

Other urls found in this thread:



Damn lol

Never mind!

i need it to stay warm during the cold winter, blood-chan wants me to freeze to death, always kill those dogs huh

Florida, the taint of America.

I kid, I kid. Hot chocolate would've been my go-to

who's making that poor dog crossdress, he should be gien gentlemanly attire


clothing has no gender

I never killed a dog in my life...

Lol my Chihuahuas hate the cold. They like to bunch up near my space heater

they only call it soda or pop so they don't have to call it sugary acid that kills you solely and turns your blood to poison

That's a weird question to ask someone you've known for years and talked to a ton ^^

I tend to not make multiple threads in a row

It's best to try to get out of the mindset of "needing" it, imo

Easier said than done, I know

Funny how I only spoil movies and not porn

Well no, but the one had an exploding battery so I bought the second one to replace it, and then they got their shit together and sent me a third for free and then sent me a hazmat container to ship the exploded one back in.

Do dogs look like their owners?

ahh i just farted and its not going away!

Efficiency is the key to success after all.

take it to tumblr your queermo

now but how are you doing absolutely nothing? are you just vegging out trying to decompress?



Noh my chihuahuas are all black and fat. I'm white and skinny af

4M, look at this one!

Sound awful

im window shopping and listening to utoob

i feel like real horror doesn't start until you abandon the concept of scary monsters and start toying with the laws of reality and weird sci-fi shit, but cool monsters still totally help

nah it's really cute, they waddle and stuff c:


At least it pretty much worked out; was probably easy to sell one of the working ones ^^

I don't think I've ever heard of a company having to send a hazmat container to someone who bought one of their products before

Get some Febreeze and bring it with u wherever u take ur giant atomic ass

what sort of youtube are you watching? some red letter media?

you looking for anything specific online?

You're talking to a real monster now.

its everywhere! but its going away now...

It doesn't smell that bad

Also, why chihuahua?

Sounds like you have a stupid dog

I appreciate what ur trying to do but I already came today so triggering obscure fetishes in me will be difficult


if you arent a neet you cant be that much of a monster, im sure sure you don't deserve to have half of your head teleported off so you can then be killed

it's just clothes.

NYC apartments are very smol and Chihuahuas are the perfect dog to have if you live here. They don't care for going outside, and all they want is attentions. But they're not for children, they will bite the shit out of them because kids don't know how to handle them

Yeah small dogs are very stupid but that only makes them cuter

I want you to cum again though


Wait dude I didn't tell you to look at the WebM, why did you do it?

Erio please cum for me... ;~;

I would probably kick it to death

Last one

I think about it every day

How much square meters?


i just figured all of you would want to see this so here it is

I feel nothing but pity for such inbred creatures. They're probably bad with kids because they're in horribly genetically induced pain constantly.

Send PETA army to ur home

Such a thirsty little succubus :3

What the fuck is this?


just watch and feel enriched

Hmmm that's a tricky question. My mom's apartment is large... about um... "square meters" I don't even know what a meter is...

Um... it's big though. It has 3 bedrooms for $2100 a month.

My apartment is very small. but has a full size kitchen and took me months to find it. and it's $1,500 a month. I can actually get a full size house for that kind of money

Fucking Jews are greedy

Post the WebM

This is why we must kill them all

Please don't tease me...

Would if I could.


also killing is wrong

okay you win that made me blush for real

Generally, but if I'm defending myself or ending something elses suffering then nah.

I have go again, sorry!!!

bitch it inbeds you dont need to webm it, its already in psotable video format

Hitler was an animal protector, but 3rd raich is not exist

Only thing i felt, it what i must wash myself after this

This is a big payment

I'll never forgive you.

We're no longer on neutral terms.


Sport is hard

hail satan

No, hail Petr Alekseevich


I'm going to bed, good night



Big improvement from last night; you made literally no mistakes :3

Sleep well

Hutzpa is my ESL student

what anime is that?

what's ESL?

thread got slow

*pees on the thread*

its because i left for a while


This girl just showed up near the end of the newest episode and that's why I have so few caps of her right now

Really looking forward to the next episode tho; I know she'll be in it a lot

English as a second language

yes, surely thread actively only rotates around you now

...that's not a lewd anime is it?

Oh that's nice of you, you're a great teacher too.


haha everyone laugh at them, they forgot to turn spoiler image off

It's yuri romance. Not really lewd, but there are passionate lesbian kisses

I'm not really teaching him but I corrected him last night when he tried to say he was going to bed and I just think it's kawaii that he remembered the correction

shut up

Ah I see, do you think its okay of you gave him some private lessons?

Also teach me too. I only know Ghetto

you gonna make me~

Oh shit, my cocksock Blood-chan is here

Pay me

You know I've unironically done this job before so I'm a professional

What is the coldest country in the world?

No... I'm not that type of person

What's a cocksock?

How much for your services?

I want to say Greenland, but I don't know

what a dumb answer

I'd have to look into the going rate for online ESL lessons and take into account the fact that I don't actually want to be an ESL teacher again

I can always help you out a little for free, though :3

Imagine not being able to fit ur phone in ur pocket because it has ridiculous kawaii mouse ears


(You) silly

Sorry but I'm not confrontational

MGD said he'll help me for free... Just saying

I put my phone in my purse

Omg I always wanted to go there! I didn't think it would get so cold though

Me? What does a cocksock do? Can you teach me?

You know this is just memes and that you're fine at English, right? ^^


Hey sorry I didn't respond, I was busy.

To answer this:

Getting my shit together included facing the fact that i was depressed, and that my unheallthy behavior was being nornalized by my environment. Basically, online communities and imageboards in general tend to promote & normalize the neet way of life. And it's easy to fool yourself into believing that it's normal and fine to be that way. It's really not, at least it wasn't for me.
From there i got the chance of finding something I loved doing (programming) and got into it, and everytime i met someone who was better than me, instead of thinking "guess they're just that good" as i usually would have, I just put things into perspective - i'm no less smart or competent than that guy, so clearly I can do whatever he can do, hell I can probably do it better.
Then my shit sort of started sorting itself out.

its okay, its a shame you don't come by that often, I'm playing Bayonetta 2 right now and it's entertaining me, but it's cool to see you stopped by :)

Just realized I haven't seen Kanra in a while :(

Can someone post the OG LoL healslut game for me?


Rin post thighs

Idk what this means but ur cute and ilu

Rin livestream a suicide attempt

Rin tell me how much you love me

Erio tell me how much you loved me

Rin get a job

Hmmm I can speak English very well, but my accent makes it hard for people to understand me.

She is such a terrible actress. Its hard to get into a movie's story when she's in it.

Omg you wrote so much!

I think Alice2 can programme better than anyone here, including you. You might want to compare yourself to her. And please don't fall in love with her because you two share the same interests

Oh shit they made a part 2 of that? fuck

my master... I miss him...

Yay! I want her skull

quite thoroughly, from what ive been told

I talked with them, i'm not too into comparing e-dicks, they seem competent enough though. I am also happily in couple so no risk of that.

Y-you first >//<

Sounds like you'd have to be brave enough to go on voice for me to help you with that ^^

confidence plays a big part in all aspects of life

goodnight chaps

That's very true, but I don't think you meant to respond to me qt

its hard to GET INTO YOUR DICK

i did, and thats all i have to say


Then I don't get what you meant, unless you're implying i'm not being confident in my ability. I am, I just care little to argue over it online, seems a bit petty.

We all know you're the best here :^)

Alice2 vs. Wish nerd fight when?

If we set all memes aside, can アリスツ even program?

everyone knows wish is half blind
fucking batty cunt

Sounds awful

New phone who dis?

I'm a pacifist.

Nope, opposite, if you are confident enough you don't feel any need to be competitive on such a petty level



Glad we agree then.

This raises more questions about ur origin

Are you just from KS/b/ or something

Yeah same

google image search "Spiritual minion post"

Yeah, I realized my mistake when I scrolled down :^(

W-Why did you :^) with your original statement? ;;

Yeah, me too.

Just being playful. I'm sure you're very competent.

Haven't seen TP yet

Nah, I'm pretty incompetent~

He was here Thursday night

lmao I forgot one of your eyes was gg'd

We share lots of opinions, so you cna't be all bad.
Unless- oh no.

can't* grr


Finger twister

Unless you're incompetent too? :^)


Such a ditz.


Time to find a career in the meme-sharing industry.

Nah, you're probably fine :3

I've been doing a ton of Qt development recently so I just want to die.

Qt can be a headache at times, but at the end of the day it's fun. I've had the displeasure of working on far worse graphical libs. And don't even get me started on Ogre.

Sucy, it kind of feels like you avoid me

No you, I asked first :3

Spoilers they all die

I'm also that

I was just hormonal

I'm sorry you feel that way, I didn't intend to. How are you?

Sorry for slow replies I'm not alone anymore

So you're better than her?

I wouldn't mind going on VC if you don't mind my horrid stutter

What's a Chap?

wait what??

You're a programmer too? Pretty cool. I heard it's fucking tough

the weird squirrel boy in bayonetta dude is kind of cool

bayonetta 2*

I just want to write C++, not Qt C++ :^(

You're gay?

hi baddog

No, it's really easy

person, synonymous with friend in this context
I was going to sleep but now I need to fap so I am going to actually sleep in 5 minutes

what you doing eisen

Do you think someone as dumb as me can learn?

Heh do guys really need to fap to relax? Damn

Just read a book like a normal person lol

listening to bruce springsteen with some friends.

how was your weekend

no I just was browsing one of my /d/iscord servers and it got me horny, which in retrospect wasn't the greatest idea

I guess you just don't like that question; I wonder if you knew me before though ^^

Pretty good, have a bit of a headache tho


I wouldn't mind it

I've told you this before, but whatever ^^

I'm bi

You need at least SOME gay to be well balanced, obviously

an interesting activity to be doing with friends

my weekend was awful, i spent most of it shoveling, what did you do?

Well if you're not writing Qt++, you'll be writing Unreal++.

Qt can be annoying yeah bu it's so nice when it works. It's Electron but actually performant.

I don't, sorry, I have my reasons. And I did not know you anyway. I have a headache too actually, maybe we need to drink water.

online friends, of course.
i could never get my real life friends to do such a thing.

covered my friend's weekend work shifts, which meant i spent 3 hours in an office each day eating cinnamon rolls by myself

It is quite likely, I work hard.

sounds weird, im thanking youtube for existing right now because im so sore i can't do anything but sit and watch trash i dig up right now

what channels do you watch

I was just pretending.

i was watching some Ashens earlier but i got tired of clicking on new videos and just started watching an old Vinny stream from 2015 that i never caught

well, part of the stream

Bloodchan tell me how much you love me

i like vinny.
i catch myself adopting his mannerisms all the time.

You half to be like, half autistic for it though.

Why not full gay? :^)

Except styling it is actually 500x worse.

haha, i started suddenly saying Vampiire a lot when i watched one of the videos where he was making fun of Tommy Wisaue or w/e and his game series he did where he recorded himself playing videogames

I went and got coffee and water because what you said might be right but in my case I'm pretty sure the problem is physical addiction to caffeine

Don't you love me right now? :3

i just say "yes, good" when literally anything happens

nope probably not

maybe a little but most people dont know you're supposed to drink three times as much water with the coffee, or are too lazy to meet those requirements for optimal coffee performance

i drink two bottles of water with my morning coffee usually

use Qt QML. it's actually arguably faster than html/css for UIs.

You should cut back then. I've never been one for coffee so i can't help much

Off to work, goodnight guys!

You're lewd, but I would love to see your load

hmm... I'm scared you might pull an MGD on me

heh but she works hard too, she even go to bed four hours after her bed time because she's working so hard...

I love you enough not to kill you. I guess you and Erio are the only ones...

I'm not autistic at all...
I hate being normal, have a good night wish ^^

or like when how stuff is getting fucked up he'll just freak out and go like "YEA!"

I don't need ur mansplaining

how when when how now brown cow

it's infectious. only way i know how to speak.

just little boisplaining??

i will admit i picked up a few but i have enough of my own where i just sort of have my own freakout reactions, i would have a lot of fun streaming even if no one watched

Well I did start out with QML, but there's no performant QML alternative to QTableView.

i'm gonna become a world renowned guitar hero streamer

Aren't you bi? ^^

Yeah I will eventually

It's just a matter of how long I want to delay cutting back

I'm honestly not even sure what that would be referring to in this context

You're a shota?

Good luck at work though ^^

I honestly am tempted to just make web apps using qt webkit and be done with it. I've never looked into it but i've noticed more and more packages using it as dependency.

I don't even know anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

that sounds great, id watch you all the time

right now im palying bayonetta 2 while watching binyot and this little boy that turns into a squirrel and shoved between bayonetta's breasts

i constantly have to keeo reminding myself "this is a nintendo game"

does tidde make ur pepe hard?

if a cute shota was trying to explain things to you do you think you'd be less offended than an adult?

there's actually a guy on youtube named JasonParadise who plays nothing but meme guitar hero charts, and he's insanely good

i have no idea what that is

You're offering to be a cute shota for me if I want you to?

its time to educate yourself, just look up a compilation of bayonetta 1 and 2 cutscenes and prepare to have your mind blown

i think you're extrapolating what you want out of this because that's not what i said at all

It's okay, you can be a cute shota if you want

i'm afraid i'm not seeing what you're seeing here

It's Qt WebEngine now :^)

I don't know if it's even any better than Electron anymore. I'm fine with regular Qt because I can at least use C++ some of the time.

I'm into loli, they never did :^)

go check out bayonetta as a series now

as soon as you're done with your friends even

erio there are enough posters who pretend to be shotas here

I should look up benchmarks & comparisons, but I'm pretty sure Electron's tendency to eat up RAM is unique.

Eisen go watch this

i'm a shota

in a bit i shall

Don't you ever look at 3DPD porn?

Goggles is an eternal shota

Well they're both Chromium so it can't be too different :^)

After looking it up basically no one recommends qt web >:c

2 much for me already, id be a awful shota anyways at 26

True. Idk, Qt QML isn't that bad in the end I'd say.

you just gotta be shota in your heart

ur cute

If I had to choose between kissing you or BD I'd kiss you

Follow ur dreams

you're too kind

basically, bayonetta is, think of the most gratuitous crazy shit you've seen in a videogame and blow it up at least 10 fold

all i can say is very entertaining cutscenes and top notch combat gameplay


entertaining in a so-bad-its-good way?

holy shit Rodin is the fucking dragonborn

no! its full on straight up totally good! top notch

Oh no, not at all.

I just want a decent table view :^(

i don't into games but i can watch cutscenes

i can confidently say you will have a hard time finding so much awesome packed into 8 minutes

So are you saying TableView isn't performant?

then it better be as great as this or better.

It's awful compared to the C++ alternative, and it's also Controls 1.x instead of 2.x

im sure ill see you later so i can ask

Wish tell me how much you love me ♥

Yan tell me how much you love me ♥

this little squirrel is like ahhhhh yeeeeeaaa pet me on the belly

How about ?

Tbh I unironically luv u guys in general

thanks erio, im super high right now too though

Just custom drawing of my UI? :^(


It's super performant, and you could use it to create a table. You might have to create your own abstraction which uses this behind the scenes but you could definitely use this to make a performant table.

But works fine :^)

Well if you're fine not using QML for this one element then you're fine.



I wanna fuq sucy's grey butthol



Some day Rin will express a mildly positive opinion of me

I know it

Is this thread Erio-only now?

I'm just playing dbd

Pretty sure you're breaking the rules by posting here but we can just let the mods sort it out when they see the report

im sort of here im just busy killing asians by the dozens


whoa nice autocorrect

that was meant to say angels not asians

i guess it doesn't really sound much better if you're religious


o.o -squeaks?-

What game

Is it just the nerd boardgame you're playing with Yan

Why is she covered in so much semen with her clothes still on? Seems like there must have been multiple penises involved and everything

ay gurl how u




I wish that image is real.

Is Erio on the menu yet?

Oh right that looks good

I might get it if there's a nude mod

Someone working there could have put up the hentai for the meme when they were closed

I do kind of feel like I see signs of shoop tho

Would it have to be a several hours long marathon

Weird day for him to be here

you really dont need a nude mod, you get much more out of the tasteful displays in the game than full frontal nudity and the sexual audacity is equally balanced with comedy

I don't want ur manspaining

I only want tiddes

Bottom of the image is a bit rough yeah.

i wouldnt want to waste any more time trying anyways

Lets have lesbian sex

Seems like a dumb mistake to make tho since there's the polygon lasso

Babby's first shoop

So is there a nude mod

For what kind of time duration tho


One day we'll get Bible Black in Burger King.

I think I found a good one

I haven't actually been inside a fast food restaurant in like six months

Only fast food I've been in was Wendy's. And it wasn't great. BK was three years ago. Mc Donals was 5.

its a wii game i doubt you found a good nude mod

Yeah if I go to a fast food restaurant it usually has to do with being so lazy that I want to use the drive thru

It's on Steam

I work with guys that can only afford that.


You can get fruits and vegetables at the grocery store for less money

Though obviously fast food becomes a more appealing option in that situation

oh yea, probably some good nude mods for it then yea

honestly bayonetta would want you to look at her naked anyways

Fast food is easier to find than a grocery store.

Fruits and vegetables are for fruits, and fags.

It's a high level of commitment

Nice, a proud slut

she's only interested in strong men... or boy's depending on how you interpret her relationship with squirrel boy in two

Are u sure toxic masculinity isn't starving ur body of important nutrients

or maybe women too??


Idk why ur going off about her fetishes but she sounds kind of like Mari so far

I'm not a nutritionist, I guess I shouldn't blindly trust (((the food pyramid)))

Yeah, throw that shit in the garbage.

Meat and fiber's all you need.

Also, if it's a pyramid, then there are at least two other sides we don't see

That's where the forbidden snacks are

not really a fetish, its jsut sort of how the game plays out, she carries a boy transformed into a squirrel around in her boobs for a lot of the game

this is in bayonetta 2 btw

Do u ever make multiple folders with hundreds of anime girl images but then just post the same image over and over like Tsuchi

That's the elemental table, and, ahhh, a pyramid made of videogames I guess.

Tsuchi has one folder with like 20 pictures in it.

I'll prob buy it when it goes on sale

I didn't think it would work on my computer but Sinni recently said it works on her shitty laptop so it should work on mine

And yeah the "post the same image over and over" part was the only part I was saying he does

yea even i have a better image lineup than tsuchi

What I'm saying is I need more Matsuri NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to use her to complete my transition into being an e-gyaru since Rin didn't believe in me

After next week's episode, she'll say good job and finally pet me


Eh, beats posting without an image. How else will people know what artificial reaction you're having?

Yeah, my point was just that it feels silly that I've been posting this image so much when I have folders full of images ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Good job

You don't think you could pull it off?

Fair fair, it's what suits the moment though. I have a dozen aliases that never get used anymore for whatever reasons.

good morno friendos

Sinner how big are your bewbs

Asking for a friend

This works with the "all Canadians are the same poster" theory

Anyone COULD

But I don't even do that thing often anymore and ur asking for several hours

Part of why it suits the moment is just that this ep came out yesterday so I didn't have this image before that

I only know of two of your aliases

Hii, how're you? ^^

Holy shit my head is killing me.
I feel like I'm sleeping wrong.


It's a long list not worth posting.

If you are sleeping with clothes on, you are.

I usually sleep in my boxers.

That is your problem.



I hate them.

I'm sleepy! Excited for 2 days off :)
How are you doin?

So are you going to tell me why you removed me or are you just going to ignore me then?

I don't want my ass to touch the bed.

And like that, you've lost me.

Why not?


Maybe it has to do with sleeping during the day

I mean, I sleep during the day just fine, but supposedly some people have problems with it

Any active ones on this board besides those two? I feel like there aren't but I could be wrong

You could sleep more ^^ I'm pretty good

Any plans for your days off?


Get it through your head, it being that bullet. Or through my head. I am ok with either.

Active? Well Tracer Bullet, Duke, Nox, and Akiro I guess.

Seems icky.

cut them off!!! I hate them!!!

I had to like uber eats mcdonalds to my house today cause the snow is so bad

thanks friends

Could be. I regret taking the night shift.

It'd be just like old times.

Why? Do you have weird sized nipples or something or are they just heavy and fat/saggy?

anytime you wipe poorly?

Well don't cut them off, but anything about a C is pretty much just meh at best. Anything beyond a palm-full.

Anytime, little one.

I am clean. I just don't like the thought.

Jinx, you owe me a coke.

You do actually sleep better that way. Much more comfortable. Better ventilation and what not. You should try it.

nah they're just too big, but at least george likes them!! >:)


I ain't owe the Lord my soul if I even had one.

I should make a George Jar.
Quarter goes in every time.


I might. Care to do it with me?

Jesus, you are black? Nevermind, I don't want anything from you.

am I not allowed to talk about my love :(


I barely even want to sleep with myself, lately.

I feel ya.



But yea, my head has been killing me lately as well.

What? Don't act like you are surprised.

Ho, Luka.

hi, stranger

Want to go to the doctor with me?
I always feel really sick waking up and need to get looked at but I can't handle doctors on my own too well.

How goes things? Sorry, it seems I have frightened most everybody off.

Na, I can't afford a doctor's visit.


Nor can I.

you scared people off, how?
i'm just meh, ive got nothing going on.

neat webm

Sorry, I am not very fun to talk to.

Just by being myself, which is essentially a huge asshole.

I still like you.

i don't get it, but oh well.
at least you still are around

I wouldn't.

I'm not sure that is a good thing though, my great white north friend.

why would it be bad

Fuck I'm tired.

Kyle if you ever leave me
I'm going to get a cat




Luka killed it.



happy pupper!


Doggos worst pet, cats a best.


that pupper was so haps, it makes me ultra haps.





Go to bed

Doggos make me really angry for some reason, puppers less so. I only feels towards canids under special circumstances, like they are actually bearable to be around, which most I've encountered haven't really been.

Dawww, reptiles a cute tho.

Cats are all fucking assholes. I literally want to kill every single one I find, and my dogs help me catch quite a few.


my doggos like to cuddle.

Hey, I would prefer if the cats stayed out of my yard, truth be told. Sadly that isn't the case, and they pay the price. Also sadly, my dogs do as well sometimes. Wild cats, especially, deserve nothing but death. Unless you enjoy your yard being full of cat shit and reeking of cat piss.

wild cats also help keep the rodent population down, take your pick

Cuddling is fine, it's when they feign liking you for food, steal your food the second you turn around, or when they bully you all through childhood because they can and no one is looking that maek me mad frown face x2!

Wild cats are just showing you who's boss. It's all about who's bigger and who has the most powerful and most sharp attacks. Doggos are weak against that because they are over confident.

I can manage the rodents myself. I'd rather deal with them over cats. It doesn't help that, until recently, I lived next to a crazy homeless cat lady. Now it is clean up time.

Tell that to the cats that are ripped in two by my dogs on the reg. Sure the dog has some scratches, but the cat is dead.

Tell that to the doggos big cats ripped in two on the reg. Sure the cat has some scratches, but the doggos are dead.

If you are adding in lions or something, sure. How many lions are walking down the street in canada? I've never seen one down here. See plenty of coyotes though. Not a threatening animal usually, unless in large numbers. But this is really diverging from the fact that cats are the worst animal to try and domesticate that has been attempted.

Have to watch out for those moose cats

Really though cats and dogs are both cool and good

I dunno where you live, maybe mountain lions are a problem in your region. You mentioned them.
There are mountain lions here but they are rarely seen, bobcats are more common in rural areal.
Cats are chill af and I like em! >:c

I mean you mentioned big cats, not mountain lions specifically

Fuck moose are scary as fuck, bud.

You mentioned big cats. Unless we are talking different species than house cat, they don't really get much bigger in terms of size. They get fatter, but they don't generally get big enough to take on a dog. Maybe a puppy.

Cats are assholes incarnate. You see how I am acting? Cats are a million times worse.

I guess you are right, ty, voice of reason.
Save me from my negative doggo fels.

Woops, my bad, when you said wild cats I defaulted to the non domesticated, naturally occuring variety in my head.
Either way, wild cats may be annoying, but wild dogs are worse and pose a serious danger to everyone.

a dog was your alpha.

Not usually. It is more common to see a stray dog hit in the middle of the street than to see one attack somebody. They are usually quite timid and weary of humans.

Anyway, take care, great white friend.

Essentially lol

I was a tiny child against a giant untamed doggo that was found in the woods D: if I tried to alpha it could have easily killed me I were scared.

Fair enough, I've never encountered a wild menacing dog (as an adult), but I have seen one dead. I just like cats more. :c


sup party people?

weekend, bitchessssssssssssss^^


It's too hot today.

Shut up Wish

Hi Welma



Are you super excited for Monday????


I just spent an hour doing nerd things to great success, even your bullying can't get me down!

What's Monday?