How do we enforce communism without the 'force'?
How do we enforce communism without the 'force'?
communism needs gulags to work that's just the reality of the situation
The Force?
No the whores
Who's "we"? If it's just a small group of people trying to make an unwilling proletariat accept communism, it isn't going to happen. You need mass support.
the Horse
goes to gulag
You en communism. Rather simple really.
There are various ways and Stalin wasn't a communist.
One is fucking off the cities living inawoods making a union there. Other is through smaller insurrections in towns and such.
Global Communism will take a long time, it has to have the technology for every single individual to autosustain.
There is nothing wrong with oppressing the oppressors. Nobody cares about Nazis, they all want them dead & are hunting them. GOOD.
Lenin didn't need that shit. We'll never have mass support, and we don't have the time to wait.
All societies are built, maintained, and destroyed, by force.
Co op network that provides community services and expands, undertaken with the clear plan to begin abolishing value once the network controls most of the economy
Basically this there is no such things as a 100% free society or else it would be pure chaos
The public is just naturally more sympathetic for the left which is why it doesn't seem to matter much if a Nazi gets punched. The only thing protecting him is their consideration for his freedom of speech. The best he can get away with, even in this case, is to say both sides are bad.
There is nothing inherently valuable perceived in his rhetoric beyond the fact that it is rhetoric. The public can only go so far as just tolerate it. This is the ugly reality the alt-right is slowly coming to face, that it's their own ideas which people dislike. Not a result of the spin the mainstream media puts on them.
A bunch of people get together, form a not-a-government in charge of the not-a-state, hire a not-an-army and impose their will upon others using not-force.
It can be called Anarchism.
WE don't. That's the real trick.
You can't because communism is illegal in USA and widely hated.
You don't, the state will cease to exist out of redundancy not because it will be banished.
You're thinking like Pol Pot in his logic of banning money (means of exchange) during the Khmer Rouge, money or rather a means of exchange exists because scarcity necessitates it not because we wish for it to by which I mean it's function as a means of exchange, not that it has any use value before you call me out for spooks.
Technology and the material conditions will make communism an inevitability, not some kind of declaration and charade.
If you build it, they will come.
Communism does come by force like any other change in human history. The working class needs to push and force those in power ( bourgeoisie ) out of power. Any change of structure always preludes to violence. To think communism will come peacefully is being utopian.
IDK you tell me. Pretty sure he didn't have gulags in mind though.
This guy gets it. Marx knew not even a single bourgie would have to be imprisoned they'd all just give up everything they have overnight simultaneously.
Also work camps are OK when anarchists do it
You don't. Dictatorship of the Proletariat is the best way of bringing about successful socialism.
if it is correct the proletariat will not will against it
Educate the masses enough to make them want to build it themselves.
Simple as that.
Yeah they lost when they brought themselves to the real world. Instead of keeping everything secret. They didn't even had a chance to win it anyways, they doomed Trump in the process too which all benefits me.
Can't the same be said about far-left movements? Sure they might not have the same stigma as nationalist movements but they are still largely disliked by the liberal pro-capitalist majority.
What if I want it enforced with force though?
I've always dreamt of running a gulag, please don't ruin my dreams.
We absolutely won't.
And you shouldn't even think about it unless you are a naive ancom.
Milo tier faggotry
The secret is that when capitalism takes it natural course it inevitably turns into communism. Automatisation is a clear sign of this.
You havent learned anything from history?
Every movement requires force to function, any state does really. So there is no way to create your state without violence or the threat of it backed up with violence in the past
Nice try boy
Its gonna lead to neofeudalism or mass killings of the poor and stupid, not some magical space communism
Gonna say it again cos you faggots ignored the only possible option to have communism without force
Co op network that provides community services and expands, undertaken with the clear plan to begin abolishing value once the network controls most of the economy
Even though I would personally advocate great amounts of force to defend such a network and indeed, the network should do it all it can to build its own force. But it wouldn't necessarily have to, at least, it is the most realistic conception of a non violent revolution happening that I know of
if you build it it will fail
He who does not work, neither shall he eat.
Society democratically comes up with a production and distribution plan (either through a central entity like the national or world government, or through decentralized entities like syndicates). If you participate in that plan (or if you're incapable of working), you get an equal share of its proceeds. If you refuse to participate, you don't get any of the proceeds. It's pretty simple.
But that's the long-term goal, i.e., communism. I think we'll probably have to implement market socialism first, then slowly start planning more and more production as automation improves.
This is 100% wrong. Socialism is the end of class society.
"Dictatorship of the proletariat" does not literally mean a dictatorship. It means capturing the state.