Anarchkiddies could literally never produce these
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Not a tankie, but I think I'll go with the tanks
I wasn't aware that America was anarchist.
wew, and they call anarchist smashies
I mean, its cool. But even the most America tier APC's can shrug off heavy machinegun fire. That thing looks like anything heavier than an AK could pen.
Yeah it's not particularly effective but at least you'll die in style.
Also the tankies needed some time to get things right too…
If we have our way, we won't need those anymore OP.
But even still, are you saying anarchists can't opperate factories?
where are the anarchist factories user? why would an anarchist want to work a factory?
To make tanks
Soviets weren't exactly unique in bad tank designs back then
Remember the M3?
pic related
also do you at all understand anarchist theory? I can understand if you are arguing in favor of a transitionary period and a vanguard to usher in communism, that debate has been raging for a century and a half
but asking where the anarchist factories are? are you a dunce? it is the exact same type of factories that exist now, simply worker/community controlled. ffs
A T72 looks fucking glorious I don't know what you're talking about
Right, and how many are you going to be able to mobilize to do that? On a consistent day-to-day grinding basis, in the most stressful demands?
Hell even the Sherman was a piece of shit. Soviet tank design was certainly better than Allied (German tanks might have been the best one on one but as weapons of war they sucked considering how hard they were to produce and maintain).
It's squat and ugly imo but I'm sure it was effective. Personally I think some of the minor NATO nations had the most attractive cold war equipment
Rojava is basically socdem. Please don't associate it with real anarchy.
I mean… they lost those first two times and Rojava is primarily fighting ISIS (ie. not a state).
uphold Communalist Anarcho-Tankist thought
the factories that exist now are organized based on hierarchies. will management systems just be kept the way it is with the workers in control?
Read a fucking book you mongrel
even the DPRK has its own tanks, kek
ffs. what is real anarchy?
everything they are doing seems rather congruent with anarchism. If you want to critique them on the fact they are not fully operating within the realm of socialism that is fine, but in regard to their societal organization it's pretty damn congruent with anarchism
sick flames down the sides breh
seriously tho, god bless those plucky kurds
"Not only in the single branches of production the percentual proportion of the bureaucratic apparatus declined substantially during the second five year plan, also the state apparatus became simplified. In the report of the State Planning Comission of the USSR it says regarding this (467): 'The second five year plan sets out a decline in the number of employees in administrative and bureaucratic apparatus of 20 %, assuming the necessarity for a simplification of the state apparatus, mechanizing a great quantum of work for accounting and other works and raising the working public into the work of the state apparatus (holding office without payment in the state apparatus and so on)' In the whole of the Soviet Union according to the same source the percentual share of administration depressed from 8 % in the year 1932 to 5 % in the year 1937." [12]
11 Seydewitz, Max, 1938. Stalin oder Trotzki, Kapitel 6: offen-siv.net
Is it just me or does Stalin look a lot like Mario/Luigi?
Can do >9000% better on photoshop, don't have it right now though
This also shows in Trotskys thesis of soviet "bureaucratic segments" that supposedly benefited from the stalinist system. This of course includes the party leadership as well the leadership of the army, trade unions, party secretaries and others powerful in the party. In total this counts about 500.000 people. Not enough with that. Beneath that follow executive committees of soviets, clerks of the GPU, commanders in the army etc. According to Trotsky this counts for another 2 million. Then follow plant managers, Managers and their representatives in the party and trade unions. These are another 500.000. Followed by this segment of the segment of economy, technicians, administrators, specialists in industry, trade and argiculture. These are about 5 to 6 million people. Moreover we have to add 6 million Stakhanovite workers, shock workers etc. Counting all these together and calculating
in their family members we end up with an elite that reaches 20 to 25 million members.
The CNT had a tankette called the Sardruni, with both combat and transport variants.
Defeated? I'm sorry, I wasn't aware Stalin fought in the front
gulag for you
Generals and commanders don't fight at the front, dummy
Sherman was a decent tank with strengths and weaknesses. See opinion of Red Army tank commander. iremember.ru
I know he was made in Japan, but he's Italian af
Nonetheless the resemblence is uncanny, you have to admit. And mario is working class through and through
Yes, yes they can. It is physically possible for the military engineers to appropriate what they produce, that they're stupid state cucks and they don't it's their issue.
You don't own any of these & will never. In fact you're weaker than me in every way so you're a failure OP.
The tanks were for the collective interest of the people.
that they developed from soviet tanks after years of being propped up by the USSR and establishing a sovereign nation. It's not like calling yourself a communist automatically gives you tanks, or that a horizontal structure makes it impossible to produce armored vehicles.
Aren't you guys supposed to be historical materialist? Because so far, I'm not impressed.
Good thing then Stalin wasn't either!
Anarchists and Communists have the same ultimate goal: a classless society wherein a government is no longer necessary. Communists believe that, after revolution, there would be a transitional government to instill the values for such a society to exist. Anarchists believe that such a society could exist right away after the revolution.
What I know to be true: the Anarchist communes of Spain did exist.
Is YPG backed by US Imperialists?
here are some more
WEW looks like somebody needs to pick up a book.
*blocks your path*
Maybe you should and actually learn about what a failure Kekalonia was
Hopefully it's you.
It's not full-blown socialism, but it's not socdem either.
It's socialized capitalism.
Not so much with the heavier equipment. The Warsaw Pact and Yugoslavia had a pretty nifty army, one that actually kept NATO at bay.
Anarchy with a goverment and lasted less than 3 years.
Good job.
Ancrap detected.
To be fair, considering the fact that they were fighting against both Fascists AND Communists what the anarchists did was pretty darn impressive.
Says the one who worships a dead failed social democracy and shills for his snowflake version of capitalism. At least there was an actual proletarian revolution in Catalonia, not a national liberation movement led by an opportunist Stalinist.
Read Rosa and Dauvé: marxists.org
as opposed to…? Kekalonia?
Dauve doesn't exactly sing the praises of Catalonia my dude.
Well they cant because marxist backstabbed and killed them in every opportunity. We have yet to see a "anarchiddie" society.
not him but I do agree that Yugoslavia was sort of like a social democracy, in the sense that they essentially attempted to regulate capitalism away rather than make structural changes to the economic system that would necessarily result in the proliferation of collective and cooperative property, Yugoslavia should have abandoned its reliance on capital markets (which in combination with its attempts at regulating capitalism away resulted in a persistent supply side bottleneck) with planned capital investment
Soviet Union would have steamrolled Europe and USA without the Nuclear Weapons making it impossible.
He doesn't deny that there was a workers' uprising, but he criticizes most of what followed.
Right but he wouldn't call it an anarchist society and would probably agree with the overall sentiment in the original post.
Sounds like suffering itself.
Italy was colonized/invaded by Phoenicians, Greeks, Celts, Germans, French, Spanish, Normans, Berbers, Slavs in its history, yet there is somehow an Italian stereotypical aspect completely different from each of the aforementioned.
Ancraps are literally the lowest I*Q race
Seems alright to me
No, it's just that no one will help you keep dibs on the means of production; pointlessness of wage labor simply follows.
there's been a while since I've last seen an autistic madokaposter, thanks for the nostalgia
Sometimes I think Stalin should have just kept going West.
Oof. You mad my friend?
doing labor for compensation rather than for satisfying a material need causes alienation and turns labor into a job
He couldnt because america created nuclear weapons in 1945 and had monopoly on them.
On second thought, I can see how this can be pretty terrible.
A worse fate I cannot imagine.
Venezuela is a capitalist social democracy and it was worse off before Chavez
sick bottle holder in the front wheel
you must be a real moron to be unable to conceive of a society in which labor is carried out to satisfy material needs/wants in which compensation is unnecessary since those needs/wants are freely satisfied
Hence the point to abolish private property
We should have a rule against letting middle schoolers on the Chans tbh
These anarchist tanks are so fucking cute holy shit.
Look at that one on the left with its roundish bus look imagine that coming at you like "fear me" daaaww.
excuse me, s/you must be a real moron/anata tte honto baka/
I am convinced. I have no idea how this could ever go wrong.
I could have never predicted this.
spooky m8
Nice response
Getting robbed is pretty spooky m8
using the correct wording is half the battle
Why couldn't Homura just accumulate endless amount of grief seeds by going back in time?
the text implies that 'voluntary exchange between two consenting parties' is a good thing
the image shows a small girl sell her soul for fuel under false premises, which to me seems like a pretty fucking bad thing, then again ancaps are mentally ill on so many levels
imo its more an argument against muh maximal 'liberty' (from society/community) than for it
She probably could. By being innovative with her wish she has enabled herself to procure grief seeds more easily. That's why Mami, being jealous of her friend's rightly earned grief seeds, is attempting to rob her of them.
I actually inb4-ed this argument when I first started funposting here, I'm surprised it took this long for someone to make it.
It goes to show that no matter how bad a voluntary agreement might have gone, the meddling of a socialist state that thinks it knows better can always make it worse :^)
I thought the read a book thing was just a meme
your understanding of socialism is so utterly sophomoric, You should be ashamed.
>I thought the read a book thing was just a meme
not as much as the average "volunteerist"
Sounds pretty socialist to me. Feel free to start arguing how RealSocialism™ isn't literally that tho.
but my anarchist friends, those were produced by states via exploitation of the workers, the combatants simply looted them and put scrap metal on
*gets asked to pay the multitrillion dollar debt*
Christfags never fail to be retarded.
no..it isn't. Bitch about the value form or whatever, fair comment, this is just horse shit though
spain was aproxy war between imperialist powers my dude
also whats wrong with national liberation? ou must be a burger because you have no concpet of nation
and Ukraine was a proxy war, and Rojava is a proxy war, and the honduran campesinos are in a proxy war. What characterises these proxy wars? Two (or more depending on how you look at them) empires. The anarchists were allowed to flourish briefly as they were under the yoke of neither empire, because both were fighting and therefore unable to suppress them. So its almost like, when capitalist imperialism loses grip by itself, the end result is always anarchism more or less. Almost like its the state of affairs we are supposed to be in, and would be were it not for imperialism
You're a bit l8 with that m8
Completely plausible.
Oh fuck i forgot I was on an imageboard, I guess I should've remembered to assume that your only interests and desires in life are sitting in your moms basement playing video janes and jerking off.
I guess I just hoped that maybe you'd have enough self-hatred to not assume that everyone is like that
Do you have more pictures like this? It's strangely arousing.
/r/WhatAWeeb was made for degenerates like you
You seem pretty upset, friend. Is it because I asked you to explain your reasoning?
we aren't technocrats you retard
Pretty sure you never asked.
But in my experience, people tend to like to do things with their time. Would you really do nothing productive with your day if it wasn't required for your survival? And if there were strong social and cultural pressure and norms of contribute to the general welfare?
Dang, now I wish I had waited for your post before I posted my last one. Oh well, please refer to
No meme for this one, sorry friends.
Coming from the guy who thinks that capitalism has literally never existed.
I understand the board hasnt been highest quality, but geez guys. He's just having a laugh with you, he hasn't even made an argument to be disagreed with, just statements.
forgive me, comrade, for I have sinned
It's okay my child, confession is the first step after shame on the path to purity.
Soviets had some pretty weird military equipment designs
single seat coaxial rotor system sniper helicopter anyone?
soviets were hipsters, they just did things to be different than the american capitalist pigs, even if those things were dumb and inefficient or poorly designed
or a caliphate or a warband or anything a local strongman desires
youd have to kill of anyone who isnt a leftist, strike that, an anarchist, to make sure that after the sytem collapses we would end up in anarchism.
Well, it was fun while it lasted. Thanks for the (you)s m80s, enjoy the memes.
pic related
The coaxial rotor design was to make a acrobatic helicopter, the Ka-50 can win any dogfight against another helicopter due to its agility.
You realize that being a human inhibits your capacity to conceive human nature right?
Ka-50 was useful in a helicopter v helicopter roll though
I will say that anarchists cannot maintain a reliable flow of resources to factory to front line.
Too bad that helicopters dogfighting is as absurd as artillery fencing.
Not when both helicopters are move fast and low, the extra agility of the Ka-50 means a skilled pilot and move far faster and lower as they know they have the agility to dodge obstacles on the ground.
Yet only 1 individual is required to dive the Tank. The one operating it is the current owner. If I ever get my hands in one you bet your ass I'm stealing it with my friends.
The other tankers are just reinforcement for the gun at the top or for directions, charging the cannon, etc.
Whichever side does not have air supremacy will never be flying helicopters. That would be suicide with fighters on cap. Maybe there would be competing helicopters in a contested airspace, but that would be brief and a huge risk.
You forget AA, helicopters can fly when they are protected by SAMs especially the Ka-50 that on paper can take down a F-16 in a dog fight if the F-16 is stupid enough to fly down to it.
no shit dummy
But tanks smashed fascism.
canis canem
USSR was not fascist thus why the west hated the USSR.
It is surprisingly not that difficult to imagine generals asking a design team to make a helicopter that can dogfight with an interceptor that normally carries radar-guided missiles.
Say what you will about tankies, THAT happened.
No the individuals operating these vehicles did. Nothing was made by the State. Everything was made by individuals. These individuals can be spooked or anarchistic in mind.
It is in my interest to smash fascism so I would co-operate with a union of individuals that want to do the same.
Fuck that individualistic shit. The tank crews did, but so did the factory workers who built it, the oil men who extracted and refined the deisel that they ran on, the logistics networks that got the necessary resources where they needed to be, the miners who extracted the necessary minerals, the factory workers who applied various industrial processes to those minerals, and the trainers who trained everyone involved. That's what the marxists can do that the anarchists can't.
Wow. I didn't realize that a single human could materialize a tank out of thin air by the power of anarchist theory alone. Great post black flag-kun.
ka-50 was designed with afgan and caucases type terrain in mind; menauvering between cliffs and mountains fast so that AA missles wouldnt hvae a good chance of hitting them. Mi-24s were cumbersome and usually flying low to high altitudes above the surface, making them ideal for CIA MANPADS.
I thought anarchists considered it to be authoritarian, but then again you wouldn't know that because you're an anarkid
Tankies and Anarkiddies are both cancer.
Try smashing fascism without them and see what happens.
whenever I start thinking that tankies are the most autistic posters on this board, there comes the stirnerite.
and it was great
nazbol? NAZBOL!
you are stupid.
be it methaporical or literll, you lose on both ends of your argument.
you're right workers dont have hands if they dont have a state. makes perfect sense. Its IMPOSSIBLE to build shit without states the action ceases to exist.
Operating a tank is a group effort, if you're driving the tank you can't fire the gun. In a typical tank you need a driver, loader, gunner, radio operator and commander. In some smaller/unconventional tanks, you can have anywhere from 2 to 4 people.
what did I said at the bottom? you imbecile you total papajons faggot?
grab my dick and call it shaniqua then suck it.
Eat shit you stupid nigger
now i know why you anarchists never get obove the level of a bunch of junkies squatting in abandoned buildings and spraying grafitti about how youre gonna do something but never do it.
do you need ideology to operate or build a tank?
what do you need?
labor, training
yes tanks can exist in anarchism and can be operated by anarchists. boohoo. bitch soldier taneker gets assigned to tank #4 and but he doesn't obey orders he doesn't gives a fuck and drives it to his huge ass home garage. Lets go Ricky. Bitch.
Besides this thread so so fucking stupid. None of you will ever own tanks or operate one fucking ever. Y'all fucking retarded.
at least Tankies have have anime to get distracted from their sorry ass lives anyway. But all of you are just having a nerd fantasy here. fuck nerd fantasies.
no because ideology doesent mean shit in the real world unless youre cannonfodder
and infrastructure dumbass
yeah, GLA from C&C tier ones apparently. whats next, a toxi-tractor?
what is that even suppost to mean? gif related
because everybody is taking a piss at anarchists?
some people sign up in the army and go to field museums instead of living in a basement and watching girls and panzer or whatever till theyre 40, you know.
i hate anime with two or three generic exceptions from the 80s and 90s.
and if you wanna call out tankies on "LARPing on the internet and doing nothing", you might wanna check your shitposting flag.
you must be like 15 or something