Where were you when you realized Vermin is LITERALLY /ourguy/ and satirizes fascists and nanny-state liberals?
Where were you when you realized Vermin is LITERALLY /ourguy/ and satirizes fascists and nanny-state liberals?
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So this is what happens to leftists who aren't castrated by academia or sell out to liberalism. Could be worse.
>tfw no anarcho-autism flag
Yes there is.
If you would have watched that video I linked you would have heard him say that voting will change nothing. He agrees with you. He is a satirist.
He outright says that voting will change nothing and he doesn't have any real intent of getting into any office. He's using it as a means to spread a message.
lolberts BTFO
should've said "GOOGLE KROPOTKIN" instead though
Even still not voting to improve material conditions is, fucking, autistic.
I don't understand you.
I'll never understand this impulse.
I guess, welcome, me, to Holla Forums
An image that small would be a bit hard to see what's on the pole side of the flag, wouldn't it?
All you'd see would be grey moosh
Actually, it doesn't look that bad for 16x11 px
For me that flag's message is "ancom(red), ancap(yellow) and antrans(blue) unite" which is retarded. I'm not big into memes though.
These ppl read Rothbard and believe they are proper anarchists while they are nothing more than capitalist tools. That's not anarcho-autism. More like anarcho-feudalism.
I know, and in my opinion this goes in the category of "aestheticization of politics" – a "supremely" reactive tactic. "Proving a point" inside the reformist system is still participating in the reformist system. He'd shit his fucking pants if he'd got actually elected, because he's an incompetent artist.
Most people already know that in so called "democratic" countries. I think what protest parties/candidates do is the following: "lol, this is shit, lemme make fun of it while I objectively participate in it."
Again, people already know. IMO this turns him into a satirist not if the system but of the people's misery.
>IMO this turns him into a satirist not of the system but of the people's misery.
Sounds like you're just an uptight asshole
Sounds like you have no actual argument? ;^)
Nah I don't need an argument bruh.
Because your argument doesn't matter
If people already recognize that it's pointless then what's the harm in making fun of reformism and encouraging people to make change elsewhere?
this made me happy
Definitely not an obscure position, but loads of people do still vote (majority where I live).
is Vermin Irish?
From >>>/leftyb/
They have this flag.
You're the real autist here, m80
I agree. Muke is being an autist.