Pinko Pill me on natives americans

Ok, I just discovered that I don't know shit about native americans. I watched Pocahontas, I love westerns, I know that they have a lot of casinos, still lives in reserves, make my ass look like candy when it comes to booze, that the us goverment doesn't do shit for them and they don't belive in private property.
Is there revolution potential here? What we are we gonna do about them? Why your goverment treat this people like shit? Why buzzfeed and all the liberal talk about oppressed minorities but never about them?

What's the difference between jack daniels and john wayne? Jack daniels still kills indians

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Do you even have to ask after the Dakota Access Pipeline demonstration?

Pinko pill me on that too I guess.

american indian reserves are among the poorest communities in America and have some of the highest suicide rates in the west, period. As for why liberals never talk about them its because simply put no one in the west wants to acknowledge they exist.
As for the Dakota pipeline when the protests started it was socialist groups who came and joined the water protectors while liberals like Obama and Clinton were completely silent. The community is small but they can definitely be pushed left especially since the right doesn't even attempt to offer them anything like they do with other minorities.

You weren't here when that went down? It was ultimately futile but pretty badass.

I hope there is. I've been pondering on how to help radicalize my east coast tribe.
Look up Henry Berry Lowry. He was basically our Robin Hood. He led a group of people of various races who would hunt down and kill confederate home guards. The couple times he was apprehended, he would escape and take the sherrifs safe with him.
We also did not put up with the KKK's bullshit and ran them out of town When they tried to do that cross burning garbage in our community. I truly believe based on our history and current struggles that we have revolutionary potential. Our neighbors have tried everything from sterilization to physical removal, but we still exist and press on despite that.

The native American experience is very different from tribe to tribe. Most reservations are very shitty, and there is zero economic activity going on of any kind. Lot's of people living off of food stamps. No opportunities, lots of drug use. There are also wealthy tribes where people get stipends from a tribe owned casino or other venture, but those are the minority.

Also, food for thought a significant amount of White and Black Americans have native admixture.

Nope, started posting during may.
I agree. That's fucking badass

Even the tribes that have stipends from casino money tend to have all that get blown on alcohol every month because it doesn't change the fact that there's no work on the reservation and anyone who makes it off the reservation gets crab mentalitied into being a non-person as far as anyone still on the res is concerned, at which point there's not much to even do besides drink yourself to death.

If anything the ones that are really best off are the NW ones that have specific fishing treaty rights that actually somehow got held up in court, so there's actually a specific economic opprotunity available to them. (Generally they're entitled to a certain percentage and also completely free of any restrictions on methods, in general they make a good faith effort to work with the states on conservation but if they state tries to shove everything off on them like it does about a third of the time they're perfectly happy to give them the finger and use their legal right to fish, sport fishers be damned.)

Our burger government doesn't care because there's no gain in profit in helping the Native Americans, at least not anymore.

Our fellow Natives Americans have always had revolutionary potential (see this, as do all other misfortune peoples, it's just a matter of organizing.

movements centered around a "native american" identity are reactionary cancer
genuine revolutionary emancipation can only happen by denouncing this identity

no. we should seek to have solidarity accross identities, not erase all identities into some phantasmic proletarian identity.

Yea, because somebody who lives on a reservation is going to think "This 20 year old, middle class, college student, really knows what's best for me! Fuck any remaining remnant of an identity we have left that hasn't already been killed off by 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Europeans🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧." You're so disconnected from reality it fucking hurts.

Reminder that back in 2001, the area almost turned into Ruby Ridge+Bundy Ranch by a bunch of ranchers & farmers who want to keep draining all the water out of the area. The indian tribes almost got the dams torn down, but Bush II "won" the election just in time to federally intervene and keep the water vanishing into unsustainable desert agriculture.

Things are heating up again due to a recent tribal victory in court, and just last year some dumbass rancher got himself shot over it.

What tribe are you? In North Carolina? I know there's barely any Indian population on the east coast.

Are you native? Were can I get some of that pocahontas pussy?

Should have been wiped out. Indian tribes were not the communal utopias your hippy professor told you about, they were brutal slave societies filled with all manner of torture and exploitation.

Still better than today america tbh.
Also what the fuck does this mean?
There were a lot of societies with slaves, should have all of them been wiped out? Go back to reddit

So they were no different from other primitive societies? European and Asian societies at the time also practiced torture, slavery and exploitation but I don't see you advocating for wiping them out.

I'd really like to believe there is, but every time I hear a native speak at a protest line they give some spooky ethno-nationalist spiel and can't articulate why something matters on a level beyond feels and ancestor worship.

sources then fag

t. reactionary

There's very few of them left in North America, so they're pretty irrelevant in the great scheme of things tbh.

Hey, this sounds familiar!

You do realize that there are thousands of different cultures, right? And even among those who supposedly didn't, this was often a lie to justify why Europeans were justified in stealing their land.

Marx started to sound a lot more like Kropotkin after he studied these societies in his Ethnological Notebooks. He discusses the Iroquois and other tribes in them as examples of communism. Marx's stuff starts on pg 94, but the intro is also pretty good.

can anyone help me answer some questions:

I'm wondering about how emancipated black slaves got along with native american re the concept of 40 acres and a mule?

Did black americans engage in expansionism the same way as white settlers did moving west?

Was there solidarity or was it "I got mine, fuck you"?

I was reading about how indigenous americans were enslaved by colonial settlers almost on the same level as africans and sometimes even traded for african slaves because either was a better worker when dependent, ie removed from the land where they know the plants and animals.

You're lucky we don't deport your ass.

For one there were tons of different nations with different beliefs and politics historically
For example the Iroquois tribes fought for the Union in the Civil war while the Cherokee sided with the confederates

also how excellent is the idea that marxism is a white mans trick?

it seems to suggest that native americans are "nationalist"

how the fuck can you "return land" if you dont even believe in private property.

ancaps argue that NODAPL/lakota are greedy and had an opportunity to sell their land, and were very interested in selling their land, and were offered millions but wanted more


No, too few of them.
In S-America, though, they are often the backbone of popular (revolutionary) movement.

They aren't a monolith
While guys like this are obviously retarded there are plenty of non reactionary people in the native community

blacks fleeing from slavery would oftentimes join native american tribes. It varies of course but the general rule is that most natives in the 19th century recognized they had common cause with african americans and were willing to work with them as long as they weren't participating in western expansion/the frontier wars.

Behold the reason the colonizers made this meme so popular.

They were not really different than other "ancient" societies. The Americas were just settled much much more recently than the Old World so the indigenous people were way behind on the historical materialism track. The overwhelming majority of the deaths were actually caused by disease though, and a great deal of that spread before Europeans got properly set up. Many of the natives encountered by colonists from Europe were already living in what was effectively the post-apocalypse to them. Judging the original civilization by what was apparent in the remaining populations makes no sense.

I ve seen some media that seemed to imply that the tribal council and elders are pro-property pro-capitalism because it benefits them to work with the government. It also implied that elders generally fully buy the kumbaya peace circle gets you real material reforms. They work with law enforcement to stop people from damaging property and break up radical youth groups.

are you sure they are the minority?

My interpretation is that most elders from natives tribes who lived through forced relocation/reeducation feel they definitively lost the war against the invading Europeans and further resistance will result in more death and certain extermination for their people.

I think they probably are reactionary and that most tribes considered themselves territorial sovereign nations and that while they was a spectrum of technological diversity their cultures were not advanced enough to be internationally or even continentally compatible. If the most advanced civilizations didn't have international class consciousnesses at the "discovery" of the americas I doubt any others did either. 400 years of cultural suppression and its no surprise they have the same mentality.

Most americans liberal/conservative white/native or otherwise are reactionary boot licking class cucks.

We dont want them

It worked on me. Seriously, that native traditionalist shit is so painfully shallow that it takes a concerted effort to avoid noticing that it is just 19th century LARP. Longing for a return of the buffalo is profoundly silly when your free time is spent playing video games and watching football.


Holy fuck, yes, those motherfuckers are corrupt as fuck. The "tribal" system is ridiculous.

Stick to fly-over country. The fish indians on the coast are fat and ugly. If you find a plains girl just be prepared for the no-bullshit attitude that they have.

Fuck. Could the fact that I'm italian be a problem?

Marxism, in Means’s account, would offer Native Americans nothing better than capitalism: both declare indigenous people and the land a cost of economic development. Marxism simply reorganizes a settler-colonial society’s power relations based on efficiency. Native peoples live in “sacrifice areas,” and any modern, industrialized society will need to extract fuel, surplus, and raw materials from their land.

A few years later, Ward Churchill elaborated on Means’s point, stating that Marxists would conscript all indigenous peoples into their proletarian army in order to win their socialist revolution. It is, Churchill states bluntly, “why Marxism . . . tends to be dismissed rather harshly by the Indian population.”

In more recent years, theorist Jodi Byrd suggested the same for twentieth-century Marxist political strategy more generally, arguing that Antonio Gramsci’s theories of counterhegemonic practices only make sense if one wants to reinforce a “democratic multiethnic settler state,” rather than provide for true tribal independence.

Anthropologist David Bedford did acknowledge that Marxism could provide a useful analysis in some anticolonial struggles, such as the fight to end apartheid in South Africa. In that case, Africans served as a reserve army of labor for white businesses. But, for tribes who may relate to capitalism outside of regimes of labor exploitation, Marxism, he argues, fails to account for indigenous people’s unique claims of sovereignty and self-determination.

“Development,” as it’s commonly understood, renders people and earth into abstract inputs; “universal democracy,” the critique implies, renders all people as abstract citizens, flattening group rights and independent nation status for tribes.

An Italian from the East Coast? Shit, you'll get along just fine.

Indian politics is indeed infested with those postcolonial fuckers.

Nono italian from the same city were columbus was born

Well I don't know then. I married an Italian from the East Coast.


I suggest reading into the Mardi Gras Indians we have down here. Basically a bunch of blacks dress up in native clothing to symbolize the common history they shared and whatnot

I'm sure some joined native tribes but I'm not talking about them and I don't think it was oftentimes. I'm talking about working class african americans. The kind whos ancestors live in todays large cities. I think there was a northward and westward exodus of poor farmers white and black and that during the industrial revolution there was sometimes solidarity between white, black, asian, and latino workers.

What I want to know is if pre-industrial black poor homesteaders were as racist to native americans(ie genocidal) as white settlers. Were there black people in the California gold rush and was it regular for them to kill natives a la buffalo soldier above.

I would like to believe that most emancipated slaves were against manifest destiny by genocide but I don't think that was the case. I do believe that most americans white and black were pro socialist after the industrial revolution and that a lot of people were murdered to kill class consciousness but before porky I think everyone was pretty racist.

How do we make revolution potential here?

It doesn't really matter what a person is for or against. What matters is where his next meal is coming from. Settlers were fleeing from poverty in the hope that the West would allow them a chance to feed themselves. To Union soldiers their jobs meant not working to death and starving in the same fields that they had just been freed from. Whatever their feeling were toward the natives–and remember that they only had the newspapers at the time to go on–they had to put food on their tables.