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who cares?


Honestly surprised /rightypol/ has a thread about this at all. Generally /nazipol/ - excuse me /"""commie"""pol/ tries to bury any news actually relevant to right wing fascists literally taking over. Your thread is about 90% likely to get bumplocked.

perhaps because everyone in this thread is just the same poster

I remember fondly the days before ED became Metapedia.

Nah it's because this board is a giant fraud.

you can smell the butthurt in the article through the screen


Everything deserves to be made fun of!… except neckbeard white nationalists, no comedy potential there.

Why were they cheering?

Probably because they thought some rich asshole had his car trashed, duh.

That was part of the story.

or because he's driving past a police station in that video and the ZOG Occupied Governmentbots are cheering a successful hoax and an idiot who died being useful

But if these were highly trained 'crisis actors' which is totally a real thing, why would they do something as stupid as cheer when they're supposed to be booing? These conspiracies all rely on the government being simultaneously hypercompetent and totally incompetent to let such things slip by.

americans like to clap at things
it's not solid proof but it's the best i got
the cheering doesn't really matter, though. what matters is that he's driving past a police station in that video.

And this is probably right after it happened where there wasn't an APB on him yet. I would guess he's only a few streets away.

Why exactly do you think some huge government conspiracy is more plausible than some autistic Nazi getting triggered and wanting to murder someone?

the cops don't even radio in what's happening to the station that's within shouting distance, man
what's worse, it kinda looks like he's turning into the parking garage next to it where they keep the squad cars
additionally, why don't we hear any sounds of panic? the wreck happened four blocks away, tops
finally, if he reversed from the scene so quickly, why is he driving so slowly here?

If he wanted to murder them why didn't he drive on the sidewalks where the cars didn't obstruct his vehicle?

Cops are mostly dumb and incompetent, that's no shock, probably took them til social media shots started going up to get the license plate, and I don't even know if there were any police in the area it happened. 'kinda looks like' that's dumb m8, again even if this conspiracy was real he would ditch the car in some anonymous warehouse not the police station. Sound doesn't travel that far especially at a protest. And lastly he's probably trying to play it cool so the cops don't go for him immediately, he's still driving pretty fast though.

Because the people were mostly in the middle of the road and it's more natural to drive there?

I can't believe I'm actually trying to argue against this retarded conspiracy.

I personally don't believe the conspiracy. I think he was attacked at an illegal roadblock and then committed (manslaughter/accident/self-defense court decision pending), as a result of being attacked by the participants in the roadblock.

people were shouting for 911 and medics at the top of their lungs
and even if he doesn't turn into the parking garage, he still drives right past a police station.
if the conspiracy is real he drives the car into the parking garage where you're not allowed to look.

Yeah clearly he drove from two states away just to peacefully cruise the area while shopping.

You don't even need to go far to see how easily triggered the users are now. Just take a look at the Doctor Who page.

I think he was driving attempting to drive on a street like the other 8 drivers who were caught in the roadblock. What he did differently was wear a white polo, which made him a target to those blocking the road. It isn't illegal to attend protests in other states so that goes in the trash.

He was trying to attend the protest so he was aimlessly driving his car around not even in the right wing area hours after it started?

I'm pretty sure he was accelerating before being surrounded by antifa

kek, is the alt-right's defense of the guy literally "if I did it"?

The crash occurred after the protest was shut down. He was photographed attending the rally. Then he left, managing the crowd control.

I agree that he was driving forward on a road like the other 8 people.

Lol that article is just straight up DARVO shit.

There's video of the Dodge jetting down an alley doing at least 35 mph with the crowd clearly visible 200 feet down the road.
This footage does not appear in the ED article.Hmmm, wonder why?