Really makes you think.
Why is the lügenpresse pushing for a civil war?
Get out Holla Forums.
This really activates my almonds. It looks like if they were acting like an organism. Like if there was some degree of coordination in their action.
What is it Holla Forums?
Jews have done nothing wrong.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
The jews are exterminating you because you tried exterminating multiple others.This is karma. Now you're just crying because it's happening to your race, but you not once gave a cent of compassion to any other race when you viciously attacked them.
This has been a long time coming. You'll be luckly if we allow 1/3rd of you to stay alive once we instate global communism.
Don't kid yourselves, the media is a tool of the state and always has been. This "civil war" is a erdogan-style false flag.
please contain yourself in one thread
And you call yourself an anarchist. Coward.
Who's tried exterminating who?
Me exterminating you.
I don't want a fucking anarchist empire, holy fucking lol. And really, what kind of person *wants* to kill anyone? Statists are truly depraved. These signals from the media are important, and we need to observe them carefully.
Happy for you to try.
Except all that shit is jewish propaganda. They are commiting the same mistakes they always commit, and it will work against them as always.
What you need to know is they fucked up Germany before Hitler. They subverted Germany during the Weimar republic because they tried to take over like they did in Russia. BTW, for the time the Nazis took over they had already killed white russians by the millions. I kek on your "The innocent jews"
Jews have been expelled from 202 countries (including Israel) for one reason, they work confronting people ones against the others, they don't really care which groups are confronted, but they confront whites with blacks, christians with muslims, men with women, abortist against non abortists… they benefit from that. Then they push for war.
I'm here just to expose them.
I'm not that guy.>>1986032
Once the nazi's go you'll either be sent out into the anarchist lands to see just how much of an anarchist you really are, or you'll get thrown into the gulag like this pathetic nazi bootlicker
When the civil war starts, no questions asked, no honorable warning just a shot to the crotch as an way to make you stop running like a coward and fuck you before I blow your head off.
So who's running these anarchist gulags?
w h it e
gen o ci de
Fucking nazi mods subverted the place, they'll get the gulag too.
Oh, and… I'm the OP but the jewish mod tryied again to shut me down so I evaded my ban. TOP KEK.
If you call out the jew in this board you get a ban. Really makes you think.
t. Me
Good, fuck off, reported, enjoy your second ban asshole.
The media is trying to meme a civil war, and your answer is "gladly"! Do you believe they are stupid and will be taken off-guard?
So no one, sounds good to me.
What are you afraid of?
Can we just agree on this?
bilderBERG is a jewish name.
I'm more of a real leftist than you will ever be, go back to Dickscord or wherever you jack off.
You're gonna have to die eventually even if no one causes it :^).
Yes I've already admitted Jews are trying to kill you.
I'm just saying that's a good thing.
So much for the pure germanic race
Who am I to insult your credentials? But I cannot forgive carrying water for the media's agenda. This whole thread is a childish reverse psychology gambit from a CIA faggot larping as Holla Forums.
Do you realize that Republicans control food production in the USA + large percentage of weapons? Do you realize that the whole army is with Trump and probably also the police?
How retarded are you?
Don't you see that if jews get what they want whites are not the ones who are going to die?
This is the moment you realize I'm trying to stop the madness jews are trying to summon.
Only madmen want to live forever.
Confirmed Holla Forums
Trump is a Jew.
Only fools wish accept death when they don't need it
Death is inevitable you accept it then you fight it, not the other way round.
coudenhove-kalergi plan precedes ww2, einstein
so then adolf did all that in self defense as all you say applies to him instead of jewry, hmmm, really juggles the neural cantaloupes
Your argument itt is "no, the media is right because Holla Forums is always wrong, and everyone who disagrees with me is Holla Forums"
Holy shit dude just admit the media is not our friends.
Read a fucking basic history book sometimes you brain dead freak.
Death is inevitable but I'll be damned if I don't die fighting it.
COINTELPRO never went away.
You've already lost lad, what a shame to can't see it coming.
Of course not lad fringe political elements on all sides need constant fucking with so they cannot broadcast coherent messages.
Pic related
Type correctly otherwise you're going to be inherently dismissed.
Only by pleb state trolls like you, which is no loss.
So riddle me this, why is the media trying to prompt a civil war? I don't care about PR either, but do you really believe OP is trying to convince us of anything? He knows full well the net effect of his kikeposting.
It doesn't matter why, if it's inevitable, look at the opportunity right in your face.
You voted trump didn't you?
I'm just passing by, monitoring threads from the front page, but I just had to comment on this.
You, sir, are illiterate. I'm not even English native and I knew instantly you fucked up with that pseudo-intellectualism of yours.
Don't try to talk your way around this one, chump, that's not how you use the word "inherent". Get rekt.
Naive. It absolutely matters why. The empty promise of a civil war can and will be used as a pretense to purge leftist elements.
Pic related.
I suppose to mow out people.
Get impaled you autist.
You are inherently stupid. Meaning stupidity is inherent in you, meaning it's an inseparable part of you.
When you say someone is going to be "inherently ignored", you are using language wrong. You could say they will be automatically ignored, even implicitly ignored, or ignored right out the bat.
You tried to use "inherently" in a way it is not used. Only verbs that describe a permanent state can be used with "inherently": to be something inherently, to have something inherently, perhaps to understand something inherently. Get rekt again. North Americans don't even know how to speak English.
Here, have some more information on the issue. Get educated and stop being a moron and making a fool of yourself trying to convince me you know how to speak.
Look at what happens when you try to paraphrase the definition of "inherently" into your original sentence:
See how your choice of words was poor?
By the way, if you don't know what paraphrase means, you should look it up before you answer to this post blindly like an enraged monkey.
Despite leftypol hates Trump, he really is an outsider, what the powerfull will never do is to renounce to power just because they lost an election.
They'll force Trump to quit and make a new election, this time with mexican republican vs woman democrat. Full idpol as intended in the first place.
If Trump doesn't quit, war.
I don't think I once put forward an argument.