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Is that what life is like in Ukraine

just had to focus on finishing up building my new computer.
it's all good now.



my buddy tried to choke me earlier to high and now my jaw is swollen on the left side and sore

colored pencil?

сука блат


"Блять" not "блат"
"Блат"is completely different word

It's trolleybus


I think so? I didn't draw it qq

I don't give a fuck about bread, i don't eat it



what does ладно mean?


hello sweden

albino neko? ebin.





до свидания

*russian characters*

Tell me adulterous things in Korean.





I forgot where the characters are for that and only now realized that my korean input has a soft keyboard.


Do I go out to get breakfast and everything together, or do I get dressed first?

Раз раз это хардбас

Did I scare Sibbi out of thread to translate korean?





Should i drink energy drink?

Survey says: No.

Neat Demiurge pic

the second smallest toenail on my right foot just completely tore off :)

Oh shit that's not good

yea i must have hit it or something somehow




Hi Sinni

ziga zaga

How are you doin?~

I'm okay. Called out of work today. What's new with you?

doesnt really hurt nearly as bad as i expected, i guess it was kind of a fucked up cirnky old nail to begin with, probably a good thing i accidentally ripped the whole thing off

kinda aaa, I'd be joining you in the calling off work but I don't have any more free days this week

I hope you have a good day

I liked when my finger was all lidocaine'd up and they ripped off the top of my nail and stitched through the rest of it.

good times.

whaat. Like when you call out from my work it's kinda like rolling the dice.

afternoon lads

I'm not sick anymore

at least to a degree I cannot come here

that feel when apparently not since you accidentally posted in a 3 day old thread


get 2 days off per week
calling off is a 50/50 of getting fired but I haven't yet so!!

Ayy Maddie Moo

They can't fire me; I'm the diversity hire lmao

I'm not fat :(

I didn't say you were.

oh. I heard moo and got all uppity.

one of these days they're gonna fire me outright, and it'll be the worst

gotta maintain money at all times

Just say you're too crazy/lazy to work and I hear you get free money

I'm too lazy to work.

It didn't work.

maybe you're not lazy enough

pls someone talk to me

im too distracted by being busy and pain to talk right now, and also having to poo

hello I can talk to you my friend



afternoon how are you doing

Pick an actual topic so we can skip the pleasantries.

rectal coitus

Anal's great, user. Don't be scared.


what is your opinion on the rising improvements towards sexbots, as well as the rising advocacy for them as well

My opinion is sex sells and that humans are horny creatures so of course both of those things would be on the rise. If they make these operational to legalize robo-prostitution that's a huge market.

Past that conceptual stuff, I don't really read into it enough to have a fully thought out opinion. I feel like my go-to of "if it doesn't hurt anyone, go for it" fits nicely.


use them, humanity is doomed anyways

Basically this. The Y chromosome has 4.6M years left so it'll have to go to some sort of radical sex robot. And that's assuming nuclear warfare decides to wait that long instead of 1-3 years.

Kinda like that Rick and Morty episode.

Hey so long as I don't get robot AIDS

"it'll" being reproduction


Please do try to keep up, user.

this sucks right now though. you don't wanna know. anyhow, you should like rub up on a poster right now.

There's nobody I like that much currently here though.

not too different to >>2000480's really desu, I think that it should be encouraged due to the fact that
A) humanity is inherently wrong, and if just one person decides to spend their lives with a sexbot over an actual human woman, then it'll be worth it
B) They don't truly hurt anybody (and one could they result in a prevention of pain following statement A), so there is no harm in it
C) I want my 2D anime kawaii moe adjective adjective onee-san gf waifu
D) fuck succubi

Your personal motivations regarding this subject will inevitably skew your opinion from objectivity.

I don't expect to see it happen in my lifetime, and if sexbots were to be created and then banned/heavily taxed with added surveillance or something I wouldn't be surprised

Succubi can inhabit sex tools though.

Any modern tech is already heavily being watched so I'd have to agree with that happening with them.

btc are under 10k rn you should buy some

Holy shit what's with people dumping all their assets into BTC? Is this a bank run or something?

A) They've hit the mainstream
B) Wallstreet and other big biz may or may not be adopting blockchain this year
C) It's the way of the future, deal with it

I'm not saying sell your house into btc, but def worth the risk of investing.

And they were like 17k a couple weeks ago

I think being rich is a bad idea.

I think your existence is a bad idea, yet you keep doing that.

What's wrong with having money and trying to set up a foundation for yourself when you're old?

Foundations are a trap.

I guess you wouldn't understand since you're getting neetbux or w/e

good luck.

I understand how BTC is a Jewish invention.

Anyone else here?



I am here but I'm not going to be in 5 minutes
I will still be here I'll just be playing vidya

pee is better

hm yes I will have to agree peee is better than pisss

see i knew you knew

You know.

Stuff like this doesn't help your whole "I'm not a pee fetishist" argument.

i think at this point nothing i say will convince otherwise so i might as well go with it

i am a hungry though
whos got food

me me I have food

gibb da food

Not acting like a pee fetishist would do wonders.

i dont act like one aaaaaaaaaaa
im making tendies

and applying for jobs

hows your morning/afternoon alexandra ?

Waiting on everyone for an RP group thing.

And waiting for whenever Echo-chi and I's movie night is.

RP group thing ? sounds like fun.
what is it exactly ?

watcha two watching tonight ?

I didn't fancy getting up and I thought I had more food than this desu but all I've got are these so eat up
ignore everything else in the image

Used up all my magic this morning doing a thing so I can't into creativity right now.

those look both disgusting and unfilling

We're going to try to get a roleplay going on Starcraft again because most of us remember doing that as a young'un and want to see it thrive again.

I don't really think it's going to thrive again because SCBattle Net is still kinda quiet most of the time on US servers.

Well, on USEast at least, anyway.

I just want to roleplay starcraft again.

We're watching Sinister Paddington 2

they are not disgusting, and are not unfilling if you are like me and can go by eating a single meal a day and many days with none

worcester sauce is the flavour of choice for any intellectual

RP on starcraft
sounds tight

you'll get something going im sure

sinister was alright
your choice or echo's ? also. did that old lady end up being relevant ?

P A D D I N G T O N 2 !!!!

have you seen me
i dont eat
i need to eat more
its not good to eat only a single meal

Take my magic.

As relevant as she could have given the situation.

no I haven't seen you
I'm aware it's not good to eat a single meal but I make up for it by sometimes eating multiple
some days I eat less than I should and some I eat more than I should so it cancels out, if I could just always the amount I should that'd be optimal but that's not going to happen

Okay if you really insist maybe a little...

You are free to all you need.

so it sounds like it was a let down

you havent seen me ? i post pics of myself all the time what the heck

you should try to eat normally
im sitting at 115-ish lb at 5'9" (or 5'8" i can't ever remember)
not good

I may have seen you, I have seen some people get posted here but I don't know who they are, and I'm not very good at remembering them
I think one of them had brown hair and glasses

thats me
the medium length brown hair is a wig
the nasty short hair is a me

Thank you.

this is a good plan

Will I feel any different?

proud of u
stickin it to the chumps

afternoon woco

I definitely felt something on this side. I think I need a picture of your face to sap you.

Insidious is pretty trash.

At this point we're mostly just watching for completion sake, I think, just need to wait on 4 to be available to us.


50.8kg 170cm


Someone added me to a group chat with 7 other people just to complain their 10 year old bird that lived in constant pain died.

did you send them a picture of a cooked game bird or something after

Someone added me to a group chat with 7 other people just to complain their 10 year old child that lived in constant pain died. Ugh.

It's like 2 years old.

like I said, my memory is very poor, those details really don't mean a great deal to me

I hope Loco dies and someone invites me to the chat with 7 other people.


what a handsome boy


yeah insidious is big doody
4 probably wont be available for another few months since its in theatres right now

wow youre just a lil bit less than me
ill put together an alexandra cosplay sometime since it fits my body type :^)

youll see me again eventually

That was like, 4 days after I shaved too.


170cm even is too big to be an Alexandra so please don't.


Tell me if you start to feel drained over the next few days.

gambling is bad

squash never gives ME his magic

Hey, Ioco. C'mere a sec.
I wanna tell you something.

Boy Ioco, fuck you. I hope you fucking die alone in a gutter getting off on your own self-deprecating wit and with a mouth full of kool-aid like some lowly prison skank. I mean the powder mix too. When you die I'm going to carefully insert a cactus into the rectum of your dead body Ioco, and then I'm going to write "I'm dumb" on your cheek with a sharpie, you big dumb stupid weak pathetic white piece of human garbage. Fucking McKill Yourself

i guess youre right ;;

ill put together a chicken tendie cosplay instead

then I'm going to write "I'm dumb" on your cheek with a sharpie



yan so desperate for my boypussy

You aren't adorable like Magic.
He and I are fur kin.

yan desperate for everyone

Boys do not have a pussy.

fucking gays


hope u feel better soon

The thing about me sapping your energy is I get attached...

does he send you pictures of his huge penis too

ew no disgusting yan just picks on me


You wanna see some drawings I did?

sure do it



nice old people
they look nice

they were very ugly people, so I had to change a lot in the drawing to fix their faces.


HIVs in the tap water

making the frogs gay

I definitely get covered in some sort of sludge whenever I take a shower and I can feel the bacteria growing on my skin, making me smell. Fuck it I'm just going to do vinegar/coconut oil baths.

did they drink cofe

ew i drink tap water all the time

maybe if those water particles learned how to put a condom on we wouldn't have this problem


What is this sorcery going on in that video you posted?

aren't they magical


what are mousekeys?



You have AIDS now.



Why did I laugh at this.

because it's simple and it works so well

i dont even like mac n cheese !!

neck yourself liliana

good afternoon


neck yourself nezi

your name is one letter away from being nazi

you small dicked white supremacist


stop telling people to neck themselves

neck yourself loafie

baka pan


yan do your job and bury these fools

please don't say that

check out this sick meme I just made

I don't bully people

yeah I forgot
you're too busy eating your own cum and cybering trannies from the UK

when you're over your fucking friends house trying to play Diablo and the fucking large black Barbarian player won't switch out of that account so you can use your support monk, telling you to just "make a new character"

Hey I don't cyber my e-gf


stop bullying yan right now everyone

i wish someone would neck me

i'll neck u bb

alright do it !!!!


did i say to lick >.>

I was thinking of a different necking I guess ha

also hey
what happened to me being too young

fuck. true :(

so we're back to me being too young
sad day


like but you're cute

"You're too young" really is just a synonym for "I'm not interested if it isn't somehow convenient for me."

no relationships are convenient

yeah relationships stink i just wanna kiss people and hold their hand every now and then

but also monogamy is sacred

i got some black tea from a bottle and on it
it says

"brewed from real leaves !"
oh good i thought it was brewed from fake leaves good to know

I should play Night in The Woods again and go the Bae rout


mahogany is sacred

i should finish it








-sad bwaaaaaaamp-

that was fucking funny

It wasn't as lit as last year sadly since the Radisson got changed to the Ontario Gateway Hotel and they are strict and cracked down on parties

The con itself was pretty cool
There was a giant tent and the AA was not inside the actual convention which triggered people apparently lol

Yo Soto why didn't we meet up at ALA

Cause I already was at my maximum capacity of autistic people lmao

oh xd


Jk tho

It was hilarious though dude, I got blacklisted from some airbnb party cause like one of the dudes who were hosting it don't like me cause apparently I slept with a chick who they were desperately trying to hook up with

I'm "infamous" apparently lmao

Just tell him to stop being such a beta cuck lmao

why is manny banned looooooooool

Second place cause Im dabesssssss

Im not gonna waste my breath on that nigga

Im just gonna sleep with more chicks just to trigger him more lol

why is richie banned too? was he pervin2hard?

am i invited pls?

I have to go find my shit at like level 12 rn :(

Manny gets uncontrollably drunk alot and always either gets aggressive or starts pervin with the ladies

He's already been uninvited to alot of parties so I guess he's used to it lmao

Richie got blacklisted for breaking alot of shit while he's turnt
Since this was an airbnb party and the place was pretty nice they didnt want anything getting damaged

In the end they ended up breaking a bed frame and a lawn chair so the airbnb charged em like 400 for damages

Sucks to be the hosts man, and then they put a post up asking for donations for the damages
I was loling pretty hard

Wow you're so cool.

Not as cool as you tho

Soto, I kinda want to write your biography, then direct the movie.


Stop it you

happy 9th birthday luka

The movie would probably flop lmao

How's the Wed treating you?

wow luka is younger than me

All I've been doing is playing FF14 lmao

I keep fighting Kefka and thinking on Kon

If Franco's half-assed Disaster Artist movie can get nominated for major awards, I think we can at least get a strong art house following.


i'm mister looooonelyyyyyy~

i have noboooooooooooodyyyyyyyyy~

to call my oooooooooooooown~

Fucking up fam

I miss Kon tbh, I still have him in my main group chat though so he says whats up every now and then but he works graveyard so he's rarely online when Im up

I have actually never seen the Disaster Artist yet people were saying it was really good
Should i check it out?

It's not a bad little movie, but they turned the source material into such a bromance and glossed over some of the darker, more interesting stuff. And I don't like the way James Franco treated Tommy Wiseau at the Golden Globes.

call me your own *please*



God damn, poor dude.
Do you ever con together?


Tell them you had to do it for religious purposes.




is that the bullyloli?

Yeah man

Ch 8

You know I had to do it to em

Yeah, we usually always meet up at AX or Fanime and get super toasty

Yeah i heard he didnt let him say whatever it is he was gonna say
Which is p fucked up


Where's the Rathian?


In the center here.

Isn't she cute?

Wait, that might be a Rathalos.

Taht's definitely a Rathalos.

This one looks like a Rathian.

She has the jaw spike so I'm going to assume.

i want a hug :(

Yeah, I want to hug a Rathian too.

bully me pls

>shoves you onto a chaise lounge


Show me your ass. I want to see what I am going to fuck.

*steals ur shield potions*

a dragon? ._.


Is there a new one out?

Yeah, Ch 7.5 and 8 came out

wanna play?



I know it gave me type 1 diabetes

hmmn. i wish you could play minecraft with me

when you can slowly feel yourself dying

bump :(

george sent me a kigirumi :)
or w/e you call them

what's that?

like a giant onesie thing


if I wasn't in the middle of eating and watching digimon, I would!

I'll get pics tomorrow probably :)


I wish somebody got me gifts :(

I met a kid that sounds and acts like Mclovin and I couldn't stop laughing at him when he talked.

I feel bad for bullying him



what animal or character


what are you SAYING

What do you think ?


ive got no clue to be honest



meeeewow !

attention thread
all creatives/spastics/clever goons please help me think of a name for my shitty ffxiv guild
i play a lala paladin and we're on coeurl but i have no creativity

pee lovers


do i look like goggles lili pls

goggles likes pee ?



he is the piss witch

wee woo

since when

since we randomly decided he has a piss fetish


we ??
WE ???????

sorry father but i must disagree

im bored.

what do you think you might do ?

eat stuff i guess...

i think im gonna stream here in a minute if you wanna watch and eat :

I haven't seen Luka in a while. Did you get a job?

stream what?

fucking fatass

i think im gonna play silent hill o.o
or maybe something else ? im not sure.
twitch.tv/kaiiyote_ if you wanna stop by while i set things up !




Daily reminder to Lili to call her insurance so she can grow tiddies

Since when is that something Green Bean wants?

Daily reminder to 4m to kill me


Idk the exact point in time it started. Ask her


Daily reminder to remind Wish he's gonna be bald in like 8 more years

tfw ur hair is super thick and neither your dad or grandpa is baled

I feel pretty safe against baldness


Daily reminder that nobody actually follows daily reminders.

They do if they want to

They just have to stop being 2shy to make a phone call

Daily reminder that
Erio: *tackles you*

Buttfox isn't here and I'm shameless

Anyone still have the Kamuu log? : ^ )

I kind of feel like HRT will make Green Bean kill himself.

Definitely encourage him then.

Those were the days man



Idk if you know but it was him who leaked that log

He put it on Pastebin to show Colbs without realizing that anyone can find things on Pastebin with Google

At least he does more work than Smiles, right? : ^ )

Back in the day where people showed me things :(

Or maybe Smiles just didn't want to try at all with that one guy

The "girl" is just supposed to lay there and take it, duh Cato

If that ain't art then I don't know what is

Was it buttfox who was getting buttmad over posting the logs in /aneki/?

I remember getting banned a couple of times

whatever you say

obviously, how else would you do it?

You like being shown cocks and gay things


I think that's why they're a banner now

I'm basing it on the logs of her that were posted

Really, I don't expect much from any of you

Steam ERP group whores are better

Not just those things


Cocks are probably your favorite tho


That's not killing me.

Fake news.

You know I wouldn't kill you though, so you must have wanted a huggu

Zero communication

everyone has times when they just want to get off but dont want to do the work, especially if the other person initiated.

yeah same


Please don't be a douche at me tonight dude.

What dis mean

The amount I was typing in the Buttfox log isn't really work for me tbh

But if the person I'm doing it with types more than that, I end up putting in effort

I wasn't even doing anything. What's got you so sour grapes?

No I wanted to die.

I'd hope that wasn't a lot of work.

But still, you know what I mean

Anything specific bothering you or are you just being casually suicidal for no reason? :3

People just have different minimums I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It's a good way to spoil a good game heh

idk just really sad lonely today. pretending to be okay all the time is really exhausting.

Get high ^^

Waiting on Wish to post tasteful nudes

Load up some drones with explosives and become the hero the world needs.

I'm trying but it's not helping. I'm a fucking mess rn :'(


tasteful vagina crease


Breathe slowly and deeply

Let go of muscle tension with each exhale

Feel free to talk to me more about what's bothering you exactly, here or on Discord ^^

Do you have that jerb interview scheduled yet? ^^

Stop pretending you are ok. Embrace that you are a fucking sad fuck with no real life ahead of you, a bitch that is draining your back account instead of your balls, and a brother who knocked up a fucking pig of a girl that is still a kid. Then get drunk. And look forward to the day some fucking asshole plows into you on your bike and smears your brains across the blacktop.


He sent me the postings today and said that he'd let me know within the week.



could have gone with "If you're lonely, your standards are too high" or "get off the internet and go hang out in a bar or something of that sort"
You went straight for the jugular, damn

I just gave the advice I give myself.

Subtlety wastes time. Better to be blunt and have it over with.

There are always options, though

Telling someone to go outside or their standards are too high isn't very subtle


different message, though



Hi Bard


why not use IM?



Why not use a noose?

Implies they have the intelligence to make a knot.

ohhehe hi I didnt see you there

Was hiding.

Who will get a job first Rin or Luka?

Place your bets now

were you hiding from me

Rin definateley
Luka has the system on lock


It'll be a tie, they'll pay each other to feel sorry for themselves.




Yeah, it could be a truck, a jeep. Maybe a semi.


Mom tried to kill herself with the fireplace again.