Why are liberals lining up to defend antifa and their friends now? Isn't it great, how even Mitt Romney and Rachel Maddow praise antifa now? Not really…
First, we must take a look at how the liberals are portraying this event. The noble, patriotic counter protestors, peacefully stood in opposition against the evil unamerican Nazis. It's just like the human vs. orcs narrative that the fascists peddle, but a liberal version. Instead of the "nigger hordes" coming to destroy the noble white american order, it's now about the "nazi hordes" coming to destroy the noble liberal multicultural capitalist establishment. And what do the liberals mean when they say that "there is no such thing as the alt-left"? They don't mean that the alt-left is an incorrect term to describe the actual radical left. What they really mean is that there is no violent leftist opposition to the American establishment they praise so much, no radical leftist movement comparable to the alt-right. No, there is nothing but moderate liberals here, patriotically defending their country from ebil Nazis.
By painting antifa et all as peaceful, patriotic liberals, the liberals are attempting to assimilate the radical left, and, at the same time, call Trump un-American for DARING to equivocate AMERICAN ANTI-RACIST PATRIOTS with EVIL NAZIS. (Of course, most members of antifa do want a revolution, I don't think that anarchists are liberals unlike some Tankies, but the movement could easily be overrun and coopted if we aren't careful.)
What we need to do is to separate ourselves from liberals, to show that we aren't their tools, but revolutionaries aimed to destroy both orders, the fascist and liberal side. To do this, we need the liberals to do what Trump did: criticize "both sides". That way, people opposed to fascism will look at the liberals as weak fence-sitters, and move left. And how do we do this? Keep in mind that one great liberal value is "pacifism". If you are violent at a protest and you aren't a cop, you're bad to liberals, for being violent. That's part of the reason why they were so mad at the fascist murderer with the car. By breaking that liberal value and smashing it into the ground in our fight against those Nazis, we can separate ourselves from the liberal center. They'll distance themselves and start criticizing "both sides" again in the name of moderation. We could even go after liberal capitalism as well, think the G20 protests.
Stop trying to curry favor with the liberals and the many liberal-leaning proles by being peaceful. That will just make you into a liberal. If you want to earn brownie points in the eyes of the proles, instead of becoming liberals, start being like the Greek anarchists and start directly helping communities instead. By fighting alongside unionized workers in their strikes and struggles with the capitalists. By using illegalism and agorism, so loathed by the 'law and order' liberals, to help poor people get their hands on overpriced epi-pens and whatnot. By fighting gentrification with force. By cleaning roads and neighborhoods that the government won't touch. And, finally, by beating the shit out of Nazis in a way that the establishment liberals will rush to call "too extreme". This, and not liberal cocksucking, is how we grow our movement. Hell, we could even embrace the "alt-left" term to distinguish ourselves from liberals. I know that we're the True Old Left, and there's nothing alt about us, but the alt-right is just as much the True Old Right. It's just a way to separate ourselves from the liberals. And trust me, we need to separate ourselves from the liberals.