Prove me wrong.
Titoist are just liberals who love red stars
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Can't be proven wrong when you're right
Yugoslavia fell apart. The USSR didn't. Tito was a joke. Stalin will live on in our hearts forever.
I assume he means economically.
Nobody likes you tankies, fuck off
Tito was based
Typical statist infighting. This is why both Tito's market socialism and Stalin's one state socialism went to shit. Statist are nothing if not competitive and hostile. We need a global revolution to gain out goals.
Stalinists are just state capitalists who loves gulags, prove me wrong.
Why are you guys trying to change the definition of s liberal.
its a rhetorical question, it's because you're all spooked by white patriarchal idpol
Marksuccs should be purged asap, supporting capitalism with a human face is disgusting.
Never seen this many utopians in one spot.
That's only a pic of one person though.
Who's the utopian here exactly?
*blocks your path*
I mean, that's not a good definition of socialism, it's just a mantra to make bernie sanders look good on reddit. Regardless, the workers didn't own the means of production in Yugoslavia anyway, so its still a pointless argument.
Have another good critique, comrade.
I thought Stalin died of a stroke?
Marxist Leninism with Coops isn't Liberal
That's still wrong though
So go on and name one of these places before you take a shit on Tito. I'll be waiting. IMO he laid the foundations for its abolition just as well as any other early 20th century socialist leader.
obligatory becaue youre that one anarkiddie thats always there
the jews killed him, hwite borther
you should expect anwsers like
from these LARPers
Don't forget these classics.
Don't you have terabytes of cuck porn to analyze and archive?
No, there's more than one person who thinks capitalism with red flags is shit.
Every revolutionary dream accomplished not only changes the social totality, but changes also the dream.
Simply Dialectics.
ok, theres two. hypothetically ofcourse, since you could be samefagging.
regardless, whats the "only good way" by your opinion then?
the way that would actually work ofcourse, and wouldnt collapse after three days.
No I'm not American.
its not even that good
That's still a huge improvement over "big gubmint".
I dunno, we're on an anonymous board so it's not clear how many of us there are.
The "one good way" is the way that abolishes wage labor and commodity production instead of keeping it but with red flags. Dauve and the Invisible Committe have some interesting ideas on how to do this.
Through revolution, during or immediately after which the state and capitalism would be abolished by the DoP. If you think without market incentives or a state to force people to work society would collapse, you should stop calling yourself a communist and just come out as a liberal.
people tend to spot patterns you know
then do it, lest even a north koran factory worker is better than you.
completely around my point.
1) give me an example of your functioning lasting community
2) tell me when do you plan to do your revolution
3) do you know what a liberal is.
Well care to share three pornos that are better?
I bet you can't you stanky ass hoe.
Yes and there has been an uptick in ultralefts and ancoms hostile to marksucc. That doesn't mean it's one guy samefagging. It's probably a result of more people reading.
Are you under the impression a revolution occurs by people willing it into being instead of because material conditions? I can't make a revolution by focusing my chi or some shit.
Communism hasn't been achieved yet.
I don't. The revolution will happen when the proletariat revolts, not when some autist decides it's time.
Yes, a supporter of capitalism. which is what marksucc is
and what makes you think that when a revolution does happen that theyll listen to some nobody and his snowflake opuinions and wishes?
it has been achieved in multiple short-lived cases troughout history.
so lets just wait. allright.
well then im not a liberal.
Mistakes have been made.
Some call us closeted fascists and now closet liberals. Make up your mind Holla Forums
He borrowed so much money from the West to the point that Stalin tried to kill him. NATO eventually got its payback