There'll be another time

There'll be another time.

Other urls found in this thread:



The world calls for artwork and we answer


The world looks up and shouts, "save us," and I'll look down and whisper, "owo."


why live?

you're right

time to end it all

>you will never hold goats hand


im sitting around betting on this shitty lottoland keno24/7 thing, i've basically been sitting between 20-50 bucks for the last 4 hours. this isn't exciting at all

Hu blows 80 muzzies a day in the name of progressivism.

what a newfag

Life is pain, doctors are useless, and I'm too white to get a hold of less legitimate ways of dealing with everything hurting
How is everypeople

You should do something about it instead of bitching about it on the internet to be honest. Nobody can truly help you if you aren't ready to help yourself, if you need to get pointed in the right direction then that's one thing but complaining then throwing it away as if it is nothing is annoying and can be somewhat stressful for others(I understand it might help you in the short term to get it off your chest but you should seek long term solutions)
I'm meh, looking into opening up a business with some people I talked to yesterday. How's you?

I'm managing, work sucks but it pays money, been feeling like therapy is productive, having fun in video games, but I've been in a lot more pain lately and can't seem to get it managed
Still a lonely hermit in need of cuddles and lewd but I have no one to cuddle


Sounds like the daily struggles most of us probably have tbh, especially that last bit.. Pain from what? I hope it's nothing serious/long lasting :|

Good morning





tfw no catgirl

tfw no cute holland boi

Make it, it's ez

tfw no dorifuto car

img not relate but img still qt as fvck


*throws bread quackly*

tfw ;-;





wuz good

How's Hu


tfw no beam spring keyboard with model f battleship layout


good afternon

owo who dis


Am good. Feeling well?


I'm jew, please throw money

Hey, where is pic

An old god

A little down but I'll be alright. Where do you get these cute pics?

which one? my favorite is nzoth

How come?


Quite a shame

I have not a name nor am I unique in being so

Bad things happened and consequences are to be had. It's only bad in the short term.
Thanks! Some of these are amazing


*laughs in audible*

They are, but some of them are also way too lewd.
Hope you'll feel better soon


good fekku




Do you not like lewd? Oh and thank you


I don't mind it, but some is just too lewd

o shit

good morning tovarish

so wut hek i call you

no im staying past my bedtime me bad

bad fekku

brb nom

tasty noms ikt myon


what a proper maid


You should send me the ones you think are too lewd from time to time ;)

That is up to you. Though I guess I would prefer Ku

I wish Bard was my maid tbh
My house is kinda messy


good mornyan speccy you're sure up late tonigiht....


I guess. It's like 04:30.
But it's a Saturday so.

its the weekend i do what i want

okay ill call you 9

good boys don't stay up unil 4:30 a.m

Well you know me Bard, I'm a bad guy.


Do a gud job and I'll eat ur ass

|ω・`) *hides*

two of my buddies cameover and them and my brother and I were sparring for the past few hours andI'msuper sore tonight
what the heck are you up to this morning?

my fetish is being paid large amounts of money to use as I please


Two guys AND your brother made you sore... what a degenerate you are, Bardo.

I'm just up because I didn't want to sleep.
I watched a lets play of what I think is the most awful cluster fuck of a game I've seen in a long time.

I want 2 harward(

yeah too bad it wasnt you hu and squiddy instead....

What vidya geimu is it about?
also did youhear that read dead redemption 2got a release date finallay?

Ikt always up so late

u-uh, maybe

What a shame indeed. Hu and Squid at least, I'm not gay.

Final Fantasy XV.
Nope, can't say I keep track of RockStar games or RedDead really. When is it, are you excited for it?

I got like 3 different kinds of monopoly money bb

thanks in advance!

I got that Merge Cube VR toy at Walmart for a buck.
It's actually kind of adorable.

Anyhow what's up?

I'm gonna pound puppy


i'm a girl btw

final fantasy lost its way sadly
I've hear dgood things abotu the mmo but meh I'm skeptical

it's coming out this october and I'm super eexcited!
When I was a young kid I really wanted to play that game GUN it was a western sshooter but my dad got a game called Red Dead Revlolver instead and it had an amazing storyline and great gameplay and couch splitscreen multiplayer.

then Red Dead Redemption Came out and It was a great open world shooter

for some reason on public television they aired all the cutscenes in order like a movie and I watched that around the time that it dropped

it had a grat story, great online multiplayer that influenced the multiplayer to grand theft auto 5
and now I have some irl friends who are going to get it too and will party up and play!

I dont get the chance to play many games w/ people since when halo 3 was popular so I'm super excited

ur the puppy





Tits or gtfo.

I wouldn't know, I've never touched the genre, but this one in particular just taking it by itself was... so horrifically bad, it was funny. A gruesome train wreck I couldn't look away from for how bad it was.

Ah, comes out a day before my birthday it seems. Should get it for me Bardo!~

What TV show did that?

You don't even have a computer! You'll have to be a shitty console pleb! Though, it also doesn't look like this one is even coming out on PC, so RIP.



it wasonpublic television imnot sure like a local iowa thing

i wannna drag out this convo more and maybe get more positive attention butI thinknow I sleep nini spec


Wow, I see how it is Bard.
Fine, goodnight.

yeah thats cool;

but can you walk the dog with your yo-yo? (if you even have one)

Quality thread.

kill yourself dog fucker

dog fuckers > canadians

What's the difference these days?

This song is adorable tho

Man im so high

dog fuckers don't brag about getting ice cream with their friends befriend pedophiles or catfish for attention for almost a decade

Tried to like, 3 times.
I'm hardly any good at it.

Dog fuckers like Squash should be hung.

No. Yan. I'm a dogfish.

You are making me question why I even have you still added on anything.

Im a good guy tbh

Good being purely subjective and with you completely negligible.

I want Wish to kiss me on the cheek

scouses like Scoots should be banished to whales or south Ireland


Spec pls Il;l only kiss you

Delete me, see if I care. Dog fucker.

yeah get fucked squash


It has been done.


The mad man did it.

Is fucking a dog really much worse than being another of Darwin's shota todies?

And it was practically orgasmic while I was doing it.



Hu I love you btw

You are the best!

tbh you're better off dead than being a Darwin cocksleeve boi

Oh shit. I just realized the reason I haven't seen Darwin in ages is because I still have his trip filtered.

Are you drunk?

Are you drunk as well?

I should probably do that
It's not like he'd ever have anything interesting to say or stop being stuck up enough to deem me worthy of conversation.

I am not but I was I waaas
how come?

Does that mean I have Erin filtered as well?

Erin doesn't even post

why does the voice sound so white

Then that means I can flirt with you without repercussion.

And I'm pretty sure she'd use that dumb fucking YansGF trip like I'm using because we're ironically being huge faggots.

Use it for a sec so I can filter that as well.

Cause your statement was quite silly

I don't have it
Stop being a fucking baby lol

No. Pettiness drives me.

Well that's unattractive.
Farewell my boner.


Arent all of Darwin's ex-twink fuccs suicidal? Idiots

Most of us here are suicidal.

Not enough are successful though.

wow no inv to shitty decks

I wish I was.

Also, Squash is the pettiest. It is known. Him and that cocksleeve cuck Moogs.

You're quite silly!

Moogs < Squash

I'm the best bitch in town, and I'm everyone's bitch.

That is like saying AIDs is better than Gonorrhea

nuh uh


Gonorrhea vs HIV and AIDS - HealthGrove

You have no proofs saying otherwise!!


I have herpagonosyphilaids.

playin VRC with ban
he's a qt

Don't need any


rin can zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi say hi

because you know my words are truuue! hah

Why do you need to ask?

What is up, bitches?

I know they're wrong, and that's all that matters

Hi rin

You have stumbled upon an opportunity to play versus Chiri in 1 on 1 chess! Do you accept defeat?

Let's go

Hullo, who I'm going to assume is Wish and not just Soto fucking around again.

I was late


I'll kill you at Uno though.

Try me.

I grew up on Skipbo.

I'll rape you at dawn.

The game is Mancala.

Looks like you've learned a bit about openers. Ever read any books on it from the late great Bobby Fischer?

No, but thanks for using my old tripcode!

Idk how much you play or your level in it all but he has a good book and anytime!

I wouldn't doubt that the master would be able to reveal some of his thought processes on paper, perhaps to help teach others everywhere to think differently and to anaylze and approach situations, perhaps.

You don't possibly want a rematch, do you?

If you want I can upload a copy of it for you. Nah, it wasn't me you played I just went over it after it was done and I'm far too tired to play right now

Suit yourself.

Next person who wants to play chess with Chiri:


I'll cancel it if nobody wants to..


Ok so instead,


I'll take that as a no to the book. Be back later




Nice is up?

Fine, Yan.. some actual chess.

I suck at chess

move or forfeit then, the game is not over.

if I were you I would attack the knight.

..with the king.

I closed the window brah



were you mentally challenged as a child and felt that being challenged was difficult?

there is nothing wrong with being mentally challenged

Of course not, it is a good thing to be challenged mentally by different games and interactions, I never said it was a negative thing. Why would you jump to that conclusion?

ugh too satiated to even draw straight after eating so much meat.

Nah, I just don't play it much or ever and you kicked my ass every time we did.

Draw something.

Ah, I can see why it would become a tiresome game for you, then. My apologies. I try my best.

I'm making sigils.

when you said " you mentally challenged as a child"
by "mentally challenged" were you referring to being given a mental challenge, or being a mentally challenged (i.e. special needs) child

I could use something for good luck or to keep me awake if that's a thing.

Good, you thought about it.

You are correct.

you didn't actually answer the question

Draw with me.

Try meditating on this and see if it changes anything about your mood.

Okay I'll fire up my desktop


Is anyone even in the room?

I am, that's it.

Oh uh I guess I'll draw foxes or something

I thought I joined but I guess not, nothing was really working so I drew some tits and left. Dunno if it ever showed up on the other end or not.

I was cooking breakfast.
Now that my curry is in the pot I am free to beat you at chess.

oh, maybe it is just a shit app and I can't see anyone else, that sucks.

wtf why would that even be a thing?

It's starting to sound like this isn't a multiplayer whiteboard which I assumed it was.


Chiri used to be the lesbian Darwin tbh


Darwin wasn't as funny.

Like that's saying anything.
He isn't funny or interesting at all.

I'm glad I surpass your expectations based on his tenure and merit, and I hope to continue to surpass his legacy by being better than Darwin.

You could be a figurative human turd inside the teeth-filled belly of a cockroach and still surpass Darwin with very little contest.

Play me at Chess, you feeble-minded go-alonger

password: derp

Fine, you really want to lose at chess so bad?

Why is the board order wrong?







Girly balls


dragon lady

Dragon maid lady, SER

Still a lady


I'm going to go ahead and take that as a win.

Bally girls

Bald girls


Yeh I really just suicided all my pieces.

good win though!


Are you into that?


How the fuck wasn't that a checkmate?
Stalemate my arse


Cute dragon

You're definitely lewd

ew, thighs.

goth lolis should be anorexic.

Thicc thighs save lives

That's pretty weird.

A to

No fetish shaming.

wtf, literally how, you lying slut bag

nani the fuck /r/mk

Too cute? perhaps

I know what stuff you save on your drives~

I wish I were lewd enough to be considered in the running for e-cybers, cause I'm almost lonely enough to rp with another dude at this point.

just kidding, faggots.

Na "A to' mean "Of course"

someone tell her that is not the appropriate reaction,

if I wrote the next panel for that comic her head would explode.

You shame mine all the time!

haha pee


*collapses and passes out, wracked by a long day at work and a fresh paycheck converted into alcohol*

Pee btw

pee ftw


700GB worth of video games, 55 worth of ShadowPlay recordings, and like 2 worth of table top rpg books and supplements. And some music.

let's not rule anything out

Just kidding, faggot



r-right, of course

and thousands of lewd B2!


Cute doggo *pat*

Let me get kinda drunk first though

Sorry, I ran out of alcohol and I'm going to sleep because I'm already going to be late for work before I wake up.

Maybe another day.

Hit me up then.
Yan #0648

cute loli *pat*


Dragon maid can't be to cute

the fuck is that


Хуле пасёшь?



Discord, you cumberground.
Or do you prefer to drunkenly e-cyber other dudes on steam in desperate pleas for help?

Eye'm not a loli.

i am not awooo!

Я містять наймасовіший образ, який колись думає людина

You went wan wan though.

Yuh, can

Ohhhhh, okay.

Great, thanks for the heads-up so I can avoid you.

Nice Cover


brb game

You'll probably be left alone with your hand again tonight, kid.


*pet* good kitty

wow tfw game is more important than me

U speak Ukrainian like a pure russian :^)

Now open up your yorha_no._2_type_b folder

... I would eat a Lobster Dog
on a bun
with sriracha
said every hipster

I don't think I'll rule anything out.

Err, I mean yeah, same to you.

We mutually would not be seen together and thus are not suspect to e-cybering like desperate pathetic losers.

poshol v zhopu

maybe im just addict

Na na, correct is "Pishov v dupu"


cyka, blyad

No such folder exists.

Who the fuck put sriracha on lobster, nigga somthin' wrong witchu.

Because hipsters buy sriracha.

Don't you want to be cool?

Bisiv jolop

what addict?

Time 2 make pizza again



od on cute

every time

You can't prove it.

How do od?

I'll hack you!

Watch moe shows


I do that though.

immune to moe

I built up a resistance over all these years.

take small doses of moe to savor the moment


Savor deez nuts

too lewd

Look at the image you posted though!

Cute, not lewd!

Entirely lewd though...

these poor, poor people

only as lewd as your mind makes it to be!

I haev lood brain


fake emma pls




