Sounds familiar?

— Robert O. Paxton, The Anatomy of Fascism

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Except nobody is on antifa's side.

Do you even browse this board? Hell, fucking Mitt Romney is on ANtifa's side.

I'm on their side. And Antifa is trying to crush fascism BEFORE it takes hold.

Everyone who isn't a (not-so) ex-GG fag knows that antifa is necessary at this point.

Yes, it sounds like literally what everyone on the Right is currently trying to do, including the president.

They just happen to suck at it this time.

fascism is inherent to capitalism. richard spencer and his gang are an integral part of the spectacle by this point. wonder why he keeps getting profiles in slate and the new york times? he's universally condemned of course. nazism is incompatible with capitalism in its current form. the white supremacist movement is led by fed informants. american fascism is looks more like bush era liberal neocon war on terror redux.

This is just a load of phrases cobbled together.

wtf i hate anti-fascists now
"A made up quote." –Winstern Churcheel

Disease is inherent too but I bet you go to the doctor even though you're going to die sooner or later
I never wondered that, but they won't cover Spencer if Antifa continues to fusterate nazis efforts at normalization. Why do you think they melted down after cville even Nazis have been killing Antifa and anti trump people all year.

Exactly how does a bunch of black clad LARPers showing up to a stage managed protest "crush fascism?".

It's not about "smashing fascism" but about preventing them from recruiting and organizing via public appearances. This is basic stuff user.

Keeps it crystalizing into a strong movement and demonstrates to proles they can exercise agency against exploitation.

If it is preventing them from recruiting and organizing, then where did the fascists putting together the marches come from? Orc birthing pits?

I asked you a question. Try answering it rather than blathering, please.

Richard Spencer is not about to take over America. there have been nazi rallies for years, even larger than Charlottesville. they just didn't get the full Vice magazine treatment. histeria doesn't help anyone, please stop it with the ridiculous fearmongering.

Keeps Nazis small, shows people they can do stuff without permission from the state.

Richard Spencer is bourgeois, the bourgeois have an entire national party built on white nationalism. The US has been on a march to fascism since the 70s when capitalists started fighting labors reforms.
You fight diseases early when it's easy.

better question is what have you accomplished armchair quarterbacking on a second rate malayasian message board

these movements are very infiltrated by the security state, David Duke is a known FBI informer, for one. The organiser of the event was oddly enough, a half jewish guy who was also an OWS organiser. The white nationalists you saw at charlottesville came from all over the country, few of them were local. their background is generally petit bourgeois rather than working class, Richard Spencer is a rich prep school kid from Dallas.

this is a retarded oversimplification. the republicans are the chamber of commerce party. muh overt neo nazism is incompatible with modern globalised capitalism and they know it. besides, the support for muh ethnostate memery is minimal. the typical republican is more likely to be a petty bourgeois 'civic nationalist' with an hispanic wife who loves Israel, not richard spencer.

How? How does to going to a large, stage managed assembly prevent people from joining a fascist group?
So would starting a food not bombs chapter.

Fascists are usually petit bourgeoisie. Tyhat is its core demographic. Not sure what you are getting at here.

mass leftist mobilisation is always good. mobilisation politicises people, it makes politics serious. there were 20,000 people marching in Boston, lots of exposure for leftist orgs, serious people outnumber college LARPers and that's a good thing.

Neo Nazism is barely incompatible, the state acts completely in the interests of the bourgeois, they justify imperialist wars to racists proles with white supremacy (see invasion of Iraq, which was justified with the 9/11 attacks, Muslims are all the same amirite? They're brown and scary and want white people dead)
You know Nazis are socialists right, just like hot dogs aren't made of dogs.

the nazis themselves seem intent on promoting the meme that they are the true representatives of muh white working class, which is of course, bullshit. it's worth bringing it up because many people believe it.

you are either Holla Forums trying to pull an unconvincing false flag or really fucking stupid.

What do you mean how. You make something hard to do it's not likely to happen. The Nazis have already canceled a bunch of rallies, and I'm sure tons more have stopped considering joining after see Nazis lose their jobs.

Yeah. As you touch on, we're in the same boat exactly the same boat as the fash. Alphabet soup stage managing events.

Liberals seem suddenly to have become leftists and none of that is actually doing anything to inhibit the fash actions, is it?



neo nazis are not taking over america, these groups are way tinier than they seem. the best way to stop fascism is a mass leftist movement, preferably something focused on socialism public healthcare rather than on richard spencer. The vast majority of the american population isn't nazis.

what is having a sense of historical perspective?

you literally sound like one of those sargon le """centrist""""guys. maybe you should grace us with an actual opinion and thesis as to what the left should be doing, because either you think there should be zero physical opposition in far-right presence or there should be some and it's a matter of debate on tactics

Okay smarty pants and what point do Nazis nessecitate a response, and what should it be.

Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in America. Trump's approval rating is historically low. Richard Spencer's is infinitesimal. LARPing like we are Germany in 1933 doesn't help anyone. If want to help, start in your local community, join an organisation or something. fascism is a product of capitalism, it isn't an evil alien force invading an otherwise healthy society.

Nazis can expect to be met with mass protests and there's nothing wrong with that. but stop being hysterical, stop LARPing and read some fucking theory, ok?

Which does what, precisely?

Have any of them changed their opinions? This claim is inherently unfalsifiable, anyway.


Refer to for a start. Furthermore, you've commenced attacks on my motives because I'm asking you to explain what standing about at a state managed protest against a bunch of insignificant non-entities actually achieves for our goals as leftists.

Nazis kill people, they are already organized via prison gangs and biker gangs. Mass protests are great I agree but it's not hysteria to call them dangerous and a physical threat.

neo-nazis are already being forced to cancel future rallies because of all the counter protestors.

Again, how does this prevent people joining fascist group?

Wel, if it's all so impotent then what difference is it to you? Let them have their impotent mass protests and growing public support yeah?

It's important to me because the resources going into these stage managed protests could likely be used elsewhere. They're also incredibly useful intelligence gathering operations for our enemies. Go look at Redwatch. Consider that site is a few silly fash with cameras.

Charlottesville was a devastating failure for the alt right. the overt nazi movement in the united states is pretty much finished.

the aryan brotherhood and the hell's angels are common criminals with a taste for edgy symbols.

It can be a good way of getting the message out and showing the mass power of the organised left. but I agree muh nazis are insignificant and its stupid to center a mass movement around merely opposing them.

it prevents them from organizing and makes fascist recruitment more difficult.

This is just concern trolling, if your praxis is so great join Antifa and convince them or get form your own group. Antifa is hardened against infiltration and small because they are constantly oppressed by the state meanwhile bikers in increasing numbers crawl all over the small town my parents live in.
You are probably uneffected by fascist violence which is why you poo poo their praxis.

Hell Angles does billions in drug and slave trade, aryan brotherhood shares capitalism control of all the prison gangs, they're not edgy in the least.

*shares control of all the prison gangs, they're not edgy in the least.

Great if true, now time to build community ties to all that opposed Nazis to prevent it from happening again, while using the common enemy of Nazism to bond over.

Okay, so you think it has value as a recruitment tool and as symbolism. Fair enough.

You have to go back.

You have to get off your armchair.

Again, this doesn't make sense. To put together a number of rallies across a continent infers that they are already organized.

All big lumpen orgs do this. I don't oppose anti-fascist work but lumpen gangs and influence in the proletarian movement should be smashed regardless of race.

t Nazi sympathizer

Think about it like this, let's say you cut yourself deeply, shrug it off and then it starts looking a little rank so you go to the doc and he says "That's gangrene we have to treat it immediately"

Do you say "Nah, I'm good" and let it get to the point where you have to get a limb amputated or do you treat it?

The fact that they are already organized doesn't mean we shouldn't attempt to stifle or impair the growth of their organizations and rallies.


You said Nazis weren't dangerous, then invited hells angels and aryan brotherhood, then you said they were edge lords, now you're saying all gangs should be stopped.
The MS 13 wasn't organizing Hispanic supremacy rallies and trying to have talks on college campuses.


I'm not the guy you were arguing with.

Try harder Nazi, you're not fooling anyone

Waste of time arguing about rallies and shit. Advertisement? We're getting absolutely killed online which is the most important medium of communication now. White nationalism, """race realism""", """"trad life""" are now watercooler/dinner table issues (usually coded, sometimes explicit) – all because of Holla Forums memes entering public consciousness in the past two years. I've seen people in my social circle go from apolitical cretins to pseudo intellectual statue avatars. Look at your local paper and read the comment section – all MAGA shitheads. Youtube celebs are now a gateway to far-right ideology. The far-right didn't make it this far and push the overton window to the right from public rallies. It was from the internet.


A lot of crypto fascists are going back in the closet. Sargon explicitly denounced Nazis for instance.

public rallies are still an extremely important part of modern politics. Otherwise the Alt-Right wouldn't be trying to hold public rallies.

Nice strawmanning, I didn't say you shouldn't persecute criminal gangs because they're not Nazis. They're just not analogous because they are not an extension of a nationwide political movement trying to normalize and subvert the entire country.

We're not the ones with the gangrenous infection, though…

They're doing that on social media, though, no?

Well, maybe its bad analogy in that sense, because its the right that has really caught that infection but we're the primary target of it.

As one tank poster said the guys at Unite the Right screamed about communists so much that he was surprised they found the time to work jews and niggers into their rhetoric.

fascism has always been neoconservatism with edgy aesthetics

Is not the ruling order the group with the infection?

I think this whole fash shit is a needless distraction because extremely few americans would straight up support fascists. The vast majority of republicans just want less illegal immigration and maybe lower taxes.

The actual real problem in america are the entrenched powers who have made it near impossible for actual change to take place in this country. Labor has lost pretty much all power and the rich basically run this country through massive lobbying to make sure that the government is always on the side of america's businesses. Not only that but they've built up the biggest police state in the world so if Labor were to even think about carrying out a general strike they would be met with instant and crushing force.

Everyone thought Trump was going to shake things up. He's a near-senile idiotic piece of shit who lies from one sentence to the next. Yet even Trump can do nothing but helplessly whine on twitter. He's a typical american president pushing incrementalist policies.

I think the antifa, the counter protests, etc are a gigantic waste of time.