Other urls found in this thread:




Nothing at all

Nothing at all ain't bad, it's the same in my world right now. Have we met yet? I'm Spoder!

Nice to meet you 2 gasmaster.

Quick, state 3 reasons why I should bother or else.


Why you should bother with what?
Digging it?
1.Old thread was old
2.I'm new lol.. New threat lololol
3.What else do you want from me

I meant THREAD..
Not threat..
Damn it

Now i'm gonna color my e-100 in colors of the Ukrainian flag


Prolly gonna pass out soon, got a shit day ahead.
I liek u guyz tho.

What are you wearing?

Nothing at all

What did he mean by this?


Nothing at all


no u

Squiddy, do you have Killing Floor 2?


No, I refunded it because I fucking never played it


Does that mean hes naked ?

i need these dank kannas

Hu is always naked




not our fault you don't know how to wear clothes

I blame this tail

I knew it

Hu confirmed for furry

a stupid furry too

Actually its

am posting pics of myself here all the time

Rare pic of Hu.

Small crowd at night.


awoo grill

My brain's dead weight

I'm trying to get my head straight, but I can't figure out which ponyfag's butt I want to impregnate

Mpreg me, Erio.

I doubt you'd get any of them.

Except spec, obviously.

Especially for a Sunday morning.

aHuu girl

M-morning, daddy.

Good morning Squash babe.


Going to go play Monster Hunter.
Have a good day.

yay half dog abominations!

I've actually already had my share of fun with your race

Popular again right now. Enjoy.

I don't mean that in a racist way B T W I have several pony friends

Do u ever just go on an e-sex rampage

Do u ever just drive a car through the wall of an actual barn IRL and have sex with all the horses

Do u ever just have to go to the doctor b/c u got a bacterial infection from performing analingus on a horse

hi s a girl


so is Ikt

morning chaps

haha penis

Honestly being accidentally e-racist isn't a joke

You have to be careful with what tone u use when u call Squash a dog, for example

Butt impregnation still leads to the healthiest babby

Modern science tries to keep this secret but it's true

There's no shame in it

If I had to rate animals in order of sexiness, horses would prob be pretty high up there

How u

Just woke up? ^^


Yeah, sure m8

You don't have to feel racially humiliated by it

ur an individual

yeah sure m8

but unironically

This but ironically



Tbh I'm afraid that Squash interpreted that "yay half dog abominations!" thing as me calling him a half dog abomination and not me saying our babies will be adorable half dog abominations

is it the bottom half or top half


Yeah, same.

I cna't believe Erio killed Squash.

A thread past the point of mortality

is well indicative of the deceased status of the community.

Don't play with fire

You'll get burnt up

You should refrain from acts of joy with open flames

lest you see yourself in the situation wherein you become the open flame.

🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥

I see how that last one could be improved but I'm going to keep it to myself for next time.

How're you?

I turned in my homework at 11 and it was due at midnight

I feel good right now






lit af

i used alcohol to clean my laptop and now it doesnt work help

pat the head

Shouldn't have poured beer over it while it was turned on


What alcohol?


Cause it's right up my alley

Beer and electronic stuff is incompatible

I ride for my Kanna crew

mildly creeped out rn

ur kanna

19 for the rest of eternity I guess

Don't be Ikt, is okay~

I'm not the only one though.

That can be dangerous, I mean, you might turn into BC at some point.

Good morning friends!

no u ruined it!!!

I ruined Ikt~

wow android on a laptop straight out sucks

Ew no thanks
I'll figure out how to kill myself before that happens



To avoid becoming BC, one must succumb to the unstoppable onslaught of time.



And why is you trying to kill yourself?

What do you think? :c


the eyes are strange but she's cute!


You guys are assholes.

I tried to make them bigger and rounder to give a more youthful appearance.

Also she's a bosmer so they're usually super angular and thin.

Good Kanna


Finding myself on youtube is fucking weird

You say that about everyone though.


kanna is cute

I think she's cute!

Whatcha eatin'

nothin, sadly.
snow's too bad to go get anything too.
I wanna burg!!

A boigah?


Well, tanks. :3c


sweet sweet hamburgar

but we don't have any meat to do that qq



Got plenty meat here if you want some

THIS trully is Metal Gear Solid V the phantom pain

grill it up with like lemon & pepper

I meant beef. Got like 4kg of it.
Jesus, that's lewd!!

Gimme de chikken boigah with the hot suace

also nice!!! giant burgers would be good!

bail time

It's not my fault I'm not aging

Because I'm in pain

Can't blame you at all. Know exactly how you feel.
Many small ones are good too~

rip windows brb

And where is the source of your pain?

Too cold to get rid of your windows, install new ones immediately!

Ikt. I need your tech advice.

lemme hear it


I's trying to edit mods for vidya. Do you know what the fuck this is and how I'm supposed to read it's juicy sekrits.
It's a .bin file and not even Notepad++ will help me.

That didn't work for some reason. try this

thats a white png yo

dunno what mods for what vidya

generally just google around and see what tools people use and use them too

Probably cause it's a binary file. If you open that in a text-editor and it does actually show something, it'll all be gibberish to you

henlo bin

i don't know what i'm looking at anymore i hit a brick wall.

Being alive


Kill yourself

One can try hard to age!

How's Sam-chan?

am gud, u?

"A dog's heart" is awesome film, everyone should watch it

stoleing your image.

It's not an answer

Zip file







A bit tired-ish and kind of want to get something to eat.

But it's OC donut steel.


i made pancakes earlier

im sorry i dont understand german...

Okay, maybe this once.

I've been feeling like making those for a while now and even have a pancake mix, but, eh, my laziness gets the best of me.

eh... i prefer breakfast DIY but maybe u could run and grab a sammich or something

ty SSD-san



Kind of did, just made a simple cheese sandwich.
I'm just awfully lazy when it comes to spending time on making something to eat.

No problem Giggle-tan.

nothing wrong with that man...

Hey user post that one butt gif

Now I wonder how much of our lives we spend on preparing food and how much we spend of it on eating it.
I assume the answer is a lot.

this one?

depends on your culture im guessing... my family for example spends alot of time cooking and eating. its a social thing


wanna see the streaming team i joined ?


kinda need it to stop raining


Yay found my Trip




an* incorrect



"A dog's heart" is amazing film x2

It was Blood-chan all along you guys

Thank you bby

Yes indeed!

I couldn't find it for weeks because I upgraded my HDD

ow... you headbutted me


Yep 4M is a big dummy. Also he's like 6'8" which makes him the biggest dummy

This, from meeting people around the world, some people def spend hours at the dinner table in particular, varies a lot by country.


Blood-chan I think u'd like Matsuri but u'd probably throw up long before getting to where she is in the anime because I know ur NOT GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sup sup y'all?


too tall 55 me...
Oh I'm having growing pains again, I'm already 5'4" but I wanna be 5'10"

She's very pretty... I might avatar as her if that's okay with you



Hey Sama. I'm hungry :(

N-not yet >///

Ah, I just always ate on my own whenever we had meals, minus like going over grandparents' place for family dinner every now and then.

I always assumed it was like a hispanic thing to spend a few years on the dining table with whole family, extended family, the neighbours etc.

glad you agree... a cookout event sometimes can go from sun up to sunset over here

do you know that feel when you want to play stuff and there is stuff to play but you actually just cant bother and just sit there being annoyed that theres nothing to do

I just thought that was life tbh


All the time, but that's why I have safe bets like KF2.


its totally different when someone else cooks, yea?


How u?

TL note: 7-Eleven is an American-Japanese international chain of convenience stores, headquartered in Irving, Texas, that operates, franchises, and licenses some 56,600 stores in 18 countries.

5'4" is a good height for a gril ^^

And u can but it won't really affect the amount I post her

So basically my le guilt by association w/ u will go up and I'll bathe in it as an act of sheer edge

Yeah, then it's just the principle of showing up.

They definitely do that. In France too, dinner is pretty long i've found, compared to the average family dinner in the US for example.

Yeah that too, but that's more of an exceptional thing, it's kind of an event. But even the everyday dinner/lunch is super different depending on where you go.

rip smonking. I have my two days off Monday and Tuesday and then no more.

I'm not a girl!

just gotta bring something to contribute... like a side or some wine or something

Thought so, considering they have all those fancy food wines and stuff that aren't regulated by any alcohol laws whatsoever.
Same with Italy really.

Usually with family it's just that they're keen on knowing how's life etc, so no need to bring anything really.

Why is that?

People complain at me for talking to you sometimes

le dog crimes by association

And you asked if you could post her; those are my terms

im sorry, here we are all talking about food... i have a craving for gen tsos chicken

Hardcore soviet science


right right, its not necessary. its just nice


We have alcohol laws, it's just that underage drinking and the likes are way more tolerated in France since it's considered normal to have parents overseeing minors discovering alcohol and stuff, so to americans I guess it looks like we don't regulate anything

finally those communist pigs will pay for their crimes

I'm on the job hunt yo

omg that's my go to chinese food. We have some sauce/glaze that's similar at work now so I might have to make some of that tonight for dinner^^

"A dog's heart",watch right now

Better just shoot them in a head

I guess, usually stuff like that here is that folk don't do the whole gifting thing as it's about being a good host and having coffee for everyone that comes by for a chat.

You're French?
Thought it was same like in Russia where anything under 5% wasn't really considered a real alcohol and could be consumed by anyone.

Good luck then ^^

Maybe you should just aim for another weed-friendly place tho

I can't, my people need me


better dead than red

Scoots is a reminder of (((who))) invented gommunism

Yea I'm also not in the US, 8ch keeps fucking up my IP location for *some* reason.

No that's a very russian thing, though I think it also exists in some eastern countries. Beer is still considered alcohol, we're not anywhere near as hardcore as the russians.

I don't think there are any there :o

They can wait a bit

hmmm? Tovarisch?


karl marx did nothing wrong

nothing wrong with it man. all just comes down to regional customary things

Da Comrade

Well, that's a rare sight.
You wouldn't happen to be Adachi?

Yeah, just might seem a bit cold to an outsider though.

Even as sarcasm, it isn't funny

Hm, I've heard a lot of restaurants are okay with it but I dunno

I know Pizza Hut never drug tested me when I worked there but I guess you prob want a better job than that

Pretty sure they knew I smonked too

I'm baked and it doesn't seem like a good movie to watch while high at first glance


I don't know who that is sorry

pfft that's like 8 hours away and I'll probably forget to eat again.

I don't want to go 3000 miles away and get fucked over cause I couldn't quit pot for a month tho.


Oh well, the only French guy that has been around despite going all around the globe.

I didn't know u were so far from any sign of Pizza Hut

Quitting has big benefits anyway; you'll get high really easily when you come back to weed ^^

French people tend to stick to the french online communities, since their english sucks. I personally am not a fan of those so that's why we're a rare sight despite being pretty active online.

that sentence is a mess grr

idk maybe there's pizza hutts there, but like i don't think a pizza hut can pay 17.50

not at all. i try to keep an open mind.

eto ne imeyet znacheniya, tovarishch

how does one forget the joy of food

The French also should be racially exterminated.

No, I love food, I just forget to eat.

V'ebi govna, pidorashka

I usually thought it was for the ye olde reasons as in why the French refuse to speak English, you know, just because of some silly old wars from Napoleonic times.

Well, I might try to remember to bring something for you if I ever visit.

The brits are truly horribly tsundere

No, english is just very poorly taught, although it's getting better.

I too believe that the fr*nch should be racially exterminated


I kind off miss delivery driving

But yeah I probably wouldn't do it again because not a good enough salary


No clue why, but I always thought it was out of arrogance.

they're called CHIPS

and they're belgian anyway

i just dont get it man, after a couple hours i get hangry

wat is pidorashka?

im good with just beer


I mean that's not as much but it's cash money more often than not so that's cool.


I kinda only get hungry like once every 3 or 4 days so I guess it's easy to forget.

damn cheese-eating surrender monkies

No, the view of a feud between brits and french is really a myth perpetuated by the british. The truth is we just don't think or talk about the UK at all, and they spend their time talking about us and talking about how we're rivals, in my experience.

what are you like a 110 115?

idk I don't own a scale.

Yeah, having a job you enjoy is best in general imo

Ah, I'll try to note that down then.

Guess you learn something new everyday.

I just want high hourly. 4x 10 hour days 3 days off 2 of which in a row. That's ideal imo

be a cheap date tho

"A very good person" call this every russian you will see

what are a couple good finnish beers i should try?


why dont i believe you

u heard me


i reject these shenanigans

I don't think Finnish and good beer go together hand-in-hand, would preferably just get something German or Belgian.

ive had both... just name a couple please

In vain

So you want me to stop pursuing my art? I don't know...

Mhm ^^ How are you?


Hail Satan

Tired of what?

I cant believe blood chan's thick cock


to care

Work, I guess.

remember when blood-chan was a good meme?

Well, there's Karjala and Karhu that are decent.


thank you, now to see if i can acquire these...

More like "tiny meme"






knew that would ge a (you) from (you)

Yep. I'm too much of a casual to play some stuff I want too
