'I'm terrified': White nationalist Christopher Cantwell cries in video about Charlottesville protest
'I'm terrified': White nationalist Christopher Cantwell cries in video about Charlottesville protest
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He's being charged with two felonies.
There's a professor named Christopher Cantwell who is in the women's and genders study department at his college, lol
20 Labour vouchers the attorney is Jewish.
It is their nature to be cowards.
Imagine if a bunch of people just jumped his ass on his way in or out of the courthouse. It'll be Mosley getting knocked the fuck out 2.0.
Their whole strategy revolves around this kind of shameless use of the state apparatus/diplomacy/… until it's no longer required.
Reichstag burning, Molotov-Ribbentrop and the subsequent betrayal, Hitler playing electoral politics, and now, as farce, the false-flag campaign even though they claim to be heroes of free speech…
Nazis don't care about the means.
My little thought of the evening. What's your opinions, fellow leftists ?
I think this whole hype/ smear campagin about this guy and then the other guys whose pictures were circulated on twitter "to reach their employers" is fucking disgusting. And then even news websites report on a fucking neo-nazi crying? That's just slaughtering the events to death.
You gotta assume your choices. It's disgusting to fight them with a porky method, but it's an alternative to hurting them.
I don't advocate violence over misguided people. But Cantwell is not misguided, he's a leader for them.
that's not how labour vouchers work
Like that "method" is gonna change anything. What do you think, that Nazis are a legitimate threat? I fucking even hate the leftist that went to that particular counter-demo, because they even made the story. The whole thing, to uphold the illusion, that if it were not for Trump but for Hillary, thinks would be alright.
I love how he rages on about jews and jewish communists when his ideology is riddled with jews
His Tinder has been shutdown as well.
In other news, Weev and Anglin are desperate for passports, for some reason.
Both pics are amazing.
Yeah weev, a NK passport will get you places.
Fuck me, that sounds amazing.
Soon all porn will be outrage porn.
I use to find that guy funny.
All the people I use to admire have turned out to be massive classcucks.
Kill your heroes, folks.
Just asking; Why would any country provide these non-citizens secondary passports? What could they possibly hope to achieve by doing something so stupid that would become a PR nightmare?
They do the same shit to us. I give them no pity.
Just a question:
How can you claim to be "radicals" or "rebels" when the system is 100% on your side? What are you rebelling against?
They're so fucking fast to become emasculated
Being against fascists and nazis is not unique to communism.
Capitalism and the rate at which its decaying.
I wasn't aware I was living in a communist society.
Can you elaborate?
Instead of asking this question for #1236758292514283 time why don't you ask yourself this: "maybe the masses don't like us?"
I'll bite. How are they 100% on our side?
Fascists and nazis are the tools of the establishment. They always have been.
What country wouldn't want the great honor of have Weev and Anglin living in it?
Also, Gab.ai is terrible.
Why would you want communism after how badly it failed every time it has been tried, inevitably leading to famine and brutal dictatorship?
No wonder eastern european elites pump their proles full of nationalist idpol all the time.
The masses don't like communism either, but the media covers up the alt-left's crimes; the politicians refuse to acknowledge it; the universities and unions preach it.
The system is heavily rigged to support leftists. Don't give me any nonsense that you're rebels when you're basically just the pawns of the bourgeoisie at this point fighting against the ACTUAL proletariat.
Why would you want a Republic after how badly it has failed every time it has been tried, why would you want a Democracy after how badly it has failed every time it has been tried, etc, are all questions used against both methods of organization at their own historic times of birth.
In fact Feudalism, long forgetting Greece, proposed Democracy was all but impossible and that we needed Feudalism in order to survive. And all manners of Democratic union were destroyed or sabotaged. It sounds familiar.
It's only been since the 19th century this method has been proposed, history is hardly finished and I don't see it as an impossibility.
What does Capitalism offer our future? What is it currently doing that will ensure our own prosperity? Its self destructing as we speak.
I don't know. Try asking the citizens of former Soviet republics and eastern bloc states, who by and large preferred their countries under Communist governments when polled.
The USSR had three major famines, one after the most devastating war in human history. Russia had suffered countless famines before that.
Anyway, don't dodge the question. How is 'the system' (whatever you mean by that) pro-communist?
Actually the economies of the post-communist countries have been steadily recovering and many are closing the gap with their western counterparts.
What are the alt-left's crimes?
Because your methods of organization would only work in context of future property relations unless it offered genocide or mass separation of family and friend, and in context yes there's going to be a bias against you. Because nobody wants you to keep promoting genocide or forced government segregation, that does nothing but create chaos worse than before.
From the way you're talking, you sound American, so I'll ask you when the last time a self-professed communist reached high office in the US? Should be plenty of them, right, if the system is 'heavily rigged to support leftists'?
Big fucking deal. Atrocities happen all of the time in all camps.
More like all of Europe (with the exception of Germany and France) is becoming a shit hole. But I guess the effect is the same.
I'm really sure that'll matter in the next hundred years.
Holla Forums here.. I agree fully. Its disgusting. You shitheads have your idpol cancer and we have our cucks… When everything starts going tits up we should enter into a new Ribbenthorpe-Molotov Pact and agree to wipe out the center before fighting each other so that who ever wins wont have to ever worry about dealing with centrists again.
I hate to break it to you Holla Forums, but white nationalism is idpol.
That'd be a quick annihilation of much of your base.
You're objectively wrong.
Literally nobody is doing this. That is a ridiculous strawman. Most of the hard right-wing only want to reduce immigration and enforce border security as per the law.
Pic related
Poland is a reactionary shithole and will be razed to the ground and then given back to russians after the revolution. Even Rosa thought it was a fucking mistake.
Really? You really believe what you're saying, damn.
Oh so you're all a bunch of liberal reformists.
I wonder why you would do that?
Bullshit and you know it's bullshit. If you went into any popular far right-wing space online and espoused those views you'd be called a cuckservative.
Showing violence of the past won't distract from the fact a mother abusing psycho went with his car in an ISIS style attack, injured 19 of which 3 remain in critical condition, and killed one.
You can show as much as you want, it still won't equate an ISIS style attack.
Countries that hate PR cucking, better known as not acting like an ass clown? But jokes aside, how can they get secondary passports if they are not citizens. Many countries give travel documents to asylum seekers so they can travel to other countries, but they still aren't proper passports. This would indicate that ratlines don't exist for neo-Nazis.
Remember when he used to be a tub of lard that rolled with anarchists?
What happened?
Just more proof that all libertarians are closet fascists.
You mean like Bill? Hmmm, something tells me there is more to it than just that, judging from the reaction you guys get out of most people and it's not because he has a D in front of his name that he's viewed differently.
Jesus, these sources are fucking terrible.
Who quotes huffington post?
Gennady Zyuganov Communist Party won 17.18% of the vote.
And this was RUSSIA, who was the hegemon of the USSR empire and had the most to gain.
I seriously hope you don't consider Holla Forums to be equivalent to mainstream nationalism.
Actually, glad you brought that up.
1. There is video proof that the man had a history of mental illness.
2. He was moving slowly through the crowd, who recognized him and surrounded him. One person HIT HIS CAR WITH A BASEBALL BAT.
3. He freaked out and floored the gas
4. The crowd swarmed his car WITH BASEBALL BATS and started hitting his windows
5. He reversed out and left the scene, fearing for his life.
Also, the only person who died, died of a heart attack because she was morbidly obese. She didn't die because of direct injury and she wasn't hit by his car, but by another car that the man bumped into.
Fucked that up, meant to say
1. The man had a history of mental illness
2. There is video proof that he was moving slowly through the crowd until one person hit his car with a baseball bat
Absolutely foken MENTAL mate
Not counting the 16 maimed and the 3 in critical condition I see.
No, that's actually not why she died.
This is one of the loonier excuses I've seen from you Holla Forums, do better
A better question is: why do they want passports in the first place? Neither of them live in America, and both live in different countries; Weev lives in Eastern Europe and Anglin, I believe, lives in the Philippines.
Here's a weird stalker-y article on Cantwell's political history: ethanglover.biz
It's a Pew poll.
Do you have better sources that suggest the opposite?
No he wasn't. Only that selectively edited version shows that. Watch the whole recording. The guy was speeding through there before he got hit. He had modified his car in order to prevent the airbag from going off and to stop the gas from getting cut. He knew what he was doing. You Holla Forumstards talk about running protesters over all the time after all.
Also mental illness isn't an excuse. Most of you are schizo anyways.
We'll see how
holds up in a court of law over maiming 16, putting 3 in critical condition, and killing one.
I have no doubt some loser on Holla Forums isn't planning a copy cat attack anyways, and by all means, try
Look where it's got you.
Here, this shows he was hit before he panicked.
Shows the crowd attacking his car with bats.
No matter how you cut it, he was fleeing from people attacking him with baseball bats.
Sasuga sausage
That's still murder.
That's still sixteen maimed, 3 in critical condition, one dead
Dindu Nuffin
Despite a fucking murder charge, among the countless other charges he's already facing.
You've gotta be the shittiest lawyer.
The Russian elections.
Pic related.
I don't see any right-wingers stripping naked and howling on the street like wild baboons.
You haven't been watching lel
Got your attention didn't it.
Femen are liberals user. Are you stuck in 2014 or something?
I hope you realize that's a second degree charge, which means not premeditated. Also, it is perfectly ethically and legally justifiable to flee from a hostile mob by any means possible.
That's not "the people" that's the establishment, the elites. Media, government, colleges, these are the bourgeois you're siding with.
Can't you see how ridiculously indoctrinated you are? That everyone you oppose is genocidal?
How is that equivalent?
Jesus this is worse than trans people and their obsession with "violent" language.
Happened during a looting spree. At that point, all bets are off and anyone can become a target. I didn't expect the poster/retweeter to mention that, but it's ok, I did.
It's still a murder charge.
Not in your car. On your feet sure. But when your own cowardice is your excuse for getting in a severe car accident you're still legally responsible.
You people have no actual way of taking responsibility for yourselves, deflect deflect deflect
For the same people who cried about "dindus"
So you'd be just as much of a pussy as that boy if you were given the chance
That's fine to admit.
You're right, they just do that while fully clothed.
For what? Some guy getting hit by a baseball bat while surrounded by a mob and freaking out? What's to take responsibility for? Is this part of the imaginary genocide you keep going on about?
More importantly, why are you so upset about one random dude sperging out and not an entire ideology (Islam) based on murdering all non-muslims unless they convert?
Driving a car into pedestrians.
I didn't just list genocide as being the end goal of ethno-nationalism. Learn how to read.
I don't recall doing that, but okay, I'm sorry I drove a car into pedestrians if I really did that.
Nazism is literally the same way and much more of a threat you fucking retard. If you want to stop radical Islam stop supporting people like Trump and his policies. In fact stop supporting capitalism altogether. That would basically end islamic terrorism overnight.
I recall the lead up to the radicalization that ruined this boy's life. We've been here for years, please don't act like a saint, it's annoying.
Ok lad.
We're not liberals you FUCKING MONGOLOID
This shit is great
Well I mean it's not like fascists would let tor exist. Turnabout is fair play.
Trump wasn't president in 600 AD, and people back then had literally no concept of "capitalism" and traded via barter.
How many Nazis exist in the world. Real Nazis, not just "republican nazis".
See above question. I seriously want to know how many hardliner Nazis you think there are in the world.
Who did you vote for last election? Bernie? Mhhhmmmmmm…… Figured. Guess what stance Bernie takes on feminism and immigration.
It seems a bit hypocritical for a service that is mainly known for child porn to clutch their pearls at a satirical website.
A lot of us didn't vote, but given the opportunity I would rather have him be president and he's currently the most liked politician in the United States so.
Let's see how you keep digging your grave. People didn't vote for Trump for his racial rhetoric, they voted for his employment and anti-imperialist promises no matter how shallow they may have been.
He did not follow through with those policies
That's a good question
You seem to have a lot of ideas on what everyone thinks.
You okay there? Might want to just talk to someone and just talk things through a bit. You seem wound up really tight.
Are you? You're equating loosely Social Democratic politicians with actual communists.
Dude feudal societies are genocidal as fuck. It's not a uniquely Muslim thing. Stop with the idpol.
Dailystormer legitimately is satire. You don't think so?
Joshua Goldberg, a jew, was one of their columnists who wrote anti-jew articles.
It's a dumb site meant to be as extreme as possible for the sake of trolling.
Well I don't know a lot about socialism or communism, so let's ask someone who does.
Pic related
No one cares anymore. You guys abused """irony""" too much.
pro capitalist
jesus fuck man. Social democracy is an attempt to take some socialist ideas and adapt them to capitalism in order to lessen its problems. The majority of socialists want communism, but social democrats generally do not. And even then, some socialists don't want communism
yea that's obvious
irony s about to become synonym with cowardice
what a bitch
No wonder you think all republicans are genocidal, geez.
BTW, Steven Colbert isn't really a republican.
You don't even know what irony looks like you fucking faggot
You don't say?
Fucking DailyStormer should merge with Cum Town to get some actual talent.
Hey, Holla Forums. Watcha doin'?
Still know more than you.
For instance, its economic impacts.
Holy crap, you people really are retarded.
I'm actually curious as to who you think you're fooling.
I'm not particularly fond of DPRK, but you seriously think that you can gain credibility with some random graph where the source is just listed as "Maddison"?
Jesus no wonder you're a Holla Forumsyp
I see the discourse in this thread has reached playground levels of sophistication.
sasuga Holla Forums
why is that asshole so fucking enourmous?
The daily stormer's title is "The world's number one pro-genocide website".
No, really, you really think it's serious? Have you ever actually read it?
I'll say this again, no wonder you people think that all republicans are genocidal. You are completely unable to distinguish between hyperbole and reality
Please, try to see reality, this isn't funny anymore. You people are so ridiculously brainwashed it's worrying me.
North Korea is a dump, its people are starving, they have a tinpot dictator who made himself into a pharoah, they are DECADES behind the South in technology and development.
Socialism, on any level, is a nightmare for the economy because it takes money from the capable, motivated and hardworking and gives it to the incompetent, unmotivated and unable. This is inherently dysgenic. It also interferes with natural and voluntary trade in favor of central management which is inefficient.
Yeah he's really a Democrat
u srs
Nice platitudes, m8
You seem to be under the impression that everyone here is a statist/leninist
Please read the FAQ before you stay more stupid shit, thanks
Capitalism was why Korea was a dump in the first place. South Korea is the result of fascism and constant American investment.
Yes, your completely unique and special brand of communism that is perfect and has never been tried is surely different from every other form of communism that has been tried and failed.
Good luck with your revolution, or whatever. It's clear there's no sanity (or even common sense) to be found here.
you didn't know this?
He's not asking for links dude.
no seriously kill yourself
I understand the point, you're claiming that you're a different type of socialist, probably a democratic socialist or whatever.
I'm saying that socialism is crap no matter what form it is. I'm posting the most extreme examples of socialism because it shows the divide between capitalism and socialism the most clearly.
You don't think I explained myself well? What would you like me to explain for you.
I would, but the knowledge that 99% of mankind is more intelligent than the people on this board is what keeps me going.
What do you find to be a platitude? That socialism is an unnatural top-down economic model that restricts the freedom of trade? Or that people of lesser ability aren't entitled to the sweat of people of greater ability?
I understand that you prefer a certain level of spices in your food. I'm just feeding you food that's been literally coated in a 2 cm thick shell of red pepper and sriacha to tell you that spice is bad.
no arguments here
Your entire life. Kill yourself
le *sigh*
Sounds like Capitalism
Would you rather have 2cm of sriracha or no sriracha?
Because I'd rather have the latter. Hell, many people don't even like sriracha, why would we put it in everyone's dishes knowing this?
But how did the mine owners obtain a position of advantage over the miners to begin with?
Don't you think that the people who invested frugally and grew their wealth for the sake of their children deserve to have a better legacy than the people who spent all their money on beer and gambling or had more children than they could provide a future for?
Also, the mine owners provide the equipment, paid for the land rights, machinery, transportation, etc. They take all the burden of the upfront costs and risk of their venture onto themselves. If the workers wanted to become owners they could pool whatever savings they had and create their own company; but they don't, because (1) not everyone is capable of leadership and organizing such a thing and (2) the risk of failure could ruin them, and it's more comfortable just to take a steady salary even though it is small-risk-small-reward.
Ah yes the small risk of death, dismemberment or just completely ruining their bodies.
really? the workers should sacrifice their potential well-being (and that of their families, too) for the sake of their bosses kid? this sounds more like a justification for fucking feudalism.
and what's stopping the boss from saying "fuck off" or even firing them all? keep in mind he's giving them the lowest wages possible so something like that would be hard to pull off to begin with.
"unnatural" is a fucking lazy, moralizing category, kid. You want a list of things that are "natural"? Hurricanes, sexual violence, murder, infant mortality, and fucking bubonic plague. Just because something is "natural" doesn't mean shit about whether or not it's desirable or morally praiseworthy.
I used to believe Sam Hyde was a clever cyber-post-parody of the alt-right in addition to being a weird and hilarious merciless critic of liberals.
Then I realized he truly fell for the alt-right meme, started to make nazi salutes with weev, vented about jews on his ridiculously unironic twitter wall, and that's around the same time that he stupidly killed his promising and burgeoning career.
It wasn't just about anti-semitism like the liberal media said, but the lose of ambiguous irony. The ambiguous Sam made everyone, including leftists, think about what is happening during this era, the American way of seeing politics, or at least bring a different, nihilistic perspective. The unironic one is just a boring enemy parroting Holla Forums (for that sweet 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Patreon™🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 money, maybe ?)
Sam Hyde is literally crying_wojak.png, the human.
Lets reddit this up with le sigh
Oh and I forgot
what's the sriracha supposed to be?
You have now raped the metaphor's corpse in a desperate attempt to make yourself look smarter than you actually are.
Someone could do a alt-right rekt thread.
I'm not that guy though, I am genuinely confused
The delusion is palpable.
Yes, flooding me with charts that don't even answer my points is supposed to disprove me…. how?
All this proves is that retirees have crappy health; and that unskilled laborers work harder but not smarter; and that the labor force is glutted and too many workers is keeping down wages.
Also what makes you think that socialism will help the quality of life of the workers instead of simply harming the economy and making everyone poorer?
I'm done for the night anyways. Take care.
(BTW the reason why the natural flow of trade is good isn't because it's natural but because it's unrestricted.)
So everyone besides dyed in the wool abolotionists are nazis? Thats an excellent way to win support.
are you fuckin mental ?
I'm asking this not because I want to make Holla Forumstards like you butthurt but to prevent good threads from dying.
You will be hard pressed to find anyone on Holla Forums that would disagree with that statement in the slightest
If Not Socialism/fascism falls into that category then so too does communism/socialism. We, both sides, focus so hard on the concept of achieving a perfect political model that we completely throw out the possibility of working together to get rid of that which is absolutely cancerous and then, after that, figure out what system is best.
I don't even necessarily ascribe to any of the above, but my fuck if you seriously think that all socialist ideologies entail or even endorse centralized control then you genuinely don't know what it is you're trying to argue against
saying white nationalism is idpol is the same as saying black nationalism is idpol. Its not, both of those are universally accepted as factual concepts. Saying that idpol is defined by the mere politicization of a group that is accepted as existing is a fallacious game of semantics.
Idpol is one thing and one thing only: constructing political agendas which revolve around reductio ad absurdium.
and yeah, I'm salty because I can't tell you how many times I've had this argument, your side's basic unwillingness to compartmentalize what got promoted by the USSR and its allies as "socialism" and what socialism actually is as an overall set of loosely-affiliated ideologies is frustrating to the point of making me want to bash my head into the keyboard
It's almost akin to somebody saying that neoliberals and ancaps are exactly the same
It is a repeat of an old model. If it worked so well then why was civilization even started?
And to be perfectly honest.. I wasnt including anarcho anything in that post. There isnt a single form of anarchy that will last longer than the it takes the first Holla Forumsack to take up a sniper position.
Okay, I wasn't clear: repeat of old models that have already been attempted and implemented
Anarchy has been tried many times. When Rome fell, that was anarchy. When we were still living in caves, that was anarchy.
Thats my point. Anarchy will exist in its intended form just as long as the first man gets a stiffy and realizes 'hey theres no police anymore'
anarchism as a political ideology does not refer to the common usage of anarchy as chaos it means the elimination of unjustifiable or arbitrary hierarchies it does not mean lack of organization
No surprise here. The daily stormer is known to be about provocateur-ism. The lead editor is headed by a kike by the name of Andrew Anglin. Of which studied liberal arts in college and even lived in the Philippines for a few years. He's been on the record to say that "diversity" is a beautiful thing and should be encouraged. So by all, attack the daily stormer members, as they are no more than skin heads/provocateurs anyway.
And what do you suppose he was doing down there?
He was teaching english. But yeah, like I said, I don't care about the daily stormer.
Ancient Athens was anarchy. Its where the term Democracy arose from, and it lasted for awhile.
Please do some fucking reading to not look so retarded please before you critique a political theory you clearly know nothing about:
I think the current Holla Forums butthurt is suffices for a life time now. They fucked themselves up when they appeared in the real world.
Man, why is there a difference between these two things?
What's the deal with them needing passports to badly? Did they receive threats?
🤔 🤔 🤔
LOL. You expect me to believe that college studied liberals can just magically turn to Not Socialism in a blink of an eye? Look, I can't make this shit up. No one on Holla Forums believes the daily stormer is actually genuine. If you want a genuine (mainly) Not Socialist site try Redwatch or Ironmarch.
What's with the pimple in the Westwall? Saarbrücken?
Funny you mention Ironmarch, considering Holla Forums despises them as shills.
Also, fairly recently one of their affiliates converted to Islam then proceeded to kill his Nazi roomates.
Well, I guess I'm glad I don't use that website then. I just used them as references. Fuck.
Islamists and western reactionaries would be best buddies if Nazis could get over the icky brown people.
*looks at hands*
*wraps his arms around his legs and closes his eyes, whimpering, as the police bust down his door*
Just a quick glance at Holla Forums and you know the whole story.
We leftists are only violent towards 1 type of person: Holla Forumstards.
The whole world cheers for us every time we beat up, steal, destroy some Holla Forums dweeb. The whole world wants Nazis gone except for the Nazis.
I'm cheered as a hero, supported while you're not. Not even by Republicans. Holla Forums's dead as fuck this year and the following ones will be hell on earth for them.
This fascist pewdiepie shit is hilariously bad.
He is this guy personified. Says "nigger" like as if he was "revolting against the modern world" vigorously. Jesus what a retard.
What a fucking untermensch.
Lol no. I hold no prejudice for other races and don't want to see them harm (also, I'm not a White nationalist, I'm an ethno nationalist/leaning towards civic nationalism). Nazism had been taken over by reactionary skinheads in the 70s who had no concept over what the movement even meant. Just to "kill all blacks/jews". That's like saying all communists want to recreate what Stalin did. Besides the accusations of the holocaust not happening (of which I looked into and believe is fake).
"German racialism meant re-discovering the creative values of their own race, re-discovering their culture. It was a search for excellence, a noble ideal. Not Socialist racialism was not against the other races, it was for its own race. It aimed at defending and improving its race, and wished that all other races did the same for themselves. That was demonstrated when the Waffen SS enlarged its ranks to include 60,000 Islamic SS. The Waffen SS respected their way of life, their customs, and their religious beliefs. Each Islamic SS battalion had an imam, each company had a mullah. It was our common wish that their qualities found their highest expression. This was our racialism. I was present when each of my Islamic comrades received a personal gift from Hitler during the new year. It was a pendant with a small Koran. Hitler was honoring them with this small symbolic gift. He was honoring them with what was the most important aspect of their lives and their history. Not Socialist racialism was loyal to the German race and totally respected all other races." Leon Degrelle
Fake quote. He was a proud christian. Although, I'm not sure if there's a god or not. If there is a god and he created everything in his own image, then the reason I'm gay must be because he made me this way, if there is a god.
We'll see about that you massive faggot, guess who has all the guns? We've been hitting millions of views on youtube some of which only took a few short months. We are on the rise. And guess where nazis are primarily centralized? America.
It took the whole fucking world to take Hitler down and the fact you all had to gang up on him is pretty pathetic.
Me. You own less than me or rather none, you're also weaker than me in every way. I can assure you that. So keep your dweeb nerd fantasies to yourself.
Nazis lost the war because of the same, they're just subservient weak retards in the end.
I myself am a Demi-sexual feline otherkin
I'm sure all the 'missing' Serbs, Poles, Jews and Russians are in some underground paradise world built for them by the nazis.
Return to reality.
jesus what an inbred retard
The only bad thing about it is that Trump basically outed himself as having serious fascist sympathies.
That's all you have? Damn that's pathetic. I have a whole gun rack of which two of them are 7mm Mauser and an 8mm mauser (of which I inherited). I also have a .33, an ar15, and a m1 garand.
Yeah I'm sure the missing "jews" that weren't even there in the first place all died. AND since all the supposed "death camps" were all on the soviet side, it is all communist propaganda. Hell, the west investigated supposed "death camps" in western europe and found those claims to be false.
user please, we aren't talking about Jews as a religious group but as a racial group. Are you dumb or just arguing in bad faith?
A great many cities in eastern Europe like Brest, Minsk, Odessa etc. had huge Jewish populations, up to almost 50% of the total residents. As I recall the population of Belarus went down by 25% or something like that due to the war.
Then why do all the memorials for nazi massacres of both Jews and other groups in the former SU list all the victims as 'soviet citizens' instead of as Jews, if pushing the holocaust narrative was important to them?
If the nazis had no programme of extermination what was the purpose of the Einsatzgruppen? Also you didn't address the abuse of the Poles and Serbs for example, though its understandable, of course we must concentrate on the Chosen People. Zionists and nazis are the strongest believers in Jewish exceptionalism.
Really makes you think, huh?
Just gonna leave this here
Yeah, because clearly increasing the population of jews is massacring them.
The Einsatzgruppen were a special commando unit intended to take out civilian resistance behind the front. Poles and jews alike were killed when they were suspected of being involved in terrorism or other violent acts towards the German government or army. It's not uncommon in wartime for such units to exist, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with ethnic cleansing.
Did you read the fucking pdf from the FBI??? They were migrating from German occupied Europe to Soviet russia/palestine.
you're buttmad because Holla Forums fucked up hard. Thats why you prefer browsing here than going to Holla Forums, Holla Forums is a mess and will never cease to be a mess not after what happened. It's over.
1. Pathology results at the end of WWII indicate camp deaths were due to typhus. There is no evidence of poisoning by gas. For example, Dr. Charles Larson performed autopsies at Dachau and some twenty other German camps. Dr Larson told his biographer “never was a case of poison gas uncovered." (The Wichita Eagle, April 1, 1980, p. 4C.) 2. Dr. John E. Gordon, M.D., Ph.D., a professor of preventive medicine and epidemiology at the Harvard University School of Public Health, who was with US forces in Germany in 1945. Dr. Gordon reported in 1948 that "The outbreaks in concentration camps and prisons made up the great bulk of typhus infection encountered in Germany." Dr. Gordon summarized the causes for the outbreaks as follows: "Germany in the spring months of April and May [1945] was an astounding sight, a mixture of humanity travelling this way and that, homeless, often hungry and carrying typhus with them … Germany was in chaos. The destruction of whole cities and the path left by advancing armies produced a disruption of living conditions contributing to the spread of the disease. Sanitation was low grade, public utilities were seriously disrupted, food supply and food distribution was poor, housing was inadequate and order and discipline were everywhere lacking. Still more important, a shifting of populations was occurring such as few countries and few times have experienced." (John E. Gordon, "Louse-Borne Typhus Fever in the European Theater of Operations, U.S. Army, 1945," in Forest Ray Moulton, editor, Rickettsial Diseases of Man (Washington, DC: American Academy for the Advancement of Science, 1948), pp. 16-27) 3. Dr. Gordon's findings are corroborated by Dr. Russell Barton, who entered Bergen-Belsen with British forces as a young medical student in 1945. Barton, who volunteered to care for the diseased survivors, testified under sworn oath in a Toronto courtroom in 1985 that: "Thousands of prisoners who died at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp during World War II weren't deliberately starved to death but died from a rash of diseases." (Disease killed Nazis' prisoners, MD says," Toronto Star, Feb. 8, 1985, p. A2.) 4. This lack of evidence is something acknowledged by Professor Raul Hillberg (1985 Toronto trial) and Adorno Mayer ("Sources for the study of the gas chambers at once rare and unreliable" Why Did the Heavens Not Darken?). 5. The findings that deaths were due to disease rather than deliberate extermination is consistent with Red Cross records from the camps and the British intelligence which had been intercepting German communications from 1942 onwards. In Volume II of his book British Intelligence in the Second World War, Sir F. Hinsley notes that British Intelligence was decoding the secret messages from Hoess, Camp Commandant of Auschwitz, to Berlin, which included his daily returns, and goes on to say:– “The returns from Auschwitz, the largest of the camps with 20,000 prisoners, mentioned illness as the main cause of death but included references to shootings and hangings. There were no references in the decrypts to gassings." 6. Judge Edward L van Roden, one of three members of the Simpson Army Commission, appointed to investigate the Dachau Trials, reported: "all but two of the Germans, in the 139 cases investigated, had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair. This was standard operation procedure with our American investigators." (American Atrocities in Germany” The Progressive, February 1949, p. 21f) 7. The six million figure itself seems to have been commonly referenced well before WWII. In 1898 Rabbi Stephen S Wise spoke of “6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism”. 8. Similarly, Don Heddesheimer’s book “The First Holocaust” which also documents post-WWI claims, reported in the New York Times for instance, that East European Jewry was on the brink of annihilation, regularly invoking the six million figure. 9. According to Ben Weintraub, The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism" Hebrew prophecies in the Torah require that 6 million would vanish before Israel could be formed. Tom Segev, an Israeli Historian, discussed how the figure is an attempt to transform the Holocaust into a state religion (The Seventh Million). 10. There are survivors from Aucshwitz like Marika Abrams who were unaware of people being killed by gas. On the other hand it was claimed at Nuremberg that camps like Dachau and Buchenwald were used to gas people. Those eyewitness claims are no longer accepted. Why the change?
user, the Jews are an ethno-religious-cultural group. The picture you posted was about Jews as a religious group. Here we are not interested in the population of religious jews but in the population of ethnic jews. Do you understand?
Sure, if existing as a 'racial enemy' counts as terrorism.
How does that address it in any way? The jewish city populations were older than the war.
quite frankly I've taken part in enough 'Holla Forumsyp comes in with holohoax infographics'-threads to know that they are absolutely pointless
someone else can amuse themselves with this retard if they so please
pic related
I can't seem to find the original source material, at best i find is archive.org
from Theodore J. O’Keefe who makes relays the supposed claim from Larson. When i look further into O'Keefe i find affiliations with blatant revisionist organizations and far right groups.
That's not exactly the right quote tbh (it's actually "never was a case of poisoning uncovered", which is the same thing). After digging I found the newspaper article on it…. it's in very shitty quality but it's the only one I could find on the entire internet.
Source? From image searches i can only find links back to 4chan Holla Forums. Also, going by what you said here "Dr Larson told his biographer “never was a case of poison gas uncovered." I looked up his book and found
No mention of the line "never was a case of poisoning uncovered"
However, i did find this interesting part from the same book
But yet "there never was a case of poisoning uncovered"? Lol
Forgot to add.
Crime Doctor,' McCallum & Larson, p. 61. ISBN 0-916076-20-2; Library of Congress Catalog Number: 78-16403
And for good measure.
I thought trash like him believed in supporting authoritarian ideology, now he is afraid of cops?
why is that bad? not saying it isnt, just curious
Yeah, because clearly he'd actually put that in there and then say that.
I've already told you
Do you know how hard it is to find pictures of newspapers online? If you're going to say that the image is fake, prove that it's fake for fs.
Crime Doctor isn't as cut and dried as "Zyklon B wasn't used to kill anyone" but it fails to prove such a thing occurred with any empirical evidence.
Show me where it is in the book.
No, you posted an image, that is all, where did you get it? 4chan Holla Forums? Because that is the only place i can find it
I enjoy that you're getting angry and it is up to you, the person who made the claim to back it up not me. so do it, faggot.
You made the claim, all i ask is that you back it up. Your own source seems to contradict your claim.
Even if we were to go by your shit quality image the title clearly reads "Conditions killed "most" inmates" so what led to the result of the other deaths? Also, many of the Dachau prisoners were sent to Schloss Hartheim to be gassed.
Is this a Holla Forums false flag? You're basically confirming the Holla Forums meme that antifa types only attack a group that is universally hated and pose no threat to the established liberal capitalist order.
I'm commenting on it apparently being a Newsweek headline. Doesn't seem headline-worthy to me, let alone for yer arcane liberal-center Newsweek-type magazine. It's, you know, going after this one guy and what a stupid douchebag he is.
It might not be the purest outrage porn, but I think it qualifies. So I was saying - the economic incentive to publish barely-news-stories of one or two assholes being assholes seems to be rapidly surpassing the declining market for traditional porn. I assume people jerk off to both.
It was never claimed that there were death camps in Western Europe. Death camps were mostly located in occupied Poland.
What's that pic from?
They aren't doing anything against cumskins tho, it's just a few virtue-signalling tweets. Didn't stop Holla Forumssheviks from crying censorship tho.
The presidency is an extremely powerful institution currently. A fascist in the whitehouse could easily disrupt all left wing political activity. The liberals in congress wouldn't do anything to stop him either.
Don't worry about the haters some people overreact to Poland's far-right movement and make it representative of Poles.You're a comrade of mine fampai
Also I woud like to add that Eastern European politics, with Orban and Kaczyński have gone full-on South-America tier. It's going to be an intermittent pattern of populist governments followed by neo-liberal 'fixers' and it's going to suck.
Are there caps of his profile before he got banned?
I like Poland a lot tbh, I hope your anti-communist ideology dies down.
Neither did 1.3 billion Muslims drive vans into pedestrians in Europe yet you still blame them for it.
Was this guy once a Libertarian or am I thinking of someone else?
No. First, the kids had nothing to do with that. Second, this argument worked better when it was the Great Chain of Being or Calvinist Predestination and you could claim that God sorted the most righteous people into the upper classes. Now it's just come down to mindlessly repeating the big lie of meritocracy even when it's easily debunked, even you acknowledged that there's ways of coming into property and wealth other than the le bootstraps of Protestant work ethic meme that lies at the heart of your ideology. Third, no amount of ascetic virtue justifies the systematic exploitation of others. It's still the employees that do the work and the employer that gets the profits even if the employer is the very picture of industriousness and austere temperance.
Ah yes, they shuffled some paper around, the owners are truly nothing short of martyrs.
Also, this Sword of Damocles argument worked a lot better when the leader actually risked life and limb and very likely the lives of his whole family should he fail, it's a lot less convincing when all he risks is his investment. The very worst case scenario is that he becomes an indebted worker like the rest of us, and even that rarely happens in the age of golden parachutes and company buyouts. It's always the workers that suffer (lose their jobs, get lower wages and fewer hours, fewer if any benefits, poorer working conditions, etc), almost never the owners or bourgeoisie of any stripe.
I fucking hope he has been reported for contraband and identity thief.
Saarland have had some closer ties to the French and voted massively SPD until it was forbidden, even in the Nazi area.