
If females are so much more accepting than males then why they only sleep with a few genetically gifted men? Why doesn't the left say anything about this?

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* so much more accepting of equality

lurk more


its called sexual market user and it's part of the superstructure under capitalism



didnt we just have a thread about this?

The myth that sex is sacred and should be done with one/few people came from religion.

Im new. Does 8ch even have an archive?

We're not a particularly pronounced sexually dimorphic tournament species but we are one nonetheless.

so fucking done with these threads I cannot even be bothered to find the right image

use the catalog. Under the banner in the main index page

It's equivocation
It even seems incoherent when you look at it, you may be pretty biased

i have no problem with this

go back fucking your underage neighbour

wtf?! i hate tanks now!

Why wouldn't they? If you were in position to do chicks that are 3/10, 5/10 and 7/10, why wouldn't you just stick to the 7s?

Sure but it still doesn't mean to lower your standards.

That's not how it works.

It's not the forces of the cosmos keeping you from getting laid, you're just a shitty person.

except women back then were property that were sold off to the highest bidder. With the abolishment of classes and money, all social relations will be overturned. "Human Nature" doesn't work here.

I don't know, maybe because in a communist society you should think about other people?

Thinking about other people =/= sacrificing your body for them.

Should we offer our kids to the poor pedos too?

when you phrase it like that, user……