Found this on Holla Forums of all places
Found this on Holla Forums of all places
you can hate right wingers but they make good memes
holy shit that peterson one is angelic
Anyone have the one about Charlottesville and the Barcelona attack?
Who is the Chad?
Foucault (few of the notes are Derridean tho)
this was always one of my favorite Holla Forums memes
Found this on twitter
I feel like the past few months the line between normies and non primes has been blurring
Hit me right in the fucking feels…
I don't understand this, you are a product of your parents (.5 each, plus more due to assertive mating) and shared environment is .0 in the far majority of traits - why wouldn't it then be clan pride worldwide as your genes (i.g. parents and kin) are you?
Neither of these are desirable though.
This one's kind of bad imo, because most people are like that Chad if they are depressed, and even like him if not.
Top shit.
This one too.
If anyone responds to this bait I will personally Chad Plow through your house.
No, it's a legitimate question. If it's self pride (that includes EVERYTHING TO GENES ITSELF) why isn't it extended as you share your genes? Do you have halfass'd pride to your family or?
Fuck you for making me respond to this if it's bait.
based sage goes in ALL fields. I'd respond if your initial bait didn't suck.
why the fuck would anyone believe the words inside a head are more important than the genetic information?
Well, they are - you are genes expressed in an environment (unless you mean compared to other organisms, in which case we can factor geneXenvironment [heritability]). And It's not bait - I am wondering why genes (which people share with you, and therefore, to an exent, JUST YOU) is irrational…
not only the individual, the entire race is expressed in the information there
You have a kinship coefficient of 0.0 - your race is not related to you.
This could still be a good thread.
Nice spook doe
as a jew i can confirm this is 100% true
I've been wanting to edit this one to make it more lefty but I've neither the creativity nor the pshop skills.
there's already a lefty edit you cuck
it's already lefty
it's already lefty
there's an edit of "virgin succdem" vs "communist revolution" though.
This is the pinnacle of this meme.
i just made this and i really hate editing programs, shit just never works the way i need it to
*blocks your path*
tbqh Socrates would be better if he wasn't doomed by being a moralfag.
surely you mean "edgy larper"
Which is ironic since that would make Marx the edgiest larper of them all:
it's not "larp" when there's no live action involved, though. writing about revolution is plain old pen&paper roleplaying.
I am surprised there is no YPG/Rojava chad version.
That is the origin of this meme.
There is nothing ever remotely French about it, and I hate that my country is associated with these burgers pseudo-scientists
Plato was Nazbol.
Holla Forums hates Trump now. He does nothing for them.
Has imkikey stopped banning threads that cast aspersions on the Goy-Emperor?
9/10 had a good laugh
Don't, because someone made a left edit and everyone excluding a few cackling 15 year olds here called it out as unfunny both here and off-site.
Stop being an unfunny and untalented hack.
No, it isn't.
There is
Well, North Korea is an ethnostate with a caste system. Juche's place as a far-left ideology is debatable. So it's not that much of a far-fetch.