What is Holla Forums view about Weimnar Republic?

What is Holla Forums view about Weimnar Republic?

Holla Forums keeps making conspiracy theory about Cultural Bolshevism.

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Liberalism, it was liberalism. And it's dead now.

Wew im glad they left that out of the anime.
How disgusting.

Should have been the Räterepublik

Pure liberal trash. The Free Socialist Republic of Germany was where it was at. And the fucking bourgies had Rosa Luxemburg-senpai killed. FUCK THE WEIMAR BOURGEOIS REPUBLIC!

it's weimar

ah fuck i forgot to ask in my reply
how is this related to weimar?
is the pic related somehow?

Weimnar devolved into nat'l socialists fighting communists in the streets. The ruling classes put their money behind the nat'ls because they figured they could leverage more power from them. everyone got btfo'd.

Liberal democracy, like France or Britain. Not really noteworthy except for its instability. Fun fact: the republic was still called "das Deutsches Reich" much like its predecessor and successor, as the term doesn't really mean anything negative despite what Anglos think and told the Germans afterwards.

Why not just say Nazi like any other person?

bypassing potential word filters that would make the sentence hard to understand.

d3generacy destoryed the Weimar republic! Is a common far-right talking point and was used as literal Nazi propaganda to blame gays and jews for subverting German culture.
Before Hitler came into power Weimar Germany was one of the most accepting countries in the world of homosexuality and transgenderism, so naturally nazis decided that was proof of marxists/bolsheviks/jews sabotaging Germany and ruining their economy (cuz blaming capitalism is out of the question)

er, this isn't totally correct. they viewed capitalism as a jewish tool for control, which is why they promoted a form of on-the-fly fascism.

oh, of course, in regards to why weimar failed, ok got you
always looked at that conspiracy theory as some broader accusation against the state of europe and especially soviet secret intervention or some dumb shit like that, so i didn't make the connection

that's another nice get i had today with absolutely nothing noteworthy said in it. what a waste…

Not to mention a lot of fascists back in the day pushed fascism as the "Third Way" beyond Bolshevik Communism and Jewish Financed Capitalism. Mussolini wasn't as anti-Semitic as the Nazis but their tactics are the same

capitalism without jews is still capitalism.

right, but the nazis didn't think capitalism was viable unless you had a german ethnostate. so they promoted a form of fascism during their rise (the "third way" correctly brought up by ) and rule.

It was to Germany what the Second Republic was to France, more or less.


kys pedo

There was a lot of leftist activity which scared the bourgies.
After the nazis sold their souls to capital interests they became kosher for the high society and the conservatives though they could control the nazis while letting them take care of the leftist problem.
After the Röhm putsch both the army and high capital was fully behind the nazis, the marginalisation of the SA pleased conservative officers and that and the murder of S.trasser basically killed off any chance of the radical left-wing of the nazis of ever challenging the power of capital. In modern terms, Hitler chose the cuckservatives over the Holla Forumsyps - as any politician would do for that matter.
Didin't really work out for the constitutionalist and monarchist conservatives in the end. Or the nazis for that matter.

