'd still drink it even if they actually were the only other people who drank it in the world

I do what I want, homeboi

Your desire to be spanked is showing

How even?

what are you up to tonight? :3

Donald Trump for one. The man they call Ghost for another.

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why

who the FUCK is Ghost

It's 7:45am. I Just woke up~
Had a good day?

From being a cute bratty boy and posting a naked anime girl butt

Cause I like the effects and how it tastes

it was busy and I gotta do it all again tomorrow and the day aftter but then I finally get a day off ; ~ ;

I'm s leepy but I wanna stay up alll night


but now these ones are fully clothed.

i guess I like super sweetened coffee
I kinda want some s sweet cawfree now

If it was busy and tomorrow will be so too, then you really should consider getting some sleep

cant stop w ont stop

yeah, can!
night night~



What's your point? I was only saying that to that one post

Your desire to be spanked isn't showing any more than it normally does now ^^

Assuming this is a mislink :3

And yeah, coffee is kind of an acquired taste

I'm not Limes.

I'd rather not be spanked tbh.

I just think the picture it cute.

There are two Zoe's or you just don't want to be called Limes?

I'm just teasing; I'd only spank you if you said please :3

hehehe i hope you have a nice day today


Don't plan on it :^)


Hope your day tomorrow will treat you well too and that you'll soon dream sweetly when you bed~

I could have answered that differently just fine
and here I thought I was going easy on bardo


Oh, what exemplars of intelligence and wisdom.
My bad, user.

DDLC was just meme-ing a Smurfs song?

It's for the best that you're shy; it would be unlike me to do something so lewd in public

Neither; I was simply shitposting.

You're pretty good at imitating Limes' suspicion of me then

theshtick of this channel is they mashup songs and do songs in other styles

Erio has done NOTHING wrong

I wasn't even aware of the Smurfs game

Did u play it when u were a shota

[x] doubt

You said student or businessman, you didn't specify wise or intelligent. Wise/intelligent going out the window whenever this place is concerned anyhow.

hell no
I have just been posting lots of ddlc suicidegirl recently


This still doesn't really invalidate my original point at all

Yeah Okay just go ahead and keep projecting


Hey you're the one complaining about me not being gay enough towards you

Nigger the point was that it was typical of such types, and ergo saying it's a drink for old women is clearly flawed. I clearly was not being literal in stating that there were no examples to the contrary, and that it was absolute.

I shouldn't have to explain this, this isn't complicated.


but do you ccare enough to listen? Nooo

ignore the autistic pesudointellectual and pay more attention to me


fuck you you drug addict, you never gave me drugs or met up with me

how's your hot asian wife?

now what fag?

Hi Lenko. That was shit of me, eh? I should probably rectify that.

Good to see you.

now I'm gonna bully you and laugh at you until the sexual tension becomes too much

If you say so.


I live in az again. Good to know you're alive.


Couldn't tell if you were actually still upset with me for that Thanksgiving.
Didn't know you left. Where'd you go? What happened? It's... good to have you back. I don't want to say I'm glad about it if the circumstances were unfortunate.

I got a quadra kill as Cait and I don't even play her. I'm so happy.

Hi, Squash.

How goes, Drunky?
Haven't seen you in ages.

No lol I wasn't angry, disappointed maybe, but not angry. I went to GA, family shit went down but it's been over for quite some time now. Main reason I moved back to AZ fucking fell through so I'm mostly doing my own thing these days.

great job nerd

hi fag

it's notmy fault I've never done this before

Can't complain. I continue to feel less miserable every day so I'm doing something right. I missed a lot of you, so I'm back.

You wouldn't be unjust to be mad, so I'm glad for that. That's vague but I can gather that it's personal, so I won't press.

Do you regret how things ended up?

I suppose that makes sense.
I usually just play PS4 and shit. Set up a server to move James and a few others into that I talk to regularly or play games with.

Hewwo friends how are you all!

Hey Gay

Doing fine. Work in like 20 min.

yeah that's OBVIOUS

wow wtf


Honestly, sometimes I do. But I wonder if I'd be able to do what I'm doing right now back in GA, and I came to the conclusion that I couldn't. I'm happy about the recent events that have blessed me and I really do feel like I'm back on track.
I have cut nearly 90% of the stress I've had to deal with ever since moving and I can manage the remaining 10% from work fairly well. Pretty soon I'll be able to drop everything and just day trade again for a living. Let's just say that I'm going to be more picky about friends I'll make in the future and less reluctant to throw any trash to the curb.

Good luck!!

wow what
get your barbies off my shrimp

Who doesn't though

wow WTF
god can't you READ sinni

hehe idk

i do two things and I'm all out of dick

No I cannot >:G

Oh, like a discord server?
What are you playing?

Tired, but otherwise well. Have we met?

It seems like you've got a decent handle on it, and much like everyone else, you're taking it one day at a time and learning from the outcomes of past events. It's refreshing to witness.

What are you doing to keep occupied?

Be out of sleep instead

I can't believe sinni was just guessing our posts all this time

Yeah. It's only got 6 people in it though. I just have it for a few people I've been hanging with regularly the last 2 months.

Mostly Monster Hunter World.


I am not sure!
Hi I'm Sinni :)
I like animal crossing, uwu things, Moogs, and I wanna die >:)

Honestly though!!!
One day I'll learn how to read.
How r u doin bty

Bard is lovely!

what is it what do you want

I read, play runescape, pubg, hang out with roommates, and work. I got a second job with amazon mechanical turk, and I'm planning on becoming a soccer ref on the weekends.

I'm fixing up my room slowly and it's getting to be pretty legit. I'm gonna go back to being a filthy philanderer for a week or two and then MAYBE start dating?

:? I just wanted to appreciate you

You don't even know me

Doesn't mean I don't appreciate having you around.

I am off to work.
Good night.

I would say I'm surprised by your response, but I know you're a big MH fan. Is it any good, from a long-time fans perspective? I've heard a lot of mixed responses.


I'm Drunky. I like alcohol, books and listening to music nobody has heard of.

And just so you know, Moogs was mine long before you met him, and I'm territorial.

I really should pick up PUBG. Everybody I know is playing it. Grats on the Amazon job. Is the company as stingy as people say it is?
'Tis the season for desperate, slightly below average girls.


Hi Drunky! I'm too young to drink but I like books and music too :).

Was he? :) you should share embarrassing stories if you have any!!

It's great, I've made like 30 bucks from it just selling crates you buy with in game points that you get from playing the game. That amazon job is super easy to get, anyone can do it. You literally just transcribe audio to text. Just need to type fast and have 1-2 hours of time. NAH NIGGA THE COLLEGE GIRLS ARE FINE BUT SOME OF THEM HAVE AIDS???? ASU is weird yo.

Oh, do I have a few, but I care for him as a person too much to give you information he's shared with me in confidence.
So if I encourage nudes from you, like I do everybody else at one point or another, am I taking a ride on the party van?

Tempe is a fucking mess. Abandon Hope all ye who enter there.

don't go blankposting at me

I believe in your ability to read
I'm alright
Did my one day of full classes so I'm tired but not sleepy, but I should probably sleep because I need to do a metric fuckton of study by tomorrow because reasons.



We do have like 3 black couches at our house, so I mean...
I don't party anymore, I just bar hop sometimes.

well I'm dating him so anything shared with me is also technically in confidence >:) but I wont force you to do anything you don't want to.

Nah I'm 18, but I don't share nudes, sorry. :(

do something that adds to the sleepies so you can sleep faster.

like make some hot chocolate :)C

College girls are too much maintenance anyway.

We should go bar crawling, you and me. You ever been drank under the table by a 115 pound girl?

Oh, you and he are together in a traditional sense? I got the air that your persona might be doing the obsessive crush thing, but that's a different paradigm. Just because you don't share them doesn't mean I won't desperately beg or barter for them for shits and giggles. I was only asking to make sure I wasn't doing to you what I did to loco before I learned he was a literal child.

I'd be down in a few weeks when I have some decent money saved up and no I haven't. I have a very low tolerance for alcohol and marijuana. I'd try my best to keep myself composed and not get hammered when I drink.

Ye, and nah I try and be a chill person if I can help it.

and go ahead I guess! I can't stop memes esp. if they're funny?

Shit, then we should probably just grab a nice bottle of scotch and make a night of it. Put it this way, and I don't urge you ever try and prove it, but I watched my wife, this tiny thing, outdrink burly, grown men on more than a few occasions. It's quite a sight. I don't encourage it, but she likes the drink about as much as I do. If you're less "Coping with serious problems by overindulging" and more "Enjoying mild intoxication for the therapeutic effects," then by all means.

Or we could just go cliff climbing or some shit.

If I can coax nudes out of Moogey, I can wear you down.

You can try!

I might just be a beer and mixed drink kind of guy. I can't get over the taste of hard liquor, and it's like butt cheek to me. I wouldn't challenge her, she seems like a monster imo. Yeah maybe we could do camelback sometime? Do you have discord or steam?

Some other time. It's too simple to just demand them from someone like you.

I wonder if Georgey's up for a photoshoot.

Can't blame you. I worked as bartender for a LONG time in college, and some people just don't care for the taste of ethanol. I won't claim it's good, but there's a comfort to the burn and taste that my brain just can't seem to get over.

Camelback is nice this time of year. We were just saying we needed to go hiking more often.

I think I still have you on steam. moment.

What do you mean someone like me?
and nah he's asleep, the tired boy.

also I like talking to you! it's fun.

Your personality screams "You have to work for it because I'm shy and mildly prudent."
I'm also making snap judgments and don't know you any more than I know the guy I held the door for at the grocery store earlier.
Are you guys together irl, or is it an LDR?

In what way is it fun?

Evidently you don't have me added. What is your steam? I'm going to add you and then go to bed, I have work things to do in the morrow.

Has anyone seen Elma recently? I was supposed to help her with moving to Phoenix.


I don't know how to steam. I think you can search Kindofdrunky?

Haha I suppose. I'm less shy here on the thread than in other places, I suppose?

At the moment it's LDR but we'll finally get to meet up in may!!! >:) I'm very hype.

I haven't been a thread poster for very long, and usually people either talk to me or they don't! It's nice to meet a new face, especially one as interesting and as kind :).

found you

I'm out


Okay, now you're really reaching. I might concede to interesting, but kind is where I draw the line.

Night, slut.

that's pretty kind in my book :)


night fgt

that sounds gay
I should caffeine and vidya


what vidya were ya thinkin?

You'll learn. It's only a matter of time.

Maybe it's just me, but picking up old ps2-era games that I've completed tens of times and starting a new playthrough late at night usually puts me to sleep with the controller still in my hand. Maybe you're on to something. I can't tell you how many times I've knocked out with Kingdom Hearts sitting unpaused on the television.

mayb, mayb not :)

I've run out of material atm tho. How are you doin?

im the same way with kh
i love those games but if im sorta sleepy and just starting it up for the night i pass riiight out
i just sit there listening to the music and i get so relaxed and i dont wanna progress and i just sit there and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

why am i posting im laying down to sleep right now

Do you see conversation as some sort of show? It's not like you have to pre-prepare to interact with people. Don't think about it so much. Talk about literally whatever comes to mind.

Studies show that in the "Age of Screens," that regular sleep schedules have been shortened by an average of 20% in adults that have constant access to smartphones, portable games consoles, or other forms of digital media.

I just don't wanna be boring, I suppose.

also this song is kinda awesome? It reminds me of bright eyes or in a way noah & the whale. >:) I like it

Did you look up the song, or are you just reading the lyrics? Jeffrey Lewis is kind of an acquired taste.

You ever live under a bridge?

nah I looked up the song! I like all music so it's nice to expand my tastes. I think if his voice was any different it would be difficult to listen to.


speaking of music tastes, what happened to jaden smith and why is Icon so smooth?

Then you might not get the most out of this genre of music. Also; you should try it. There's a liberty in being homeless.

what do you mean? also idk, I'm kinda happy as I am living in a house and stuff.

bring back jeffyyyy lewis and the shoestring orchestra



idk if anyone gets it but i was making a joke about walter mitty and his makeshift orchestra

Much like Popstars write their music for the demographic that idolizes them, bands like Jeffrey Lewis, Mischief Brew and Days n' Daze write their music to appeal to a small demographic of people that can relate. It's kind of hard to understand the feelings put into a song about living inside a van if you've never lived in a van.
Then again, a musicians job is to channel those feelings into a medium that can be received by the largest potential audience.

I'm just spouting nonsense.

Would it be better if I said you love him or hate him, and there's no in between?

okay nevermind im going to bed

gn gn!

Ye I suppose your right, I think even if you can't personally relate to a music and it's feelings, the music could still help you empathize and understand the feelings?

I'm a shut in white girl, I don't really relate to a *whole* lot of stuff I listen to, but I can still appreciate the work & vibes behind it.

oh shoot im seeing mom jeans again on valentines day
and tiny moving parts
and osoosososososososo


If I knew that, I wouldn't be here now, would I?
Please now forget that I just forgot about the thread for the past half hour.

Yeah those are the sorts of games that put you to fucking sleep.

get your life together dork

Now when you say, "Girl"...?

So I'm guessing that whole, "Sleep," thing isn't going too well?

I am a biological female.

That was from left field.

Assuming that picture is of you, as the context would imply, were you there getting ink? Hanging out with a friend? Or.. would you happen to be an artist?

Why the FUCK would I do that

that's not until later

nah I was getting my first tattoo!
It's oyasumi punpun on my rizd

then you can stop being so LAME

This is impossible.

Oh, right. In the upsy-downsy lands it's only 9ish... tonight... 16 hours from now.

Fucking time relativism. It shits up my brain every time I remember it exists.

I too have a wrist tattoo. It's much smaller than yours, but I have some nice artsy pieces on my shoulder, ribs and back.

hehe you can see george post that one biography of gucci mane pic in the background.

also cool!!! I was gonna get like an owl up my thigh but it'll be expensive and I don't have that much $$

a cursed existance


Are you familiar with the concept of a "Tapout event"?

I get the sentiment behind meaningless trash tattoos, but a good artist can yield beautiful results.

I am not?

The best body is the one untouched and is for you and just you, to defile

I think of a tattoos as a way to sort of paint on a canvas? I don't like how I look for the most part but being able to decorate myself with things that represent me or impact my life helps that feeling.

I'd like to be covered in all sorts of birds and small tattoos, something beautiful.

Regularly, artists will do promotional events or run exhibits at Expo's to do extravagant pieces with an audience watching. These are known as Tapout Events, and the gimmick to it is: Instead of charging an hourly rate, you pay a one time fee, usually equivalent to six hours of their time, and you can sit in the chair until you can no longer handle the needle. This benefits the Artist because they can do large pieces in one sitting to showcase their talent instead of splitting six hours worth of work into three independent sessions, and it benefits the canvas if they can handle a longer session in the chair than they paid equivalent to the hourly rate.

My shoulder piece was done during a Tapout session. I paid $450 for nearly eleven hours of work that would have cost $1200 in individual sessions. Only downside was that there were hundreds of people coming and going, videotaping, taking pictures.

The only downside to this is availability. Some artists run on a "First come, first serve," platform, others take Tapout appointments months, or even years in advance, and sometimes it's as exclusive as the artist hand-selecting a model from a portfolio or personal relationship.

I'm going to assume that you find smoking deplorable and piercings outside of standard ear pieces degenerate in nature.

I miscommunicated and stated "The only downside twice."

The first is in reference to getting the work done, and the second to the first paragraph

That sounds pretty nice! Do you get to choose your tattoo or are you an open canvas for the artist?

It sounds like it'd be pretty swood, but I'd hate to have something permanent I wasn't happy with.

And eventually you turn 50 and suddenly they aren't really as pretty anymore.
Should keep yourself intact

Pretty much

I thought of only getting black tattoos, that can be like easily kept up and redone and what not, but I feel like even if the tattoos age I'd be fine with it.

If I live to be old, I want old tattoos to show what I've overcome and what not! Besides, from the moment the needle stopped, my rizd tattoo started fading, it'll happen whether I want it to or not.

I'd rather be me! than spend a lifetime not trying to better myself, I suppose.

This is some of the outlining George was doing for me, for the owl tattoo I was gonna get. It's not finished, and I'll probably still get it one day.

In my case, it was work that I wanted that I'd discussed with the artist beforehand. He was my piercer and suspension buddy for years while he was apprenticing as a tattoo artist. He and two of his friends opened their own shop and he asked if I would come back for their one year anniversary to do a publicized Tapout session to promote the store. There was plenty of time for us to collaborate on his desires for the exhibition and my desires for the artwork. We reached a happy compromise, and although it's not particularly the style I had imagined, I'm really happy with how it turned out.

Much like the nature of the events themselves, there's no real telling how you and an artist might reach an agreement, or even if they want to be agreeable with you at all. It's very possible they have ideas for artwork in mind before you even sit in the chair.

Artist/Canvas loyalty is a prominent paradigm in that occupational field for a reason. Even though you might save a huge chunk of money participating in a tapout session, if you have no rapport with that artist, you might end up at their mercy for as long as you're willing to tolerate it. I always encourage people to find an artist they like and build a relationship with them instead of treating them like any other service industry. It makes a huge difference when it comes to personal preferences if the artist knows a bit about your personality.

You and I should hang out with my jewelry in and you can spend the night being perturbed by my outward appearance.

It's kind of nice that I'll die young. Leaves a pretty corpse.

If you wish to.. It's your body after all


How come? Ill, or just plan to?

Yee I see what you're saying! I'm glad it worked out for you :).

The person who did my first tattoo was the husband of the woman who does my hair :) If I was gonna stay in state longer I'd consider going to him for a bigger one but I wanna ~expand my horizons~ a bit.

Ye. I suppose if I was more confident with myself I wouldn't necessarily want them, but something about being this bird of paradise makes me really happy.

After the owl, I'd like to try and make a flamingo tattoo, either down my arm or up my leg, too bad no one can do flamingos well :(

Alright I should get SOME sleep. I have to be up to teach Asimov to a bunch of bored teenagers in four hours.

Stage 0 Melanoma. Excised once at 19, and again at 22. It's not like there's an end in sight, and I could live well beyond expectancy, but sooner or later it'll progress, and I'm of the ilk that believe that if you're living attached to a bunch of machines, constantly in pain, you're not living, so once it hits my lymph nodes, whenever that'll be, I'm off to take care of bucket list and die on my terms.

There are good artists anywhere you go. It's a matter of wading through the loads of mediocrity first.

what a horror, timezones

all existence is cursed

Sleep well! Thanks for the conversations~


Later. Tell George I love him when he wakes up.


Definitely better to go off on your own terms then. Not to mention if you spend the rest of your "life" attached to machines, then that's probably how everyone will remember you, and who'd want that?
Definitely better to just end it before it comes to that. Best for everyone, really, especially yourself

Sleep well!

Living sure is strange

It really is

I think being able to meet so many people on the thread and over discord has made it pretty worthwhile tho. Even if not every relationship I have is perfect, and even if I spend days all sad or crying like a bitch, it's unique and new and more than anything, I had a hand in everything that happened to me.

To be able to live your life as you are, goods and bads is really nice.

but I'm just being sappy. I love this thread.



I gotta go to uni.
Enjoy your night

God. It's too hot today.

I hope you have a good day!
Work hard!

New Thead

New Thread

New Thread