National Bolshevism

What does Holla Forums think of these people?

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good meme
bad theory

fantastic gateway pill to actual leftism


I Agree

More tolerable than radlibs but still idpol. That's because most Nazbols can actually shut the fuck up about it for once.

They are better than leftcoms, which is not that much
More focused on action rather than theory, which is quite refreshing.
They don't deserve half the hate they get, outside of some crazy Russian autists they aren't really racist

Ok NutSac here, convince me nat bols that you have valid opinions give me your stances on religion, race, economics, etc

Not really in any pain over an authortarian ideology so don't worry not some retarded cuck that supports "muh free fascisms"

Trolls with communist ascetic

nazbol is just the same as nazi but with russian nationalism

presumabley an actual nazbol regime would give up on socialism as quickly as the nazis did

Interesting from an esoteric perspective but nationalism itself is obsolete.

a complete meme. The Russian nazbols' leader Eddie Limonov, became famous on account of a book in which he bragged about shooting dope and sucking off a black dude for a Hot dog in the streets of new york. Anyways, we should exploit the shit out of the nazbol meme in order to subvert the alt right.

you're joking right?

look I rather the ruskie tell me then some cuck straight out of the unitarian church

Thought Nazbol was Asser..

Byzantine Empire=Nazbol

Gregor Asser=Nazbol

Soviet Union=Nazbol (duh)

Juan Perón=Nazbol

Richard Nixon=Nazbol

Steve Bannon=Nazbol

Why haven't you taken the Nazbol pill yet?

it's true. this is the book in question. the original nazbols recruited leftist punks, skinhead thugs and even art school types. I feel like Russia is light years ahead of the west in terms of Post Irony.

It makes me sick.

Stasserism is NutSac but rejects Hitlerism


Are you actually retarded?


I love sucking all their dicks :^)

NazBols are Holla Forums shitposters and should be banned.

ok non-meme answer about the meme that is nazbol

Nazbol is really the agglomeration of several things, and more as general "directions" socialism has taken over last century.

The Nazbol tendency is not necessarily nationalist imo, nor racialist. Really the only thing important is the identification of socialism with state power. In a sense you could say it is a combination of conservative socialism such as Spengler, Asser and any other self-identifying "nationalist socialist state (for example Stalin's SU, or Cuba) with Hegelian Marxism like that of Georg Lukacs's. It's less about ideological spooks and more about how power is handled by dictatorship of the proletariat. This is why it is diametrically opposed to anarchism, social democracy, and Trotskyism .

kys fagg­ot

Like Autism Level or other mental disability?

i have all diseases and super HIV

Are you black?

t. most politicians right before the Yugoslavian wars in 1980.

im so white im a nigg­er

Nat­Soc is gay though

The best thing ever.

An ok meme.

When someone is an unironic nazbol, I can't help but think they're a total dumb shit.


the cross just means christianity, I have no idea what unitarian means

there is no symbol for Sinn Fein or catholic republican socialism so I make do



The only reason race is a big deal is because different races have different cultures. If Blacks in say America adopted White culture or vice versa race wouldn’t be an issue. Different cultures can’t peacefully coexist in the same nation

USSR with decentralization and cybernetics.


i'm a live and let live kind of communism as i guess most of this board is. if you want to raise a family its up to you, i might as well too. but don't blame your fellow proles for your alienation. We are for local sustainable community, not the illusory community of the fascist state, that can only ever lead to violence and death.

2/10 made me reply

go home, Holla Forums

Gramsci's idea of proletarian hegemony meant solid monogamous proletarian families

please put the "ben garrison"

People tend to underestimate the ability of nationalism and capitalism to revive themselves in economic crisis as a reaction.



Nazbol is an ideology and a family of ideologies. The ideology proper was invented by Ernst Niekisch in the 1920s. It is the combo/or middle point of Bolshevism and Conservative Revolution. After Niekisch stepped down in 1953, Yockey (an ex-nazi) took over, then Thiriart (a Stalinist-turned-Nazi-turned-Nazbol), after Thiriart died, a triumvirate of Limonov, Dugin, and some other guy took over.

They're tankies that are sincere about their intentions.

National Bolshevism is the real movement which abolishes the present state of things

Faggots who need to be permabanned.

Best catgirl

She's transgender you know

That's even better

dugin is trash limonovian antirevisionism ftw

Even more retarded tankies

No she isnt.

It's essentially neo-nazism.

The anti-Anglo-American, Pan-Euro-Eurasian solidarity meme was already being pushed by Yockey over half a century ago, as a way to rebrand Nazism in the post-war period after the embarrassment of Hitler. He even embraced a kind of disingenuous third-worldism, spending much time in Castro's Cuba and Nasser's Egypt, as a way to undermine "JewSA"

Fascists often try to appropriate socialist themes and causes, this unfunny NazBol Gang shit is nothing new.

Entryists, fuck off!

Pretty sure nazbols advocate for a pan-eurasian country (ie all of europe and all of asia)

honestly if it wasn't for all the racial shit that would be cool

also this Dugin bloke sounds kinda cool in a slavoj zizek crossed with Rorshak kinda way.