Matsuri is CUTE
Matsuri is CUTE
Erio an cute^~^
leftover noodles
I'm bored
pat my dick
Titty wolf.
best wolf
me too chap
Yan #0648
Is the new update cool tho?
10/10 would bang
my system restore uninstalled all of my steam games I'm afraid
still got q2 doom (1993) and samp though
and fightcade
It was okay.
Don't care. Steam add or you're dead meat, fattie mcgee
it is done
Hey you had good taste in neets
why does phone have two home buttons
thanks mate I'm going afk for a bit so don't get upset if I don't respond
Hellom Thread
cato i got my lapissssssssss
I wanna see!
So you got more buttons to press
I'm back yan-chan
Just plug in your keeb
There's a little bit of pyrite flecks in there too. I got a little haul this time around for my mew size^^
i remember being in the mr bones wild ride thread when it was happening, i think i almost died that day and now i really want to play plant coaster again
That thread was the shit.
oh absolutely, it was like an event being there, i was far more excited than i should have been, OP highly entertained me that day and i still am grateful to them
Was here for this one too. Was amazing.
oh shit i didnt even see this, im gonna read it all right now
thanks for the premium shitpost
like im making a joke yea but we had people that avatar'd this at one point, pretty sure
ur neato
I'm neato
I agree with all of these things
Gotta love hearing Chinese people shout thru your wall
womp womp
I think I can afford my own condo which is p cool
How do you know they're Chinese?
because he watched jackie chan adventures
wtf I'm chinese now
Because they're my roommate
Why is he so angery?
how do i delete someone elses internet
you have to reach behind your head and punch yourself in the face
how do i delete my life
Is not work
Pull the plug!
Do something then.
i remember when i was little i could hold my breath for longer than i can now probably, that's pretty bad since an adult should be able to do better
good thing i quit cigarettes, i remember i would hold my breath and sink under the hot tub with my eyes open and get so immersed in being underwater id be lost in thought until my lungs started to burn
Pretty. And hi ^^
I wanted to go out with friends today but its raining. I recently slipped and feel on my back so now I'm scared about going outside when its wet ;__;
How are you, qt?
I thought you were used to being on your back.
I'm going to buy electronic drums
Um... I am okay. How are you~?
Nah uh, I'm actually a virgin. I'm saving myself for my lord.
Jesus? I heard that guy was hung like this
Damn, the dialogue falls into empty questions
In russia, you will went in prison for this joke )
But who cares?
i havent heard from loafie in a while, do you think my half hearted advice to system restore got him fucked?
I do not acknowledge such a person, sorry
W-well I still have some back pain, I fell a week ago today... But I don't like to complain...
I am the only person worth acknowledging
guys don't forget to eat your citrus fruits on top of your regular daily fruit intake!!
In what part of the back? What kind of pain (sharp or permanent)? You visit a doctor?
no it worked fine actually thanks for the help
I want to lesbian kiss Matsuri
could have done without the uninstallation of my steam games and reinstallation of all the junk that comes pre-packaged with windows 10
I want to lesbian kiss every Dutch poster
lmao wtf i actually helped someone, this wasn't part of the plan at all, abort
time to crash all of my programs with no survivors
Yes, hun? How's your weekend?
It's a long story but it was early morning and I had to walk my chihuahuas outside. I live in an apartment building and I'm terrified of elevators so I walk up and down the stairs. There is a broken boiler in the basement of the apartment building and all that steam flooded the stairs making the walls and steps slick as ice. I lift my dogs when I walk down the stairs so I wasn't holding onto the banister and that's when I slipped and fell on my back... The steps dug into my head, upper and lower back and my butt leaving black nasty bruises... All I could think about was "oh shit I slipped!" My second thought would have been to protect my dogs but I fell so fast....
so cute
no but really im glad it worked hopefully it doesn't happen again
Don't forget the poffertjes lip balm.
Meh. Headlight went out so I went out and changed both. Should change the oil too.
It's a good thing u have such a nice fat ass
Those look really good.
You're a poffertje.
Accept my condolences, I live in appartment too
And if it feels after a week of time, you shoud visit a doctor, it coud be something bad
Does that mean you want to eat me?
Anyone who doesn't want to eat boy pussy should leave right now
this tbh
You're blood-chan correct?
where is everyone
it's real neet hours
its the weekend
What's a headlight?
Nah-uh, luckily I had on layers of clothes. I notice I don't groan or moan when I'm pain haha
it still hurts very much, hug me..
The main lights to the front of a car.
i have a laptop now
it is indeed the weekend I do not know why this fact confuses you
that's nice desu what are you having
I'm afraid,i'm gonna broke you to the end if i hug u
Goatboy pussy is fine too I guess
jk ilu
What you should have done was use your amazing butt strength to just painlessly absorb all the shock in your ass and bounce back to your feet
Oh, it's nobody important, must have been my mistake. I apologize.
Shity interface, tbh
Comment no.
how is a weekend neet hours, when thats the one time neets should normally be at home if they weren't neets?
im not sure what part about this confuses you
lloyd certainly seems to think so
People have opined this at me before
I don't listen
I can never Stop
but neet hours are dependent on the hour of the day it is
the weekend is dependent on what day of the week it is
Good shirt
Na, it's only subjective thought, if u like it, it's ok
Good job
What's Ukrainian food like?
I'm so ready for this oh my god this game can't come out soon enough.
Oh! I don't have a car, I wouldn't know. Are headlights expensive?
You should consider upgrading to an iPad, they're stronger than any Asus or MSI laptop and they're portable.
I'm having rice and beans with chicken ^^
If you hugged me for real right now I would cry in your arms;...
Lol I didn't bounce at all. My butt is muscle, and not bounce.
Oh okay! Sorry!
Why did you ignore me? I thought would you be interested
Games are boring nowadays. Retro games will always be master race
Do u think I should grow a goatee?
The moment ur butt makes contact, flex + fart and if ur butt is as strong as u claim u should easily bounce back to your feet
Not hard
^ Ukrainian lang. article
^English lang. article
Ukrainian article is fill much better, use google translate
Don't cry, better go to a surgeon :^)
You Ukrainians and your fancy Wikipedias
If only I knew how to harness such technology
-giggles- you're being silly now~
I can't, I'll be out of work for WEEKS
I rather just suffer until my ribs heal
pls don't grow a goatse 4m
Because ur silly
y not? Not any kind of one?
Where do you work?
tee hee~ :3
-paws at u-
nya nyaa -licks ur cheek-
you were extremely wrong
i haven't seen your face in a while so i can't comment
Why did you switch waifus again?
I don't know what a goatse ^^
I'm a private security officer for MAERSK I don't ride in the cargo ships, but I just do sweeps
coughing is a surprisingly good way to warm up
first off, what did you post towards me?
i want you to link it and explain to me why i should care about you saying "no" to my scurvy prevention post
give me one good reason i shouldnt make you walk the plank
Wow, sounds cool. What salary?
Gosh ur so silly~!
Everything went to hell the moment he typed "-giggles-"
Ah right it makes sense that dogs have a primarily scent/audio-based memory
I didn't, I've just been posting a bunch of different lesbians
Can lesbians be an avatar??????????????????///
I j-just wanted to make smol talk with you..
sick links
nigger i said i haven't seen your face, that has nothing to do with scent or audio, have you all gone straight up retarded on me
ur gaying up the thread
do it less bad
Third reply is 4 u
-tosses u garlic bread-
Are u bi
time to make a P H A T cup of coffee
bread is bad for dogs you fucking monster
Meh, 20 bucks.
Do you mean a large cup of coffee?
It is cool, I'm always in awe by how big the ships are. The technology is amazing too, but its way too dangerous. I have to get my gun license soon. The pay is $36.19/hr
How are you YtSe?
Lesbians should be shoot.
Gays are alright though ^^
I didn't know you were into that kinda stuff...
I'm not going to sleep with a girl for you.
t h i c c
Says the turbofag
Wonderful, and yourself?
Find something more dangerous. The more dangerous the more money you get
oh thats a message i missed, thats cool, make something with the drums then show me, i dont really know you enough to have much expression on you getting them
AR or AK?
U live in big city?
U fucking kidding me
What is a gun license?
tell us where you work, anywhere that pays that much security has to be worth raiding
better yet send us coordinates
THAT'S what happend to country, when in its history there was no communizm
I have no biological urges whatsoever.
It really comes down to the value of the ships coming in at that point. When there are billions of dollars worth of goods going through a port, spending 7.000 on security for a month isn't a bad option.
Same kind of thing with even armed security that deposits money from stores. They get paid rather well, last I heard.
It's Blood-chan's influence
Yeah that's the word
Yuri is cute
Did you eat dinner? -pets your hair-
ur not only gayer than me but ur the gayest in the thread
Have you been buttsex'd irl yet?
ay gurl how u
Frontin nigga
I think I'm shaking.
And I don't know that it's from the chill.
Are you okay?
bye guys
l e w d
atm? nervous because i have to leave for work now... bye
Sorry for the wall, I was cooking.
Are you okay?
I need no license to get a gun or carry in concealed! I love my state!
Good, good luck at work ^^
I just started looking at the kickstarter page and updates for Bloodstained again and I'm getting so excited again and I just aaaaaaaaa
Nerd game stuff and my body is ready and I just I aaaaaaaa
Good post
More danger = more fun
Ew :(
Them's fightin' words.
Nobody in the US trusts AK's for security purposes.
I just I aaaaaaa
I backed it 110$ back in like 2015 and I just I'm so ready for this.
Apparently they're hoping to get it out *this year* and I just I need this.
Why ew? :(
I've never cared for Castlevania in general so I don't think it'll be for me~
Right decision
Yeah, that's perfectly fair and understandable.
It's definitely not a genre for everyone.
I've enjoyed it enough though, and when I originally backed it it was originally out of a desire to see Igarashi succeed - especially in the spite of Konami.
I just can't help but get really excited when it's so close and something I helped with, no matter how minor my contribution seems in hindsight.
I dont think this is true
We also don't get gun licenses
I just woke up o it's morning to me
We trust in our own, precision crafted tools.
Or German tools. Or Austrian.
I have yet to see anybody in a security firm walk around with an AK-47. Not in the states, anyway. I have seen plenty of AR's though.
And yea, the gun licenses thing is a joke. Only highly liberal states require conceal carry licenses.
No lol
dont look at me that way : (
Look with more anger
everywhere requires concealed carry permits
A lot of people have ak's for "home defense" though
*stays in bed*
I require no conceal carry permit. I am constitutionally allowed to carry a pistol, concealed, as soon as I turn 21 in my state.
Fair enough, though I would wager that isn't their first go to. Just because home defense is easier to perform with a pistol or a shotgun. Not saying I don't have a rifle on standby.
Hit ur ber with leg, still looking
my outer shell is impeneetrabble by daily daily ne'er do wells and stressors
I have ascended
i am
a sayuri roll
If I sometimes do well will you let me penetrate you?
If I sometimes do well will you let me penetrate you?
Go to bed, by
After staring for two minutes I've determined that u meant "I'm going to bed, bye"
Was that a NIN reference?
Cerberus Ex
Indeed it was.
nini hutzpa
I'm surprised I caught it. Go me.
Who else still believes in Sabs x Colbs OTP?
bigg cumm
That link was meant for Bart actually
But I guess u can have it
conversation drop'd
There wasn't really a conversation but I should give u more (You)'s
-pets ur hair-
Tbh I'm still laughing over that mislink
Miss me with that gay shit, fam. *dabs*
Bart is sad because you took it
I feel like the bigg cumm mislink killed the thread in multiple different ways
Daia is a cool dude
You're winner!
y is that
Nah, Daia is a little bitch
Aggressive shitposters are president now
Deal w/ it
Wish don't you think Masturi's voice is super kawaii
You're not a shitposter, just a shit poster :^)
I haven't seen episode 6 yet.
Spoiler for episode 6 Dumbledore dies
Playful bratty boi :3
Looking forward to next week because Matsuri is probably going to attentionwhore for the whole episode
Wish has read the mango and already knows about the Dumbledore death
we dem boiz
Who is?!
Why can't it just be yuri sex non-stop?
Why wouldn't you be
an winnrer ams me
u r
And cos the artist is bad at drawing butts
I was just curious which reason convinced u
I was just kind of saying it
Fake news.
But they're just two circles.
We dem Proud Boys
Good, you're not a casul
Yay! ^_^
God I love this song
You have bad music taste. This guy doesn't though. And the venue is godlike.
I like it, but tbh, I kinda like Eternity ~ Memory of Lightwaves more.
That is also awesome, but not by any means comparable...
It kinda has a special meaning to me so.. yeah
Okay so they're both piano, guess that's comparable
What's my prize?
I did not expect X-2 to be as wonderful a game as it was. Aaaand now I wanna play it again.
I was gonna say.
You're a piano.
I do tease him with my fingers all day so......
Well, sounds like you've made sure that the notes are in order.
We wouldn't want a sour note to dampen the mood.
X-2 was unironically a good game.
The only real complaints I've ever gotten about it usually boil down to that it didn't feel like a good sequel to X.
That could ruin the symphony awfully fast.
And potentially leave a bitter taste in one's mouth.
I haven't played it since its initial release, but I remember going into it feeling like it was going to be stupid and exploitative and finishing it feeling like it was kinda silly at times, but overall touching. Of course, I was 16 at the time and still able to feel intense emotions, so maybe it'd be different now.
What do you want it to be?
But still, the style is not really the same at all
I get played constantly?
No you don't
Some would probably even ask for their money back.
Like a damn fiddle.
A brazillion dollars!
Still, nothing beats ffta
Damn. I even play myself...
Does Brazil even have that many dollars?
I concur that X-2 was a good game, surprisingly. I also would agree that it wasn't really a good sequel, but it was pretty much the only sequel that they ever made, so I am willing to give them a break.
The characters all felt nice. And watching the thief class put them all in thongs pulled way up was, well, quite enticing as a teenage boy.
You just calm down.
Or to get paid.
I am calm tho
But how does an instrument play itself?
I heard someone asked to be taken to emergency ward afterwards.
Not my problem, cuz. They better be in non-sequential, unmarked bills.
The outfits were ridiculous but ridiculously sexy too.
No, you are not!
Oh dear, that is disheartening.
Hells yeah.
Apparently they got awfully bad sores on their fingers.
It doesn't?
k brb printing money
I thought I was but okay
Then how did you?
Mweh heh heh heh
I'm not an instrument.
Now you're not even making any sense
Then why did you imply so?
I never did
It was a victory laugh.
Lies, blatant lies.
Look what is an actual thing now..
He's dead, Jim.
what a waste
Dead and buried.
Waste of what, exactly?
Getting to meet up with an old friend on Growlr in 2 weeks. I'm stoked.
How goes?
Did you just stop staying in touch, or just like stayed in touch but never had the time to meet?
We talked off and on for the last 2 and a half years. Only met once on my way home from Michigan. But I'm close enough now we're going to meet in the middle.
-carries a grass block from Minecraft through the thread and places it in the closet. Doesn't want to lose it.-
Kill yourself.
Ah, that sounds good.
I hope you enjoy that.
Just realized that I don't know how Badger is nowadays.
Play minecraft.
Mine diamonds.
I see him posting in fur threads now and then.
:< -doesn't want to lose all the grass blocks he's been carrying-
-has been using them to make diamond hoes.-
Oh, you wouldn't happen to know how he fares?
Just wondering because last time I asked was around last June I think, and even then he was in midst of moving(?)
You should put those hoes to use.
-planted what he can only assume is a tea tree. Sits beside it patiently, waiting for it to grow mug-fruit with hot tea inside. Spends the time reading story books to creepers-
But isn't Sonata a girl?
-is just a me-
Too much of ambiguity.
-doesn't put that in tea-
Pour boiling hot tea all over my face.
But, how?
nini thread
Sleep well.
Ayy everybody whut it do
Good morning
What's so good about it?
The fact that i woke up in 9:00
wow dead community
I think murricans is still sleep
Yes ;_;
Nah, Burgerbros just now going to bed
gang gang