So Stefbot lost a debate against a fascist…

So Stefbot lost a debate against a fascist…

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There's no difference between ancaps and fascists.

What did he mean by this?

What do these nerds have against porn?

every fucking time

Statue avs are even worse than anime nazis imo

They think that it lowers their testosterone or makes them beta or some retarded shit.

"porn is d3generacy and d3generacy makes men weak" is their usual argument

Basically anyone can win a debate with Stefan

Basically they are sex starved beta males who are trying to become alpha males by whipping themselves up into the frenzy that you get when your balls are overfull.

Would be interesting which ancient literature they have actually read.

Why are they so weak smh. I mean good for them for trying not to watch porn and if it's actually solves someone's problems cool but it's not some magical hocus pocus.

Semen ain't stored in your balls, mate. Learn Basic Biology.

I would say that as a general rule extreme right wingers are good at debates precisely because their ideas are so shit they have to disguise them with rhetoric and sophistry.

Semen isn't, but sperm are. Glass houses, stones, you know the rest.

Don't need to read no book to know it's stored in yo mama.




For real though, ain't One Dollar Man been giving handjobs to the far-right for years now though?

Fascists would gas ancaps for protesting the state for denying them their child porn.

umm… not that I'm a fan of his, but stefbot clealy rinsed that guy

It's a recurring theme for AnCaps to be/turn fascist.

He's said isn't difference between ancaps and fascists, not that capitalism and fascism are the same.

Capitalism is private ownership of the means of production. Pretty simple really.

It really isn't; that's obscenely reductionist. Read a book.

This. People who say ancaps are fascists are misrepresenting us by ignoring this crucial difference.

Economic definition of fascism is a bit annoying. Fascism is martial law and aesthetic. By default it is a controlled economy but econ =/= essence.

broski, monsieur molyneux kept relying on exaggeration and strawmanning fascistman arguments to try and make his seem correct. He might've won, but thats because he was being purposefully dishonest. Granted, that's how you win most arguments so you might have a point.

according to mussolini, fascism doesn't have a set economic system and can change depending on each countries situation. All you can say fascism constitues is the state being important and running everything, nationalism and a charismatic leader of some sort. Personally I think its spooky, but whatever.

There can be no economic definition of fascism at all. I mean, ""the economy is something of secondary importance" and "the basic feature of our economic theory is that we have no theory at all" are both literal Hitler quotes. Fascism is the quintessential anti-materialist ideology, purely concerned with ideals. How the economy is run doesn't matter as long as it works to help them achieve their romanticist delusions.

has to be the only melonman video I genuinely enjoyed

except it's not? that's literally what Adam Smith called for.

So you would argue that coops are not capitalism anymore before the property is held in common by the workers? Have we really descended to this level of newfag illiteracy?

yes, market socialism isn't capitalism. that's correct.
do you think mercantilism is capitalism too?

Reminder: Capitalism is a mode of production, not a mode of management.


Capitalism is currency and a centra bankl. If a nation has those two things, then it's capitalism.

Don't forget that even Steamy Moly pretends to be the little girl sometimes

hey Im a girl and I like Stefan so stfu!!

xoxoxo Christi

I'm a faggot and my ideology is dumb lol

To be fair if this might be a joke, and if it is it's funny.


fug. Well I wouldn't be surprised if I've been rused again as I did have a (brief) period as a fan of his. On a side note does anyone have any book reqs on fascism? Like main theorist etc?

Isn't this copied from his forum page or something, I kind of hope he's that retarded though

hey boy wana make out??

Oh wow, so the state can just nationalize everything and keep everything the same as it is now, but magically it will be socialism! Or maybe it's only socialist when the state is democratic?
Capitalism is nothing so simple as just private property. What did Marx need to write all those thousands of pages for if it was just a matter of changing who owned the workplaces? Production for exchange and adherence to the law of value as well the commodification of labor are inherent features of capitalism, and as long as they remain you cannot speak of a different mode of production. Merely changing who manages the cycle of capital does not abolish it - the state or a group of people can do so just as easily as a single capitalist.
Read Capital, or at least watch this Youtube series:

market economy =/= capitalism.

More than 1 person owning a business in an economy operating with wage labor, markets, profits, capital accumulation, money, production for markets =/= socialism.

I never said that?
I'm saying Capitalism is private ownership of the means of production. that's specifically what the original "capitalists" wanted.

And we are saying that's not what capitalism is. Again, the difference between capitalism and socialism isn't who manages the firms.


I never said that. Nice strawman.
I can see why nobody ever goes here, everyone is so desperate to prove they're "intellectual" by making up arguments that don't even exist.

Exactly, what a shitshow

Yes you did, when you said capitalism is private ownership and coops are socialism.

yes… unless you think market socialism isn't socialism, which yeah I guess it's not.

I know what both ideologies are and I stand against both.

mussolini is the only real source on fascism, and he has one or two books. Quick google search should help you. Beware, its kinda spooky from a leftist pov.

Just read this:

Fascists might realize that there is a problem with capitalism, but they can't actually pinpoint what it is, and instead devolve into feels > reals, trying to save capitalism from itself (see the writings of Mussolini).

Fascism is socialism's aborted, crippled afterbirth.

thanks for the reqs lads, bracing for spooks