Daily reminder that it's your duty to work on self-improvement until our moment arrives. Stop being a lazy fuck

Daily reminder that it's your duty to work on self-improvement until our moment arrives. Stop being a lazy fuck.

i work towards self-improvement for myself, not your ideological autism

fuck you selfish prick , you got to be a capitalist

started attending muay thai classes this monday, everything hurts but i do it for daddy
pic related

Pleb. Learn Krav Maga

Pleb. Learn Judo

literally jewish tricks

literally judo tricks

Plebs. learn HEMA

Surpised it didn't attract any Stirnerites.

I run everyday and workout. If I'm lucky I'm doing Judo next semester.


I need to find my stashes of aikido copypasta.


I powerlift every other day or so. And then I read for like a half hour after.
I think your right op we gotta be physical ready if shit starts to hit the fan for instant mobilization

Hope you're lifting at home, and not in porky gym.

I personally use my university gym. Plan is to one day build all my own power racks and shit tho, since I know welding

I actually wanted to tel aviv for a summer long intense training in Krav Maga.
Then I used the brain.

Where do you live?

eh, having hueg muscles is one of the less important things

Boston area

Play rugby. Does Cardio, gets you strong and teaches you how to fight.

I'm amazed you manage to take anything in after lifting, my brain is usually fried for about an hour afterwards. It's even worse if I try to type, it comes out riddled with typos.

Literal memes, just learn practical karate. Sport arts are for sport, there are no rules on the street that say your confrontations will always be one-on-one fights.

weeb detected


All this autism.
Just use a pipe bomb.

Krav Maga is good. It teaches you self defense in actual street combat situations. It also teaches you to push past your limits and comfort zone so you're prepared when push comes to shoce

Is there any martial art that doesn't? Statements like these are always so meaningless.