Terror attack in Barcelona

Why does this keep happening?

Other urls found in this thread:


Muslim Reconquista when?

2 confirmed dead, multiple people injured.

But what about the alt-Catholics? Clearly both are at fault here.

La Rambla was under anarchist control during the Spanish civil war, correct?

anyway f

Because when you have technology advance to a point where potentially destructive tools can be cheaply and easily obtained by the average jackoff, shit like this becomes inevitable. If it wasn't wahhabists doing this, it would be somebody else.

alt-left at it again

Spanish here, they priorice the independence of the region before the security of the people. Also, there are groups who attack the tourism, It was just a matter of time that this happend.

Like clock work

You think it was one of the anti-tourism groups?

Copycatism. It's the power of ideas.

I swear you mommy coddling apologists will be the first to go.


Nah, they're just assholes who do shit "attacks" like writting graffitis against tourism or spin wheels… unless two autistics mimic ISIS

The terrorists were provoked by the alt-left, they MADE the terrorists kill those folks. Listen, what happened was horrible. But there's fault on both sides

Don't forget the part in which you let immigrants inside en-masse killing every last hope for the working class, already been raped through the decades, that from now on will be considered too expensive.
But at least you are multicultural.
Damn I love Neo-liberalism

Kek what are you talking about retard?
Being aware of the underlying causes of these attacks doesn't mean that I endorse it. But I guess I should just ram my head into a brick for a few hours until I start incoherently start screaming "orcs vs humans."

shit meme.

Jihadsplain some more cuck.

Of course an alt-lefter would say that

Why is this so recurrent in rightist discourse?

This is also kinda good because the Far-Right is meaningless in Spain and their parties becoming relevant will mean the corrupt PP might lose even harder.

Man you're really getting my almonds roastin' with those cutting arguments


Acknowledging why something occurs =//= Supporting it


If muzzies were banned from mother Evropa this wouldn't happen either, regardless of how many of them died for oil.

"Free Palestine" is not an argument.

Is this a cringe thread?

Kek I love modern neo-nazis, they are a special kind of dumb

Is this the way to solve crime as well?

their neighborhoods have been fucked by airbnb
the entire coastline had been destroyed to make monstrous tourist friendly cement hell




Other idea, not let any CHILD of mulism go outside, the mayority of attack are perpetrated for them with the guidance of a veterant or recruiter.

Holla Forumsacks are putting off attacks now too, I suppose we could use some NSA data and round them all up into camps. Not that bad an idea imho tbh familam.

I support anti-tourism groups struggle against the commodification of culture


Wrong pic

reactionaries like liberals are fundamentally moralistic. muh acknowledge this terrible evil! condemn 'the terrorists' as evil and inhuman! when in reality, it is the world as a whole that is inhuman. focusing on 'evil', be it muh islam, muh angry white males or muh voldemort is undialectical. the capitalist/imperialist fashy ethnostate would necessarily result in mass violence and death, but you don't seem to care about it.

The right and security shills in general want to empower the state to commit violence instead. this is fucking stupid imo

Putting -> pulling

Yes, because extremists give a shit about bans. You realize that there are hundred of thousands of slave workers, child prostitutes and wanted criminals moving between the borders, right?

The Iberian Peninsula is rightful Muslim land, you crackers. Decolonize your mind.

Solidarity with Spain, the bastards will be crushed.
Each day they see a new defeat.

It's what they get for not being able to upload a simple fucking file under 8h.

the focus on 'islam' as an ahistorical exceptional evil completely detached from material conditions is profoundly idealistic and anti marxist. If you really cared, you would be agitating for world revolution rather than marching with neocons and spooked flag wavers. Fascism amounts to flailing around stupidly in terror as the bourgeoisie and the state drive you straight to the slaughterhouse

Aside from what has already been said about the driving forces behind immigration, it must be pointed out that these Nazi are such ingrates.

What do they contribute to the world? Assuming he's a westerner working in an administration role (being generous here), selling useless crap like insurance or something, in exchange for this work he does, his human needs are met by 3rd world goods. He is clothed by the 3rd world, his electronic toys including the computer he uses are made in the 3rd world, as are his appliances and what not. The only Western products he may use are food, a car if he's lucky and the home he rents.

The point being, he works a useless job and gets his needs mostly met, whilst those that work the essential jobs to meet his needs are struggling to meet their own and he acts surprised that 3rd worlders wish to get a chance to work the same useless jobs he does instead of the unrewarding drudgery.

I'm no saint either, most of the jobs I've worked are ultimately a waste of human labour given the reward that I and my employers gained, but the Nazi on the other hand, believes he's a one man economy sustained solely by his own industry.

Unfortunately, it's even more undialectical to claim Islamic fundamentalism came out of nowhere, or was nothing more than the product of the West. Fundamentalism couldn't have been created without something there in the first place.

They should have never uploaded it. Killed my hype a bit. Now I have to wait for one and a half week.

Another lunatic runs over a couple of people with a truck. Whoop-dee-fucking-doo. Let's all cry about it.

I mean it's not like this board is doing anything else since charlotville. We should ban americans ip

Of course it was not just a product of the Western ruling class.

As the class solidarity of the bourgeoisie among themselves is universally known, the western bourgeoisie have more solidarity with the middle eastern monarchs and oil sheiks than with white or jewish workers.

The gulf states ruling classes know islam well and know how to use that religion for their own material interests.

Do you really think that the Saudi aristocracy or other arab ruling classes take islam seriously? That they really think it is the true religion or do you think they think of it as another tool to secure their position as ruling class.

what the fuck is up with those emojis

Holy shit that would lead to at least a tenfold increase of the quality of discussion in here.

This I absolutely find Islam abhorrent, its history, its founder, its culture and how its changed the world.

However it's not the monolithic horde that conservatives like to think it is, the fact that reactionaries think that another caliphate akin to the Post-Muhammed one is absurd and revealing of their ignorance and superficial understanding of Islam (it's still bad mind you) that seems more about butthurt over the colour of old maps vs new maps than the content contained in the scripture which often feels like it's a case of finding grievances for the sake of it rather than criticism in good faith.

The middle-east including Iran and Afghanistan (where a organic communist revolution happened without Soviet support as the Soviets were backing the King and then his military backed brother) were ever growing secular till turmoil and political upheaval from Western countries put a stop to that.

Islam can provide the horror we see today, more so than other religions imo but not unabetted that's for sure.

Also this, middle-eastern aristocracy is known to party it up with liquor and whores especially when they visit the West.

it's easy to do, why wouldn't it happen? the better question is, why isn't that something that happened just after 9/11 on a daily basis?

Maybe limit the amount of posts a person with an american ip can do in a day.

American t.

Take your low effort, ignorant shitposts elsewhere ok? ok thanks.

You need to go back, much much further than that. If Henry Kissinger along with decades of our "foreign policy" weren't so corrupt/money/war hungry then the middle east would be unrecognizable to today. Things were much better in the 60s in Iran, for example. US foreign policy directly caused all of this.

'islam' is an immaterial essence with no substance. reactionaries are obsessed with the exceptional 'evil' supposedly present in some religious texts, when historical materialism shows again and again that texts don't matter and will mean anything power wants them to mean. Islamism should be understood in comparison to other fascist and fundamentalist movements, it has an historical basis and a class basis.You are trying to reduce it to a product of an immaterial evil islamic je ne sais quoi. middle eastern societies are not islamic aliens, but societies with a history of class struggle. I'm not 'blaming the west'. It's not about 'blaming' le evil USA or le evil islams for that matter but about understanding what got us here and how we can fix it.


I don't understand the rationale behind ISIS attacks in Europe anymore.
The Paris attacks were really shocking as we were not used to that at all. The Brussels and Nice attacks were also surprising and depressing due to the short timeframe under which they happened. The Berlin attack made us understand that ISIS wasn't only targeting Francophone countries, but Europe as a whole, truly.
But now ? It is still very saddening to hear about these useless lost of lives, but we aren't shocked anymore. Last year, when I visited Amsterdam, a local told me he expected a terrorist attack to happen in the Netherlands at some point. I wouldn't be surprised if an attack would happen one day in my city too, in our main shopping mall for example.
I get that most, if not all, of these terrorists were disgruntled sons of immigrants who felt alienated in this society, but I have a hard time believing that they don't get this too, that they think Europeans (as a whole) still fear them. I don't understand why they still believe any of this is worth doing for propaganda purposes (not to mention, ISIS is getting weaker and weaker in Syrian battlefield).

Reactionaries gonna react.

The strategy is always the same: pushing for a total clash of civilizations, so the whole Muslim population end up having to choose between allegiance to the Islamists for protection or getting genocided by Westerners.
Nothing irks more reactionnaries than cultural mix, in the Islamist's mind alienating Muslims from the rest of the world is good for them for it prevent them getting corrupted by modern degneracy.

Feels brigades like ISIS get more donations and more recruits by two ways. First is just by garnering media coverage and putting themselves back on peoples minds.

The other is this
Any terror attack has a chance of provoking some kind of government/far-right overreaction in the target country.

ISIS is long past the point where claiming a terror attack has any negative impact on them.
So even if it doesn't accomplish anything, there's no reason they have to stop. The material gain they could get from smuggling in two idiots and their rifles to Syria is worthless than the effort.

facebook live strikes again

Inbreeding, genetic predispositions to lower intelligence, and genetic predispositions to impulsive and violent behavior (See: Warrior Gene). Non-whites are not capable of integrating with white society. If far left movements want to achieve their goals, we must remove the non-white segments from our ranks. They make us look extremely bad with their uninhibited behaviors. We can see other examples in Black Lives Matter in the US. Leaders like Stalin understood that shitskins are not capable of living in civilized society.

Dugin pls.

Not an argument. Plenty of evidence to suggest that irrational behavior is actually linked to genetic.s


There's a reason socialism inevitably leads to massive famines and instability in nations like Somalia, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, and Ethiopia, but works quite well in nations like Norway. You cannot have a state of equality when a large proportion of the population is predisposed to laziness, begging for handouts, violence, and reduced labor capacity. They will overburden every other worker which in a sense makes these unemployed morons your master.

For the milionth time Holla Forums, stop quoting science you don't understand. As in, stop quoting science, period.

Oh then I guess countries like Burkina faso doesn't exist because it doesn't fit your agenda

The gene is also apparently ~30% in western populations so lol at the 1/3 supreme race that will inevitably glorious uprising.


Burkina Faso is a poor as hell country rife with poverty and poor infrastructure. How is that an example of non-white success? And just a few days ago a terrorist butchered a couple dozen people in their capital.

Fuck off Holla Forums

He'll just rationalize it away saying that they're filthy mongrels and not part of the glorious white race.
The point is genes don't work like he thinks he does, genetic expression is mediated by A TON of factors, chief of which the environment, and that can mean anything from your amniotic fluid to the neighborhood you grew up in during the first five years of your life.
But even then the "warrior gene" has always been a meme, so he can get fucked.

Fuck off Holla Forums

Don't talk about shit if you have no idea what you're talking about

all their arguments against race are humans vs orcs.
they're retarded.

The Islamofascists from Palestine to Pakistan are luddites that must be crushed. We need to support the USA in its struggle against Islamofascism - with some criticism of course. Once Islam is obliterated then we can return to class discussion and class activisim.

I understand Africa's history very well. I know about the colonization by imperialists that occurs to this very day. However, Africa was vulnerable because their peoples were uncivilized. Very little groups on the African continent understood something as simple as farming (Yet whites in South Africa and Rhodesia had no problems with agriculture to the point that they were feeding the entire continent.)

They had not developed any technologies and were too busy fighting each other to unite against the imperialist and capitalist scum of Europe. Now, I'm not defending this intrusion on their existence, however, I do not want non-whites in my countries.

"Two people died today as a truck mowed through a busy intersection"

Define civilized
And while you're at it, why don't you try and figure out why it was that europe was able to pillage africa as effectively as they did? Or why africa didn't have some mass industrialization that sprouted giant cities everywhere? And pro-tip: It's not because htey were "violent" because they wern't, africa was much, much more peaceful than europe of asia was at the time


Good point I definitely think the alt-left is involved.

Dude I can't even begin to understand the levels of mental gymnastics they have to do in order to justify white>non-white
Like it's just fucking beyond me (even more so themselves since they literally just spout dialectics between eachother)

You don't convey that impression.


I'm going to need a citation on that. Was it more peaceful or were their wars just less bloody because they didn't invent guns?


I mean, if you need a citation for that you clearly don't know dick about history
Like claiming Sweden was always a neutral country who never hurt a fly, when they were one of the most feared empires during the 1600's

Can't even cite a source. Pathetic.

Yet you can somehow make the claim that Africa was the most peaceful region on this planet despite little historical records. You make the claim that Africa was peaceful, so the burden of proof is on you.

Greentext isn't an argument. This is the imageboard equivalent of 'Omg i can't even…'

Socialism and low-intelligence, highly impulsive peoples are incompatible. They will overburden the state.

Well you weren't born with historical knowledge don't you? Surely you got this information from somewhere. A common knowledge shouldn't be hard to source.

Wait, so you want to eradicate the blacks, whites and arabs for Asian and Jew overlords?

Google Thomas Sankara

Italians world dominators move aside anglos

Mosley is a based honorary Italian though.

workers own the means of production in Norway? tell me all about it.


I'm sorry for fucking up the quote, but my point still stands.

Scandinavian here.
Can confirm that neoliberalism is in place here too. Plus our governments are doing their best to destroy any progress made by workers movements.

The moolie-ass South Italians seem to have higher Autism Levels than muh pure germanic Northerners.

Mosley was a pint bitch. If your superior ideology can't even convince anglos then wtf are you doing? Should have joined Mussolini on the rope

This statement doesn't make any sense.

Several reasons.

Muslims have become a protected class by liberals.
Any sort of criticism of Islam is immediately discarded by them as 'Islamophobia' or (most absurdly) simple racism.
This means that not is only Islam immune from receiving the criticism that it rightfully deserves, but the necessary actions that need to be taken against Islamic community to prevent further attacks cannot be performed.

Civilian governments are just fundamentally incapable of taking the decisive, unilateral actions and positions required to prevent Islamic terror attacks.
The closest we got to the correct actions being taken was with France, but even that was only short term half measures.

At our current juncture.
Further Islamic attacks are a certainty.

Yes, let's antagonize people even more, that'll help against radicalization!

Should've thought about it before bringing democracy with fighter jets, staged coups and interventions, killing millions of people in the process.

Strike with your sickle!
Strike with your sickle, defenders of the land!
Strike with your sickle!

Now is the time, reapers.
Now is the time to stand alert.
For when another June comes,
Let us sharpen our tools well.


May the enemy tremble,
upon seeing our symbol.
Just as we cut golden ears of wheat,
when the time calls we cut off chains.


isis attacked us comrades

That's what happens when you participate in destroying one of the only decent Muslim countries on earth (Syria).
Fucking CIA enablers. They deserve it.

War continues to happen

I'm a proponent of getting rid of the ability to be radicalised by islam in the first place - getting rid of Islam (and eventually all religions) in its entirety.

Much like Islam, Manichaeism was once one of the worlds largest religions.
But targeted destruction of that religions temples, holy items, scripture and priesthood has not only resulted in it being a rather obscure historical footnote today.
The destruction was so complete and effective that today so little remains of the religion that it can not even be fully reconstructed; meaning that people will never again be able to be Manichaeians.
I support a similar such damnatio memoriae being done to Islam.

I have never supported such actions.
My position is that troops should only be deployed overseas to areas that one intends to directly annex.

Because it's 2017 and there are still people who refuse to accept the Prophet.

It does. The problem isn't islamists are violent retards. The problem is they're violent retards who are here. Send them back to goatfuckstan and as far as I'm concerned the problem is solved.
The average Spaniard doesn't have a fighter. Nor is Spain attacking Syria.
When, where? If they're doing coups they're damn good at it because they are never found out.
If you mean during the Spanish empire that was ages ago, in a different continent, against different people and everyone who participated is long dead.

Confused the Syria part with , my bad.

Pre-Emptive Freedom Strikes.

Did you forget their participation in the illegal Iraq war? They are still allies with US of A. If you're on the side of the imperialist, you're a legitimate target.

Iran, Lybia and who knows how many in Africa. IS are being dumbfucks in a way, since some of the people involved hate them even more but at the same time, they basically see themselves as response to Western imperialism against the middle east and Israel, and got a legit point.

Iraq, Afganistan and wherever the fuck they followed Murica lately. Oh and my bad for missing their arm sales towards Saudis.

Do you even 21th century warfare? Porkie replaces the old leaders with new friends. Way more efficient.
Direct annexation is retarded, look how Russians got themselves a white elephant with Crimea.

Trot scum.

Funny how you only apply this harsh standard of pointing to "great men" to muslims and no other ethnic / religious group you non-leftist islamophobic fuck. You also sidestep the brutal colonialism and consequent upheavel they've faced for the previous two centuries.

You're some kind of spooked christian missionary, not a leftist. Kys you worthless fucking animal.

And you better be careful about saying "muslim societies have failed" or at least quoting some fame-hungry contrarian Professor in doing so. Because your "muhwhyte homelandz" are basically on track to become muslim. So maybe their prophet was playing chess and your church was playing checkers, cumbrain.

Because the west keeps ruining fucking everything.

Given the resounding military failures of superpowers from Vietnam onwards to the modern day.
I think it is quite clear that this point that regime change with the goal of creating a puppet state simply does not work.
The ongoing associated costs of keeping the allied government in power often supersedes what it would have costed to turn the state in question into a literal colony.

Directly annexing (not turning them into colonies) allows for the extension of the rights and muh privileges of citizenship and puts direct pressure on the conquering power to rebuild the given area.
Unlike with regime change, where the citizens are left oppressed and living in rubble.

From a humanitarian perspective.
I have to disagree.

The problem there is that Russia did not just invade and annex all of Ukraine; The west was not about to go to war with Russia over bloody Ukraine.

If you are going to be hit with sanctions for taking land.
You may as well take the maximum amount of land that you can get away with.

Check the flag.

Check the flag.

Fucking mobile.

How come we don't have a thread whenever some mouthbreathing trumpburger drops a bomb?

This thread is spook-chum.





top kek

What language was this written?



I hate this day and age so much
The internet was a mistake

You're free to make a thread 'henever some mouthbreathing trumpburger drops a bomb'.


I guess Venice needs an attack too, a bit difficult to truck anyone there though.

"Pioneer's administrative procedures are as unusual as its charter. Although the fund typically gives away more than half a million dollars per year, there is no application form or set of guidelines. Instead, according to Weyher, an applicant merely submits "a letter containing a brief description of the nature of the research and the amount of the grant requested." There is no requirement for peer review of any kind; Pioneer's board of directors—two attorneys, two engineers, and an investment broker—decides, sometimes within a day, whether a particular research proposal merits funding. Once the grant has been made, there is no requirement for an interim or final report or even for an acknowledgment by a grantee that Pioneer has been the source of support, all atypical practices in comparison to other organizations that support scientific research."

Also in b4 this thread becoems racze realism number 217463876283756238
Spare yourself the embarrasment.


Holy shit, crackers do take the whole disinfo business quite serious.

Because neoconservatism generates conflict in the Middle East, generating resentment against the West, while neoliberalism feels bad for them and lets them into their country, and more extreme elements make it damn near illegal to criticize the migrants with IdPol.
Its a failure of the 2 primary camps of current politics

Hahaha. Do you seriously believe this?

Though hey, let's assume it's the case. How is "criticizing" migrants going to help?

Are you serious, SJWs go nuts at the prospect. As soon as you talk about slowing down immigration you are attacked by liberals for being racist.

And I'm not saying criticizing migrants specifically as people, but possibly criticizing the crisis which generates refugees in the first place, or possibly suggesting slowing down the acceptance of refugees.
Also observe how I said neoliberalism and neoconservativism. And then direct your attention to my flag, suggesting I am an anarcho-communist, indicating these beliefs are not necessarily my own. A little context goes a long way.

A terror attack again, this time in Finland.

What actual effect does it have? Murica got an idiot voted in based on anti-immigrant rhetoric. Brexit was party related to the immigrant hate thread. Le Pen and Wilders both did better than ever at the ballot. If SJWs had any relevance, surely neither of this would get much publicity in the first place?

It doesn't help that most people who bring it up, somehow manage to add factors unrelated to "immigration" at all.

And it all happened either way. Besides, connecting immigration with terrorism, while it all happened before muh immigration too and further ago between Europoors is not a productive approach.

The only thing that really changed is our sandfriends finally realizing that simple methods do fine, so basically every idiot who doesn't like something can strike back.

stabbety stab :DDDDDDDDD
no info if it was muslamics or what thus far, but the MO seems similar to the London stabbing spree

He was heard shouting Allahu akbar.

Seriously, the faster us leftists denounce Islam, the better.

hmm, I heard the exact opposite from a personal secondary source. We'll see.

We've already denounced all forms of religion back in the nineteenth century.

dude, I'm not saying I am advocating for any of this. But you have to admit the issue of immigration is a hotly debated topic at the ballot box and on the media. That is my point, neocons and neolibs argue over this and elections are won or lost based on it as a topic.
IDK if you need to lurk moar or what, but immigration is neutral territory here, I really couldn't give too shits about it.

Then your point contradicts your earlier post, mate. Immigrants get criticized from all sides, some bitch about the bitching but overall it's nothing special.

Take capitalism for example, now that's a topic that's a taboo in the mainstream unless you're doing to fix it.


Police press conference:
1 attacker with a knife, 8 victims, 2 dead
attacker(suspect) shot in the thigh, now in medical care
apparently no info about the burning question:
Was It The Muslims?
Police is initially not treating as a terror incident, no confirmation on shouts of 'allah akbar', the coppers were directly asked by media.

lmao it appears this is because some 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧internet denizens🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 saw a video of the incident where a guy yells "juoskaa pois" "varo" "varokaa" and in their jumpy minds that became "allahu akbar", but this is ultimately just conjecture as well.
comments are split between "fuck niggermuslims" and "sounds like he's telling people to gtfo not going allahuakbar" fyi
basically the Holla Forums crowd has already decided it was the muslams, maybe it was.

means 'run away' 'watch out'


idk lol

wow your allcaps make a convincing argument

Sing it Freddie, nobody can tear this city apart


Exactly, that the plan, opposing westerners and muslims, helped by the raise of the extremists parties.
Muslims are 800 millions worlwide. Even if 1% of them take the the fight the califat will have a 8 millions soldiers army. Time doesn't matter for them.
The best way to abort this evil plan is to not stigmatize muslims and continue to block extrem by democratical ways.

i mean come on man, criticizing capitalism is hip, its a part of pop culture, its a common trope/cliche, its harmless

France's best action against terrorism was a speech… in 2012


Because the meme is out there now. You can't put the genie back in the bottle.

in 2002

Yeah blame innocent people of your own class for bourgeosie and politician's actions

Why does this keep happening?

Because western goverments think religion = race and thus criticizing Muslims is racist for some reason. Religion outta be treated as ideology just like any political ideology and addressed accordingly

Because you keep letting them in

basically Neoconservative Trotsky influenced imperialism caused this.

What do you guys think about the whole military intervention against ISIL? Is it justified or imperialist?

Ah yes
Thats why we constantly have Vietnamese, Malaysian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Indian, …. terror attacks in the U.S.A. and Europe on the news blowing into or blowing up or axing or throwing acid into the face of innocent people, rather than just one random hapa teenage virgin going on a tantrum every decade, correlating perfectly with the fact there have been a dozen times more East and South Asians "suffering" from imperialism than Middle Eastern and North African countries