How does this make you feel?

Is Palestine a fascist nation?

Other urls found in this thread:

And if antifa is pro-Israel, why are they anti-Trump?

Bookchin would say yes. Also the antigermans are an obvious government front.

Third World nationalism almost always takes the form of fascism or crypto-fascism.

I'm no Eurocentrist, but Zizek is correct when he says West is best *because* it has embraced universalism and transcended tribalism (at least in theory).

Everyone knows Israel are the Nazis now. Fuck Antifa.

where the fuck is this?
don't go there tomorrow. some of you are alright

So how do you rationalize stuff like this when Trump is supposedly American antifa enemy number 1?


Jared looks like such a cuck.

It's not Boston, it's somewhere in Germany.

Doesn't matter. Both Bibi and most Palestinians are fascistic.

Inconsistent or nonsensical positions from self-identified 'antifa'?

iMaGiNe mY sHoCk

Why would it be in English in Krautland?

so the genocide of them is justified? kill yourself.

Antideutsche are CIA backed weirdos. They don't represent antifa.

Germans can speak English dude..


Wasn't that Bookchin's argument?

that picture is from Germany and its been posted here before.

Palestinian resistance may be morally justified, but Palestinian politics is in many ways just as bad as Zionism.

For one thing, most Palestinians see this conflict as one of Europeans vs. Arabs. They want to kick the European Jews back to Europe and re-Arabize the Arab Jews. This is no secret.

That's correct, though. Name what part of that is wrong. Bibi is white, most of the Israelis in charge are white. Askenazi Jews are white, despite them pretending they aren't.

no. it's a victim of racist zionist colonialism.

Yeah it's no secret that they have no problem with the jews they had been living with for centuries before the europeans showed up and ruined everything. Fucking anglos.

seriously, what is it with πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§BrittonsπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ and going into countries and enacting genocide on natives?

for one thing palestinians just want their homes back. but thanks to racist apartheidist jewish supremacists they are just "brown trash" who deserve to have their 1000s of year old homes bulldozed to build an ethno state.

literally fuckoff with this shit. you can't be a leftist and not support palestine. (unless of course you are a spooked new york petit-bourgouise jew who sympathizes with israelis simply because they happen to be jewish like you. almost as fucked up as an american muslim who sympathizes with isis just because they happen to be muslim, something that literally doesn't happen)

of course they do. the flipside of constant insistence from the left that antifa is 'not an organisation, it's a tactic' and similar, while true enough, is that anybody can use the logos and plausibly claim to represent it and that can't really be disputed in any meaningful way.

it's just one of the drawbacks of the way individualism is understood by modern anarkiddies and radlibs and the loose coalitions and fronts they tend to form as a result. that way of doing things has its advantages too, but it does mean "they're not REALLY antifa" is bullshit and obviously so.

Antifa are morons. There's no need to 'rationalize' anything anybody going under that label does or says.

Seriously, they just marched against a bunch of 'fascists' that was 33 people holding anti Monsanto and pro BLM signs led by a self aggrandizing asshole that pushes the progressive stack. All Because they were too dumb to check who was showing up to the "free speech rally" and just assumed it was fascists.

For everyone's information: That picture is most likely from Germany, where the radical left is mostly "antideutsch". It is the only place where anarchists and communists side with Israel and America, because they still feel guilt over WWII.

Stop kidding yourself, the rally consisted mostly of kekistani larpers and magapedes.

No. He explicitly argued in that article against doing anything because both sides are retarded. That's actually a sensible position. Someone post it again.

Very sensible position.

God I fucking hate the antideutsch

No. Antideutsche are a very tiny group and most of them are pro-capitalism.

Uh huh

Really? I've gotten the impression most of the autonomous left are antideutsche there

lol this is the guy saying he invented email


So if I understand this correctly the organizers advocated that a bunch of people within the alt-light would show up, then spread the rumor that the KKK might show up, only so they could later have some BLM flags waved at the actual even to try to make the counter protesters stupid? And you're swallowing this why?

*look stupid

I misunderstood your argument. My apologies for being charitable and not assuming the dumbest possible interpretation.

Is also a false flag? Or The liberal media is mostly controlled by Holla Forums too I guess since they mostly said it was a fascist rally.

I have no idea where the rumor came from. Can't find it. It's the kinda thing Shiva would do though.

It's all on the organizers facebook.
This stupid faggot seems to have fallen for the whole shtick though: