What the fuck was Mao's problem ?

What the fuck was Mao's problem ?

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There's nothing wrong with killing landlords.

issue solved. It's exactlyh people like Mao the ones who should never be allowed to climb that high on the social ladder. he was just a lazy ass bastard who used the communist party to avoid a life of actual contributing.

spotted the guy who's never rented

Couldn't he simply, you know, seize their private estate and collectivise them ?


WTF i hate communism now!

In seriousness I agree with you, I favour deportation as a cure for porkies but yeah.

I favour leaving them be in their personal property after their assets have been collectivised. They would then be citizens like others

you're implying rich people don't own weapons and private workers that were used as soldiers.
Do you also think the Tsars were not dangerous at all? Rich people aka the ruling class when the system is changing not in their favor they become reactionaries, they become the contra-revolution.

Read history. Hell something as basic as the French revolution shows that.

Low hanging fruit. He never killed any of the capitalists.



Only if they live in the same type of house as everyone else, and take all their shit too besides the bare essentials.

I'd picture communism as everyone living in a comfy house without the pressure of rent and having enough time to make that house as beautiful as possible

>If we allow our passions to turn to bloodlust, then we will become as vile as the orcs bourgs.


They wouldn't, they would become a breeding ground for counterrevolution.

Because you seriously believe it is possible, be it only physically, to kill every single landlord of the country and not miss their children, their siblings, their parents, friends…
Even Nazis acknowledged that mass killings were taking a tool too heavy on the nerves of the SS to retort to industrial killing. Is that way you want, extermination camps ?

Why would you need something else than classical law enforcement and intelligence to suppress terrorist activities, is your revolution that fragile ?

Edgy, but quote the context. He's talking about the seizing of his newspaper by the state censorship.

I think he quite literally went crazy with power. But killing landlords ain't really bad. I mean, there are only so many people you can re-educate at a time.

it will just make things harder to kill people indiscriminately, better to do nothing wrong then watch the capitalists cry about made up stuff like in Cuba.

I'd argue that Mao needed to use popular anger against landlords and other state enemies in order to consolidate power for himself since there were so many competing factions within the new government.

Even Nazis acknowledged that mass killings were taking a tool too heavy on the nerves of the SS to retort to industrial killing. Is that way you want, extermination camps ?
Why would you need something else than classical law enforcement and intelligence to suppress terrorist activities, is your revolution that fragile ?

I misunderstood your point, I agree that the complete physical extermination of the reactionary class is too excessive. I'm more for the elimination of the absolute most reactionary elements of society either by death or deportation whilst using "classical law enforcement and intelligence to suppress terrorist activities" for the long term. (english isn't my first language)

Fair enough, but I would still disagree on this. I don't think you can condemn people to death for the crime of renting, especially if they are just doing it in their rational self-interest.

Expropriation is enough, and keep an eye out if they want to plot against you. I believe most of them would leave the country anyway.

Of course if that's achievable but I'm not okay with the former bourg getting to keep all their ill gotten gains if everyone can't enjoy the same standard of life. Realistically there will be a special period where it's difficult to provide more than the basics as all the systems are switched over, and if appropriating all the rich people's shit helps with that, it's all good.

What problem exactly?

He literally paid the land owners off. Thus why China reverted back to capitalism so easily after the cultural revolution failed.

I honestly think that, out of all the major authoritarian socialist leaders, Mao would probably be my favorite and the one who best understood the dictatorship of the proletariat/put the most emphasis on people power. I find it very surprising how he was able to allow for direct democracy and decentralization during the Cultural Revolution, even though his end goal was to gain more power. I also like how the landlord classicide was done by the peasants themselves as opposed to top-down secret police.

Landlords are the scum of the earth, parasites that steal the majority of what working class people earn.They can ruin your life using the credit system, discriminate however they wish, and have you killed for disobeying.

The Cultural Revolution failed though. Landlords just took over the party instead.

Red China was cool until after the Cultural Revolution. After that, Mao begun to side with Western imperialism and bourgeoise dictators like Ferdinand Marcos, Yahya Khan, Mobutu Sese Seko, Augusto Pinochet, and Angola's UNITA. Or was it Zhou Enlai who decided to open up to the West?

Then you just end up bolstering some other shitty capitalist government with the exported porkies.

Maybe this is why space travel was so important to the Russian communists. You can purge people without killing them.

wtf i love mao now

I used to be a landlord. I feel guilty now.

His biggest problem was his belief that peasants could replicate things that required skilled specialists and was over-eager in policy implementation resulting in disasters. The GLF was, quite simply, too rushed, with massive attempts to get ahead made before proper feedback came in.

Four Pests campaign and Backyard Forges are pretty readily available examples.

There is literally no moral case to be made against killing of the landlord class.

Even bourgeois economists like Keynes supported it.

Did he really?

Keynes wanted them to be euthanized. Some people think he meant it metaphorically but idk.

Adam Smith hated landlords as well

I demand a source for this.


wtf i'm a social democrat now


you are a skeleton?

The class system needs to be destroyed not the people within it.

Most of the bourgeoisie are far too gone. They don't deserve mercy.

I have a grandfather who used to be a landlord. I don't think just because he rented out part of his house for some extra income he is "too far gone" and deserves death.

land lords refer to actual lords of china who owned unimproved land not the guy who is responsible for your shitty water pressure



What's Smith got to say on them?

Yeah traditional liberals tended to dislike the rentier class. I wonder what they would think about today's tech porkies who sell products for profit while also extracting rents with them.

Chinese landlords were worse than most feudalist noble lords.
Anyone who seriously defends them is a fucking blight on humanity.

I didn't really know the chinese landlords were that bad.

from Wealth of Nations


If they are like said, why not, but 4 whole millions of them ? Without trial ?


There is literally nothing wrong with wiping out the landlords, from what I know they werent even killed but rather denounced and forcefully converted to workers in the communes.


Landlords in capitalist areas pre-industrial revolution almost anywhere were pure fucking cancer.

There's a reason that a lot of that shit became illegal.

read about what is a counter-revolutionary. if you think those landlords were weak you're dead wrong.

These are people who will honest to god evict you and take everything from your home in the dead of winter and use police and private armed forces to kick you out into the snow to freeze to death. They would rather save a few cents than a human life.

No, there is no reasoning with them. Even other bourgs hated them because they got in the way of development and sale.


Your post, and the posts of those that defend Mao, are so utterly retarded I have no words for them. As such, I've posted it onto 4/pol/ and 4/his/ as to share the redardation I have found here. My favourite response comes from someone who has, or has had family who, suffered under Mao's despicable reigime:

He could not have said it better. Mao and his cabal destroyed countless historical artifacts and elements of chinese culture in search of his "cultural revolution." Digging up graves of Ming Emperors, destroying the walls of Beijing, the lynching of intellectuals, and the "Four Pests campaign." There is almost NOTHING to defend this man. Its anarchists and historical revisionists lije this that push me away from leftism. Fuck off and die.



Hey, I'm not defending Mao. He was a crazy control freak who did a lot of stupid shit. But, on the other hand, he turned a backwater country suffering from the aftermath of a brutal civil war into a prosperous global superpower that vastly improved the lives of millions of people in areas such as health, education, life expectancy, agriculture, and housing. He was also probably the only major tankie leader to allow for direct democracy and decentralization.

Also, fuck Deng "Privatization and Worker Alienation Is Socialism" Xiaoping. He and his family deserved worse.

Seriously, this is nothing compared to the state of life before the revolution.

Retards don't seem to understand this, these things happen FOR A REASON.


I've been trying to remember this book for months now. Thank you.

Oh yeah, confucious's ghost was TOTALLY hauting the nation, spooking people into submiting thwmselves to the bourgoisie. He had an army of ming-dynasty skeletons at his back as well.

Kys Maotist. He was no better then Baghdadi.


wut. that is not what this link is about and I'm not a maoist.

you're very confused, probs because you think yugoslavia still exists.


That's because Mao didn't actually kill the landlords. They just bought them off. Daily reminder that the ruling class in China today is largely the same one that ruled before the revolution. Mao was an opportunist and his revolution failed because of it.

you should actually kill landlords regardless of the economic system.