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Discord mostly.
Its a shame the mods ban us and our leader betrayed us
we still going strong though
europe basic af
cept for germany that german af
russia tho
what where
pet bord
Don't worry about it
its not actually important
*worries more(
wtf japan being into kpop
If you really wanna know
what is vrchat even
Free game on steam For VR
You don't need VR though
You can do pretty much anything in it
Why wouldn't you? Ew, no fruits
auto-updating ESR
in ameriga wehave pre made waffle
also fruits aregood you are ew : (
all nighter
let's do it
why keycaps so expensive :sob:
oh aliexpress is like 3x cheaper literally
still too expensive :sob: i paid less for the pcb
y pou ty fa ec
too expensive desu
Ukraine is just one giant Soviet shitpost.
morning chaps
good morning loafie desu
hello friends how are you
sleepy how are you :3
Watching right now "John Yik 2",nice film
me too I only just woke up about half an hour ago
naisu naisu
ive heard that one is very good
Got any fun plans for to day or are you stuck working or doing lame stuff?
I'm gonna go see some freiends later!!
Same, but just because you got pre-made anything, doesn't mean you should use it.
Yeah well, you're good too, but that doesn't mean I'd throw you in waffles either!
no I don't have any plans really
but good thing for you that you do
all i've ever wanted from this life is to be a topping on hu's waffles
That sounds pretty damn lewd
Good morning Loafie
hehe have a nice breakfast hu chan im gonna play some fortnite
morning yan-chan
Enjoy your game
How are you, you worthless fat foot-licking onahole?
I am doing very well, thank you for asking
So about snacks:
I've been trying different kinds of chex mix once a week to pinpoint my favorite.
Unfortunately, they aren't clearly labeled and don't really list whats in them anymore. It's very poor packaging.
Last week I ate raisins by mistake and it made me want to abuse people named Loafie.
well that's a very strange symptom to have exhibited, but if that's so, then I suppose I will have to bear the brunt of your force
So Loafie are you some kind of slut or like... what's your deal?
Would put Ikt in a collar and attach a leash
Please don't do this.
btw how to enable firefox spellcheck language detection
pls do this yes
I dunno. Install the language package?
Right-click comment field here and select Languages → Some Dictionary
I would put Ikt in a box and bury it.
well I think I'd be more willing to take the abuse than most, so I am happy to be abused if it means other people will not
You're just a masochist
god i wish that were me
I would put bard in a blanket and roll it up.
yes I do suppose I am, but I don't see anything greatly wrong with this fact
I suppose without them I'd be parsed to find people to enjoy consensual sadomasochism with.
Think I'm gonna go play Dead by Daylight.
as long as i get a sweet set of dsa keycaps
have fun senpai
doing alfheims on bayonetta fucking SUCKS
especially on nonstop infinite climax mode
nice blog
Okay I'm back.
welcome back my friend
next week ill be talking about all the bitches i fucked including your mom
Hey bard -pet pat-
Hey cocksleeve -pet pat-
i wonder if Yan actually cybers loafie
kind of make Loafie seem like a really dirty word
would you kindly not call me cocksleeve if people thinking you cyber me is what ensues
you say that and then there are people who post here that have literally cybered 100's of people, like erio
Soooo, the film was pretty good
id say that implying no one here would still cyber was the exaggeration but hey, you could be talking to loafie right now
What if I told you I've cybered one of the people who are posting right now
You've never actually cybered anyone Erio get out
It's obviously not Yan, so it must be BD, Loafie, or the Ukrainian, right?
i'd ask only one??
i laughed
no way did you already sex the ukrainian
I can't resist BD's seductive dog asshole
it ain't me
Why me?
i wish i had the emote thats like a dog with three tennis balls in its mouth
it was me
Erio one day you're going to meme too hard and actually get raped by a big nigger dick.
I also cybered Erio for several hours.
What is mean "cebered"?
erio has unironically cybered serveral hundred people on steam and Yan probably doesn't believe me
can you team me how to squat and drunk?
BD I have several land deeds and am willing to impart one to you.
Pay for that
how much for the knowledge of your people, i will give you one authentic american dollar
I'm a girl irl btw
Same, but I'm a cat.
i didn't really know what you were saying actually
Let's make deal on 40
And i'm a whale
ugh Jack was easier to manage than this
Dog, just sit in the corner and wait for someone to find you.
Wasn't there a skyrim mod that adds a giant flying dwemer fortress house?
That's totally lore friendly because the dwemer did it. :^)
how about i shit in your cereal bowl and chew up your slippers instead
aren't your neighbors dogs on that jail continent
I'm home friends!
I'm really tired!!
Australians just like talking about their dingos
Hey, I just met you
And this is crazy
But I'm a dingo
And I ate your baby
I'd like that dingo's number.
Kyel ♥
The bad one.
How ya doin?
Morning, Nick.
yes you are
even squiddy is a better australian than you
Have you given any thought to cookies?
I'm happy with whatever you send.
So I basically have your permission to mix my love nectar into the dough right?
cookies between pals, what could go wrong
you like to bake, Nick?
Bayonetta's pole dancing is P o w e r f u l
I like to cook and make things in general.
Like corpses.
cool just like Tupac
I'f you jerk off into them I won't eat them.
but how will he know
Oh I wasn't gonna do that.
the mystery remains, what is Yan's "love nectar"
Do it and I am terminating our friendship.
*it continues to get louder*
i still manage to play Overwatch with a wiresless keyboard whats your issue?
I hope you have a good tomorrow
I don't know whenever I start a geimu the keyboard just doesn't work for anything other than alt-f4
except doom for some reason which allows me to select the episode and difficulty, but I have to use the mouse to get past the initial title screen
Thank christ.
The only things I'm putting in are ingredients for cookies.
and bacon pieces.
And cum.
edibles would be pretty dank but i don't usually do them
try reinstalling the drivers for your keyboard idfk
someone should be along here that could help you way better than i could, it might help if you could remember when the problem started and what you were doing
yeah I do remember
an hour or 2 ago yan said he was going to play some dead by daylight so I went to play some doom but it didn't work so I tried to play some usf4 and that didn't work either so I gave up and made some lunch and then remembered and mentioned it here
hihi sinni
is snowing for the like 9th day in a row, and eventually I will be paid for work
so pretty good!
How are you doin?
okay but what were you doing before any of that the last time you used your computer/keyboard that might have made that happen? anything different?
sleepy, but I received some chips and salsa last night so I have something for^^
I think it tried to snow a little last night but I haven't taken a look out there yet.
Weekly or bi-weekly?
I woke up
I turned on my pc and went on Holla Forums for a bit and then I did what I mentioned in my previous post
so to answer your question: no
I can feel the good Saturday anime approaching
Glad ur still here bby
snow is good!
salsa is good!!
and bi weekly. I'm getting a raise soon though so hopefully things start goin up from here!!
I owe you my life
okay when was the last time your keyboard worked on any of the games that it is not working on now? has anything updated?
wtf is the new gambling one with the crazy ass faces sometimes rn? my roommate was watching and all of a sudden this blonde chick and her gf or w/e went all yandere on me and it was hawtu
that's my story. it's on netflix I think
Hey Squashems. How's it been? Mislink again?
Salsa at least haha.
Ooh. I've only had one job that's biweekly. Sounds like most other places are that over weekly which is going to be strange to get used to if that's the case.
this saturday morning does feel pretty good tbh all things considered
last night and no
technically this morning because I stayed up rather late last night
It's been I suppose.
And no. I'm just trying not to be a tumultuous ass if I can help it anymore.
I'm just doing taxes at the moment. Then probably bed.
Yeah, I hear ya. My homelife is a fucking disaster rn so I'm up and moving asap lol Any tips on long moves off the top of your head?
Ah, nice job. If you file by yourself or w/e you'll get it really quick this year^^ Don't spend it all in the same place
huh, try a system restore if you don't want to wait for better advice which you could probably easily get and this might not even fix the problem :^)
I can't handle spicy things so I do like
mild restaurant style salsa most of the time :)
biweekly is nice but it's such a grind to get to the paycheck!!! 3 more months and then I can save to move, maybe find a job that'll do weekly pays instead
Are u low key a meme boi
Cause you were acting tired of this place for a while
Idk, sounds interesting though
We should ask Wish or some other superweeb
The fact that it's on Netflix does make me a bit wary though
Pack light. You learn real quick what you actually need after your 10th move in 5 years.
I've filed 2 of my 7 W-2s so far and I'm at 900 bucks back.
Well I'm only here 'cause I'm doing taxes and my room mate is asleep.
I really don't have motivation to come by more than an hour or so a day if that.
Ooh, mmhm. Most often I'll grab mild or medium but I actually saw Tostitos HOT for the first time in my life so I grabbed that. Newman's Own Hot Habanero was my last one. And now I'm rocking some Applebee's salsa cause I get free shit from applebees whenever.
It was just wack.. Nah, Netflix seems good though I can't recall if it was an originial or not cause I was only half watching.
Yeah, I only really own clothes so that should be ez. It's a small enough amount where whatever I can't bring with me can be mailed. Thanks for the tip^^
Damn that's so many! Sounds like you're on the path to a really good return. I got hosed cause my stupid halloween store seasonal gig :/
Some were short term so I doubt I'll get much back on some if any.
I have one more large one to add though so I want to break a grand.
Get one of those vacuum bags for your outfits.
Sucks them down like a mother fucker.
:G hot salsa is too hottt.
usually I go for like whole foods salsa or like
they used to sell like a certain kind that I really liked but it's been so long that I forgot the name of it and pretty much the flavor.
QQ I remember it being good tho
See, that's something I wouldn't have thought about. Damn, that's a good moving tip. Surprised they don't sell a kit for that at u-haul stores tbh
That's a good number to shoot for. I don't think I've ever gotten a 4 digit return yet ;~;
That feel of forgotten favorites :(
I just think it's fun to get all sweaty from eating spicy foods. I'm getting this Carolina Reaper salsa from a coworker soon that I am most definitely afraid to try.
being sweaty is the worst!!
don't do this to yourself!!!!!
but it's fun and my friends look at me like I'm a real-life maniac^^
I think it goes along with my masochistic tendencies, Sinni. That's all. I do quite enjoy a good mild salsa too silly
Honestly you can usually just use an industrial trash bag and rubber band the opening to a vacuum cleaner hose and then use a hot sealer or a hair straighter to just seal it together.
Could fuck up though and burn something.
I usually get around 1K or so.
whose to say you aren't >:)
same expect no spiceee.
tho I do like sour stuff so I'm probably a hypocrite
Jesus. Some of these are really taking it out of pocket.
Lost 100 bucks on that last W-2.
Jeez, Squash. I didn't realize you were like a life-hacker lol
lmao! that's crazier than spicy to me. My face starts contorting and shit lol Sour gummy worms is the most I can go.
That's what I meant happened with my Halloween store W-2 :(
I used to eat like the sour skittles by the gallon or like I once ate like 30 warheads in one sitting
my mouth can only feel agony >:)
Doesn't your tongue skin peel off after too many sours?
if it does i haven't noticed yet.
maybe like not smelling makes sours like different for me? idk.
I like 'em tho >:)
I want gummy worms nowwww
I'm starting to get afraid of scorpions tbh
What about this cute spidy?
doing the system restore now if it doesn't work I'm going to be agitating
lmao good luck
Have you tried pouring water on it??
Smart nano blockchain
my blockchain brings all the boys to the yard
I am good at being productively lazy and cheep.
Fucking christ.
Is this the pain that a Jew feels?
ouch rekt on the state taxes. i don't think we have to do state stuff in NH
At least I got something back.
why windows 10 ravaging my hard drive
how do i un-windows10education my install
I want to die but the government won't let me
install Debian
Uninstall windows
Try it anyway
wow im nno communist
Revy pls no die pls
We all take the forever nap someday.
I did try
The government stopped me every time
So far there's no proof I even can die
What method did u use?
Well a couple times I've taken a forever's worth of sleeping pills and woken up a day and a half later
Once I lost half my blood and woke up three days later
So I've kind of stopped trying
If u can't do this reliable, better don't do that
Your body has a class 4 hemorage and your heart can't circulate properly after 40% of blood loss and you are going to go into a coma and then death without immediate medical aid and major resuscitative help. Major case of hypovolemic shock.
But your attention is so delicious
Enjoy while u can
"half" is a hyperbole
All I remember is being rushed to the emergency room and being told I had nearly died from blood loss
Somehow, despite this, I was completely conscious until they drugged me out and put me to sleep for a weekend
How old are you?
short trades on POINT hnngh
How old do you think I am
revy is 12 and what is this?
TFW 23 and ready to die.
I bet that you not
Just gotta find something to live for^^
Not what?
23 or ready to die?
Paw Patrol is why I'm alive.
And now I found reason to die.
I legit have no issue dying today.
Not that I'll kill myself, but if a truck hits me I'm chill with it.
some days you feel closer to the endless void.
I feel it too honestly, it'd be a good end to a story
Revy play overwatch with me instead of an heroing
Guise, pls. Don't be sad :(
L'appel du vide.
I'd want to burn to death.
Drowning is scary cause sunfish exist.
Suicide party when ?
I only ever tried hanging myself.
Was close to overdosing as well though.
Burning sounds awful.
I want 2 be dj on this party
konnichiwa bitches
It's the pain that makes it worth it, right? if you just slip away then it's like your death itself doesn't matter
Who the fuck are u calling a "bitch" nigga?
I'd rather slip into sleep and just not wake up.
Eventually, maybe.
Gotta make your life wholesome until then, leave something better than it was before. That's what I tell myself at least.
u nigga bish nigga dont even know who you are niga yous a bish nigga
niga bes 4 2 recognize niga
The unfathomable bliss of being freed from this mortal shell.
gotta watch bambi enough times until life is worth living.
april showers is a really bumpin song
niga ima need u 2 fill this out for me
best ever
never met a kogut i didnt like
I didn't understand
not sure which dog it was that told me to system reset but I am here again
win10 reinstalled all its bullshit and uninstalled all my steam games so I probably won't be able to know if it worked or not until tomorrow desu
I'd beat your ass in a deathmatch any day of the week bill gates
its okay...
i dont like carnaval
make it stop
bill doesnt run the company anymore... literally wasnt on the production team for windows 10
M-my earrings arrived!!!
Make me stop
pls stop ok thank u
Stop it right now young man or you're going to get grounded!
I meant stop breathing :^)
Ok ._.
Don't send ur father pics
only the best 4 u
:* tnx
Turn that frown upside down!
I don't want to have to come back in here.
Because IF I DO
You're going to get such a pat on the head
Where is everyone?
Probably avoiding you.
im still here...
listen here u little shit
right here desu
I was stretching up to 9/16
sup with you guise?
lol hey sup
Sooo,what are we waiting for?
nm got my earring haul in so I did that. Got work later, but I'mma try to get in some lunch soon I think.
Sup with you?
have done nothing productive yet today except lunch... feels great
whatchu eat?
I don't know you are the person that asked the first question
Oh there's a new thread