Favorite porn

ITT post some dank porn

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mmm I'd read a book on this fucker



Fuck, that armchair is just asking for it.

what a tease

Sitting is the new smoking, get a stand up desk to read instead.

There is no time for porn comrade. There is a system to bring down.

Watching porn is a revolutionary act


hey that's victim blaming!


Nothing gets me hotter…

According to this study, people who primarily stand on the job are twice as likely as people who primarily sit on the job to have a heart attack or congestive heart failure. Standing desks are a meme. They key is movement. IDK much about walking desks, but they're out there.


I've tried watching porn but I don't get aroused. I also have never masturbated

Might be something wrong with me tbh

Holla Forums's nazi queen, rageafterstorm is hot.


This is ironically disgusting.
I'd spontaneously vomit on her if I ever saw her in person.

Like you've ever fucked someone anyone kiddo.

the sexiest

come on no shame in saying you'd smash, i would.

Fair enough, but I am seventeen and have had an intimate girlfriend so I'm not too worried about that being for too long.
My point still stands that she's an unattractive wench and Holla Forumsys are thirsty virgins well into their twenties.
Plus this is a open thread, your comment was pure 'whataboutism' that doesn't deal with any of my points.

Probably not in all honesty; I'm not desperate and her ideology would be a complete turn-off. Maybe if I was black-out drunk.
I really hate nipple rings btw.


how do you get a gf?

Take this image out of context and you can see why I was disgusted.

1. Don't take advice from people on the internet.


My point was people look hotter in real life. The camera is very unflattering and will capture everything. You simply don't notice it in person.

Make smalltalk with strangers more, ask the guy you buy your daily smokes/bottle of water how he's doing.

Fair point but this is a porn thread and I was commenting on porn.
But while I feel it was obvious that the "irl vomiting" was hyperbolic, and I know that might come off as 'lel just a meme bro', so I can understand why you said what you said in that context.

Yeah that was a cuntish thing to say, though I was doubtful you were being sincere. I said something dismissive to cover my own ass mainly.
If you want me to give you actual honest advice on terms of getting a gf I'd say make a good first impression, moderate desperation from yourself because it's a massive turn off, and probably most importantly don't hog the conversation. Prioritise their interests and what they are passionate about; if someone comes away from a conversation having talked for the majority of the time, they'll think the person they were talking to is a great conversationalist.

Please don't reply to nogf posters. They are literally hopeless and will turn this thread into another pathetic shitfest where they beg to have the state give them gfs

If you want a gf first focus on becoming more social generally and finding things you have in common with more popular people than yourself. DON'T have only one female friend that you talk to because you want to slip your hand down their pants. Have a range of female friends to 1. Make yourself more comfortable around women and 2. If a woman thinks she's the only woman in your life then she'll keep your distance.

Fair enough, I guess my pity got the better of me.

i only asked cuz he said he was the same age as me

Let's just move on and stop bumping this shitty thread.

underage namefags OUT

Love you too user.
($et to Do Not Bump)


That's not even her.



nothing can match the quality of a well written hypno doujin.


could somebody wemb these together and maybe with some other shit? General violence happening to facists?



Good thing you spoilered that user, could have got me fired from work.

dude she's hot, shame she's retarded.

bad taste



Someone recommend some good yuri thanks

Anime porn's so lame. I'll never get why you weebs love to wank to it…

because i hate myself?


give this commie the cummies

Am I the only one who thinks girls like this are asexual-tier in bed? Like, I imagine sex with "cute" girls like this would be a whole lotta missionary position and high-pitched, soft moaning. Nothing else. Just…not very sexually matured like say a girl that looks like this…

i'd have sex with both, for completely different reasons.

This is my fetish

you just know her face would look so damn cute if she was crying hehe

You've gotta admit communist Wendy's mascot ain't got nothing on Maya Morena though.

How's this sexy? I swear, fucking deviants on Holla Forums…

i'd fuck her cause she's got a dick too, satisfied with my reason? lol

i am a degenerate, yes. moralism is bourgeois dude.

Basically everybody's first time, awkward 16-year-old, "quick before my mum gets back", full 2 and a half minute long sexual experience.

Pretty sure commie cutie's a girl…r-right?

she is a girl…
with a surprise inside her pants :) (zoom in her crotch cuh)
10/10 would tie up and whip til she cries

I don't see no bulge. At least not one big enough to be a dick however small. Still this *is* Holla Forums and "she's" got some almost non-existent boobs so I'm gonna play it safe on this one.

if she doesn't have a dick that ruins it tbqh fam

hormone therapy at work.

No doubt she's packing something in there


Tfw that wasn't me

cartoon porn>anime porn

a while ago anons did research and found out she is in fact a girl, she is also underage

good taste in girl, bad taste in art

here's some porn of some men who all got executed by based Franco

fascist that was too pussy to fight with hitler even after he borrowed him an army, yeah based af fam