Never know about people, especially if it has been a long time.
I mean, if someone says that people don't change, well, they're being dirty liars.
Sounds like fun! bet it will be so cool!
What else should I have expected, from the Pacific north-west...
is kay
oh i dont even remember that autism really, ive moved twice since then to different states
a hazey distant memory without much excitement to tell you the truth
im not even there anymore, I'm back in my hometown
im a midwesterner you know
I assumed so, it just seemed like autismo-overload at the time.
Living on your own now though?
A lot changes in a year. And a bit. I haven't the foggiest how you are or what is up. So. What is up?
yeah im a homeowner but im selling it before the bubble pops and moving somewhere, probably the country
it was autismo overload, west coasters man... they're... wewie
people always took things SOOO seriously it was unnerving
True, especially when talking about Cup I guess.
putting the parts together is the easy part >w
True that, looks scary.
i only lived in oregon for 6 months, isnt that crazy? i was somewhere else for 6 months too, and now ive been here for a year!
whats up... hmm. Not much really, life is comfy and easy i couldnt ask for much else
Hopefully that works out.
I'm just working a somewhat dead-end job and waiting for entry exams to university, just for a chance to live that student life again and maybe have some time of my own to play vidya with the cool kids and do fun things.
Never know, just got to habeeb in it.
i wish i could even enjoy vidya anymore, things are so boring to me. i mostly just read all day, if im not talking to people. and hey, you live in finland things arent as dead-end as the capitalist hell here in the US
so theres that!
That is good, life can be quite a ride sometimes.
Mr.Bones' Wild Ride.
its a ride and you have to learn from every punch and broken bone, if you dont and cant adapt, you're not really a human now are you?
most people never learn
Is oregon nice, friend whose name I don't know
also I like your avatar, she's cute!
Iunno. Kind of like a real life version of Marshall Lee.
Kind of the same for me, but if I'm playing with others, well, it makes the big change with the people.
But I'm just stuck between a rock and a hard place where I value my own time so much, that I'm not sure if I should spend it with friends or by doing something myself when I can't even build the motivation to do something myself.
Not really too dead-end, but I doubt there's much of an advancement path from being a general warehouse man driving forklifts and company vans.
Most people weird. Normies, man. Not even once. But people indeed do not learn, they forget what happens 50 years prior and then endeavour to make the same idiosyncrasies as before. A sad state of affairs.
west coasters are trash people, they live in the valley of god
its beautiful, wonderful
but the steppe life is for me, but yes it is quite beautiful. VERY white btw, id still prefer living in Seattle or Portland over and other metro urban american city
its so strange, i never understood how someone could be so prideful that they just refuse to learn from mistakes, or change
to me i think that adaptation is what makes a human a human, but so many people stunningly lack the ability
i know this feel WAY too well, and i choose spending time with others almost every time, we're social beings, no?
I do that too, but mostly for the people I know irl, kind of an anxiety strike whenever someone I haven't spent too much time doing things together with asks, I don't know, I may just be awfully retarded.
Sometimes I'm just too burnt out after work on spending time with even friends, so I end up ignoring if they ask me to play the usual games.
yeah i do all of that as well, i just keep playing cities skylines and ignoring people while blaring music
i dont even really like the game its just fun to see the hellish hells i can make and then i get bored very quickly
Usually I end up watching random stuff from Youtube or hit up Netflix for a few episodes of whatever, then get bored and take a nap, and maybe after that I'll play games with other people.
Refusal to change/constantly doing the same things over and over baffle me.
I don't know how others do it.
I think some people could do with more learning. More philosophical learning. OR some change in society that doesn't allow/promote the idea of "Well, you are the bees knees and fuck anyone to tell you otherwise".
a nap oh my dont remind me
i cant even watch tv shows anymore and youtube is just awful
most people revile at any sort of philosophical thought, i dont really see how i always found it stimulating
people dont like to learn, im not sure why. you'd think people would actually like to know the reasons for things, but perhaps thats why they dont learn. they fear the dark abyss of learning, as it doesnt make things more clear
god is dead
Twinkie house!
I've done napping way too much during the past few years.
I can only follow certain shows that interest me a lot, like Black Mirror, but everything else is just tiring to the point that I have to take awfully long pauses.
And we killed him, RIP Saddam. Perhaps it is a recent occurrence, with the whole revulsion of "experts", who knows. I am not a sociologist. But as someone who always loves learning and reading, I do find it baffling that people do not actively want to expand their knawwwwledge.
We should send such people to camps. Make them see the light that is education.
even trying to force myself to watch other things is always a terrible experience, my mind is always racing and paying attention to some unstimulating thing is just hard
fema camps where they teach for hooked on phonics
Did you find the thread alright this time Squiddy?
In similar vein, Brother Tokai lives. Theyve posted some recently.
I try to do that just to say that I have seen the show, but I take awfully long breaks to do other things and procrastinate on even one episode, so it's kind of an eternity project with the whole backlog that I have.
tokai! i miss him!
also speaking of learning things ive gotten incredibly into mysticism in the past year, or paganism? or vedism? buddhism taoism? kabbalah? all of those combined i suppose
i used to be like that
but its like pulling nails
no torturing myself to try and fit in with normies anymore Buhhhhhhhhh
Oriental and Pagan schools are pretty interesting. Fun noggin' joggers if anything. Makes you really look at a lot of western practices and narratives and think "Well, all this shit is connected". More in common than different.
Tokai, if I remember, was doing pretty alright so that is neat.
Tokes was around shortly for the change of the year, but I assume he'll come around every now and then from his studies.
And that is why I dismiss most of the anime nowadays, too tedious to follow.
yeah thats what interested me, i just started noticing all the similarities and patterns. it was too much to be coincidence like so many plainly brush off, this is my working theory of connection
abrahamic practices are absolute CANCER
fuck i cant even remember the last time i watched anime
its just escapism nothing more
They are! The way the enslave the individual! Herd mentality! Disgusting!
The last one I watched was Suka Suka, a.k.a Worlds End, which was pretty good.
Although I have one currently under process of watching, but I think it'll take a month before I finish it.
its funny when you think about it, the actual true western religion is what the east practicies
and the west practices near eastern faiths
why even bother??
I blame Constantine.
Maybe I need to re-acquaint myself with the lore of Ragnarok et cetera
its all the same, from nordic to hinduism
same stories, same metaphysical 'gods'
To have something to do, rather than fall too deep into existentialism which leads to depression.
existentialism - depression - resisting against the depression - depression - finding god
thats what happened to me
Luka's the same as any ol' Luka.
you should study the Vedas and cross reference with the Eddas
I've come to the ye olde conclusion that whatever I do has no meaning, so now I'm just trying to live the comfy life of materialism and experiences such as travelling, rather than question it all the time just to come to the same depressing conclusion.
If you would consider that appropriate I ought look into it. Arent Vedas sub-continental? If I remember correctly.
I ought to resume my Indian history audiobook.
i dont think theres a lack of meaning.. but i dont think theres a meaning either
its cycles right? try not to think about things in a linear way, youd enjoy yourself more
Vedas are ancient, probably started in 10000BC but probably even earlier, westerners dispute this but the evidence shows that the vedas were written over a long time span, not just at once
but the Vedas are the root of all 'Hyperborean' religion, or Proto-Indo-European if you want to be PC
Vedas and Eddas, both same root word for 'Knowledge'
Ah, agnosticism?
I just follow whatever seems logical and brings me the most joy, and at most it's freedom and travelling.
i wouldnt say im agnostic, im very spiritual
i think in a cyclical manner, not a linear one
i agree with you though honestly to a point, though i think joy is nothing without struggle
Sounds pretty correct, I feel like ive come across this already. But, a deeper knowledge and analysis is required.
The thing that had me feeling a little bored with the Indian History Audiobook is that that section of the history was more theoretical than fact. It was almost like listening to a Religious lecture than history. The only reason I guess that it irked me was that I was thinking "Well, I come here for structure and evidence based theories, not something that could be construed as fable".
But, in light of this conversation perhaps it would be more fair to give it a bit more of a stab.
give this a read
i dont like to listen to hindus tbh, at least a lot of the time. they're too focused on the physical realm, they are obsessed with their rituals and fail to see the bigger picture
many do not though
Danke, and I suppose that physical "here and now" is a flaw in our cultures too. Not enough abstract considerations.
exactly! they are too enamored with the concrete realm, they still are under the spell of dualism
the abstract leads to the metaphysical and the metaphysical leads to infinity
What could be more beautiful and fulfilling than an exploration using the gods given mental abilities we have been blessed with.
BRB putting LSD in the water.
That's good though!
its all just cyclical, motions of the turning wheel thats why all pagan religions have their icons as wheels, based off of the sun wheel
as opposed to say the cross which represents linear thinking
i think its self evident that everything has a positive, neutral, and negative
but those arent binary terms like good and bad, it just is
so if there is birth there must be death
but so to if there is death there must also be birth, so reincarnation seems obvious to me
Ah, I'm pretty open with that stuff, but still try to follow anything logical.
Anyhow got asked to play KF2 with friends, so I'll have to bid you farewell, also I hope it all works out for you!
Also if you're interested SD#9916 in Discord.
are you joking
I read the context. What hindus are you listening to that are under the spell of dualism?
the dravidians especially
they're retarded!
scoots why are you enabling this retard?
such a mean person, so much bitterness
Remember, Loco is an idiot.
i want her
so much bitterness and anger
ill never understand!
I wanna play overwatch but I don't wanna buy it just to find out I'm trash at it
i have something to tell you....
its trash
I think theyve an inferiority complex.
i never understand things like that, or rather why people are like that
i know im a retard so there's no complex about it!
Sigh... of course.
Who wouldn't want Nana tbh.
why are you doing my shtick dude
we agreed it never needs
to be repeated and
this is why
you're pissing me off
Just wait for it to go Free2Play like TF2.
It's really pretty lame.
no, me specifically
since i like ladys like that in formal clothes and long pretty hair and adult faces o////o
i'm not like all those other people who just want lolis.
smh >_>
DO you actually think talking to these furries about subjects which have nothing to do with what you said what you want.
renz i cant help it
im so bored
I will keep this in mind...
Some people need to drag others down to make themselves feel better
Can we ban them
Try starting your sentence with imagine and if you get no furries behind you you'll know how to get better at it.
Banning the Scarlet Witch is forboten.
I thought they were banned already
No Photography.
Was it Scarlet who talked about the power of the Lord Satan or was that a different one
Loco's pet peeve is seeing how really dumb they are.
blondie [remastered] folder when?
I have an account you can use
When I stop having things to do and new anime's to watch.
I still have yet to even put my new hard drive in my computer.
Speaking of, is yours built yet?
im eating my mac n cheese right now instead of building my new computer
you are too fucking nice
I might play for a couple days and then ragequit after I get my ass blasted
Must be some good mac n cheese.
yeah i used a jar of white cheese and they were shell type macaron and and i poured in some tuna and a couple dogs a dash of soy and ketch stir in the corn an butter and milk and and and....
top it all off with spice.
Dogs, what?
Swiggity swooty
Coming for the booty.
How is everyone?
I'm excited for Monster Hunter : World
all good fam
I am also excite and glad you're doing okay enough to post
what im worried about is not having the time to play
Do either of you nerds have an xbox one?
I don't have any friends on it and I kinda wished the xbox got my attention more than pc gaming.
Ive a PS4 and PC
Sorry dude, unless you grab something that is cross platforms.
dead console
ps4/nintento/pc life
That;s a shame.
I'm so lonely, and the xbox doesn't grab my attention.
I;m also looking forward to red dead redemption 2
I am thinking of maybe grabbing a Switch.
But I also thought about an xbox too, to be the ultimate "has too much tech" cunt
It's gonna take me months to save up for a gaming rig.
I miss dota2 so much... more than I miss weed.
There was a time when I had nothing but books to entertain me. Those were rough times. Gosh I miss my gaming PC, I never fell so hard in my life.
If I get a Switch, is there anyone here who'd wanna play games with me? I would love to play Splatoon and Mario Kart.
I guess I picked the wrong console to play on, oh well, it is better than nothing.
If you get a switch I will too? sound fair?
Man, itll be good in the end
Aw, yeah! I'll let you know! I'm a little nervous about spending money, but if things keep going steady into February I'll see if I can get a used one at a discount. :D
You know, I actually miss working for a living. Weed, work and dota2 filled up my life and it is so dull not having any of these.
Uep yep same would be rad!!!
Getting creamed at mario xD
You’ll find a new way
sell it and get a better one?
Yeah, I will, it is just gonna take ages.
Maybe I should volunteer at the youth club again.
I'll lose out on money, I'm done with trading in tech, I'm just gonna keep hold of my xbox till I can get some awesome games for it.
I got metal gear solid phantom pain and I barely played it because I think I don't like stealth games anymore.
It’ll give you some good vibes
I need all the good vibes I can take.
SPeaking of which, I think I'll be sharing my favourite music.
Guess what, I now got medication I have to take. Olanzopine and Prozac
Ah both are those are antidepressants right? Ive used both at work... well, administered
Yeah, Ollanzopine is a mood stabilizer and anti psychotic and Prozac is an antidepressant.
I fucked my life up real bad when I sold my gaming laptop. I wish I had a time machine to go back in time and stop myself from selling that laptop.
I'm such an idiot.
Anyone here?
These things are here to teach us.
Dont linger on it in a negative light, itsa base for building up
SCANNER reporting in~
It is a lesson I'd rather not learn.
I guess I gotta start from somewhere.
This is pretty much rock bottom for me, anything I get is a bonus now,
What are you getting, mori?
I am here
You can use it as a milestone and think “ive come a long way”
I need to copy these documents..
Who's here?
Hi mugs
Tablet, Stylus, SD card, Litter Genie, Controller, Tablet case, RGB LED Strips, RBG Header splitter
How is mugs?
I'm on the toilet
Loafie, and that is I
why did it send that image again
is it a big poop?
How is Loafie?
What is a Loafie?
She's quite cute
If I was a fictional character, this would be a character arc.
I don't even drink as much now, so yeah, I did come a long way.
Is there anything interesting on tv nowadays?
Nothing too scandalous, I hope.
Im plenty of things, depends whatbyou want to watch
doggos are the cutest.
It is a voucher to transfer my box of butts
RGB stands for Red Green and Blue
it's lighting for my computer
the litter genie is basically just a garbage can for cat litter.
it was exceptionally violent and sudden
yuh huh
That sounds very unfortunate.
But felt nice afterwards
generally how anal sex works.
Like Hu!
I can avoid having anal sex by having a big shit instead!
sometimes when i take a big shit i pre cum a bit
that is impressive
I'd play Splatoon with you.
A loafie is a miserable little pile of secrets. This particular loafie, which is I, is doing quite well at the moment
just got mhworld for 15 bucks yeet
WHat now?
Can you tell me some of those secrets?
tummy hurt
good afternoon
Doesn't copying vouchers count as fraud?
You're just trying to get more butts, aren't you?
I'm just super bored all the time, and haven't found anything good on tv myself.
Try documentaries
Britannia looks good
One can never go too far to obtain more butts!
dr phil and setting up a book club i guess.
Have an extra butt for free.
rub my tum.
They are secrets after all, but I am willing to share this one with you
I actually have no interesting secrets as I am extremely afraid of coming across as an uninteresting person so I try and negate this fact by trying to make my life seem more interesting than it really is at the detriment of my privacy and the end result is I have no noteworthy secrets
-belly rubs-
tummy*** !!!
tummy rubs.
Remove tummy.
cat book club?
That is a pretty big secret right there!
thats some in depth shipping info
What is it?
-tummy pats, rubs-
okay ill get a knife
hi woco
there u go
whu does it hurt so much maybe im dyinf
it's like dork club.
iunno would be something fun to do i figure.
Get some lemonade. Maybe you’ve got twisted bowel, maybe its just because you are too cute, who knows
you're pretty sharp mate I didn't really see it that way
It is literally the secret to end all other secrets
i dont lemonade ;_;
i think bc too cute T O B E H
its kinda weird to see my dad just watching a booby flick on tv right in the middle of the day
what are you doing dad
what are you doing with your night
A porn?
Watching football
Enjoying time with Father.
And your dad sounds shameless.
Tits are nice to look at.
I'll let you know if i get one!
It's-a me! Mahdio!
Super Sabrina prime
no not p*rn
more like
a bad movie with frequent nudity for h*rny dads
wow a football
disappointed in ya big doof
bababababa look at me im tracer im a big manly man who likes women
Such a shame, I know.
I love da hand egg!
Your dad is probably horny, in fairness.
snake is super hot in mgsv
most missions i would do i'd use his shirtless outfit
im gonna go download that
no more talk of my dad
something else now
Is he hot? Does he like boys?
Can I have his number?
CGI in anime ruins the visuals of a show 90% of the time
Imm da emmveepee
Sciitsy mvp
what are you doing on this nice florida night
locoooooooooo ugh
change your name in the history books
Just found out that there's a Publix with the phone number 407-ass-fuck. So that was funny.
I don't understand why it is used so often.
Somehow RWBY got big and all the studios were like "hey, doing this thing a small youtube group did will be good for us"
i could go for a pub sub right now
or maybe some potato wedges
Rember the name
it costs a lot of time and money to hand animate
and anime is hard to sell these days what with all the pirating going on
So be rich like me.
RWBY had nothing to do with that happening. lol That is overestimating RT's reach.
It happened before princess monoke and just got worse from there.
mm hot chocolate
But you are sacrificing fans and will make less money, anyway!
I-I don't think princess mononoke had CGI
the recent explosion of anime that primarily use CGI started around when RWBY got big and its tapering off now, thank god.
trying to get a job currently !!!!!
ikt dont be so crass
It did. The monster at the end and the boar tentacle monster.
It was a big thing where he wanted to use as LITTLE cgi as possible. However that was the last one to avoid that as far as his movies go.
Try harder.
how so mr tracer
they did a good job not making it look chunky and have overly unnatural movement, then
one show that may have been good if it didn't go so heavily into CGI recently that I tend to point out was
You're not looking right now.
Btw Jacksonville is worst florida
Honestly if anyone is hugely to blame, it might be the Battle of Gods movie. Where the most traditional of animes decided cgi was the way to go.
If we are going by current day stuff only~
That only predates RWBY by 4 months!
but you are probably right, I guess RWBY is more of a western thing
Pine Hills is the equivalency to Africa here.
okay SORRY
hard disagree
I have heard stories of its horrific nature
Woah, why?
which one of these two boys is cuter ?
its just not great really
Stinky area keep away
hi cato hru
I am doing well, deciding what to do tonight.
thats on the head producers
I'm fine, just sitting round at work waiting for the day to end.
do you ever post anyone other than horo?
the crown thingy gave you free armor!
idt knights vow is efficient on supps like nami
bec they dont stack armor
but yeah it was nice
kill all head producers!
I didn't post Holo for the first monthish after I came back!
Big screen shitposting time
oh... i thought... knight vow gave u armor.... but it's only 12% dmg reduciton......
still smaller than a monitor
oh, how long ago did you come back? I haven't really been around in awhile myself
earlyish December
we had so much gold u could have bought a deathcap and we would have been fine lol
no dont do that
then well have 0 anime
lol ya
but i was roaming 2 much
and pushing lanes with team lots
i spent 6600k and only had 8900 by game end earned. i i proly only had enuf for a 2k item by the end of the game
Lol 😂
What dat mouth do?
maybe the 28th was a little too early of an estimate, i think it will be a little later but oh well i tried
Is everyone dead?
summer rains
you can never predict them
We're in the middle of a downpour
sounds like fun
Northern downpour sends its love
Aww. I missed Chii posting.
You can’t miss her, she is huge
its soooo dead, i think we are nearing active hours with 8 eastern though
What happened to Chii?
It's raining men
Dead crew best crew
why is scoot just posting without a name
Pretty sure Chii was smart and got out of here around the time everyone was begging us mods, at the time, to unban a pedophile.
who even are the mods here?
My mobile browser doesn’t hold name.
Test is admin.
George is mod.
Test is admin, and Mugen is moderator.
As far as I know they're the only two.
Test Admin
Moog Mod
Not sure anymore but at the time it was me, Moogs and Chii was admin.
Huur well george is a asshole
thats fair
for some reason I thought you were a mod
ah, test?
It seems like the admin changes pretty often
ban the 12 year old if they show up again
Chiii is only sabe from neing worst admin bybthe gact squash was admin.
Alchemist, I think?
You would all be banned and the board burned to the ground if I was.
It did for awhile because taking care of here is retarded. You either do little to nothing and people complain.
You go by the rules that were stated? People complain.
I could name the main problems there but I'm pretty sure it became clear how pointless the positions were when Sci was unbanned by a vote. A vote done by a small group of posters with most of the voters not knowing what he did. :^)
Test, Alchemist
I mean, I thought it was a thread thing that we didn't like Test.
Maybe I am mixing him up with Sci too much
I am unbannable!
Test is good admin, but moogs is a horrible cunt... a regular Joffrey of the threads.
So what's up with you?
what i do
But I thought that Moogs was the poedophile of the two. :^)
he revels in being a smelly cunt though
You let Sci go free.
Can’t believe he ever let sci go free
Pedos an shit
Helping each other
I am kinda beating myself up because I have literally no motivation to do anything and spent the entire weekend posting in the thread and watching youtube videos instead of actually doing anything, including playing games
but I like Moog's name
it wasnt up to me
What did Sci even do other than be generally kinda annoying?
Sure it wasnt
I did the same and now I feel like shit because I couldn't sleep in my room and had to sleep on the living room floor.
Once my body lets me I am going to try and sleep a bit more.
we kind of banned murder with a random vote too
i think test is too easily pressured by crowds but i mean, it's not like much is really at stake, and being banned doesn't really effectively stop you from posting
it's all pointless semantics drawn out for fabricated politics
Post cp.
Why wouldn't you be able to sleep in your bed?
and he was banned for quite a while, yeah?
I don't think he's easily pressured by crowds so much as he literally couldn't care less.
Aw no, that cannot be true maaan. Come on. They only have bandwagons every few days!
Nooope. Instantly people like Grim were championing his cause. He constantly ban evade with help from those who would then push the vote.
Guy next door was blasting and singing Adel so I couldn't sleep.
thats not something i agreed with either but it also wasnt a big deal i guess so whatevs
the point remains, it's an irrelevant
yea, no big deal in either cases
i mean don't post CP, that's fucking disgusting, but that aside i mean, who even cares really
Banning, whether it doesn't fully work or not, is a lot better than being the place that welcomes back people who post cp. lol
I am trying very, very hard not to say bad things about grim nowadays
Why is it so hard?
whack on his door and tell him to shut up!
Also, get a couch
It's too small for me.
Because certain people here have this fun way of being the way they are.
I mean people do have to be worth the effort to begin with.
watch out next time it'll be ten minutes
sure, and murder was a self-absorbed asshole, we only ban in extreme circumstances, we can't however be overly diplomatic or we have no ways to dismiss lunatics even more insane than us
saw paddington 2 with family as a boy yesterday
seeing paddington 2 with friends as a girl today
will report back later which is better
And cp is not an extreme circumstance to places that champion the unbanning of pedophiles. :^)
George is an abusive mod.
And we are all the wives to an alcoholic because of it.
❤️ Cute
Is that really scootanon?
did you at least have something to sleep on while on the floor?
I mean but, fuck. How do you Doxx people and have NO repercussions to speak of? And then you get to put your two cents in for why someone else should or shouldn't be banned?!
crowds of bored stupid people do dumb things, and crowds here are only made up of roughly 10% of the regular posters here at a time so a happenstance event doesn't mean much
Actually, murder was the other I was curious about. Did he ever get banned for legitimate reasons?
isnt it past ur sleepy time ?
A blanket.
Could I be any other
he really wouldn't do anything but talk about how much better he was than everyone here for vague, petty reasons
he shouldn't have been banned but only so we could make fun of him until he cries and goes away
Its more hand egg time
You need some thicker throws or sleeping bags!
I guess I never talked to him much, but I didnt think he was that bad
I was less creeped out by the sociopathic look on how doxing is jut fine. More the stealing of woman's numbers from other people's phones, because the female wouldn't give you it willingly.
But alas this place could care less. Again, the 'majority' championed a pedo being unbanned and one of the most liked posters is a guy into little boys openly.
Stupid sure, bored not too sure I'd allow that excuse for things done here. lol
And Smiles got vilified, somehow.
Someone needs to get the fox guy to post more already.
I can't be bothered.
you're a shit talker as well so
anybody wanna join book club
Come now
why are we bringing up years old drama
people change, you know?
Banning doesn't effectively do anything, he can STILL post whether or not he is banned, what matters is how people generally feel about him, and that's what will determine that atmosphere they receive while posting here, and that's not something that can be easily changed.
I would
But you are promoting it
Oh if you don't go along with certain people's wishes that is how it goes. One even is in this thread, given me just coming back for a bit was enough to spur him to autismo fit on people over me.
Oh noes, shit talking! I forgot how that's on par with pedophilia~
In the sense that they age and die, yeah.
Don't target me because I know sci isn't a pedophile. He pulled that shit for attention and y'all know it.
Just want something to throw rocks at cuz you're bored? Come on now. You're all better than this.
I miss smiles aka ball drainer
i like you scoots i dont know why you are so mean to me
*Tosses rock*
It's not practical to try and enforce a permaban
I am a psychopath
Sounds like the cuck response. "Someone might dodge my ban! I b-best just let them do as they were..."
its not difficult i could and have gone hours playing whack a mole. it's about being consistent.
And a sociopath
the sleep would be better!
well, whatever
The more Eva in the thread, the better
"I just murdered someone for attention, I have no homicidal tendencies and ya'll know it. I should only get 5 years in prison instead of life, especially after all those times I broke out of jail"
Gibe invite to book club
what books?
What is your exact reference here?
I would, but you'd need to put your name on there, and it seems to be too difficult.
Yes, but I'm stuck feeling like shit but can't fall asleep.
Who has the patience to copy paste it every post
naw dawg
someone should stream a movie for us to watch
we're like pooling suggestions and gonna like pull from those. if there are free pdfs we usually put those in
member suggestion. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, Tangerines, Andromeda Strain are what we have now
I don't really like movies.
That won't last forever. Like I said I'm here until their exams end.
Otherwise this place gets old fast. I mean I only just started posting here again a week or two ago and already one person was messaging my friends from here to whine about me~
Not too enthralling, honestly.
it does not need to be moderated by people who are given power beyond the means with which we have to convey with each other in the words we speak, they are unnecessary to retain peace here and they know it, we have mostly always existed in a fairly unmoderated environment, often even treating moderation as a form of antagonistic, especially from outside sources
I may join if you send me an invite.
Especially if it is pretty heavy sci-fi
What do oyu like?
Not allowed!
Against the law!
Make me mod
Im already a god
that's what makes it "not practical"
I don't know.
Retro games are pretty nice.
youre free to suggest more scfi
I've set my sights on a lot of hard scfi.
if youre a pussy bitch maybe/
I'm really into collecting N64 games. I want to eventually have a full collection.
I'm sure you can find better things to do with your time, if you look.
Hmmmm. Rly maeks u thunk...
I might choose to still post. a bit at least. At least given it angers that one person in a way that makes me laugh.
yeah i hate every second of it and wish i could be focusing on more but hey thats "the job" as i see it
"I broke the rules repeatedly, including federal laws and continued to break the rules by continually breaking the punishment that was given to me, so I should not be punished more."
It doesn't really need a reference, that is the kind of argument that is being made.
How close are you?
And is the ET one n64?
You are a sadistic person~
Maze runner
I have about 60 games. Some imported.
N64 has like 300 games, but I want each variant as well.
So it's going to be a while. I'd love to have a retro gaming stream, but I doubt it's going to happen.
no YA
i refuse
gee, makes you think huh
you dont have a job
I find it more petty than anything but some kinds of people only respond to their own medicine, so I do what I must~
How are things going though for you?
i used to
suddenly everyone grew up or was gone.
He did it for attention.
The whole basis of Holla Forums's permanban policy is that there is no such thing.
Don't you think that should supersede ban on sight?
I have heard good things about the books
ik the movie was shit but you should try
im not trying to give you too hard of a time, when you get work try smoking with a pipe, erio used to vape too but he said he loves smonking now
Unban underage gay medical marijuana rifles.
Should have perma banned sto be fair
Also we never really treated moderation as antagonistic until late into the board after Holla Forums. Whenever that one guy that is incredibly forgettable angered the 'popular' clique. Then they all flipped out and demanded we swapped boards.
i heard that the movies were so shitty they tried to turn the third one into a series and it collapsed into production hell.
i prefer pills
I prefer smorting coke
you should totally do it!
I am beating myself up trying to think of something I am somewhat motivated to do!
Since when does the intention behind a crime matter? The only case I can think of is getting a murder charge downgraded to manslaughter because you legitimately didn't intend to do anything wrong.
If you break the rules, you deserve to be punished.
If you continue to break the rules, that punishment gets more severe.
At some point a line needs to be drawn where the ultimate punishment needs to be dealt, and he hit that threshold.
We had a discussion about murderers earlier. If someone murders a guy just for attention and then continues to make a fuss while he is in jail, his sentence gets longer until the death penalty comes onto the table.
Same idea for a dealer. If you get locked up for dealing and keep dealing to inmates, your sentence gets longer the more you get caught. even if it is "just for attention" because everyone likes you better when you sell them drugs.
god bless
ill try the book if you do
Vrchat not doing it for you? Or were you not one of the ones sucked into that?
I have a headset, so I have tried it a few times.
But I have a problem with that many underage kids in one place.
Maybe when I have more time and energy.
Why is moderation and Sci even being brought up?
Wasn't this all dealt with like a year ago?
i never said people flipped out over moderation, and i never claimed we were ever unmoderated, what I said was the moderation came from outside of our clique, and no one was ever happy to be banned, people don't like getting banned, it just didn't really serve a purpose other than to impose the fact that we do not want them there, and I am saying there are better ways to do that than banning
We were talking about things earlier for whatever reason and I probably said some things I shouldn't have, so it is still going
ill look at it. i cant promise ill read it to completion.
Ah. My head is killing me so I haven't really been following. Seemed to be getting heated though.
I am just very opinionated on the importance of personal responsibility.
Given cato history
give contradictory history
apparently Ripened Tingles Balloon Ride of love got a fan translation, time to try it i guess
I don't know. Sci may or may not be an actual pedophile, but I do think him posting CP did warrant the ban.
Though I also don't think Grim is particularly at fault and doesn't need to be chastised over his viewpoint on the matter either.
It seems kind of arbitrary.
Well sometime in the future I'll join in with you, then at least someone else will be of age. lol
All I'm hearing from you is "I want moderators to be a little passive bitch cause I would be!"
Pls try again and this time make some sense otherwise.
stop comparing irl crime to rulebreaking on boards.
its not the same.
people as a whole didn't like him because he lashed out to anyone who didn't give him more than a drop of patience, and when a reason came up to ban him, he was banned. He stays ban on sight because of the sheer dislike. I'm sure if moogs or test gives him another chance, he will take that and be normal, not do crazy rulebreaking shit like last time.
his issue is that he just needs patience and attention
he's not actually a pedophile, I'm actually gotten to know him personally
lmk when you do start
Squash would saybthat
Being baby contrarian
you're reading what you want to see, the moderators are passive because they do not have to be anything else
i understand your want to be contradictory but you're boring to me so i'm done replying now
Too tired to play today, babe.
i say we don't ban sci on site anymore and leave Grim with full responsibility for anything bad he does
all in favor?
Sci os a pedo
Stop enabling pedos
Hi friends!
I'm out of Advil.
not even to fuck with Grim do you want to have to deal with Sci again, now that is hatred
Just keep banning him.
Why would I want to fuck with Grim?
i can usually tell if sci is here faster than anyone else anyways, so it doesn't really matter to me either way
I don't think Grim is at fault at all. I just disagree with his view on it, so I am debating.
I just think if you break a rule, you should be banned and ride out said ban.
If you break the rules further, further punishments should be applied.
I will hold you to this!
He posted CP and got banned for it
Then he kept breaking through the ban and kept getting punished for doing so
and kept doing it until he worked up to ban on sight.
He did not have to do any of that, there was no good reason to do any of that.
If you break a rule, you should be punished, whether it is real life or online.
It doesn't matter if he is a pedophile or not, and I am not calling him one. I honestly didn't dislike him. But when you break a rule you should be punished, no matter the reason behind it.
is fucking with each other not part what we do here?
and he is advocating to let him back, it's only a half-joking proposition
As long as it stays civil I suppose.
Wow, cat maid + Sawako. Top tier image there, Sinni.
Feel free to, I just have to get house shopping out of the way~
I dodged plenty of bans why am I not ban on sight?
is it because I broke a smaller rule?
if someone really wants to post here
due to the nature of the internet, you can't stop them
life finds a way
thats why instead of dropping iron hammers on ppls heads you should try to rehab them
Get along music.
Ban grim
"life finds a way" -Grim 2018
I think I'm being civil, at least
House shopping?
You should be banned for dodging bans.
I said the exact same thing earlier.
You are not banned because the people who have the hammer like you, and that is not how rules and laws should work.
It's like when you have those pedophile advocates on youtube. Not sure if it's more intriguing to see how warped these people can be to defend such people or just straight disgusting...
You made a way better folder than the tiny one I threw together long ago. Am jelly~
Yuh it's the plan after exams end!
So what are you up to?
ban grim
trying to get the courage together to go to a whiskey bar alone.
nice 6's!
what kind of place are you looking for?
True Communism has never been implemented.
I know, those pesky people keep ruining it.
I don't think my body will let me sleep more.
Keep it up.
There's a few things wanted in a place but most of all just a place to be home. The whole renting thing and the apartment thing before it are just pewp.
i can make your body sleep more~
is the job there to pay for it?!
I am jealous
Lmao nezi game sending me to sleep
Yuh plus it's not just me alone so~
Significant others?!
iunno lol
I'll leave that to the imagination.
Ni ni
Nothing is going on in thread.
I really like earthchan.
That is a very dangerous thing to do
You can come find out. ;3
Going to try and sleep.
I don't think I have any choice.
god shes so FLAT
well yeah, who needs giant honkers?
Wew, wolf waifu is still best.
if fine but
looks like boy chest for real
Best by far
still larger than boychest
also, there is the rest of the frame
good lord I am comf
Like you!
Brb must shoot some pixel people.
Be comfy person.
we have to have the heat on here all the time or we freeze to death
hello again Holla Forums
Did you get McDonalds?
nope we went to golden corral