I call bullshit on white-black racism

I'm not saying the black community doesn't struggle, nor am I saying racism doesnt exist, but I am saying white people arent the reason blacks are the way they are, and I think racism is far too exaggerated by the media, at least 20x more exaggerated.

We aren't holding them back, in fact we did the opposite by giving them opportunities to live the American way and not in some disease-ridden continent. If slavery never happened, they'd still be living in the jungle with tons of predators.

White people aren't responsible for why blacks are the way they are, at least what I believe. After slavery ended, they were either segregated by the whites or the blacks decided to live on their own without the whites, idk, maybe the two combined.

It's not "racism" that makes us not want to hire them, its their ghetto attitude, but evil porky keeps telling them theyre not getting hired because of racism which gets them even more angry and victimizing.

The only people who are ignorantly racist is the far-right/alt-right idiots, but most people (like 95%) are rational people unlike the poltards, so racism isnt an excuse. Goo

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Poor people are poor, because they were born without control over their means of production and have no realistic way to attain them. When you stop concerning yourself with race, this shit becomes really clear.

you're preaching to the choir, dumb falseflagger
go bother some liberals


Eh ye we all agree with you mate.

Poor people commit crime and grow up in poverty so get that culture. People then start associating certain traits with being poor and criminal, resulting in discrimination of some form, be it irish, arab, black, certain accents etc.


When the black community tried to create their own form of capitalism. (Tulsa Riots. Literally burned down the Black Wall Street.) It was destroyed because of Capitalistic reasons. Slavery happened because of Capitalistic reasons. Black people were segregated for capitalistic reasons. Everything done to black people was done to either save money or earn money. Not because they were strictly black.

I'm also black as well and it took me a while to see this. In order to free ourselves we need to go look at the Black Panthers and Fred Hampton in order to free ourselves. Capitalism is the reason why racism happens. Racism is a form of Class Exploitation. Yes, white people are usually the people that perform these exploitative acts to colored people but at the end of the day it is the dialect that has caused this.

Porky is only powerful when there is infighting between the proles.

Fuck off with that white man's burden trash.

Really? You agree that white people did a favor for Africans by enslaving them? Or that certain post-segregation policies weren't designed or implemented in a way to disproportionately affect the black community?

Wait hold on i must have missed that tbh.

It's the second paragraph…

Yea I missed that. I sorta scanned the post.

Slavers did no favors for the people that they enslaved. On the contrary, they straight up stole their labor from them. That is just a historical reality.

We have to remember the whole theological system of muh privileges and oppressions wasn't created by black people or the working class, but by managerial class whites like Peggy McIntosh or Tim Wise. It is a system designed to depoliticise racial inequality turning it into a purely subjective psychological issue to be managed by technocrats. Notice how responsibility to end racism is always placed on righteous bourgeois white people while the broader system itself, that is, capitalism, remains unquestioned. Communism will mean the end of alienated identity because all people will be able to determine the conditions of their own existence. Identity politics assumes powerlessness, it turns 'racism' and 'white supremacy' into nebulous yet all pervading concepts that can only be understood and 'deconstructed' by specially trained professionals.

the abstract entity of 'white people' was itself created by capitalism.

Yeah. No shit. That's why it's odd a bunch of socialists and anarchists agree with what's in the OP.

Agreed but it being a social construction doesn't negate it's impact on the real world. If it makes you feel better let's change "white people" to wealthy colonialists. Do you believe the colonialists did Africans a favor by enslaving them?

morality is alien to capitalism. it never was about doing people 'favors' or whatever. the moral emphasis of identity politics is inherently depoliticising

Cis straight white males are "duh Jews" of the SJW. Its all a distraction.

get the fuck out you idpol

Damn you must be taking dancing lessons. Let's word this in a way you feel comfortable answering.

Would you say that the lives of enslaved Africans were qualitatively improved by being enslaved and brought to the States?

Proportions are irrelevent. Consider what actually happened. Members of the ruling class who were able to convince gullible poor people to support them by making them think that those other poor people were a threat to them. The ruling class may have used racism as a tool, but racism was not the cause. The cause was that the ruling class benefitted from dividing the workers.

Fuck no. Being a hunter-gatherer is better than being a slave.

obviously no. but why the need for all the moral wanking? muh condemn x as a product of irreducible evil

What you are experiencing is your own inability to understand the arguments being presente, because you have forgotten how to take the idpol goggles off. What is really happening here is that the bullshit racial framing of historical slavery is being taken apart and replaced with a materialist analysis that accurately describes the causes and effects of historical slavery.

Proportions do matter when trying to analyse why X community is in the state it is in today.

Because I'm responding to what's in the OP which is a bunch of moralistic nonsense attempting to spin the slave trade as a net positive for the slaves.

You can reframe an identity oriented analysis of the slave trade without pandering to colonialist rhetoric.

we are not concerned about an hypothetical world in which black people were never enslaved because white people made the moral choice not to enslave them. Communism is about the potentialities for the future. in fact we should strive to redeem whatever is good about the past. African american culture has contributed to shaping our world in many ways, ie. Jazz, Rock, Hip Hop, even though it is a culture that wouldn't exist if it wasn't due to slavery and exploitation.

OP's muh bootstraps rhetoric is meaningless, as is 'success' within an absurd capitalist system, I agree we shouldn't moralise it either.

Proportions do absolutely nothing to help locate and analyze a cause.

Don't respond to moralistic nonsense with more moralistic nonsense. Respond with materialist analysis.

And that post did just that.

probably not a net positive for the slaves, but definitely net pos for their progeny

Indeed, but only in so far as capitalism managed to turn Africa into a miserable shithole, which was a process that had already begun.

And once you identity and analyze the cause you would see that it's effects disproportionately affected certain communities which may have led to generational negative impacts on those communities that weren't felt quite as acutely as the population at large.
Which post?

The categories of white and black were created first in the context of the system trans-Atlantic slavery and plantations on America. They were also legal categories within this system and afterwards, denying them a reality outright is denying history.

Fuck you and die in a fire. That was never the colonizers choice to make. You're entirely sugar coating colonialism and imperialism. I hope you get murdered by an all black gang of some kind.

Not sure if Holla Forumsfag or just ignorant.

So? What does it matter what identities the impoverished claim as their own? What matters is that there are people who are impoverished.

and were the ones that you were initially bitching about, and they were just agreeing with , so I assumed that you meant that one.

Well for one it helps combat shit like this >>2000951
Because the social construction of race had real world impacts on people's lives so simply hand waving any attempt at understanding how those impacts manifested themselves within those communities as MUH IDPOL isn't very useful.
True but to meet people where they are you may have to acknowledge that Jim Crow laws existed.

Those two posts also don't call out the OP's reactionary garbage and actually tell him they agree with it. That's what I have a problem with.

Well I mean, African Americans do have one of the highest qualities of life and greatest social benefit spending in the world thanks to sticking around after the slave trade ended. That doesn't make slavery GOOD, but it also points out that they'd realistically be worse off enslaved in the African countries that sold them to the US than they are here now.

How do we radicalize T H E B L A C K S?

Race is symptomatic of the real problem.

It is the only approach that is useful. Addressing race as if it were a foe to be defeated rather than the imaginary boogyman that it is is what is truly futile. The entire New Left proved that quite decisively.

Paternalistic bullshit. You don't have to pander to people's spooks to lead them towards enlightenment. Believe it or not, people are capable of understanding what is actually going on if you would just explain it as it actually is instead of confusing the issue with identitarian nonsense.

I think they're just saying understanding the historical realities of the transatlantic slave trade and then Jim Crow isn't a bad thing, and it's in no way idpol

Idpol isn't just what makes you uncomfortable.

Whoa! Now that you put it like that I guess they didn't have any consequences in the real world.

Nobody needs to call anyone out. Fuck that intersectional horseshit. Nothing that those posts said was incorrect. In fact, when OP wrote "I am saying white people arent the reason blacks are the way they are" he is 100% right. He may not know why he is right, but he is right. That is why we should tell him what is going on instead of browbeating him for wrong think.

Stopped reading there. Africa has history and not all of it has to do with Europeans. Also they mostly live in a savanna or desert climate

Yeah that fucking porky who said this
is right

The OP was explicitly spewing "if it wasn't for us, their white saviors, they'd be living in jungles" and you'd rather meet the OP halfway than the other people ITT who are saying it's racist as fuck

You got me firing on all cylinders right now.

And that is true. I would never argue against that. On the contrary, it is a fantastic example of how capitalism motivates artificial divisions among the working class. However, then we get this vampire castle shit:

Capitalism is to blame. Capitalism is making people miserable. That's why Marx stressed the importance of class struggles - because abolishing capitalism would solve economic issues related to race and gender. That is why idpol is dividing the Working Class. They shift focus away from class issues, the root of the problem.

Getting your shit opinion mocked has nothing to do with the vampire castle. Nobody is shouting you down, or calling you out, or exiling you for wrong-think.

It is not wrong. Employers hire people who they think will give them the most work with the fewest problems. Now, they do indeed tend to consider race as a factor, but it is only one factor. Whether or not that calculation is justified, it is made with the intent to extract the most possible surplus value from their employees. The mechanism that creates this problem is capitalism, not racism. OP is making that distinction without entirely knowing what is going on, and he is indeed right to do so. If you were to look past ideology you would see that is what he is did.

There is no "meeting halfway." There is only differentiating between what is factual and what is counterfactual. You should try it some time.

Of course OP came into the thread with a racist perspective. Like you, he is used to seeing the world in those terms. He came here asking us to explain the inconsistencies in that false narrative, and that is what the materialists here are doing.

Everyone bitching about racist OP is doing nothing but mindless "calling out." As good as it is that antifa's recent successes and reddit's implosion are bringing in newfags, I do wish that those newfags would do some lurking and reading before posting.

you have a duty to 'understand' this and 'feel uncomfortable' or else be a muh bad person. I'm not even American so I don't really give a fuck. There's this thing americans do when they circlejerk about being the most performatively personally afflicted by tragedies they didn't experience and most likely wouldn't give a fuck about if it wasn't for the signaling possibilities.

That's way too simplistic. Yes, the whole race meme was invented due capitalism and it's partly the fault for hatred of women too but unrealistic to expect people to focus on the very big picture and an issue that might be not addressed in their lifetimes, while steps against sexism and discrimination are a lot easier to accomplish and would massively improve their lives too.

It's easy to say "but muh class" when you are just affected by your class and don't have to deal with that and being the wrong color and have the wrong genitals. There is only so much shit people can deal with.

you don't want people to be free, you want to keep them subjected to the very system that oppresses them. I'm a muh PoC and i don't want to learn to code, I don't want to see more CEOs that look like me, nor more 'diverse' TV shows that are abysmally shitty anyways. I want to seize the means of production. sorry if that's not an acceptable aspirational goal for you.

What a steaming load. is supposedly black, and is an injun who spent his youth on a reservation. It's the redditards and tumblrinas who are usually lily white. Do you want to know how to talk to minorities? Talk to them like they are able to understand simple concepts withoit the aid of race goggles.

How does one conflict with the other (sans CEO representation)? Besides, how well do you think is the chance for a popular uprising in the next 5-10 years? Dealing with the biggest injustices in racism and sexism would take a few laws. Obviously class is the big thing to fix and priority which will affect other issues but people can do multiple things at the same time.

When you're in a hospital bleeding out after some idiot shot you, the "muh class" shit is like having the doctor bitch about gun laws that allow every idiot to have a gun instead of treating your wound.

One is based on reality, and the other is based on a fictional narrative.

A whole lot better if we all call shit what it is.

Fighting racism with language doesn't treat anything. It would be the doctor in your analogy treating the gunshot wound patient with leaches.

Please elaborate.

So racism now is the same as it was 100-50-25 years ago? There was no massive improvements against sexism in that period? Come on.

Us being classcucked didn't change but the conditions sure as fuck improved a lot for minorities and women.

Don't treat racism as a disease at birth. There are material conditions behind it.

It is an immaterial concept. It changes is the same way that all such linguistic ideas do.

In the last hundred years? Well, women in certain places got the right to vote, which we all know is worth diddly shit. Women became more likely to enter the workforce, which means that they are no longer as beholden to their husbands as they are to their bosses. Real progress there, eh? They also won the right to get shot at in Porky's wars! Yay women!

All that happened was that they got some of the same benefits from imperialism that those racist, sexist, transphobic cishet WHITE MALES got. Now, just like the rest of the people living in the capitalist center, thosebenefits are vanishing. You treated nothing.

What are you even talking about?

Either a more liberal approach with more education, ending the retarded drug war, reforming police and so on, or a more authoritarian approach with fining the fuck out of companies and people who support the shit. Simplistic stuff like preferably hiring minorities until there is a more realistic representation would do too. Very rough obviously because I can't be assed wring walls about something 99% in thread doesn't give a damn about. Also yes, obviously all the stuff wouldn't end it or anything, just lower the impact it has.

How many people who are absolutely poor are really racist thought? I had dirt poor friends and porkie friends and the porkies were way more serious about racism more often than not. Poorfags are pretty liberal in their use of slurs and the likes but they generally didn't dislike anyone based on race. It's "yeah, Tyrone, that nigga" and not "Tyrone, that low Autism Level monkey that makes my customers uncomfortable". The couple legit nazis I knew were firmly middle class too.

Of course very anecdotal but didn't the election confirm that too, with more middle class people voting for Trump?

So this is it? Someone is going full white man's burden on Holla Forums and everyone agrees?

Sure, slavery ended and from then on everyone had complete access to their civil rights. You fucking idiot.

Your opinion does not matter: if you still have most of the power, and if oppression is still in place, I can only assume that legislation is apparently not driven by your feelings (duh), and that you saying "I'm not racist" does not mean that you are not supporting racist institutions.
And I'll add this: identity politics is a valid tool of political expression for minorities. Although we can all see its most evident shortcomings (we have all seen to many cringeworthy tumblr post to be unaware of it), to dismiss it is equal to dismiss the causes that are currently championed by minorities.
According to them, their skin matters at an istitutional level. If this is true, it only makes sense for black people (this was the main example, but you could make the same point for many other similar causes) to gather together and have their voice heard.
Identity politics is a compromise, not an end on itself.

wonderful. Play that card when you've already tried to hand wave away history that is of consequence to a whole shitload of Americans

I don't think so, we're being raided by Holla Forums and you have also have to deal with the fact that a lotta people here are reformed Holla Forumsfags themselves.

What do people need to know that they do not already know? Racism is bad, mmkay.

What, and gives proles one less reason to kill one another? And who is going to fund the CIA if we do that? No, the doners will never go for that.

Why? They are already doing exactly what they are supposed to: maintain the status quo while providing plenty of prisoners for the prison industry.

What difference does it make what color unemployed people are? Whatever their identities are, there are still just as many of them, and being unemployed is still just as shitty.

Here's the crazy thing: we know what will end it. It's really goddamned simple, too.

There is no middle class in capitalism.

Been lurking this thread and I can't say a give a fuck one way or another. All Americans are equally racist to each other, the brown ones as much as the red ones as much as the white ones. Quite honestly, I wish you'd all just take down the nuclear weapons and have that Nazi masturbation fantasy you are all so obviously champing at the bit for. Perhaps the rest of the planet might then be able to move on without your skin colour obsessed bullshit ruining everything.

It is a lie that you tell to the confused in the hope that it will help them find truth even though you don't know what it is yourself.

Physician, heal thyself.

Identity reductionism detected!

Nobody is hand waving history, you disingenuous virtue signaller. They are explaining why things happen the way they do instead of spouting ideology.

That doesn't make any sense.

Do you know why these identitarian battles for equality are such achievable improvements compared to class struggle? Because they are completely and utterly kosher to the neoliberal establishment. Co-opting previously actually transgressive movements such as the radfems or black liberation mellows them down to just another consumer demographic. Perhaps the first part of this old Holla Forums classic can explain what I mean.
They gay rights movement is a good example: originally it questioned the very institution of marriage and the societal expectations placed upon people, now people are just happy with hypercommercialised Pride marches and gay marriages. These narrow victories of identitarian social justice mostly serve to give the neoliberal age a progressive veneer while concealing things such as the greatest wealth transfer in history from the people to the capitalist class that happened post 2008, not to mention the ever-accelerating gulf between the poor and the rich.
Your logic of 'the path of least resistance' simply leads to impotent lesser-evilism: vote for Hillary to keep Trump out, vote for New Labour to keep Tories out etc. This way the liberal foundations and structures of the system are never challenged, and it is impossible to enact structural solutions to structural problems. There will always be a new identity to fight for, as long as the fundamental foundations of oppression are in place.

Not sure about Murican education but even here in Yuropastan it was handled like a side note. There is a lot material to deal with about the why it happened, why it's bullshit and why it's still affecting people. Look at people like OP with bullshit like "After slavery ended, they were either segregated by the whites or the blacks decided to live on their own without the whites, idk, maybe the two combined." Besides, it'd point out how economical factors were the reason and there is no scientific base, seems like a win for class warfare too.

As for police and drug war, other countries manage it too one way or another and at least weed legislation is progressing. Yes, it's a much bigger challenge in a system completely ruled by moneys like US of A but a bit here and a bit there would be perfectly accomplishable even with a neoliberal shill like Hillary.

It's the color of the employed ones that make a difference. In a system obsessed by race, seeing that someone who has the same color like you made it, gives you more reasons to try, and it creates normalcy too. Back in the day interracial marriage was something extraordinary, nowdays no one but some Holla Forumsak even notices it. A lot of racism is based on pure ignorance and fear of the unknown, not necessary hatred.

If it were simple, why are we still stuck here? Besides, even getting rid of capitalism wouldn't suddenly fix idiocy.

Call them elevated/deluded/privileged proles, who cares. Someone who jungles two jobs and lives in a crappy appartment isn't in the same class as someone with two cars, a house and the option to pick his next job. They all still get fucked by porkie but at least lube is in use for one side.

Am I the only one who really doesn't care about racism? That's like not important at all. I hear a lot of people every day saying racist bullshit but they never do shit. Lots of them are not even racist, only anti immigrants. I'm not american so that maybe part of it.
What the fuck tho. I just don't care that much about racism.
Sexism is something under discussed on this board and it's a problem that needs more attention imho

Racism with a human face!

Your examples show that it did have result in the end. Not as radical or fast as needed but politics are often about compromises. It's not always the preferred choice and a lot should depend on the actual alternatives and political climate. Also again, where did the idea come from that you have to do either or. I am not suggesting to ignore dealing with class.

Take the examples:
Given Trumps idiocy, there was a real potential to do some damage in peoples belief in the system and in turn more good for the future.

Here the difference was too small to even bother with either of them.

One can attempt death with many cuts while mobilizing people for a revolution.

Given that the alternative is racism with an inhumane face while believing in popular uprising, one might as well pick the lesser evil while working to abolish it.

I don't necessarily disagree, I think we will have to do a lot of that under neoliberalism to avoid the worst barbarism. It's just not a very compelling sell, and it betrays a kind of TINA thinking. You have to at least formulate theoretical frameworks that promise a true solution or you are surrendering to a permanent present, capitalist realism and the rest of it.

Very true user, unfortunately the compromise is that leftists get gay marriage as long as they don't push class issues too hard. Socdems get their place in the sun as long as they don't threaten the rule of capital.
Sure, class struggle just gets pushed perpetually to the back of the queue, because as you said it is difficult and often violent and other unpleasant things. Experiences in the post-2008 world should be enough to discredit this attitude; the political Left's primary activity is still in identitarian struggles despite all absurdities of capitalism being blown wide open."Why does my revolution have to wait?!" says the feminist to the socialist.
So you would support Trump as an accelerationist candidate? Isn't this directly in contradiction with your belief in reformism and short-term goals? Surely keeping racism and sexism as brutal and visible as possible would nurture these groups' militant revolutionary potential?
Tories launched their facelift in large part due to losing to Blair - without Tory 'relaunch' they would have never supported gay marriage etc.
Only by negation of superficial identities can there be enough solidarity for a meaningful revolution. Identitarianism is false consciousness - the revolution is proletarian, not black or white or gay or straight etc.

You think your (American) blacks """are the way they are""" by coincidence? You think they've been in a cultural vacuum for the last 400 years? You think systematic white supremacy ain't got a part to play in the lens through which they experience America?

Here's a thought, why do blacks in The Americas speak English, Spanish and Portuguese instead of Mandinka, Yoruba and Akan like their ancestors? Why do they call themselves names like John, Vanessa and D'Andre, but not Senghor, Ayodele or Kwaku? How come their idea of a feast is chitterlings, collard greens and fried chicken and not jollof, fufu and okra soup and thiebou djenne?

*Cuz they're American.*

Their whole history and culture's been shaped on American soil and shaped by their interactions with whites for 400 years. They don't wear jeans and T-shirts by accident, they don't praise Jesus every Sunday by coincidence and they sure as fuck didn't set sail on a holiday cruise ship, get lost and end up in America either. I can't think of a single way in which they're anything like people of the parts of Africa their ancestors came from cuz they were basically created in the white man's image to be the perpetual working-poor. Believe it or not, culturally speaking White-Americans have got more in common with Black-Americans than even the British and Black-Americans are more like White-Americans than Nigerians or people from Senegambia.

The same "cultural traits" like poverty and crime you think are unique to American blacks are just as much the result of their cultural experience in America over the centuries as what they eat, how they speak, who they pray to and what they call themselves. Again, White-Americans had by far the biggest impact when it came to the shaping of the culture of African-Americans. They're basically inside out white men.

How else can you explain immigrants from countries in West Africa of the same genetic stock as Black-Americans' ancestors called shit like "Bolade Olejami" graduating from high school with GPAs of like 3.9 and going off to study at Harvard like it's nothing to the point that it's expected of them like Asians?

This is your mess, burger. If America was a household whites would be the kid that grows up to be a respected neurosurgeon with a loving wife and kids and blacks the in and outta jail druggy that's messed up cuz his mum tried to kill him when she got drunk and slept under the staircase growing up. Deal with it.

PS: This post is proof that (white) Americans are cancer and corrupt every people group from every corner of the world they can reach with their racist, imperialist, pro-capitalist thought and have gotta be re-educated before worldwide socialism can put humanity on the path to full communism. #DayOfTheGrill

can you, please, repost whole comic?

Sigh, you're right, Jews started the idea and white porkies expanded on this whole mess with the transantlantic slave-trade.

If only stupid greedy confederates didn't assassinate Abraham Lincoln before he sent the Africans back to Africa. It's the confederate's fault for being ignorant and not realizing the consequences of their actions.

There was no way of reversing this after Lincoln was assassinated. Blacks were doomed to segregation from the start because they are the minority and because they were previously slave status.

It's human instincts made the ghettos. People who are different are separated. This is the same with jocks and nerds, and boys and girls.

I dont think the human race will ever be capable of accepting differences without extreme educating, education that goes against our instincts that are buried in our genetic code.

It's too late to send the blacks back to africa. Either we mix-race, a class war happens, or we implement communism.

That's all I have, I'm afraid. You might find it on leftybooru or maybe some helpful comrade can post it here.

Those are some mighty fine spooks you are holding. Ignoring that -
None of these are mutually exclusive, in fact option b is necessary for option c. Option a is not a solution to anything - there is always some feature or another to discriminate on, even if everyone is of the same 'race' based on the understanding of ethnicity at the time of asking.

But once gay marriage was established and the norm, even most Christians in the West don't give a damn anymore. From that point one can move to questioning the entire thing. it's easier to push for more after you drew a new line. It's a very, very slow and frustrating process obviously.

Well, Sanders happened. A guy who openly calls himself a socialist in a country where the "left" party is more right wing than the Tories and communist is used as a slur. After decades of neoliberal brainwashing it was quite a progress. It takes time and capitalism is so deeply ingrained in the fabric of our society, that a truly radical change is just beyond unlikely, unless things turn really horrible, which is pretty unlikely too, porkie isn't dumb. Hence smaller victories aren't too bad even though they miss the big problem for now.

Nah, personally I couldn't vote for someone that much of a cunt but he could be seen as a legit gamble. Reformism and short-term goals are the lesser evil in the end, so if a potential for more presents itself, it can be reasonably to attempt it.

They are losers who wouldn't accomplish anything massive either way, and the moment they'd do something, the public would push against them even stronger. Majority in the first world is no way near tolerating open nazis. The only danger would be the increase of hate crimes and potential damage to environment, so it's about weighing in the short-term damage with potential gains.

Mhm, fair enough.

Seems contradictory. Proletarian is an identity too. Besides, there are pretty obvious lines, it not that hard to have solidarity with the working class as the big group but also show solidarity to sub groups. It's when the sub groups overly focus on that or even start some dumb black vs white or gay vs hetero shit where it gets excellent. While these types obviously exist and are pretty noisy too, Holla Forums seems to shovel them all into the same group, further causing tensions between people who could've stand on the same side. Then again, infighting is almost inherent for the Left.

Was this written by a bot?

Well shit, got my quotes wrong. Though we're discussing about the same shit. Oh well.

This isn't happening, user.
Yes, but even if the new line is farther and farther in the progressive direction, the change it brings still isn't fundamental. The power structures of capital are unchallenged.
A vast crisis of capital where money is literally poured in the coffers of the banks and none of the perpetrators get any real sanction and the only political repercussions are that a very milquetoast socdem got some positive publicity in America? You sure are easy to please.
Let's not save capitalism from itself by reformism.
By 'these groups' I was referring to women and ethnic minorities; should the current society oppress them hard enough they would be open to revolutionary ideas. Compare the Black Panthers to BLM for example.
No, user, not in the same way. Class is an abstract of a material relation to the means of production. It is independent of culture or subjectivity, unlike identitarian categories such as race etc. Americans sometimes call Spaniards ethnically 'Hispanic' even though they would be White (or just European/Spanish) in Europe.
The extremely sceptical attitudes towards any mention of identity on Holla Forums is often overblown but not misplaced per se. Separate identitarian struggles atomise the proletariat as a political force. This is actually a problem even for identitarian struggles themselves, the famous example would be the split in the black rights movement into black women's liberation and black men's liberation, spearheaded by Gloria Steinem (maybe through a proxy, maybe not) famously funded by the CIA. Here is an article by Mark Fisher about the toxic effect identitarian politics (and other such liberal influences) has on the Left: thenorthstar.info/?p=11299
I do concede being a tad simplistic in my earlier reply - if racism or bigotry prevents proletarians of different ethnicities etc. from politicising as a single group there obviously is a problem. One should remember that bigotry is also identity politics, just in the other direction. Then again the Black Panthers had no problem collaborating with white organisations in the far more racist 60s and 70s.

White-Americans just need to grow the fuck up and stop being so reactionary to be honest. Also, they should stop blaming the Jews for slavery when plantation owners' names were Johnson, Jackson and McDonough and not Shapiro, Rosenberg and Feinstein.

Nor was there even a resemblance of a movement that could attempt in in the last decades. So yeah, some socdem getting positive feedback in America is a relatively big step. Obviously it's not a "WE WON" moment but small steps in the right direction deserve acknowledgment too.

Capitalism isn't sustainable either way. Until it consumes itself, reforms to give it a much more humane face is by far the most realistic gain we can get if there isn't something much, much more massive than a financial crisis happening. What first world country outside of France even does have a respectable sized leftist base? (And even in France where the majority of people do have left wing views, the separation handed the victory to neo liberals once again)

Probably only a small part (as were the panthers). People in the third world get oppressed much harder and usually take it. Muricas culture is so inherently anti communist, you'd need to go full 3rd reich before people do something drastic, and given the power of the military and the intelligence agencies, even a massive uprising doesn't guarantee success. Unlike with a civil war, a left uprising is unlikely to cause a split there either since most of the guys are right wingers.

Porkies got a lot smarter too and helped to turn BLM into a marketing gimmick. Is there a #blm week at KFC yet? Social media doesn't help either. "Hey, I retweeted a picture against oppression, that's enough revolutions for one day."

Which is a lot more complex these days. Why isn't a computer means of production?

It's more independent than the others but not that clear cut either. Also what about things like being gay? You're pretty damn gay no matter where you go and only the social attitude towards you changes, which is the case for class too. Murican disdain for the poor is cultural with the "They didn't work hard enough" shit.

BUT WHAT ABOUT BLACK GAYS AND BLACK TRANNIES? Of course you can overblown idpol shit to ridiculous levels and we should be wary of outside influences creating fake divisions just the board seems overly dismissive towards everything that sounds remotely like idpol, which does add another layer of separation. People who prioritize their specific problem but recognize class as the main issue should be our allies, and hey even the buzzfeed muh privilege test acknowledges economic factors.

Also what the fucking fuck is going on in the webm. Reads like some of the articles were written by Holla Forums trolls.

Isn't their excuse that the Jooce controlled the Johnsons either indirectly with capital or directly via Juice magic? Can't really reason with the guys.

We have been going backwards since the 70s, and socdems in europe have been neoliberal since the 90s. I don't count anything that has no bearing on the struggle between labour and capital as a win.
Giving capitalism a humane face is in reality just exporting its ugly side out of sight. Reformism, at least without a clear plan for moving beyond the current system simply prolongs the pain.
Except when they don't.
It isn't really. The virtues of classcuckery and opposing any structural change and instead individualising all problems have been indoctrinated deep though.
Going nazi would have the opposite effect. The true acceleration is in maximising economic liberalism, having American society gutted by the cold logic of profit. This is already happening in the rust belt and in the old mining towns, the people will vote for whoever candidate represents change, Obama before and now Trump. If you can get these people to connect the dots to why Walmart left the town and why it destroyed the economic viability of the town and what can be done about this - anti-Capitalism will grow. If this gets destroyed by identitarianism: "capitalism would work if it wasn't for these niggers/jews/racist white males" then it will all be for naught.
As I said, liberal identitarian struggles are easy for corporations to co-opt.
The identity of being gay and actually being gay are two separate issues. A great many men who fuck men (or boys) didn't view themselves as gay. This happens even today, when people insist traps aren't gay. Not to mention the fact that lesbianism was widely accepted as 'a quirk' rather than with the seriousness of sodomy.
Not really. To use the earlier example of homosexuals, progress in the gay acceptance doesn't really affect homosexuals as in people who fancy people of the same sex but rather those who identify and act accordingly. For people who are in the closet and perhaps married with kids it makes no difference. Class politics is different: A victory for labour is a victory for all workers, no matter if they identify as proletarian or not. Most workers in America identify as middle-class, but when the job market swings towards the employees they benefit along with other workers regardless of their feelings.
There is also a tradition of the hard-working pioneer in American culture.
But as you can see from the webm, the mainstream identitarian struggles are full-blown liberalism. The articles in the paper are not written by Holla Forums trolls but their liberal counterparts. They are fully kosher to the mainstream identitarian movement, because of things like prioritisation of subjective narratives instead of universalism and abuses of Foucault in "power+prejudice=racism so ethnic minorities can literally never be racist"-logic. Any class-based critique gets eaten up by the shrill screeching of the sanctimonious liberal. As socialists, we should either separate our struggles to keep class as the central issues, or join in 'Popular Front'-style identitarian stuggles only with severe reservations.