Why is Hitler considered to be "far right" from a cultural standpoint?
If we were talking about the economic side, yeah, with all the privatizations and shit, it would make sense to identify his party as far right.
But culturally speaking, it barely makes sense:
Take for example Mussolini, the bald looser: despite all the beatings and the continue oppression of both the opposing sides, his party (initially) decided to exile some of the opposition outside of Italy because "brutal murder" didn't fit with catholics values, which the party "stated" to be based on and which were deeply rooted in Italy's cultural baggage.
But Hitler's vision of Germany wasn't really based on German culture at all: it was completely made up by him and his party.
So, why do neo-nazis call themselves "culturally aware people" when they are pretty much praising and taking as a model a false vision of Germany that really never existed through history (except for the nazi times)?
Because i know i'd get only edgy and shitty replies and insults from Holla Forums or any other "far-right" board: at least you people are somewhat educated.
Why is Hitler considered to be "far right" from a cultural standpoint?
Romanticism. What matters is not Germany, but the image of a perfect, pseudo-mythical past which supposedly existed before the nation was dragged down into fun and filth by da Joos and leftists. Only once the undesirables are purged can a national rebirth commence which will restore the nation to its state of perfection that never was.
social conservatism was never the point.
nazism is very loosely based on nietzsche (and his retarded sister) which is more about a cultural revolution if anything.
This has always baffled me. Despite all the jacking off about tradition, fascism is very modern.
Mysticism and the glorious past. He romanticised reaction and demonised progress.
The striving to an idealised past, to an "essence", together with the belief that it is outside elements that are attacking a perfectly good system/thing, are the two key aspects of reactionary thoughts.
"Conservatives" think it is outside forces and social control and whatnot that is ruining everything, that it used to be so much better 20 years ago before x or y came about. They pick and choose the bits of the past they like and present it as "the good old days" that an outside force attacks. And people will fall for it because negative emotions are stronger than positive ones.
The same goes for hitlerism. They fabricated an idealised past that never existed and say that outside forces degenerated it into what it is today.
Monarchist, fascists, conservatives, etc all follow the same line of thought, although in different directions and with different ideals.
Germany was a very young nation which had rigorously been trying to generate a unified national identity for a while. Couple that with nationalism-as-policy often conjuring up a romantic image of a prelapsarian past and you get a strange mixture of Wagnerian opera and Atlantis myths to fuel your deluded spiritualism and justify some ethnic destiny bullshit.
The poor handworker who called for class cooperation and the strengthening of the worker's position in the economy? The failed artist who built up the first welfarestate, complete with vacation for the common man and protection of single mothers? That Hitler?
I do not understand where you get the idea that nazism is not based on German culture. Do you know anything about Germany/Hitler beyond allied propaganda?
No. It was about the uplifting of the people.
Fascism (and NutSac) belong to the Idealism category of ideologies, opposite to the materialism of both communism and capitalism.
Idealism = spiritual truth
materialism = search for physical comfort
Also, fascist Tradition with a capital T, as in the Evolian sense of the word. Not mere rituals an "we've always done it this way" but something more spiritual.
No. Just no.
Who build the pyramids, and why? Why are there myths about great wars between the gods? Origin stories are to explain the creation of life, but why does the mahabratha need 4.5 mil words?
As a unified nation-state, maybe.
As a nation? No.
If you claim Hitler was reactionary, you're wrong.
If you claim Not Socialism/ fascism are just political ideologies, you're wrong.
I suggest you read the 25 demands of the NSDAP. That's easy enough for you. If you want something deeper, read mein kampf. The read myth of the 20th century.
Egyptians. For their kings.
People like to tell fairytales to explain morals and entertain and explain phenomenon.
I dunno, monks get bored if they dont have to farm and they cant fuck, i guess?
funny wordfilter mods neck yourselves
But why did they feel necessary to build them? Why is there an insane accuracy in their construction
Yes, those are indeed for morals.
Mythology isn't.
You did not get bored in a pre-industrial society. There was always more work, or you slept to recuperate. It seems that your bourgeosie ass doesnt understand that.
that'd be bismarck, revisionist faggot
This autism chart should explain it.
Doesn't matter. Nationalists rarely love their really existing nation and culture, what they love is a fictional (or romanticized to the point of being essentially fictional) past that they seek to restore. Vid related.
who could possibly be behind this post…
it was neither first nor welfare state, vacations never materialised and german workers' conditions only got worse under the nazis. What increased were corporate profits.
Capitalism is not an ideology its a mode of production you mongoloid, it is neither materialistic nor idealistic, it merely is. Liberalism on the other hand is thoroughly idealistic. Fascism is simply the reaction of the capitalist to the threat of the workers. It is nothing more than the advancement of the interests of capital at any costs.
Hitler was most assuredly a reactionary since he was an advocate of capitalism, under the capitalist mode of production all which seeks to maintain it is reactionary.
Assuming you mean the egyptian ones it was Egyptian farmers and wage labourers who were paid to do so.
Because being creative people we create fiction to entertain us and convey certain concepts.
The german national identity was made up in the universities of 18th century, wholly fabricated and popularised by works of fiction and quirky theories.
The NSDAP were nothing more than generic corporate fascists acting int he interest of global finance capital and the industrialists.
They are the political programs of the bourgeoisie veiled in occultism to mimic the same justifications for the capitalist system as the clergy provided for the aristocracy. "Our interests are the same, you may be starving now but think of our noble nation"
people in pre-industrial societies had far more leisure than those in industrial societies. Stop getting your understanding of history from video games and fantasy novels.
That must be why they literally enslaved millions of proles, busted unions, outlawed striking, and suppressed wages.
What bismarck introduced was more of a insurance which the workers bought into. Not really a welfare state we know of today.
This chart is retarded. You cant put fascism on the left-right dichotomy.
He doesnt say anything intelligent. You dont know what nationalism entails, cosmopolitan rootless internationalist.
Fuck off with your propaganda. Nazi germany was a workers paradise, anyone who lived then had nothing but good to say about hitler.
Have you ever read mythology? it is more than plain fiction. more than simply explaining concepts
you know nothing about history it seems
Do you know gottfried feder? the man who wrote "the breaking of intrest slavery"? The nazi?
Your brushing off of mythology makes clear you know nothing about this.
fuck off. you've never worked with your hands.
The whole
can be rationalised so far that your life is a spook too, so kill yourself.
I thought leftypol would give me a challenge in views, but no. Your spooks are all you think off.
After the collapse, truth will triumph.
Nothing you've said contradicts anything in my posts. Your ideology has always revolved around fetishizing a fictional, idealized version of your national past. I've yet to see a fascist that didn't hate his really existing country and culture (and, in my country, it's literally impossible for fascists to genuinely like anything about our culture and history considering it's significant multi-ethnic influences)
lmao, fuck off porky
just because i like the lord of the rings a lot doesn't make it anymore significant
t. thinks people conceived of german as anything other than a language before napoleon
1. the nazis literally opposed usury in name only
2. bankers aren't the only capitalists you illiterate moron
no one cares about your deep and complex feelings about how special some word is or how magic is real and we need to be 'noble' or some shit. Its hand-waving justification for the subservience of man to the authority of capital.
that's a nice argument you have there. i must just be too dumb to understand how this invalidates the point that feudal peasantry had very plentiful leisure time particularly outside harvest season and that your deluded fantasies of the hard work ethic of past people is protestant nonsense in the ideological service of capital :^)
please read stirner before you use the word spook it makes it very obvious you have no idea what it means. gl have fun
You gotta pick one, my dude
I guess that doesn't include his approval ratings in the concentration camps.
Suits them right. And Stirner as a sociopath is a nice touch.
Fuck off with your propaganda. The soviet union was a workers paradise, anyone who lived then had nothing but good to say about Stalin.
That infographic is pretty shit considering that some ideologies are thought of as economic in their critique and others as social. E.g. where would you place nazbol?
does killing and torturing Slavs fit with catholic values?
Ostalgia, look it up.
German camps were among the best, if not the best, until the Allies blocked their supplies.
With the other fascists.
Ostalgie I thought
Yes, I thought in English that would transcribed that way.
Still, people will always romanticise their past, moreso if they didn't live through it.
Socially minded Nationalism is center.
Don't respond to it.
Good job goys promote the murdering left and lie about the Reich some more.
we don't wear tinfoil here