Go take a drink

go take a drink

Other urls found in this thread:


Pay up

Kanna lost that fight

go take a dink

Where blood chan
need my dick succ'd

Your opinion is invalid though because you pretend to hate every anime that's popular

Wish I’m still watching Bladrunner just wait like half an hour jfc

U filthy liar, give me the proofs

Would You Pat Me? I'd pat Me...

Lucky for you I got it on video.


But there are legitimately good popular anime...
Like My Hero Academia, Your Lie in April, Death Parade, AnoHana, and the first season of Souma.

I don't even want your attention though, I exclusively like Dutch posters.

I don't think it's possible for me to not have any deaths here.

The Putrid Claws just hit so hard, and have retarded accuracy, and as if that wasn't enough, they freaking poison too.

Unfair fight, dragon in cahoots with you

Oh and don't forget its lvl 1

things are gonna get worse I think

I've only met Pokelawls and Jameskii

Never met Jimi before

Yeah but hopefully my units will get better by then too.

Slim Lances are both really good and unbreakable so that helps, but then my myrmidons can't use those.

Tell this 2 cops

Oh, also, Hayden got female Cavalier, so that amused me.

Ik kom uit Nederland, jij Wentelteefjes

I think the best part about this map isn't that Artur was replaced by a Mercenary (male) Natasha.

IT's the boss.

Yeah, I don't sprocket ze Dutch

Sorry, the Lord.

The monster slaying monster lord with no attack. :^)

I’m actually originally from.
Also I thought Ikt is Vietnamese, not Dutch.

Tana being a Myrmidon feels right tbh

Why are you so unlucky with movement ?

Hou je bek.

I'm not a snitch


Wait, no, knight/cavalry slaying.

Because I used my rng every weekend. :c

I think Tana being a female myrmidon is legitimately the most accurate class/character combination I've gotten so far.

IIRC, Female Swordmaster has 7 movement though so that'll be nice.

Greater Bael also have really nice movement, so Seth'll get better then too.


Sorry, not Seth, Ephraim.

Hoepel een eind op.

I only care about flag :^)

What does that mean

How long does it take you do a map ?


So if I turn on a VPN and get dutch flag you’ll try to molest me like a thirsty virgin-destroying thot?

Depends on the RNG.

I've been trying so hard not to lose anyone, so this map has taken me a while.

I might just let him die this time. :x

It means "Shut up".


You just you restart from the beginning if you lose someone.

Delete the save file.

Delete the save file and re-randomize. :^)

Wow what have I ever done to you to deserve such unwarranted hostility

Yeah, probably.


If you're hardcore enough that is.

Guess I better not do that then so I can preserve the honesty and integrity of our friendship.


haha yes

ur such a mean bully ;~;
I thought we were friends

Thank goodness.


Maximizing the variances is really brutal though.

There's a chance you can end up with an unwinnable prologue if you get rolled shitty weapons or stats.


No need to thank me
I wouldn’t take advantage of you like that



Rando the Rando


help im die


I'm here whip it out!

W-who are you? And yeah I'm glad I gained, I used to be a straight 98 pounds and I looked like shit.

Hnn... its not cute, I hate being short, I can't reach for most things. I have to get on a chair just to reach the salt and pepper. And you hug me be prepared to be hugged bak

I'm going to bite you

You were mean!


-whips it out-


ahh! sorry... I shouldn't be slutty atm. I'm still medicated

I'm the champion of Ukraine in the Greco-Roman wrestling for 2010, ur hug is not a problem

sorry :(

~Public Service Announcement~

When you guys get the chance you should try Haribo Happy Cola gummies

They're really good!


Why :(

Oh my are you big bear~?


I second this

He's a lewd megumin


Such a tease

You tried to mess with me!

6\ 183

How is the day treating you guys?


At least you can tell pretty fast.

I accidentally a few letters

i want that intel vaunt thing


The megumin was?


How was your lemon juice?

You are.


You're gay!

I definitely wasn't.
There's no proof.

Except that one failed attempt...


wtf it's like 1pm

I wanna sleep, meh


its so good!


yeah i take abilify now. it has helped me so much with my mood and delusions and it doesn't leave me feeling sluggish all day either

Oh please I can take. I happened to enjoy wrestling ^^

Pretty well so far, I'm waiting for work to start so I'm kinda anxious

I don't have any lemons!

sweet dreams qt~

Mmm, wrestling

So long as it keeps you level. That is a good thing. Weird. US' obsession with being medicated.

I think it's nice and all but not as much as you're making it out to be
there's better stuff out there imo (in my opinion)

Me tbh (to be honest [to be tbh honest])

Why are you awake

Tag urself I'm eternal pain

I woke up at like 8am

Why r u

I restarted and rerando'd and the fact that my lord is this amuses me so greatly.

Oh I know what Wish should tag himself as

i'm on top~

Its not an obsession like most people who take drugs. I really need mine. It keeps me really mellow for days, but I'm suppose to take it everyday even though I don't have to. So I only take one before work :/

What's better?

So after he killed the dog I told him he was a PoS and told my sister to divorce him. Her face turned white because she's a PoS too and she likes being in an abusive marriage

Aww, I'm sorry your anxious. Anything I can do to help?


Why did u go full kettle tho?

We will decide that in fight

hold me in your arms and tell me everything is going to be okay...

Because it's normal people hours.

The answer was "Cold & Hot"

It's hard to keep my sleep habits consistent

Lol I don't know, I just bored :p

Yo he beat the shit out of that dog though. My sister has been crying for weeks

he was only one year old!!!!

I feel sorry for you. I used to wrestle my brothers daily

*Wraps you in my powerful hairy arms*

Everything will be ok, little one. The end isn't here yet.

Why Cold & Hot?

But you wanted the GOAT night schedule and you have the worst possible outcome instead...

And Grim's bengay

I wouldn't expect your sister to cry so much about it from things you've said about her

But yeah sounds like her husband's kind of cray

Cos ur cold and hot ; ^ )

This is just what's been happening; I keep the night schedule for a while and then I'm diurnal for a short time

I meaaaaan.

Not the most horribly un-canon thing...



I'm multi-tasking.

Cool New Meme: Sitting


That just sounds awful, poor 4m *pat*

Sucking dick and ... ?

Wow what's with the mean and lewd all of a sudden
I thought you were gonna be nice

There's nothing wrong with sucking dick.

Some even think of it as admirable.

I have great respect for anybody that sucks my dick.

You meant it in an obviously derogatory manner and even if you didn't
Still lewd as heck

that would be tbh (to be honest) [to be tbh (to be honest)])

ask me tomorrow

You know what's also fun?

Sucking ice. Chewing on it, too.

Some people stick it up their butthol too.

I concur. I actually love eating ice almost as much as I like eating pussy.

Same tbh

There's nothing lewd about it!

I have sensitive teeth though...

my job is kinda dangerous. i heard stories from my coworkers of people falling off cargo ships to their deaths

She's only crying because she dropped $1,000 for that dog. But she really did love it.
He's a piece of shit and I hope she leaves him already. I want her to date Sonata.



Only one before work. Well, whatever keeps you ticking I suppose. I wouldn't say its an obsession to TAKE them, more of an obession of having them prescribed. You know. Making that phat Pharma dollar dollar. Maybe it is just more of a talked about item. Perhaps people here are just more reserved about that aspect of life.

Speaking from experience?

That's nice, too.

Same. But the crunchiness is so satisfying, so I power through it.

Obviously you'd have that beat.

I tried it like once and it was pretty weird but not entirely what I'd consider "pleasurable".


It's like any other job I wouldn't do myself but respect people for doing. Like taking dicks up the ass or dying to cops to incite race wars.

Every job is at least a little dangerous. At least you don't work in machinist's shop. Everything there is trying to kill you.

I've used ice in the bedroom, but I never tried to give myself a frozen enema.

But what if I were to purchase a glow stick and pass it off as my own lightsaber...

This conversation has pushed the boundaries of what I consider acceptable within our friendship and it has made me uncomfortable with it's lewd content and unsettling possible consequences.

Depends on what you mean by "Pass it off!.

Do you mean to be whimsical and slapstick?

Or do you mean to genuinely believe/have others believe that this glowstic is, indeed, a lightsaber? To act as if it were a literal saber made of energy?

Hey, you're the one who jumped straight to butt stuff. :P

Oh, I would fully commit to the bit. I'd swing that glow stick around goin' "vwrrrm, wrrrm, woosh, vwrrrmmmmm, cshhhhh.veerrr".

I have so many regrets but I refuse to be put at fault for this alone.

You assume that by "used ice in the bedroom", I mean I've used it for sexual gratification. Maybe I just used it to keep my iced tea iced. Pervert.

i dont' feel good

I didn't assume that.
It was implied by the censor and context.

But... Do you believe it to be a literal SWORD OF ENERGY?

Or, are you aware of it being merely a glowstick?

I feel good

Maybe I set a trap so you'd assume I was implying something and I could call you a pervert. :3

Well, intellectually I'd know it's not a real laser sword, but I'm method so I'd have to switch off the rational part of my mind and fully embrace the gag.

Nope cuz you'd never do anything mean to me. :3

Well then. To go back to the original problem posed... It wouldn't really change the status of the hams, given the lightsaber has had little to no actual influence on the state of siad hams, or atleast hasn't been explicitly expressed

You're darn right I wouldn't!
Dang, ya got me.

I introduced a tangent. The tangent is the question of whether or not I might successfully pass off a glowstick as an energy katana. :3

Of course, you'd never do anything lewd either, so this has in fact created a paradox and will probably destroy my brain.

Welcome to my paradox
Eternally there it's not

I don't.

I was really liking this seed, but Bandits have 1 base move. :c

Well. Then. Yes. I would have to consider it a near inevitability then. Good chat.


Scoob, she looks familiar...

das nasteh

Wait, never mind, Seth has Warp.


Isn't that good for you ?

I bet she does. I bet she is super familiar.

Not when none of my units had the attack range to route them, but because it was just free experience.

'S'kay, I still love you.

I bet I wish Ellen Page would play her again 'cause she was perfectly cast but wasted save for the wonderful opening sequence of DoFP. :3

easy game

...I'm gonna go ponder that paradonks
It's bugging me

Different X-men,
BUT, yes... Its a shame Kitty was wasted. Ellen had such potential with her character. It is kind of a shame she had to run with her character at the time she did. Perhaps if she had done it in a more recent movie they could/would have made a spin-off. Ah, the years before every character got the spin off movie.

I'm not alone anymore


It probably has something to do with Pepe Silvia.

Ooooooh, derp. The girl who played her in Logan was fantastic! So fierce!

I wouldn't mind seeing Ellen's Kitty show up in a Deadpool movie. :3

I'm not going to say no to Myrrh.

Shame, I deleted the comic source material. I was going to make a nice X-23 folder. RIP my folder building motivation.
External Sighing.
BUT, wouldn't that be the darnedest thing? I don't see it happening though.
That first Deadpool 2 trailer has me hype. Would be nice nod to the universe if they even just had cameos for some of the mid/lower tier X-men etc.
I would like more to see them run with X-23 and maybe involve Kitty in with GotG, also we could like... you know... do with more AP Rogue. That was also a travesty!
They are doing a Jean movie right?

Scoot, do you ship Kitty and Starlord too?
Also, the director's cut of DoFP is called The Rogue Cut and restores the scene of her being rescued. You'd like it!

I don't know I feel about a Jean movie. Maybe if it was like the young Jean from another world who picked up everyone's memories of her having done awful things and then died. I'd watch that.


Heya Diggies~

♥ Hi Maddie!~

I have seen the scene(nice to say), and it does fix the original issue at hand. But, as a Rogue fan I was irked at its omission. You know I am just a sucker for that twang. Urgh, so many characters, so many folders that need/deserve to be bulked up and made.
Why so, tell me more? Are you happy or were you happy with the choice of actress for her use in Apocalypse?

Hey Sabs. What's new?

Also. Yes. I ship them. That would be an adorable MCU ship to be honest.

I pulled her in heros

was a good day

Full dragon loli team now

Friendship with Fae ended


I don't remember all the details, but essentially, a younger version of Jean ended up in the original X-continuity, and she quickly learned why everyone was awkward around her. She absorbed their memories of the original Jean and her transformation into both Phoenix and Dark Phoenix, as well all their emotions about her death and seeing her in the alt-dimension Jean.

I thought Sophie did as best she could with a character that wasn't written so well. I think they all did. I have very mixed feelings about Apocalypse.

They were a couple in the Secret Wars filler comics. One of the few good things about that mess! lol

I had frozen custard for the first time this week. I gotta stay away from that place 'cause I'll get fat. It was sooooo good!

frozen custard sounds dank

You know, it is an absolute shame. That we are so perfectionist about our media when it is being modded for another type of medium. Books/comic books to movies/tv series.

But, you know, is it SO difficult for these writers to sit down... Over a coffee... And like, just read the source material and consider how they are going to portray them.

Although, again its the unenviable task of fitting it for another audience and not having a 4 hour movies that leaves normies/noobs totally flummoxed.

I thought Sophie was, atleast, an aesthetically correct choice. But, that said, I can't really have a say on content as far as Jean is concerned as she hasn't been someone ive been intensley focused on.


Yes, I remember you mentioning that they were an item. A Kangz and Qweenz kind of schtick if I am not mistaken. I mean, theyd have had to flesh it out in the movies.But it would make a neat easter egg for the eventual mashing of the GotG and Avengers.

It had little pieces of brownie in it. I'm pretty sure I gained a pound, but it was worth it. ♥

What're you up to today? Fun stuff?

Oh, trust me. I'm not a stickler for movies clinging too tightly to the source material. I mean, I adore the Lord of the Rings novels AND the movies, the latter of which features a lot of contrived stuff to make the characters feel more modern and relatable. I think those were wise decisions to make cinematically.

I just felt like the youngsters were a bit neglected in Apocalypse, but the actors all did a fine job. And Fassbender's Magneto has been wonderful!

I dunno. I just think there's a tonal imbalance to Apocalypse and that it didn't really have a clear vision of what it wanted to say. But I had a nice time watching it.

Got home from work. This guy wants to pay me to be his mistress, so we're gonna see about some details. Uhhh. yeah, not much.

I couldn't stay interested in Heroes.

It felt too watered down and at this point I'm just like "Why bother?"

Getting paid to be a mistress, eh?


We'll see. Guy seems like a fuckin sped and I'm not gonna tolerate that shit.

Good point. Had familiar feel with Apocalypse, that it was entertaining... But, below the surface it was... not quite right.
Who knows.
Maybe I am being just a silly Scoot.
I find myself clashing with two different schools of thought and it is rather irksome.
The joys of being human.

And with that, I bid thee good night. I am a very tired Scotalooo.

Have a good night and an early one too.

You can be my mistress.

You have to buy me the outfit tho.

The outfit?

An outfit*

:3c You'll like it

Well i'm not gonna try and convince you.

Got a picture of it?


That sounds exciting. Do you like being in a dominant role that way?

Aw, goodnight Scooter. ilu! I'll try to bother you tmorrow.

Not at all. I like money and free things though.

Well now that sounds interesting.

More of a sub then, hm? I hope it works out. Just gotta muster that mean!

dm me, user

Very much so.

Well now I am too sad to even consider the Situation.

Have you played that role before? You don't have to answer if I'm being too nosy.

Well how am I supposed to know? You're posting as user.


Oops. I meant the dominant role.

A few times. I just feel awkward at a certain point and lose my edge.

I just can't imagine there are a ton of people posting porn on the reg.

oh hi mandy

Hey hey. So, just curious, why have you changed your name so much over the years?

I've only changed it like one main time...

Didn't it go from Welms to Elms to Made or such? Forgive me, I am also drunk at the moment, and pretty much every moment I am here, so I may be remembering thigns wrong.

I got like that with my ex sometimes, but eventually I started to like the feeling of power and of being the center of attention/object of worship, as selfish as that may sound.

I was always Vice-Queen Elma, then people just kept bastardizing the Elma part over the years. Certain variations stuck.

I changed it to Madeleine when I changed my name to Madeleine so all my "personas" irl or otherwise are all synced up^^

Hmm, no, I get that. It's not selfish, just another way to have some fun. I just get too self-conscious and would rather just have things done to me relentlessly instead *shrugs*

Personally when that happens I lose respect for the person. Then I get more, abusive, let's say.

Ahh, so you changed your actual name as well? Nice. What made you choose Madeleine?

I like it?


Great reason. I was just wondering if it had any other significance. Maybe a relative's name or such.

Nah. I don't really talk to many of my relatives anymore haha

Oh, also it's WAY more fun to sign vs my deadname. more loops n swoops^^

I know that feeling.

I rather dislike my name. I would have preferred my middle name, I think.

It's not all bad. Save a lot of dough on Christmas, so there's that *shrugs*

So go by your middle name, dummy~

But everybody already knows me by my first name. Or actually a shorthand of my last name, but still. If they know my first name, they can figure out the fucking nick name my brothers called me growin gup lol

pls no cry

I never cry.

maybe that's the problem

No. I will no cry.

That's too bad. It's good to get it out. You always seem so troubled.

Post Butthol

for .4 LTC

Is Just Meme

Yeah I have my demons. But I have alcohol to kill them.


tsk tsk



Good mronign what are you do today

.4 LTC =58 bucks dumb dumb

That's not what I'm reading.
Do I have the wrong coin?

I made a fort out of an old abandoned parking garage. It had barbed wire and everything.

in irl?

Yes, but if you'd adjust your faulty spectacles, you'd see the decimal point there.

pls don't become an accountant.

Post donut hole.


I mean... I see it.


What? That isn't good?


Did y'all post chocolate ones on purpose?


he copied me


I plead the fifth.

Personally, I blame Holla Forums.
Also I only have .02 DOGE



I used to have like 1200 Tron but they shit their britches *shrgus*

♥ I'll spend time with you if you want Bward
Wanna watch a movie or something?

Lotta coins shitting themselves
Lotta people necking themselves

And right there is precisely why you don't take your home equity and put it into an investment lmao.

uuuuuuuuuuu what movie

A thousand of my keks

What kinda movie you want

the kind where we cuddle up under some blankies and dont watch a movie uuuu

I traded it back for btc tho. :p

Sounds gay.

oh wait, you were still talking about the dummies selling their houses for crypto

I'll go look for one I guess

You're high aren't you lmao

Not anymore really. There's only a little left :(

But since you asked...

Welms pls keep your butthol to urself

Anyone I love left

no i was gonna smonk


I am also smonk

ah my flonking throat

stop giving so many blompjorbs

Smonk flonk

my friend od'd on one flonk

Oh man, what a lightweight.

I can handle at least 3!

Remember Kids

Flonking is Serionk Bonkness
Never ever Flonk, and if somewonk onkers you a Flonk, just say No! and run awonk!

Right? She was a little bitch.

Holy cannoli, such language...

Spectre i know you are lurking

He is now.

That bastard owes me something and I'm going to TAKE IT

What, attention?


actually secretely between you and me

Not a secret then.

Hi nerds.

see if I ever trust you with a secret again..................

Good morning squiddy : 3


Hi nerd, what's up?

hehe hi squiddy I'm watching old free ufc fights how are you spending your day ? :3


Oh [beep], I'm sorry.


I sleep at the wrong time
I fucked it all up

Whomst the fuck watches wrestling lmao

wrestling is dumb ;/

This is mixed martial arts!
it's different 3 :

also what fcking time is it it must be like 1 p.m or something foor you hauh?


Ahh, a nice cold showers followed by a cold beer and a nice beard balm. God that is orgasmic.

Looks good, but I think there's little point to putting an egg on a burg.

snow day tomorrow woot woot


been a while

brad what's good dog

and my birthday weekend

and i just reup'd

so primed rn

excuse me? have you ever had a fried egg on a burger?

it elevates it to the next LEVEL


what's good on your end dog

Kinda sick and nose is stuffy and I'm coughing and it fuckking sucks cause whenever I cough all the bruising near my ribs and hips hurts for a sec and its ruining my smonk

what are you up to man

Several times. But I haven't seen taste-wise much an improvement as, say, bacon has.

idk same old.

three days off, birthday on sunday, getting drunk and high

dude that sucks

you should avoid people like me and then you'd never get sick!

That sounds like a fun time
Happy early birthday bro

And I got sick from my youngerbrother ;~ ;

not too shabby tho no?

idk could be better

yeah man people are fucking nasty

and thanks!

my mom and stepdad were sick a few weeks ago and i avoided them like the plague


in which ways if you don't mind me asking

and yeah man isn't it weird how it never ends?

i'll have a list of stresses on my plate, even complete most of them, feel good for like a second, then a second later a new list i didn't even realize i had (or forgot i had) pops up

It doesn't really matter. This is the future I chose etc etc.

Anything new been going on for you the past few weeks man?

it figures the one day a week I do anything with friends is the ne day a week you show up to post

nice seeing you on a thursday today who knows next time our paths would've crossed

i mean nothing is final


unless you like chopped off your donger

yeah man i have no social life

as my friends are scattered and married and shit

BUT we have an 8 dude vegas trip planned in may. should be pretty bonk

i've been really good. got a raise last week. i guess they like what i do

I think I was scrolling and saw you posting something about that in one of the ends of the threads on the catalog page

I hope you have a fun time
ever been to vegas?
What all do you guys wanna do?

That sounds like something that only happenes in the movies

It's not regret, it's just dealing with idiots gets old.

well like they're all married and half of them have kids. i'm the only single one but i know that they are going to go more buck than me

i actually want to do the cliche movie things

i donno there's enough people and interests on the trip to just kinda play it by ear.

i've been to reno twice driving between school and home

but never vegas. hella stoked

yeah our society isn't quite ready for transgendered tbh

and i'm going to be perfectly honest

i love you and all

but i think it is a mental illness

*drops mic*


Like I wasn't even referring to that though.

it should be treated as a disorder moreso than letting your preteen gender reassign

I wasn't even talking about that though.

ohhhh sorry lol

i just assume you get a lot of backlash

my b

yeah people are dicks

People assuming things is only half of the idiocy.

And no. I have yet to have a problem irl or out in public, etc. Like that's not the issue.


me actually irl

you know what they say

assume makes an ass out of u and me

Guess ur an assman

ba dum tss


have a good snow day teeps


noooooo wait


ah shit

neenee elmers

i hope you find what you're looking for

check out altered carbon on netflix maybe

it's kinda weird? so far

it's not a good look when you make one of three people in a thread leave

and third is brad

You OK, Teebs?


Darth Vader had such a jolly cadence in the first Star Wars. Like, he really loved his job. Just bein' evil and stuff.

yeah dog,

i was just trying to take a picture of my new battlestation

it's so haphazard mcguyver

but my phone does not have a camera and i forget how my tablet links up to my computer


how you been love?

oh good you didn't leave too

Aw. Maybe email the picture to yourself? :D
I've been workin' too much this week. I'm going to be lazy as heeeeeck this weekend.


haha that used to be my goto trick

but my blackberry is fucking stupid i swear

yo dog my whole company decided to take their floating holiday tomorrow

cause it's snowing balls

oops i could have not clicked twice

Throw a snowball at your Blackberry! Maybe it'll jostle somethin' loose.

it's literally ridiculous

like texts get lost

always at the worst times

always on my sisters birthday

i guess the history of it happening IS kinda funny

but stresses me the FUCK OUT

Is it one of the original blackberries?

like i was on my parents plan

and they had a warranty on my sister's plan

so i got a classic blackberry

tbh i'm the man for the struggle if there ever was one

i don't even social media

Sounds thrifty! And it's a testament to the hardware that the phone is still working and in one piece.

I don't social media either. I did a long time ago, but scary stalker stuff happened and it got dangerous. I could probably get into it now, but meh.

lol what?

yeah i got into twitter when it was new but it was just me and my bro noah posting memes to each other

i blocked facebook from myself at home lol

Hi again, Sabby.

elmers pls response

Why? What's up?

oh nvm

ohkay then


hmm still ded then..

Well, this was back in the MySpace days. A guy I didn't know very well in school but added anyway got very clingy and kept bombarding me with messages, and when I asked him to stop, he got upset and made threats, so I blocked him. Back then, I was getting to work at 5 am every day. He was waiting for me in the parking lot at work one morning and (I'm not kidding) threatened me with a hatchet. I was lucky that another coworker of mine had gone in early and had come outside to smoke. He chased the guy off. I was really freaked out, Teebs. :-/

Howdy howdy! ♥
I hope you're having a nice night!

A waste of a night tbh


this wasn't a thread head right?

you really should separate yourself from these idiots

Uh oh. I'm sorry to hear that. Did something happen to make nothing happen, or was it just a slow night?

idk cold and crummy out. everyone here has been pissy lately and I'm just caught in the middle.

elmers is being dramatic

nothing can make it better........



i've been trying to figure out the whole nezi posting fatty food thing

so you are not fat now?

sidenote i've actually lost like 30 lbs since i learned i was mildly anemic


i just like food/cooking

does based luka still post?

is it weird that i think about luka on my offdays?

you watch that jun dude?

he's the best

Naw, just a guy from my high school.
I actually did meet a girl from /fa/ once. We met and had ramen, then went to try on shoes. It was nice. :3

I hate when that happens. I used to try to mediate and help east the tension and drama, but nowadays I just distance myself and ride it out.

i met the wrestler punk once and his girlfriend swag

it was nice


dunno who that is


...what, kinda weird?


well like we met up and chilled

but then like me and swag did some behind the scenes things

just like mutual masturbation

I was just about to say "I'm not going to ask".




takes longer to make from scratch

Yeah, it takes so damn long to make pizza dough.
It takes a whole 30-60 minutes, such a long time.

the only thing that will make you stop eating is you

yeah it happened

cause like she was willing to show her open vagina to me


i don't know what it is

i know it's a porn thing

but when a bitch spreads her pussy lips



I'm not judging, btw. It just probably didn't need to know. lol

have you gotten into altered carbon yet

i'm surprised your nerd ass isn't wet already


"The cat snot gives the cabbage and and mushrooms a subtle, earthy saltiness"

you're babyraging about something that is subjective and based on opinion lmao

calm down friend

not everybody likes mustard or mayo

Everyone says I'd love that and Black Mirror, but I haven't had the attention span to get into anything lately. I probably need to start meditating, tbh.

dude actually taught me about cat behaviour

ever shit i make i let my cats smell it

sure thing

both of those are so depressing


do you

I do that shit too tbh

who are you and why are you so butthurt about bread

get a grip lmao

Oh, and I gotta watch Fargo so my friend will stop nagging me about it. Especially 'cause I finally convinced him to watch Twin Peaks, so it's only fair.

There are too many damned shows, TP!


it keeps them involved and engaged

jun knows

i dropped both of those



oh hi queenie

ok see you later angery guy

honestly i love wish in a special way

and not even gay like nezi

My cat doesn't usually give a shit unless I'm opening a can of flaked ham or meat. She is hyper and has too short an attention span to act like that guys cats.

so get this

i buy some 10 dollar cat toy

you know how they are hit or miss

sometimes they take weeks

gussy figured out the ball toy at 3am


Now, hunting is something else, get something that triggers her predatory instincts and she goes to town. Goes especially apeshit over pipecleaners. Twist multiple ones up together and bend the ends and twist to make them soft. The more weird you make it look and weird it moves the more crazy she goes. It's hilarious.


eva you're fucking crazy

I just mean that she's a hunting master and that is usually the only thing that she really puts her mind to.


My cat..?


how's life bro anyways

people don't talk about eva that much anymore tbh

I'm survivin'. How bout you?
I don't think we've met before..
I'm new guy Spoder.

i always lowkey was friends with eva

ok eva

that is a good start!

love that dude

Who's eva tho?


i'm not going to argue

actually spoilers DID turn out to be eva


i just really want to know how luka is

I don't know you though..
What makes you think I'm eva? Who are they and how does making pipecleaner cat toys relate to who you think I am?



Shou.. Should I feel disturbed..?
I think I feel disturbed.

you are free to feel your own feels

like who asks how to feel what even

What kind of toys do you think I meant?

i don't think you meant anything

or if you did

it did not connect

Phil, what are you doing posting on a not-Friday?

you seem to be on the spectrum


I'm confused as shit tbh

oh hi based darbear



Have a night, tepe. I hope you enjoy your snow day!

you out?

i always love talking to you

Yep. I gotta be up for work tomorrow. Roll a snowball for me, won't you?


no dice

good luck tomorrow


Anyway, have a good one. ♥


the people who think they control us don't know anyhing

bless we don't all watch americas next top faggot

you eventually realize that corporate types pay people to be "emo

if you think about it

that is like BUYING A SLAVE

So what is everyone up to?

i'm just tired of rich white faggots like nezi being comfortable


oh hi

Why does other people's lives bother you so much?

Y hello!
How're you doing this fine dark of night?

on the autism specrum

how would you rate yourself

i would say 2

my god









so trash

You never specified what 2 means
As for me, I'm about around the number yellow