Give me one reason, one reason, why we should tolerate religion in our society?
"freedom of religion" is a liberal bouergeois institution, meant to keep the working class in awe before their earthly masters.
bakunin, proudhon, stirner, lenin,… each and every leader of the left rightly condemned religion, the cult of superstition, reaction, the moral enforcers of the upper classes.
christianity has always been the supporter of private property, of submission to the government and the upper classes, islam is a savage religion only fit for tribal barbarians, the quran praises sectarian warfare, taxing unbelievers, blood money,…
judaism, whatever the merits of individual jews, is an ethnosupremacist religion, that preaches hatred towards non-jews, of usury, of tribalism, of a chosen people against the subhuman other.
hinduism is a superstitious filthy sect consisting of idolatry, cultism, shamanism,…
all religions hate women, deny reality, have no proof to support themselves, encourage tribalism, promote sectarian strife, are barriers to human progress,….. and shoud be forbidden.
every man claiming to be a Messenger of a metaphysical being should be shot. everyone who believes in a skydaddy, in superstition and wallows in fear for the supernatural, should be forcefully educated.
religion is a pestilence, and we will never be free as long as this plague haunts this earth. it is the bane of humanity, the antithesis of everything socialism stands for.