I love kissing both boys and girls and you should too

i love kissing both boys and girls and you should too

Other urls found in this thread:


It's just a tea date.

Wanna go on poutine date?

That sounds lovely.
Don't give any to liliana though, I doubt she can appreciate it.

"just a tea date"

also... :c
why not give any to me... i like tea....

I'll give u tea booboo

What else would it be?


I don't care.

girls are fucking disgusting

ian youre too much of a fencesitter sorry no tea from you

"""""JUST A TEA DATE"""""






Wish why you so scared of doing gay shit?

Like I just wanna peepee touch and like hug you bro

no homo

Echo fucking being a thot over here

not a tea date !!!!

you can have a nice tea party with multiple friends though

Why not a tea date ?

bc monogamy is sacred


Tea dates are innocent.

they are still dates thus

for dating people only

No, it's fine.

You're having fun with sonata, I don't care, I'll just do something else.

i should not have eaten that whole bag of spicy chips

my mouth hurts



That's not what I was saying.

that wasnt so hard

tbh braces are really cute
if u got braces out there

you got +1 to bein a big ol cutie

i wanna be the cat

Just tea parties with you.

That's what Lili was saying, not me.

No thanks.

Sounds pretty homo

alexandra has a point youre talking about what i said and not what she said

It's what I am saying now though.

Wish why you so scared of doing gay shit?

Like I just wanna eat poutine together and like hug you bro

no homo


I'm not scared of doing gay shit, I just don't want to do it with you :^)

Doesn't that just mean you missed the point of what I was saying?

ooh good cosplay

Let's do hetero shit then.

I thought the point was that monogamy is sacred.

im not streaming tonight no crosscode for me


yeah agreed
i like the frillies

No thanks.

Ian, wtf, it's just a picture of a bath ???

You were standing me up to have a date with someone else.

You too? What the heck???

You're heartless.

No I wasn't, I could've made both!


If I did not say anything you would not have refocused.

Of course I would.
You know I would.

oh whoops
my bad

i was looking at the wrong picture

You'd probably have too much fun on your D A T E and completely forget I exist.


You're too hearty :^)

Oh please, that only happened like...twice.

how do i get real vampire fangs

sleep with a succubus

ew theres gotta be a btter way


flood detected post discarded

is this really an AI???
I love it more and more.

have a megumin

kizuna ai is not a real ai


damn my dreams of having an AI girlfriend have been destroyed for now.

the future comes soon

and think, an AI connected to a animatronic fleshlight, you could legit fuck her.



I want to make a plan.

I want to be a responsible paragon of civil virtue and preparedness.


i haven't eaten today

is this you?

you should eat

also no i stream on twitch

you are bigdick though right?


I wish I was balls deep in you.

is this what fish looks like?


I dunno. Maybe.

I like the idea, so I'm going with it.

eating nuts and berries feels so primal, i wonder how long people have been surviving off native berries and cashews

ew what

bigdickdaddy in the comments, so I guess it's not you.

im kaiyote baby

I have one of those hats, also, I stopped watching.

Yeah, not paying attentions.

Yeah, clearly.

Just kidding, we can have tea dates, but don't tell anyone




We were having sex okay?
Echo's really just on a proxy right now.

Shitposting takes too much energy.

Why would you not tell me?

I feel so sorry for you.


It was traumatizing.

You didn't have to tell everyone.



Because someone might get jealous.


Do you want some sort of counseling?

I'll just get more hurt and offended if you're fooling around behind my back.

I think so...

Okay, I'll be honest and tell you up front every time I'm about to fool around with someone else.

Okay, point out on this doll where the mean man touched you.

is this doll front or back ?

The lie detector determined that was a lie.

It was.
I'm not gonna be fooling around with anyone else.

It's a doll, it's 3D.

Oh my gosh, what a monster.

Besides Sonata?

I-I'm not pregnant, am I doc...?

Hey, look, someone drew Echo and I.

I don't know; we couldn't process your drawing because you colored outside the lines.

Didn't they ever teach you how to fill out a scantron?


Those sheets they gave us weren't connect the dots assignments...?

There's way too many dots for that!

I thought it was like a choose your own adventure book but for connect the dots...

Those books were the worst...

I tended to just skip to the ending I liked most anyway.

Heh, I'd wait till i finished them once the right way then checked all the other routes after

But they end at weird spots throughout the book though.

Yeah, but they also always tell you what you're doing at the bottom of the page, so it's easy to find the endings.


Round 2


imma go get cuddles.


I think the one I has was like 3 or 4 parts per page.

to be honest danielle is a nice name

wait no danielle is kinda thotty


you just got owned


beyond dead

Let's keep it that way.

shouldnt you be in bed tracer

Shouldn't you keep the thread dead.

youre right bye

Isn't death boring tho?

what do you think, legit or no?


Looks fine.

Go to bed.


Go to bed.

Wtf is wrong, i even don't use alarm clock

Good that I need to go to the second pair

Your savior is here

I will lead this unholy kingdom on through the night

bigg boi


Looks furfag a bit

Go to bed

Yeah it made me think of Squash ("This Old Dog" since u probably don't know non name field names yet)

I just woke up a few hours ago

I am the night

Back to bed then

Guys I've decided

I'm now an e-gyaru

I'm all hyped up on caffeine

I slept a healthy amount anyway

It's 7 o'clock. Time to wake up

Ah, good~

Yup, definitely should

Foxboii, are you around? I need to know if you watch Spirit Science,

Rin won't tell me how to be an e-gyaru so like, I have to make it up as I go along

How u

I remember when Luka linked me one of their videos years ago

Good times

Good times literally or ironically?

I'm the E-GYARU your Holla Forums FILTER warned you about

Meme times


That answer is acceptable.

I should get some energy drink first


Reply stuck

Smonk coffee

Subway is barely acceptable tho and Luka eats it all the time

What do you mean by "3 pair"

3 pairs of coffee?


When someone doesn't post for a week

But then I gotta get out of bed. Way too lazy right now

Pair it's like 2 lesson in one, 1.5 hour of time

Subway? I try to not give that guys videos any traffic, after the intellectual atrocities I've seen. So I am not getting the reference.

God I wish that were me.

Join the islamic state

That's why I kept my kettle for instant coffee right next to my bed when I was in China

Yeah energy drinks tend to be helpful for school if you have to get up early

They're how I survived high school

It's a popular fast food sandwich chain IRL

Why do u keep making posts of this nature

I think I'm too white for that.

Because I want to die.




Yeah, kind of.


When i was in high school, nobody drink anything, we was like cyborgs who fight with education system


Yeah, probably.

Yr bones is just 2 white

It's from all the milk I drink.

Are there specific reasons?

Maybe it has to do with being a NEET right now and you'll feel better once you get stuff on track

yay anime!

You just slept in class all day instead?

Milk from racist cow

We were machines which never sleep

and filled it with water before going to bed?

Of course there are. I have no plans on telling you them though~

It's a brown cow though, I'm not racist.

Got to go, by

The fruits of gommunism

No, I had water bottles next to my bed

Had to have water bottles because the tap water there isn't really safe to drink

I don't need to know, was just giving you an opportunity to talk

I hope you feel better soon

You should seriously see a doctor about your sleep if it's still been worse than normal; I'm sure you know lack of sleep can be a major factor in depression and stuff ^^

Bi bi

Just like in many other places of the world

Me except for IRL

Like Detroit

Thanks, I appreciate it.

I did that thing again, by the way.
I fell asleep at 11:40, but I'm up now.

I feel like I have no energy, but I can't sleep anymore.

Wouldn't know

You'll probably be able to fall back asleep later though, right? Maybe within a few hours ^^

See doctor tho

Of course not

No one who enters survives

As soon as you reach the city, "Welcome to the Jungle" starts playing and you get gang raped by violent chimpanzees

How unpleasant

Mhmm, given the current trend I'll fall asleep again sometime after 6am.

I see plenty of doctors.

i feel like what im reading just turned into kill bill


gotta watch out for dem furries


gotta check out page 8 too


it would be different if you guys were actually doing much

Everybody dead


You'd probably like it a bit

I mean go to one

Best to do it before you get a job

-pets u-

I have an appointment next week for something else actually, I'll bring it up then.


hu ded when

Good ♥ -huggu-

U badly need coffee


Soon I'll get some

Just talking to Hu makes me want more coffee




I could feel ur sleepiness radiating off of u in ur seemingly slightly grumpy responses


Change your underwear

What underwear?

but am not even grumpy

Hey, wassup diggies~?

Your big long Canadian long johns

Just seemingly slightly grumpy

Do you ever find that you're particularly interested in dicks when you're just coming out of sleep?



just vegging out, happy Oblivion got some popularity again, watching some recordings of it on youtube atm

nuh uh, not even.

Not more than usual, no

same x_x

finally just now eating dinner i made myself at work.

did you get my message earlier about our ship?

Must be the blessing of the goddess

What are you eating? ^^

Erio x the light-devouring darkness OTP

Those exploded too.

How so?

W-wow... Try calming down next time maybe

I'm referring to how I tend to be really into dicks if I'm in like a semi sleep state

Thing is that I come out of it before I end up doing anything gay tho

tonight sure is a good night for hating yourself

Don't project ur emo mood on the thread

Not doing anything gay? I suppose telling Ikt you want his dick once a day isn't really gay, is it?

No hating

But I remembered that I used to explode at any sign of affection before, so I figured I'd start doing that instead of berating you for it~

I'm not saying I don't ever get gay moods when I'm awake

My gayness just doesn't reach the boiling point of actually e-sucking an e-dick often

O-okay... Whatever helps you release, I guess >//>

Explosions aren't lewd at all, get your mind out of the gutter.

morning lads

Hi how u

im pretty sure the fighting rabbit plushie thing in Dolly Kill Kill is a subtle reference to the rabbit in summer wars but i can't be sure

Well I'm not Megumin, so...

Thai-honey glazed shrimp tacos with carrots, onion and red cabbage.

I made do with what I had at work ;3

N-nooooo not that otp~

The apocalypse will just be a big old Megumin cummies metaphor

You get gay moods very often!

Daily is quite often

its not bad but im just now realizing the chapters are like 10 pages short and im blowing through it

I'm ok
I'm hungry but I don't feel like making breakfast but I'm also tired but it's not that bad

forgot to attach anime pic wawa

That's a pretty lewd image


Sounds good and healthy ^^

I guess having a kitchen job makes things easy that way; it gives you easy access to a lot of ingredients

Just shitposting gay stuff doesn't NECESSARILY mean I'm close to that boiling point tho

Eat silly

riiiight, makes perfect sense~

What a pervert.

Mmhm. It's either that or all fried foods. Might as well get veggies in, right?

Guys I didn't drink myself into a coma

Soto dm me


Missed me? ^W^

I gotchu fam


im gonna stay up till 420

I missed bullying you.

Go ahead man

I'm all yours

Man I drank quite a bit lol

got me fucked up
I gotta wake up somewhat early tomorrow

haha good luck with whatever pal

What a giant slutbag

senpai I just had some butter and marmalade on toast!!!

Fucking degen.

D'awwww hu's jeaalous

im not sure if jealousy is the right term here

Not even a little bit, as I'm not degenerate

Being degenerate is way more fun though tbh

Are you actually coming out to AX this year?

Alot of the nerds are going this year
I'm pretty hyped

You're more of a faggot rather than a degenerate but you like pony shit so you're still pretty up there

Until you die of aids

I stopped watching that stuff before you knew what it was!

Why would you get aids lmao?

part of the package

That's not how it works I don't think.

I retrieved this just for you

Actually, come to think of it, I've been coming close to the gay boiling point lately

You're the one posting lewd images

Yeah, best to not eat much fried food

Luckily my instinct seems to be healthy enough to cause me to avoid it most of the time, despite weed

Good boy ^^ -pets your hair-

You still watched and enjoyed it

lmao what would your parents say if they found out

In many countries, homos and so aren't allowed to donate blood or organs due to the risk of STDS being too great.
Part of the package!

For quite a while now

What makes you think they don't?

Her leg snapped like a fucking toothpick yo

Yeah, I've just been specifically trying to eat more salads and less of the fried stuff and soda from work like I said. I'm thinking the caloric reduction alone will net results in a few weeks.

I've given blood prior to this shit so who cares about giving blood?

That's quite sad

You gave some, so you must

Friends knew too, cause I shat on it so hard too.
It might be shit, but it's at least not anime trash

i like how soto and Hu kind of genuinely go at it a little

dont you put my 2d grills under that pony trash

i was in it for the free pizza tbh

come on now

Blood isn't free. You just sold some for a pizza that is cheaper than what you gave away.
You got jewed

Depends on how much you value pizza, dummy.

:( tfw no pizza

Also, if my degenerate blood is worthless, and I gave it anyway with pizza as payment, it was a trade up.

and the ponies are crushed underneath the rocks right?

TIL a pint of blood is like 150 bucks

It's pretty bad dude
You can't deny that

Don't try to justify it by saying it's better than other shit
It's fucking ponies dude

I don't know how worse you can get

Rarity is best pony

All that sexual tension dude

You should see what goes on in Steam in private between us two ;)

So if a pizzeria is selling you one for $10, you choose to pay $20 if you really like it?
I doubt it~

Cook your own

Blood is just a liquid. It can't be degenerate

Nah. But wouldn't complain if the fanbase was

And how many pints did you give? Did you get that much pizza for it? ;)

I never did, I agree.
I just think weaboo trash is much worse


I thought that was plasma?

No, but I am known to be a good tipper.

You suck at linking and I am bored of this dialogue.

/adhominem'd #rekt

The google'd "value pint of blood".

I don't really judge on what you watch but how you express your love for it

You can still be cool and watch mlp, you just need to not be autistic about it ya know

Surprisingly you never talk about mlp and don't sperg out like Scoots, Pinkie Pie Mike, or Erin/Ethy?

So you're pretty cool
Also cause that boipussy top tier ;)

lmao then I fucked up my linking


You suck at linking indeed, agreed

Probably cause I don't watch it or give a shit

OH you're that guy I always had blocked on Discord.

I membah

Hewwo friends!

Yeah, he's a cutie


Y u up so early?

That's Nin.

How about you stfu lmao

Didn't have work!
Went to bed at like 6 and now >:) the night's all mine.

What are you doin up, dork?



You're right though. You're pretty drunk

*pet* how ya doin?

Oh wowsers good thinkin^^

idk I closed work and Sundays are my Fridays so I'm up wicked late!

i dont want you to be under rocks D:

lmao Im still surprised people still remember Nin


I wonder what ever happened to him. He used to buy me things^^

Am pretty okay.
Had a good day?

I'm not part of it, so shh. Spent the past many years shitting on it

Yeah, I bet you'd want a kiss you slut

sounds pretty nice! what are you doin to pass the time tonight?

I did! Got home from work, hung out with boy~ and slept a good chunk

How did your day go?





How about you take your lanky ass to bed

and hopefully never wake up lmaooo