nothing bad happened, really. And the future seemed promising
Is east germany the proof communism is good?
Other urls found in this thread:
GDR seemed decent but Stasi was a colossal fuckup
yeah I wish there was more movies taking place in a communist state.
GDR masturbation is for fat ameriblobs. Daily reminder that East German labor camps were used to produce western goods.
countering with wholesome feels
West Germany outperformed them so not really.
why should I click on that shit?
Thats a friend actually. He makes really cool clothes.
Would Rosa be proud of the GDR
Make a webm of this
No and yes
She'd likely have mixed opinions about it and insist that it needed changes but would likely argue it's better than west Germany
Any good books on East Germany, or just countries in the Warsaw block in general?
Literally cried during that movie
Unrelated as fuck but I might make a @OfficialDDRtwitter tomorrow if anyone is interested as I shitpost as Best Germany
Do it, pls. It's the right moment now with the german election
If you didn't cry during this scene you are not a real comrade
I got so fucking sad there, Alex and his mum were total comrades
Do it
Make sure to bring in German Libcuck salt
Please do it im crying right now fuck i miss the GDR
I hope you are German and was at least born there.
I think you're looking for the DPRK, OP :^)
I think your were trying to say Democratic Kampuchea
I guess I'm a real comrade
The other moving scene was when the alex's mother goes out of the house for the first time and sees the world changed. To wake up one day and realize the world wasn't what you thought, to see everything changed without you. Think of all the people who lived there, their world destroyed. Their life completly changed. Think about all the people who belived really in those ideals. And what tear me up the most is not simple LARPing or tankie mentality, but the idea that even if it was shit, even if there was a wall closing you inside when you take away the steril burocracy and the politics you have people who really belived to be on the right side of history. Who really belived in those beautiful ideals. The most beautiful thing is that those ideals were fairness, real democracy, peace, the right to have a family, the right to freedom, the right to live your life, and for everyone. What the fuck happened? It could have worked perfectly. Instead money stole their life. When the day will come history will be on our side and we will avenge the victims of capitalism. For now tho I just want to think that life was simpler, that it worked and that there were people willing to sacrifice themself in name of those ideals. Really restores my faith in humanity
Also if you like bowie
also if you like bowie and take a look at the west side. Read Christiane F.
If only you fucks could see yourselves from the outside.
not an argument!
By all means, continue to smugly dismiss any criticisms of your echo chamber and continue to repulse any sane person from joining you with your stalinist larping. 'not an argument', haha. You sure showed me. Now you don't have to engage in any self-criticism.
Kill yourself.
no you
What larping? I'm the only stalinist on this thread and I ammited that there were big limitations.
vast majority arent stalinists on leftypol, and tbh most of us hate tankies.
You know I'm right tankie. I don't need to write an in-depth explanation of why an individual claiming that black is white is, in fact, a fucking imbecile.
That's a euphemistic way of putting it, but you're right.
Everybody was constantly snitching on everybody else because they didn't want to get snitched on for not snitching, that does nothing good to society.
I believed this at first, but after actually spending some time on this board, I'm convinced the opposite is the case and that the majority of you just hide behind irony in the same way Holla Forumsyps tried to turn 'Hitler did nothing wrong' into a meme
First off, nice quads.
Second off, this thread is so vague it should be considered to be the epitome of meaninglessness. It has a few clips from goodbye Lenin and some light trolling against GDRfags.
Stalinist are not tankies. I'm a ML that doesn't support a lot of shit that stalin pulled. At the same time I can only admire the cold pragmatism of a man who dedicated his life for the people. He took a country in ruins and instead of giving up he fighted until the end destroying his family and he's legacy as a man. The guy did what needed to be done.
Don't eat the fucking propaganda that way pal. Berlin is still a city full of junkies like west berlin was. No est berlin wasn't ideal, nor the URSS was. Still in a place were childs are sold and people must suck cocks for a living I don't think there is really freedom. Think it this way: Is really freedom when you can't live without money and your daughter is a junkie? Is it really an utopia when you are closed inside and the stasi will get you if you say something wrong?
Well get off this board and go find some leftcom/communalist/anarchist places to talk. This isn't representative of the whole left.
There are a lot of anarcho-tankie types here true.
Ayyy. You are a fucking asshole.
There was no need to derail this thread
you sound like the type of person who unironically believes Assad gassed his own people.
why should tankies be treated with respect?
Are you from Holla Forums or /liberty/?
Again i'm not a tankie
You Communists are so fucking stupid it just splits my sides wide open
If you're a Holla Forumsyp, you don't have the right to call anyone stupid.
no wtf
No, it was to prevent the west from swarming in. One at the time is better for organisation purposes. East Germany accepted every capitalist refugee.
You know, I'll give you one good thing about Communism, it's the leading cause of death for Communist fucktards
We have actual numbers of the amount of people to escape from the USSR. You are retarded.
Yo what the fuck, you just finished calling me a tankie and now you call me political correct?
Buy the ticket yourself motherfucker.
No argument there lad
I may add
Fuck, and people on this board ask me why I'm a stalinist
God how the fuck did people started taking this little thread so heavily?
Rare and true words right there. Don't worry comrade, it's inevitable
The GDR was stripped of its resources and capital by the Soviets who never wanted to actually help their fellow socialists because they always saw them as a conquered territory. At least that is the impression I got from reading and some documentaries I've watched. If anyone has any other sources I could read feel free to offer them up.
Communists everybody
t. "the holocaust didn't happen"
>ideology that doesn't exist anywhere in the world today
speaking of, how's going fascism?
kill yourself
you're embarassing yourself
Isn't it funny how at first you criticized me for being a capitalist, the economic model that eternally BTFO communism so hard that every communist country adapted it, even north korea. Now you call me a fascist because you literally have no argument and have been so thoroughly embarrassed.
As an impartial observer to the thread, I can confirm that you have, in fact, been told
Oh look it's the "Holla Forumsack comes to thread and makes anti-communist arguments while keeping his own position's vague, and Holla Forums takes the bate" episode.
Is avatar fagging allowed here? It's a few days that I see this city car poster.
Here, I fixed your image.
Ah thank you, much better.
My mother grew up there. It was shit and if you really want to live in borderline poverty just to have le epic communist symbols you're a fucking retard.
You mean your mother didn't like it? Didn't she have a house and food? A tv at least?
I want to live in borderline poverty. The problem was not the porverty, it was that they didn't allowed people like your mother to leave and people like me to enter.
That's also where the movie was most ideological, as the mother goes all "LOL I never believed in that shit, I was always looking to run away in the first place. No one *really* believed in socialism!"
Meh. I read this AMA on Plebbit once where Americans tried to get horror stories about the evil DDR only for all former DDR residents to say it was fine for the most part (though everyone hated the secret police) and some even missed the sense of real human contact.
While she was there it was, well, "ok". She and her family werent in any political danger altough they all felt the police state. They did have a small, crappy apartment and food. TV came someday too.
They survived. The thing is "surviving" shouldn't be the goal of a society. Yeah you don't need every luxury but you should be able to have personal choice of education (she wasn't allowed to go to university) and have quality goods. Compared to west germany (she had family there) it was depressing to know how little you had and how restricted your life was.
I'm pretty sure the scene in the super market with alex looking confuse and then after the musical scene smiling and feeling like a king takes the cake. That or the scene in pizza hut with gorbaciov paying for everyone pizza's
also they had the most based anthem ever made
Of course it wasn't as bad as Stalins soviet union with millions getting killed and disappearing daily but overall it wasn't a nice ride. Live a life, restricted in all possible ways and potentially monitored by the police all the time, just to be a soviet satelite state in case of war?
Why? I would've thought that's one of the things that were good about AES. Like you may not have an xbox but at least you have access to great healthcare and education.
Rember that stalin was a cat rapist too. Also Stalin enjoyed killing people. he literally killed 420 milion urkanians
you literally made no argument
there wasn't any real ones in your comment to have dismissed
If you parents already had university education you werent allowed to go. Complete bullshit imo
East Germany's GDP per capita grew over 50% faster than West Germany's from 1950 to 1989
oi did you forget about Cuba you little fucker
that's fucking weird. Where's the logic in that??
East Germany was wonderful, thats why the government built a huge wall to keep people in
The families where classified as "worker family" and non worker family, if you got born into a non worker family you where unlucky. Also if you or your family didint comply politically you would be forbidden from studying. If you came from a non worker, politically non compliant family with family in the west then you where fucked.
This is why Stirner was right.
Really the worst that came from it is from Berlin being partly owned by the west. It forced so many bullshit policies on the city.
I would guess they had limited spots in the universities and wanted to make sure that people with uneducated parents got prioritized. I can see why they would make that decision but of course it sucks for those who couldn't get an education.
source me up
You have severe problems with you brain.
No. Communism was always shit and never worked.
Bow to your commie overlord and suck his dick RN
Was pretty big in the German media a while back.
Here is an example:
There are other cases though.
Is that goodbye lenin?
Keep telling yourself that goyim.
Dit is nu een sip gevoel draad
make arguments or leave you annoying faggot
but except for that it was alright
Not an argument.
GDR was still state capitalist. It did alright but it never reached socialism.
It's a mixed bag to be honest. Their economy was and remained in shambles (although this was mostly the case pre-WW2) and people did frequently try to escape to the other side even at the risk of death.
However and somewhat ironically. The GDR was like a poor-mans version of Holla Forums's wet dream. Very few non-german immigrants, secret police kept "degeneracy" to a minimum, and there was very little capitalist decadence to be seen. Even more ironic is that the Russians straight up left Germany after the end of the cold war, while the Americans continue to occupy it to this day in yet another flagrant disregard of national sovereignty.
Say what you will about the Russians but they do keep their word better than most.
Here you go
I don't know why and how did I sage it
The reason for that was because the GDR - unlike West Germany who still has some sort of caste system regarding education - everybody was supposed to get a higher education, not just the elite. In Federal Germany, you are a worker, you won't ever see an university from the inside. Even the Anglo-Saxon college systems grants more access to higher education to workers than Federal Germany. That being said, with the goal of granting everybody an education, and not just 20% like in the west (who still don't have not enough capacities for that), places at universities were limited. Obviously children of uneducated families were prioritized. This makes sense to me. Also, your mother must have studied before the 70s, because this system was abolished in the 70s. This isn't "worker fetishism" like claims, it was simple logic. The GDR had a more progressive education system than any western nation.
but simply
Vietnamese, Lao, Cubans, Ethiopians…
lmao what is FKK?
well, that was certainly bad
but nearly 2/3rds of East Germans think it was more good then bad - they think that your average german doesn't have the resources to travel much so the lack of free movement doesn't matter
there are very few Cubans in germany now, moreso in the meditaranean and western europe
there might of been in the 80's when they came over to train
If east germany was so good Why couldnt they let anyone leave that wanted to west germany? Why shoot people leaving and forcing them to stay in the communist state?
if west germany is so good why are they fanatics of rapefugees in today's age?
we have tripfags and namefags unfortunately so…
East Germany was already a much poorer region than West Germany before though, and under socialism the economic growth practically skyrocketed. Your grandma wasn't poor because of socialism.
Berlin should've been annexed entirely, the wall was fucking retarded.
Fuck, why does this make me sad, I'm not even German?
I am also curious. Could anyone recommend any books?
I blame leftcoms
Here I did some digging on my own because no one replied and here are some texts I found.
Basic outline and history of Polish/Yugoslavian economies along with other Eastern Euro states:
Here is a book on the labour markets between the two Germanys:
But any general political texts would be welcome if someone can post them.
read marx hono
Ik wachtte al tot iemand dit zou posten
[spoiler]Deze is ook goed
I don't think you get the gist of this whole ironic posting thing.