Literally everyone on the internet hates me because I tell them that mercury and aluminum in vaccines is dangerous...

Literally everyone on the internet hates me because I tell them that mercury and aluminum in vaccines is dangerous. Even when I state that it's only the additives and not the immunization itself, and that it doesn't affect everyone, people still get pissed.

The problem with proving this to people is most people have taken vaccines their whole lives, and nothing ever happens, while some only take a couple before their second birthday and then they have seizures and behave autistic

Why did this happen to me then? Don't give me bullshit that the vaccines had nothing to do with my development. They did. But what causes it? Poor genetic lottery? Accidentally got vaccinated into a vein?

Everyone just calls me misinfo'd or ignorant, but that would make sense if it was only a superstition. The vaccines actually did the shit the anti-vaxx stories say.

And now you're thinking

It's like no one will ever believe me because no ones ever seen it happen except me, and people get SO ANGRY when I say vaccines did this to me. If you can handle vaccines, that's fine, you're the majority, but people like me are just called idiots because we're the minority science doesn't give a shit about because if they acknowledged us, they'd have to give up millions of dollars on lawsuits.

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Even if this shit was true, it wouldn't matter because the consequences of not having vaccines is a billion times worse. And it's not true anyway.

whats you point though. why come to Holla Forums you haven't done anything to start a conversation just sperged out some shit.

you didn't even relate it to any leftist ideals.

shit approach famalam.

There is no scientific evidence that thiomersal causes autism or any other health effects, and it's been studied hundreds of times by multiple different highly respected agencies

If you disagree with this you basically just have to take the position that all medical scientists are liars in which case why even bother arguing to begin with, you reject even the basics of medicine.

How do you know it's not true? I seriously want to know why you don't believe it hurts anyone?

I'm not asking to stop vaccines, I'm asking to stop putting mercury and aluminum in them. That's all we want.

Is this too controversial to ask for?

Your problem lies in this.
Which is an empirical claim that you can't back up with empirical evidence, especially because there's not a lot of evidence on what happens at low doses early in development. Yes, they can cause those problems, but those are done under drastically different conditions.

There's also the fact that there are a LOT of other changing variables. For just a very small example, the widespread use of birth control hormones that don't get filtered out by most water treatment plants.

There's also the fact that vaccine formulations already changed. The amount of additives is way lower than it was in the 80s and 90s.

I dunno, lol.
You are the one making the accusation claims, so it's up to you to prove the link between vaccines and your retardation.
Good luck.

What's the purpose of the mercury and aluminium anyway?

Some spooky shit, get some evidence and turn the subjective objective. your asking actual Marxists and leftists to believe feels=/=reals. you'd be better trying liberals for that approach :/

sage this shit

Part of a sekret black ops experiment by the CIA to create an army of extremely talented autists to enact regime change around the globe in favor of capitalism. needless to say it failed and madeā€¦ w/ev the fuck this is, and OP too.

What are you a tradwife

Only no evidence.They never say it's proven to not do these things. And if you disagree with what I pointed out, you're forming opinions on vaccines based on how you feel and not science.
I'm going to get so upset over looking at these, but can you post valid sources?
Not true at all.

Mercury gives vaccines a longer shelf life and aluminum 'stimulates the immune system'.

OP has just had his almonds overactivated. OP needs to de-autistify and deactivate his almonds with my patented formula, available for just $19.99.

You can't prove a negative you dense motherfucker. It's impossible to prove 100% that water doesn't cause cancer, I guess we should all stop drinking.

That's literally impossible.

Baked foods give you cancer. Stop eating bread and cake.

Really all you can do is have faith in the pharma.

If vaccines don't give you any problems, I'm fine with that. If vaccines did these things to everyone, everyone would be autistic

But why is it such a low number of people who are affected by vaccines? I hate that people deny anything a person says to fit their beliefs. They just call them crazy because they can't explain it.

Why is it so hard to just see the other side? People do suffer from vaccines. There are stories and blogs of it happening to kids.

You're just gonna call them all idiots or liars because big science industry said they are?


Tell me HOW it could be proven that this chemical doesn't cause autism 100% definitively and I will admit that you're right. But you can't do that because it's impossible.

that is a fucking mental way to approach a problem. i don't think the vaccines made u autistic, just pants-on-head retarded.

Give us a materialistic objective analysis of your problem. Not "duh im autistic and mah vaccines made me so coz they did ok".

On a related note have you guys noticed how 100% of people who breathe air die someday?

If it's impossible to prove, why do you still choose one side? Is it because none of these things happened to you, or you don't know any friends or family members who were in this situation?

We need to stop newborns from even starting to breathe. It's like a glitch in the system that grants you immortality.

This is stupid and insulting.

Unlike air, when you're vaccinated you're injected with aluminum, MSG and ethylmercury in flu shots.

omg your feels must equal reals. thats how life works :'(

OP here. Listen. It's not like my choices are that great.
Gotta be the aliens.

How does this have anything to do with vaccines?

You and don't understand why vaccines are an issue to some, do you?

expressing anti-vax views is a form of violence, it undermines herd immunity and puts certain populations at risk, such as the elderly and those with compromised immune systems.

there has to be limits to free speech, particularly when it crosses over into the realm of violence.

youve offered no evidence for your claim vaccines made you a retard. you want us all to believe that because you feel something is true it therefore is true.

literally one of the most popular philosophers discussed on this board is about negating this entire argument and calling it a spooky ghost utterly devoid of any objective value.

Fuck off with the sympathy and make us care. your feelings about your position are utterly useless here.

seriously if you offered anything beyond your emotional attachment to the subject some of us might care.

If superman saves millions of lives, is it still okay for superman to kill a few people if he wanted to?

Your asking COMMUNISTS this. YES IT IS asl long as it was for the WORKERS. DUUUUH

You could just as easily have gotten a hormonally caused defect because of artificial hormones that have flooded the water supply. It could have been lead. It could have simply been unfortunate genetics.

The problem isn't that you're claiming autism, the problem is you're pointing fingers at one thing, and one thing in particular, without any hard evidence that that was the thing that caused it, then demanding that if people can't prove you wrong definitively (which is impossible) you MUST be right.

In short, you've already decided you're right regardless of anything anyone else says, with or without proof.

I'm perfectly capable of seeing your side of the argument, but that not really your complaint. Your complaint is that I and many others are dismissing your conspiritard whining out of hand. I remember idiots like you making constant complaints about the microwave transmissions from cell phone masts making them ill. A TV show commissioned an experiment where these people were placed in an environment with a cell phone mast added after a short time. Sure enough, as soon as the mast appeared, the hypochondriacs began complaining. The punchline was that the transmitters were not powered up until a week after the mast was introduced.

Stirner doesn't really have anything to do with this though. Spooks are a form of idealism. This is a question of empirical validation.

I guess, but i feel OPs entire argument and world view on this subject could be classified as a spook. it seems cut off almost entirely from the natural order with no frame of reference other than mere feelings.

Coming here where work like stirners is posted all the time and trying to say that his beliefs about how the world has wronged him and owes him without producing any evidence, instead demanding his non-evidence be proved wrong ties in at least partially to the basic ideas of stirnerism, at least the first part of the ego and its own. i have only finished his work however, so i might be utterly wrong in my interpretation and might need a wee read through again.

I gotta say though, anti-vaxers seem a lot like hardcore religious types when they specifically ask for their beliefs to be proven wrong as opossed to providing empirical evidence for their beliefs.

Did I say ANYTHING about killing anybody?
I just think the police should disrupt their events and throw them in prison.

I think it's more because of OP's literal autism than just being a dumbass though. Can't really blame him for that.

True. TBH this whole thread is total shit. but i do agree we cant blame OP for his profound retardation. i feel like its spreading to me tbh. i wonder if image-boards cause autism?

that pic of yours saved it