You guys suck at making threads you know that

you guys suck at making threads you know that

BD why does kanra hate you

probably because they didn't really pay attention to anything i said

I guess so.

literally why even bring up the most random shit? you do enough damage to your liver you don't need to try bombing thread too.

who dat is

That's why I don't make them.

Imaizumi Yui

i can see Tracer Bullet making a thread

"Hey. I don't like most of you. Don't post."

he has that holier than thou thing

so you should have like bullshitted about kant or some shit

she's kawaii what does she do

Way too much effort to type all that.


Shes an idol in Keyakizaka46.

yeah dude i'm 35 turning 36

binge drinking is an attack on my body

body no like what i do to her

me know like either come monday am

never heard of it

jesus christ you're almost ten years older than me

tfw tp is uh

almost 17 yrs older than me

time flies

Time flies when you're a faggot.

mfw you are a child and too young to make decisions about your gender

No wonder there are so many old people here.

Oh they are one of the most popular idol groups in Japan.

I'm pretty sure you're not that young yourself TB

Didn't say how fast time flew to deliver it to me.

i kinda stopped masturbating to gay things

that was an experimental phase

i really like public sex

like especially at gatherings of the juggalos

woot woot

truly the worst kind of human being


i know

but it is the pinnacle of depraved public sex


I don't have an answer to this

i should check out more fan translated games, this tingle game is actually really funny.

/r/ing colbert

TP went through gay conversion therapy.


i was like experimenting

i like vag more than dick


It's alright, I forgive you.


you love him ^^

I masturbated once.

is it weird that i don't like my cats looking at me?

i barely get a clean shot

goodnight friends


I dont think i'd want cats theyd be too much effort for me.

id say goodnight but i have something like 7 hours worth of uploads to catch up on

they are so emo


god i love lily

how often do you change the litter box?

every few days

2 cats

3 boxs

oh snap

my roommate's gonna kill the cats

it is recommended that you have one more box than cats

when i had three cats

i was like fuck that

There's 2 with 2 boxes, but he doesn't really change them enough at all and it's disgusting.

Probably should prevent that.

I mean it would be better off without them.

cleaning a litterbox is literally ez pz

compared to shoveling dog shit out of grass it's a lot better

Yakuza is a good game series and you guys should all check it out

they have those self cleaning litterbox's too like for ten years now

I know, right?

But like he doesn't do it cause his gf used to do it. Kinda is obvious, but if you've been doing the long term thing for a few years she's prolly not stopping in to do the litterboxes, dumbass.

People who can't even take care of themselves shouldn't even have pets.

cats are so emo with where they doody



It's funny too cause he seems to be unable to put 2 and 2 together in the shitty litter box germs get spread through their shitty little paws.




love you too sweetie :3

i got you

i have the most dysfunctional cat pair







They try to paw me in my face after taking a class 10 dook and I fucking swat them fast and I swat them hard. I don't want them to look at me with their shit paws

link? never heard of that

i meant based lily allen


If I ever have a cat I'm going to name it Caligula

nezi didn't watch infomercials as a kid apparently

Erio nurse me back to health pls

i know what you meant i just thought it would be a good post

Class 10 dook made me laugh but fair enough.

my cats where born on august second

so i named one augustus and one second


you are also an idiot

Hi 4m


It is unpleasant but your displeasure amused me.

can you leave?

i don't think this board gains anything from your tranny spam

Or Nero

Throw the mice to the lions before they can spread their jewish disease

You have a cold?

Cats kind of act like they're emperors so it's fitting

Hi cutie, how are you feeling?

why dont you just convince a mod to ban me tbh


oh yeah they are royalty

for sure

Sorry :(

Super sleepy, of course~


Don't tempt them.


who even is a mod

test and moogs were joke mods

i lowkey love wishy

i dont mind if i got kicked off this board
if the majority want me gone so be it

moogs or something idk
i dont like him for some reason and he's tried to figure out why and even i dont know why

idk I hope it's just that.

eff it out of me, Erio.

That wasn't meant in a mean way btw

You'd be safe, then.


im appealing to the masses

Apathy was my implication.

i think things are going perfectly fine

the way they are

Ban all burger posters.



I make a mean queso burger

naahhhh i know what you meant

did you ever end up going to that bar


i mean that is a good example

people don't really think about the vegetarians

when they make a post like this


and then they lose a fan

if someone doesn't cater to me immediately

i cut them

whatd you do instead ?



mmn cut me daddy



this is a good song.


relationships are a scam and are also lame

also tracer what'd you do instead


yeah dude the stupid people are the ones having kids


so get a partner that doesn't want kids either?

like i stuck my penis in a vagina


you are a monkey

edgy gf?

i just might

naht thats not the thing

i just am selfish or something

the partner thing just bothers me on a fundamental leve

level even

why is it edgy when this hypothetical gf doesn't want kids but it's stupid when they do?

SOMEBODY LOVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ill find someone that makes sense to partner with me but like

for now
i dont want to date anyone it just makes be depressed

Only if you never post here.

You live with your mom, get lovin from her. That's what she's there for.

all my friends are married and when i say like half of them will get divorced

they are like NO WE ARE AFFLUENT


I'm going to stop posting here if I get on the committee formed by the governor of arizona that my boss wants me to be on


fucking idiots

I dunno why but I just kind of want to live my life free of any obligations towards anybody as much as a I possibly can. And letting someone define themselves as gf/bf just creates an obligation.

i get this


Probably. Marriage is engineered to fail because lawyers make more money off of divorce than marriage.


All the freedom in the world gets lonely though. It's nice to have one person that's there for you.

Also, the fact that unconditional love is a myth yada yada

you are literal fake news

i think everyone can agree that liliana is trash

am i that obvious




once liliana stops spamming..

he skerrd

Stop belching in everyone's ears then


such my dicc bae


That is definitely correct too. When you are someone like me with that kind outlook you end up getting to this point where its not really fair on the other person who wants a normal relationship type relationship too.

mmhm. I hate seeing both sides to it. it's a daily dilemma

if you can't tell I'm very drunk


we understand that you don't quite understand your body yet

but please do that on your own time


I've had this situation where I made it clear to the other person that I had no interest in a proper relationship but you can still tell thats what they want. Then you just let it go on, and fester and the what happens eventually?

how many fingers do i have

the last time I got drunk someone threw a rock at my head on my way home and I yelled "FUCK OFF NIGGER" and decided not to drtink for a while. lasted about a month.

idk ask my exgf cause that's what basically happened


"and then what happens eventually" even I'm really bad at typing.

you'll fit right into a gov't job, fishy. keep up the good work


black people prefer no n'bombs

to be fair if i wanted a gf this would certainly be the one to have

Wait were you the person in my position or the other way around?

damn wishy are you ok?

id unironically cuddle with green bean platonically and give him head pats and make sure he drinks lots of water
kind of like a house plant


she apparently wasn't interested in a relationship-relationship, but she said yes anyway and smashed my heart a year later.

Like if you wanna live your life lonewolf style, that's great but don't lead people on. Especially for a full fucking calendar year. It feels really not so great.

i make sure i drink enough water !!! earlier today i drank too much tbh and i vomit a little

They say to become what you love.

Guess it's time for me to become a smol tiddie goth loli with them delicious thighs.




how would you accomplish this ?

eh not worth


be more better

like real shit

good boy pat pat

1) who are you talking to

2) what are you talking about?

Hard work and dedication.




lemme know how you do it
i wanna do it too

the cosmos

you have shit music taste listen

That's where I find myself conflicted. Because I feel like I have explicitly made it clear in a way that can't be misinterpreted that I have no interest in that kind of relationship.

But I still have the sneaking suspicion that the other person thinks it might possibly end up that way. It's probably better to just stop the whole thing as soon as possible. But its kind of difficult to do that when you yourself enjoy it for what you want it to be.

I'm listening to rain tho. It's relaxing and I should be asleep.

why arent you

If you aren't huffing paint thinner and air horns are you really going hard enough?

Thinking about it though, being on the other side of it is probably pretty shitty, which is what I have thought myself.

if you are that tranny you are a pussy

gosh are you presenting female just in online or irl

not even canada

fuck off


oh hey

thoughts have culminated or whatever
i've reached a
decision ?

i rounded up my insurance info and looked at doctors in my area

making calls either tomorrow if im awake in time or monday

You feel like you did or you did _explicitly_ say that you don't want a relationship past x,y,z.

lol if you're afraid of your parents "finding out" or w/e you're gonna have a hard time irl.

good luck

rest in pieces

liliana can you please leave

your 14 yo conceptualization of being a tranny is triggering

please leave

no one likes you

wow im unironically proud of u kiddo let me know how it goes

lmao and that's coming from TPs, everyone

but then who is kero?

TP, are you really one to talk about someone's conceptualization of being a tranny?



i do not care at all of them finding out once i start

its the beginning i care about
i go out in xdress often

ill leave hang on

thanks father im in vc with u right now so i could say thanks there but im saying it here ty

i kinda miss lenko tbh

he was mean to me the best


you are a slut

just leave dude

Isn't the insurance still through them though?

I feel like there's plot holes here.

i could respond in there too but ian is talking about drums or something so instead ill say just make sure u are 1000% positive this is what you want to do
nothin wrong with taking more time to think about it


also, invite me to that stupid discord pls

you can request for the info to be confidential if yore 18+ and a dependent

and yeah i know
i think im gonna sit on it for a few days so its not just me like

idk being a stupid



idk on one hand you're doing the homework but wouldn't that rouse even more suspicion?

this my shit

I definitely have explicitly said I remember we even had this same conversation about not wanting to feel obligated towards someone else. Feels like they are probably just ignoring it and hoping I will come around to it someday though.


party on, boss

oh hey how's life

really really shitty

if anything
i'll roll with it like i do
i'll figure my way out of it

trust me i got this

Really though, make sure it's what you want, because the regret of pursuing a proceedure with long-lasting and/or permanent effects on your body that doesn't make you happy is probably worse than the regret of not finding your happiest earlier.

well i don't know the exact depth of this scenario, but definitely better safe than sorry. It's not like you're losing much if you want to fly solo anyway, right?

gib atention

oh no

how so

Anyone who needs to preface something with "trust me" should not be trusted in my experience.

i cant bubby its not a public discord sry :<

you may want to make it more than a few days lol
talk to some other trans people about it if u can and definitely take the extra time to soul search cuz i dont want u to end up another statistic

Well, whose is it?

I'll become a smol tiddie goth loli gf.

Just trust me, I got this.

My boyfriend's into the goth loli look anyway so that's a plus.

tmi dude

Does he bumble his words with you as he does with me, Rin?

+as badly*

man that canadian faggot tho

The only major loss I guess would be feeling like a shitty person for hurting someone elses feelings. But I think you are right it wouldn't hurt to reiterate it again at some point in the near future.

oh ofcourse
being trapped in a body you feel is not your own is
not good

few days week or two what ever you know
im sleepy but

i've researched trans stuff and have had way too many trans friends/been in too many trans communities
for the most part most of the things i need to know is known

dont worry bub i got IT I GOT IT :3

The earlier the better. Just don't string anyone along too badly. It's not fair and I don't want to think of you as an awful person.


smooch meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

This is why you get ghosted on Tinder, Fish.

my girlfriends

good luck

this makes it legit

liliana you are a faggot

please leave

no one even remotely takes you seriously



oh so now im liliana

not BC ?


Sometimes. Occasionally.

Not so much when he's sober though.


Nevada-tan was still the best.

Yeah, be careful with that. It's infuriating.

what is your end game


do it better next time

eat shit BC

That has pretty much been the opposite of my intention the whole time but yeah going into specifics I would rather not also.

big ol smoochies


we're back to BC heck yes

I wish TP would talk shit about me

I'd succ lili tbh even though szhe's a guy


It gets less bother some when you get more comfortable handling it.

And he's been drinking less since we got together. Or he just didn't drink super often to begin with.

This thread is depressing. Good night.

Have a good weekend, Teeps.

y-you too

Yeah, same, I think I'm going to head to sleep too.

Rest well, Maddie, and sweet dreams.

ew thats grose

nini maddy


goooooodnight alexandra

lol literally no one cares

big dick

why don't you advertise your big dick

stop being a pussy

TP stop posting.

this is why we describe you as a liar

oh why


that liar guilt...

just saying

some people present themselves

some people lie

Isn't that supposed to be ikt?

can i ask you a real q

do you love big dick


Seems like so much effort to keep up a consistent lie.

The size of the dick doesn't matter to me, it's the owner.


oh nice


Do you?

i don't even think about that

So you do?




i love you dearly wishy


tp even though youre almost twice my age i'd still kiss you and i hope you feel the same

listen tp may be old, ugly and fat
but at least he isn't a democrat

js wishy's gay radar is p much on lock


fuck off trash kero

you are trash

so you are a democrat


you are trash


but wait
you arent denying that you ARE a democrat

ur teeth are gnarly homie stop smoking x

homey you are legit sucking dick rn


dude i wish i was sucking dick right now i havent seen my girlfriend in like a whole month

haha oh my

bottom line is

you are a faggot



seeya love

oh my

TP joined the women's march a few weeks back and still struck out.

i like being fem :3

Is Soto still alive?


very much so

soto is into such wierd shit tho

Weird shit?

caetana veloso



Fuck it's been a while since I heard that song.




ah shit

its ok sweetie
-pat pat-

be vewwy vewwy qwyet

whys that

It's wabbit season!


you are a bitch

how someone could fuck a shit up that bad

you better have lost your job bitch

no i get that you are trying to not be a bitch

still a fucking bitch



hot cards


the bottom line is that you are full of shit

please leave

What are you drinking tonight?

i wonder if anyone believes that liliana is real news

can we ban liliana?


he is bloodchan

im waiting on my ban everytime i come here tbh


no one likes you

the way you manipulated grim

was choice

grim did it to himself

Lily manipulated Grim or BC?

im bc

Are you rolling with that now?

Also, someone cap that

as long as tp is around yeah i do
its fun for me

You cap it







ive hit hr 31 and its like

i have no urge to sleep
whats going on
i feel

Sorry 4 late

Got distracted :^)


Sorry, I can't afford one of those absurdly highres monitors...

wow such a nice high res pic




VR is such a meme

crash is soon

Hu is such a meme.

u are

they convinced me to go to sleep in the voice chat
im starting to sound a bit inebriated

nini nezi


All burgers should go to bed

I didn't have that goat in the OP
thanks man

All Hu's should be in my bed

nice digits




can i have a hug

or a headpat

or a gentle kiss

No, you shutter-shade wearing fuck.




i love you♄

Like the fool I am and I'll always be

