Doki Doki is just a shitty meme game

Doki Doki is just a shitty meme game.

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They all are.


Yeah, it could be a truck, a jeep. Maybe a semi.

*braces my head with my hand and juts my hips to the side*

Is Luka eligible for welfare for like the rest of his life?
How does that even work?
I wish they had that out here, I'd totally be a worthless NEET too

It's a lose lose situation lmao

Idk how welfare works actually : (

everybody get up
it's time to slam now
we got a real jam oing down
welcome to the space jam
heres your chance
do the dance its the space jam

You assume he just keeps feeling sorry for himself and making up whatever mental health bullshit that allows him to claim he's unable to do anything but buy thousands of dollars worth of computer parts with food stamps and use it to pretend to be a girl on the internet.

Good job Tsuchi, you fuck up.

safe assumption

lol rekt

They give you free money if you are too retarded or disabled to work like a normal productive member of society

Like Food Stamps, Cash Aid and TANF or whatever they call it

Though here in Cali alot of nigger abuse the shit out of it so they sometimes allow you to recieve cash assistance from the government but only if you pay back some percent of it and they hold it to you, which is why I never fucked with that shit

If you have held a job for like over 6 months and you get FIRED for a shitty reason and the government approves you, you're pretty much eligble for unemployment which is like 30%? of what you would make a month. Which for me was like 200 something every 2 weeks back in like 2012

Nigga could make a career out of that lmao

Niggers abuse free government aid everywhere.

i want free mony

So if I get fired I can make 30% of monthly income?

Is that based on projected full time hours or your weekly hours averaged?

I want free Bards.

hey where do i sign up for free girl pills

Hey, go back to blowing eighty different Mexicans, fag.

He's made a life of it since he's like 30.

Be my slave and you can have some^^

what does that entail

ass gass or grass
NO ONE rides for free

You're not eligible for unemployment if you held a job for over 6 months and quit though

Cause the government just laughs at you and says "Nigga you fucked up lmao"

Neko is the only black dude I know who has a job

Probs on him

Careful though, only if you get fired for a "unfair" reason
If you got fired for like attendance, performance, etc you are not eligible for unemployment

They have this weird way to calculate how much you will receive and its based on your average you usually get

I am not too sure but I don't think you're eligible if it's part time

I wonder if he will ever change

i don't know i'm only half kidding

Eighty. Hot damn.

lol I'm not actually gonna do it.

I like to earn my money.

i know youre full kidding

He's not a nigger then is he.

brb grassing my ass

He's going to be 50 and still pretending to be a lesbian on the internet with his NEETbux.

Y-yeah :/

I just recycle the insults I say to Cupcake to toss at you.

its okay
i want personalized girl pills from a doctor :p

I want Green Bean to get a personalized noose from the hardware store.

That seems like a better idea.

Aww yis.

Makes sense. Most all of them are applicable or work in some fashion, minus any Mormon stuff.





You're both super gay Arizonians who fuck spics and hate niggers. Close enough.

Spec blows eighty spics and not me?

Color me triggered

isnt that every body from arizona

I wonder who here isn't older than how old their mom was when they birthed them.

What if we were made in a laboratory?

me ez

am 22

The difference is that I hate spics & niggers.
It's not mutually exclusive.

I thought that was Hu's job.

Pretty much.

how could humans live outside of the woman before 6 months?

I think most women start having kids by that age. Most. In the past at least.

around that
my mom was 23

I'm like 2 years younger than that, what relevance does that even have?

I'm sure that somehow this makes sense to someone.

my parents had me in their 30s i think

i'm 23 so

tight queers

Tighty tight!

It's times like now that you realize that Hitler was right.

I think they should start even later but mistakes happen even earlier.

perspective. Some people here might remember their mom being crazy at an age younger than themselves are now.

maybe they were wilder at your age than you are since they didn't have that responsibility of raising a kid.

tight turbo gays

The world needs more Zyklon-B.

Wanting all the money is not purely jewish nature, It's just shitty human nature in general. They are just really good at it.

I remember my mom being ambitious and work oriented, my dad being the same but lazy and a weekend binge drinker, and all my babysitters were fucked in the head crazy besides one of my cousins who was fun and great.

I can't for the life of me see how any of this is incompatible.

my parents dated for 5 years before they got married


two of my cousins but they were brother and sister. Those were some bad times tho.

It just reminds me of some "Trannies4Trump" thing someone linked me in the past.

The political rants there were genuinely funny.

How're you Luka, how's your new computer working out?

time to go get bit by a cat

If I had kids I'd never get babysitters if I wasn't 200% trust in them.

you're cute so you've probably already been bit




Cool... so have you taken this new sports car out for a real spin on something that it's meant for, or still just playing Overwatch at like 1080p?


momponason sporin

what else is there?

Hmm... Human Revolution at max settings?


The fuck? You can't just e-beg like that!

well, i cant test the thingy if i dont have the thingy DUH

It went on sale for pretty cheap over the holidays.

Whatever that is probably won't help with cat-mouth bacteria.

its a meme game but the sheer meme-ity + the easter eggs make it lit

if its so cheap why didnt u get it ? :3c

A friend bought it for me.

a friend of mine linked a stream of some guy just
mining garlicoin
no face cam
just the cmd prompt

he sent me 2 free GRLC so thats cool

how much usd that worth?
$ -3?

lucky... i want friends too.

uhm... lol

1 million pee

I feel kinda bad about the other day
was a little out of hand


ur 2 garlic coins are worth $2.72 USD



What's up

to be completely honest

i've got z e r o clue as to what youre referring to
i told you i just ignore you for the most part so i dont really mind what you say to me

no need to apologize

im rich !!!!!


What's good?


listenin to tunes
gettin sleepy uwu

kinda hungry

you ?

time to buy 4 yachts !!!!!!!

Baking pizza and playing Destiny 2 til it's ready

i dont think ive seen you in threads for a while, stopping by to celebrate 2 million?


who wants a copy of GTA 4 for pc

sell it on ebay and donate the money

can i have a nibble ?

right here

give it to a homeless man then he can live in the digital world

2 million already? Goodness, na I just thought I'd stop by since it has been a while

from building my pc i got 2 Assasin creed egypt game codes


vroom vroom

do boats go vroom ?

in water with their giant engines!

i wish i had a giant engine....

sell them on ebay and buy real food



when the draggo give dat good succ


Once a week... Jeeze, that's a tough commitment.

Is ya'll niggas not postin' because cloudflare or some shit?

cloudflare works fine though, nigger

Alright smart ass, you can go back to being dead, thanks in advance.


Here, I found a pic that describes you well.


get the backups ready

tell the hard drive to eat its own butt

Did you buy Seagate?

WD 1TB Blue

these fetishes though wowee

ordering a backup drive right now

Good luck.


just spreading memes.
You sure it's failing?

*erotically roleplays in the thread like the disgusting furry trash I am*

with enough practice you can unlock the sexual side of those aspects and truly call them fetishes

Don't encourage him.

my computer won't start typically with the drive connected

sometimes it will start (but windows takes forever to load?) and when i open windows explorer it freezes for a long time

eventually i can access files (really slowly?) and if I watch a video on it, it freezes within like 15 seconds or 1 minute randomly

I don't even know

I checked the cable connections twice, tried different SATA ports...

weird stuff

other drive I have zero problems

i put a lot of work into making this laptop even usable so im pretty happy

How often does it go into standby? If you try opening explorer and the drive is currently standby, it'll take approximately 5 seconds before explorer will unfreeze.
Could try googling it, see if other people got the same kind of problem with this very drive, maybe they do.
A firmware update might fix it if this is the case, or I suppose you can change the standby timer somewhere in Windows.

when windows explorer froze it was for like 30 minutes or something

at least 5 or 10min


auch. Does sound like the drive got damaged during shipping if it's already failing now.
It doesn't make any clicking noises?


I've been using it with no problems since July 2017 when i bought it

seems weird for it to die that fast

maybe the cable is shit

I'll try swapping the cables later

i mean it did get HEAVY use since I recorded onto it a ton with shadowplay

how else to fix a gayboy

you say that but youre into pee and your own butt

God I wish that were me.

i'm sleepy

id lick the curry off her pantsu

go sleep

Wow, disgusting.

why sleep when I can be woke instead?

Should try that too. Could well be the case

good question

i wish i had friends



I wish I had a friend like Caster.

who knew thread would be so dead today

Apparently some people are having issues with the website.



i just wanna masturbate but I'm STILL not horny



Masturbate anyway

oh stop overreacting

it's natural

too tired

and not in the mood

bad combo

I'm lucky that my brother is on a similiar sleep schedule as mine even though I have to work we still get to spar at night

Sleep then :3

tfw unnatural :^)

be whatever you want but STOP BULLY

can i have a kiss goodnight?





Hi again spec
how are you spending the night?


im gebbin sleepyyyy,,.to mkjn,ltiujnm il

Hiii Bardo.
Playing KF2 with a friend of mine.

Kemono Freidnds 2?

8ch is shit so apparently not


is it gay to be a trap

Well traps are gay, so yes.

i wannaplay kemono friends :3

Traps aren't gay but liking them is.


I'll be serval and you can be Kaban




good answer


Help I'm being gay shamed.




You're a trap you mean?

No I'm too tall to be a trap


i watched you shoot that ice flying thing a ton of times. it took ages, and i couldn't see if it even had a hp bar


There are not health bars for the monsters in that game.

weird... if no hp bars, how can you tell if youve even done anything at all
sounds like a leap of faith in that game...

Are you taller than me?

Monsters start to limp and get tired and you can see it when they move.

How tall are you?

oh i couldnt really see that when i watched you.

It's easy if you know what to look for.

Y-you first.


congrats on defeating the beast anyways. :)

Wow how's the weather up there?


Wtf tiny

Are you a trap?

No. I have too beard.

brb school tho

bybbye iktnyan

Ew, shave nerd.

Okay, nini



How are u?

sore and tired but not sleepy yet
how's your afternoon?

Get energy drink and code a bit, wanna play WOT after breakfast.
What a disease u grabbed?

WoT is pretty fun what countries trees do you use?

And I'm feelin pretty healthy, just been getting whomped wrestling with friends the past few days and my back and ribs dont agree with it

Soviet shit mostly, in other just imba tanks, like t-57, batchat, E-100 which i want 2 paint in Ukrainian flag and destroy pidorashka's ass

Soviet tree stronk
I like the nips but thats cause I'm afucking weeb

Ready or not, here I come.

Spec go to sleep


Sniper's a gud job m8

No, I'm too busy playing Killing Floor 2.

Soviet tanks has secret ability which activate when u say in micro a code word

thems sound like fightin words

'cyka blyat'

Well come on then if you think yer hard enough!

Nope "Slava dedam, slava i nam, dedam slava KOLDUEM"


i am too hard......

as in i am hard despite what you say not that I'm beyond my capacity to be hard

This is too extreme for me


I am an undefeatable colossus

undefeatable by mere man such as yourself


I stand no chance against the english language

Just say it in micro and game will do everything else

Colossus you say?


dont look at me with those big
empty eyes


hehe nini spec

Nini Bardo.


am leaving but hi and welcome

Happy trails


Oush I bwurnt my tonbue on a twatertwot ;w ;


Let's make some pizza


Lets make some videogames

Lets make some suicide squads

seconding scoots in a suicide squad

I agree greatly

friends I'm learning how to draw :)

You're going to draw porn, aren't you?

Good luck

We can only hope

nah, only uwu

uwu porn confirmed



please don't let it be extremely crude anime drawn in a 2b pencil with no understanding of anatomy

attached example

That's not anime that's world of warcraft

are you saying someone can't draw world of warcraft as anime


It's a blood elf so it's just being drawn in the game's style

has anyone heard of a manga called king of the ants?

Wow had an awkward art direction so I was never able to get into it.

Like the bastard child of PS2 and N64 era graphics.

What if it's actually a NElf that they gave up on making dark?

ok so don't draw garbage porn then?
wow was always bs anime esq especially before they reworked them lmao

oh no wait it's actually called Ari no Ou


then sleep forever

fucking puss in boots

i love this shit already

The forever nap.

forever is relative


I love pizza

order me a pizza
i'm a tranny, i'll show you my tranny dick

Yan have you seen this newer ongoing series? seems like its a bit gory might be to your liking

*I love tea and oatmeal
Fix u

Money first

I like those too and probably eat them more desu

get some money to order me a pizza
oh no are you a neet lijke the rest of us>

I'm joking JOKING

Nope, i'm student, go 2 college in monday

give student money

you're a funny guy

U first

U can joke about salo

who is salo,searchweb201602_1_10065_10344_10130_10068_10342_10547_10325_10546_10343_10340_10548_10341_10084_10083_10618_10139_10615_10307_10313_10059_10534_100031_10103_441_10624_442_10623_10622_10621_10620_10142,searchweb201603_1,ppcSwitch_5_ppcChannel&transAbTest=ae803_4&priceBeautifyAB=0

These are neat to me.

They're tights designed to look like socks.

A city here, but I fail to see the connection.

i make minimum wage and only get 5 hours a week i got no money

this fat fucker stuck part of a wine bottle up his ass

the other guys ass not the fat guy himself

Tradicional Ukrainian food

i put a bottle up my ass once

it broke

I hadn't heard about that, so I don't think I could make any jokes about it, sorry friend

You ever go out to do things and then get home and realize "Oh. Shit. I wanted to eat [X]"?

I kinda wish I got poutine while I was out.

you can laugh and joke about it, but they played that one guy one jar video on a projector against one of the walls at one of the 18+ panels i went to at a major convention, among some other shock videos ive seen before

watching that guy pick glass out of his asshole was not fun

this and the page after it fucking slayed me


I feel like getting some Chinese often, but then I start pondering and realize I'd have even less free time if I stayed at the restaurant waiting for them to prepare the meal, then eat at the place, and finally head home.
Not worth it in my mind.

how old are you??

call place, order meal, wait fifteen minutes, drive there pay for it and leave

Too old.
That would still total over half an hour.

lucky for me i have chinese food places on all sides of me

Kind of want to move into the city for the easy access to everything.

gotta love the badass grandpa trope

fucking dude jumps and kicks through someones car roof with metal knight boots

Fuck yeah he does.

It was good



that's not a swimming pool, old man...

i just spent every day looking at ASS













