I do not wish to make a thread to just ask what i belief but i simply cannot find what ideology would most closely relate to my political compass beliefs.
What are my poltical views?
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there is a better political test where you make your own state. Somebody post it.
I'm an Egoist Anarchist but if i were to make a state it would be Minarchist as fuck but left leaning. bye.
are you referencing nationstates.net? because it's shit.
no lol another one where you can choose economy, rights, punishment to crimes and all that shit.
All political tests suck even that one but at least it's more "accurate" in someways.
This one? politicaltest.net
NO. Let me fight the link fuck.
Here: filteries.com
pretty sure it was that shit.
Keep in mind all political tests or creators like this one are spooky bullshit and can't get precise results.
so, a Fascist?
You're not left enough kid
Holy crap, how? I thought I was pretty left and only got so far.
I don't know, a few months ago i was at pic related
political tests are not accurate representations of what you are. You're more than labels.
The political compass is made for liberals to feel happy about being in the green t b h
Get on my level, friendo.
what is the top right thing from
Also I hate the "economic freedom" test cuz the site is run by some asinine ancap
meant for
you are like a little baby
Or for dweeb Tankies to take pride for being in the top red. Even through irl they're just weakass nerds with no might what so ever.
Thats why I have never done that shitty test.
Nazbol, unfortunately.
The memes always put MLs in the top left but the y-axis on this test is mostly about how socially liberal or conservative you are. Most modern MLs support things like homosexuality and abortion.
I believe that the site that is from has since gone offline.
I'm going to have to disagree.
I hold a number of socially 'progressive' positions.
Yet I always get placed at the very top of the y-axis.
You like neither capitalism, nor the gays. Political compass is shit.
these ones are way more accurate
How to completely destroy an economy 101
About the same result with the other one.
When two tests give you a completely different outlook
I'm less authoritarian than in 8values one, though.
Stop using the 8values thing. It's questions are binaries and are written by someone who can't tell the difference between the politics of Hillary Clinton and Nestor Mahnko.
Oh, and this one tells me I'm a tankie now…
I'm just a socdem
Fuck off, faggot