This guy showed up asking legit questions, but his thread got deleted before I could answer because he had the misfortune of posting it during Holla Forums spamming. I hope you get to see this, suicidal Pomeranian man.
Hello. Please don't mind shitposters and "kill you are self" types. We're permanently under siege by Holla Forums, SJWs and probably others, and they try to scare newcomers away.
Please don't. I have posted before about non-orthodox treatments for depression, if that's what ails you. just ask for information if you want, or for a chat for that matter.
Anyway, at least since Soviet times there was an undercurrent of condemning Western Europe, but not out of being white, but simply because that's where all the capitalist powers were (tho soon to be joined by also-mostly-white USA, and only later on by Japan). This further intensified a half century later, when various decolonization movements gained traction, which made clear that the capitalist imperialism involved did have racial connotations. However, the internationalist, anti-racist aspect of socialism and anarchism emphasized that the solution to such non-class divisions wasn't more non-class divisions, but class unity.
Then we had the rise of identity politics. As far as I know, it had a dual birth, with Peggy McIntosh and race realism, which ironically is what critical race theory was called at first. Sure enough, neither of those two origins were related to socialism or anarchism, but liberalism. You can guess how it went; oppression Olympics, dividing the American working class, making it easier for Porky to fuck our shit etc. I have no doubt that at some point the American government fostered idpol among the left as COINTELPRO. Of course, as far as liberals cared, they were just fine with it, because deep down they hate the left and prefer capitalism anyway, so they get to play around with their label bullshit while the actual left catches the flak for it.
Personally, I think it really kicked into high gear about a decade ago. Until then, there were massive leftwing protests anywhere that hosted globalist meetings, like IMF, WTO etc. congresses. It seems weird now, but back then, Porky wanted free international flow of capitals, but not of people. He very much wanted immigrants to remain out. So opening up borders was one of the protests' demands in keeping with leftist internationalism, but not their guiding light. In general, they wanted an end to international predatory loans, checks on financial abuses, and similar measures against capitalist abuse. Not radical left, but still far more radical than liberals dared ask. Oh yeah, they also wanted Soros' head on a pike. At some point, Porky decided to subvert the Western left for good, and began playing up idpol and other liberal feelgood bullshit which, and here's the key, pose no threat whatsoever to capitalism. They more or less conflated liberals and the non-radical left, and started pitching this beautiful image of a "global village", "slow but steady progress", "humane capitalism" thing. The end result is what we now call socjus, and as you can see, Porky's subversion worked wonders. Big political organizations, completely toothless, are often funded by those filthy rich liberals, Soros being the most famous offender. The so-called left (again, a conflation of liberals and non-radical left, as propped up by the big media) now defends fucking sweatshops, and has thoroughly abandoned internationalism for globalism.