We're the bad guys now :(

We're the bad guys now :(

Other urls found in this thread:


Poor cars they were scared :(


Jesus that last long post was cringy

She was no angel

Remember when these faggots were pushing that the driver was a black woman? The denial of these fucks is unbelievable.

Was that before of after they frame a libtard?


Did they even watch the fucking video(s) of the incident? This is obviously not what occurred.

I, for one, am shocked


Before, then after the black woman it was an antifa false flag, then it was a CIA false flag. Now we're here.



at 0:17 you can see the crowd swarm and attack the car AFTER he slams the crowd. Not sure if that makes for a legitimate defense for fleeing but they could probably make that case.


At 4 seconds in you can see the car being hit by a man standing on the left. This was just before he hit the cars and people.

Everybody knows that, whenever a dude feels threatened by a violent person, they charge directly towards that person, instead of trying to escape.

For fuck's sake, their argument is so weak.

After a couple of screams in terror and people start scattering to try and flee a 2 ton vehicle barreling down on them.

Whats your point?

The car was hit before any people were. Holla Forums might be right.

It's been quite amusing honestly to see stormweenies go into full tinfoil hat mode tearing themselves apart in order to spin a 'poor car dindu nuthin' narrative'.

No they don't. The dude was still quickly accelerating down an alleyway towards a mass of people BEFORE anyone hit him in that video.

If he wanted to murder people why didn't he drive on the sidewalk?

This fucker is going to walk. He'll be the next Brock Turner for the media.

Oh, so it wasn't a black lady who voted for Clinton trying to get to work or a liberal antifa supporter after all?

Jewish false flag just like Sandy Hook

So you're saying he was driving on a road.

This. He'll be tried for pre-meditated murder instead of manslaughter. Overcharging is prosecutorial misconduct too. Get ready for LA Riots 2 Electric Boogaloo.

they're just like the radical muzzies they despise so much. it's almost embarrassing, one of their white supremacists literally uses an ISIS tactic and they're loving it!

Unless the jury is stacked with the most retard of Holla Forumsyps, He's going down hard for second degree murder.

Still doesnt absolve you of the Murder charge when you knowingly speed into a crowd of people and kill someone.

Provided he is charged with that. Police walk all the time when they're charged with aggraved, instead of simple, assault.


he's already been charged

He's been charged with murder already.

We'll see about that. Pre-meditation will be a hard sell.

Failing to stop after being attacked by a mob. Even if the mob was justified. If he gets convicted on that charge it's a Bronx jury.


Manslaughter would have been a smarter charge. That being said I'm interested in how the case will play out.

this guy literally beat his mother for not providing him with tendies and asking him to get off the vidya. this guy is nuts

He is diagnosed schizo, but he's not on trial for beating his mom. He's on trial for 2nd degree murder.

The video posted earlier starts with him stomping the pedal hard enough for the car to wheel slip a little. Sounds like he meant to do it to me not to mention that the crowd was not hidden around a corner or anything and that he had an easy 25 to 50 foot runup to it so it isnt like the crowd jumped out in front of him or anything.

If he were trying to run people down then he would have driven into the crowd instead of the cars. If he was attempting murder, he did so poorly. There were plenty of opportunities to do a Nice2.0

well thats just all kinds of fucked up
not going to take part in blaming anyone

You're really adamant about this, hope he didn't owe you any money. He won't see the outside of a cell for at least 7 years, provided devine intervention.

Of course you're the bad guys. Haven't you godless commies realized yet that Communism is just as evil as Fascism?
Fact: When you kill a commie you save lives.

If you were trying to run people over would you drive into the back of a car or into the people standing on the sidewalk?

I really hope you don't have 'lawyer' on your list of dream jobs.

I tottaly dont get that aerial shoot
I mean in on the ground webms you could see the car hitting other cars, you cant see it in this webm

If he wanted to kill people dozens would have died. He'll probably go to prison, but the case isn't as open and shut as we think. Insult me all you want.

it's obscured by the building in the foreground.

Car was hit because it was speeding into a crowd.

Well, good luck Colombo.

if he wasnt trying to run anyone over, why not just back out like he did after he finished killing someone?

hello fellow leftist

It is an important shot. It shows the cars moving from the impact from behind.

What would you do?
If he stopped he would get killed to death by the angry crowd

Driving quickly, without trying to brake at all, on a road clearly filled with people, directly at the crowd. Almost as if he planned to hit them.
The person who hits the car with the flag does so barely a second before he plows into the crowd, not enough time for him to panic and begin accelerating. Also he hits the bumper. At worse that causes a mild noise in the car.How the fuck do you believe this?

He doesn't. It's desperation.

Guy was obviously panicking, besides he was a Clinton voting black woman working with an FBI false-flag anyway.


The guy had modified his car by putting a fake license plate and taking out the air bags. That doesn't look accidental to me.

Road rage.
Saw the commies, and chimped out.

People who were standing in a road full of cars got hit with a car. Whatever his reason, or lack thereof, for hitting the gas this case isn't settled. Both sides will present decent and spurious cases. The most important thing in a jury trial is convincing people, not evidence. Why do you think OJ walked?

Interesting if true.

they like to act morally outraged as if they're in a madhouse and they're the only ones speaking sense, it's all bullshit. all they want to do is lash out. disenfranchised and mentally ill people rationalizing everything through their dogmatic worldview, they can do no wrong.

The only atrocities anyone cares about are those committed by the other side.

i would reverse before driving into a crowd of people? is this surprising to you? if you see a crowd of people ahead of you in the street, do you press the gas or drive away in reverse?

there's no question this was murder. the only question is what is premeditated or did he decide to kill someone in the moment. the courts will decide that.

this is my guess


Defense attorneys say shit like that all the time. Don't be surprised when it happens here.

But he couldnt because there were smashies behind him already hitting his car

The circled people were smart enough to move.

pedestrians always have right of way.

Yeah, a split second before he slams into people.
If I saw a car heading towards a crowd, you bet your life I beat the shit out of his car before it hit to get his attention.

Except when they're in the way.

good point. i hadnt thought of that. i'll remember that next time i see an aut-right rally happening at my town.

Bruh he already hug the gas and clearly meant to hit them


How fucking awesome would it be this guy's entire defense was slides edited in MSpaint? I would pay to see that shit.

I don't have a problem if you do that. If it escalates the situation that's positive.


He was a stormfaggot so he chimped out when he saw the counter protesters

If there is a televised trial lulz will be had.

Christ, Holla Forums trying to damage control this instead of just denouncing it is really fucking dumb. You guys could have just said, "I don't agree with that", but no, this is the hill you die on. Great for us, I guess.

You can quite clearly see people dashing out of the way WELL before the car is struck. The intent here was clear.

so the driver here should be released and hailed as a doer of good?

next time a bug hits my windshield i'll be sure to floor it into somebody's house as revenge

seriously, what kind of mental flying fellinis do you have to do to find this defensible? is this seriously supposed to be evidence of anything? pathetic

Uhhh doesn't this show that the car purposely moved further into the crowd before being tapped by that pole.

Holla Forums isnt known for their mastery of logic and reason.

He was already going that speed in the video. You can even see when the guy hits the car, and he's already accelerated. Holla Forums's mental gymnastics are amazing, and you guys deserve an olympic medal.

Never denounce anything. Your opponents never see a denouncement as goodwill, but weakness.

I support the situation in the US getting worse. If was murdering them I would be ok with that, but it looks like he was just panicking and manslaughtered someone. Neither the driver nor the victim will be missed so have at it.

Ok, you're not smart or skilled enough to be trusted with a vehicle. Please do the world a favour and avoid future liability - shove your license up your urethra.


Car drives on road.

We said he ran into the crowd not that he was smart

Games over Holla Forums. That slow legal expansion of what constitutes self defense you've been pushing since Obama is obvious to even Normies that it's just legalizing slaughtering of your political opponents.

For fucks sake you can hear a tire squeal right as its starts from where he stomps the pedal

OK, have fun on that hill.

Escalate, boys, escalate. I want to see street battles by christmas.

Murder is illegal

Did Hillary denounce BLM after 5 cops were shot in the streets. No because that would have hurt her and gotten her no support. Don't denounce your crazies, they do the dirty work.

i'm just sick of it. even pol can't actually believe this changes anything. they're just looking for any weak excuse to virtue signal and look innocent while they masturbate over the dead liberals they know got slaughtered for no good reason


That would be an improvement.

I heard it was the police who said he was scared.
Is the american police trying to cover this up or collapse the case?
What is the coverage of this over there? Are they calling it terrorism?

If I came in here and said.
Would you say thanks? Of course not. You demand more, and you should. Apologies are weakness. Anyone who willingly proffers an apology deserves to be conquered.

never seen it happen, when you are face to face.

BUT, I have witnessed a guy in a car being surprised/scared (by yours truly) flooring the accelerator in an instant. He did not seem to mind the gear, nor the presence of other vehicles.
I stood there, amused, because it looked like a cartoon when one character zips away in a poof.

that archive post near the bottom is hte cringest shit I've ever seen

this is getting covered as terrorism and is delegitimizing the aut-right as a movement. even the neocons are coming out hard against it and them. the only person who is remotely on their side is trump, and that's only because he's an autist who will do anything to keep his supporters happy.

But she did denounce the shooters, you moron.

His superior genes must give him god like reaction time to switch his foot from the brake to accelerator a split second before he is hit.

That was a mistake on her part.



It takes driving all the way into the crowd before he realized the road was blocked?

What if it was a self defense situation?

I wouldn't say thanks, but I actually would find you reasonable enough to talk to.

i dont think you know what murder is.

Cased closed guise. If you feel threatened in any fashion regardless of the degree or the context you are completely within your right to kill as many people as needed to make you feel safe again.
Nazis make me feel really unsafe personally, but I would never abuse this legal latitude. :^)

here is the thing. The dude is a nazi I don't care about his "rights" or the imaginary shit. I want him dead because I oppress those who want to oppress me & my friends. period.

Hope he gets raped and killed by a shiv in prison.

Well it is actually possible, especially if you are pumped on adrenaline

It did for the cars stuck in the crowd in front of him.

I respect tankies more than Trotskyites. I also respect radicals more than moderates. Politics have turned violent, reason is out of the window, but I respect an opponent who fights to win.

Top kek

Spread this to as many normies on Facebook and other social media sites as you can. Fan the flames of hatred toward Nazis.

Yes, imagine what would happen if he got out of car, he would get lynched

No one has ever been pulled from a car before though.

After running people down?
No shit.

Umm no sweetie, it's called self-defense.

Yes, imagine what would happen if he reversed after seeing that the street was blocked, he would drive away and nobody would have died.

More like Heather Heffer lol

that would be boring



At least he was anti imperialist

If you don't drive with your doors locked you deserve to be dragged from it and beaten to death.

And nothing of value was lost.

youre justifying his actions as self defense but saying that you're glad he killed someone? do you think he was glad he killed someone?

That's something I'm glad you brought up. We're all just here to watch a shitshow. No one cares about these people who doesn't know them personally.

The Nazbol or the car Nazi? The Nazbol is anti-imperialist but he is pro-another empire. So yes and no.
The car Nazi is pro imperialism.

Dude it was a false flag operation. Can't you see, the guy in the car looks like a middle aged soilder.
The cops that died in the helo crash were shot down by the CIA.
Anyway it was self defense, look at the photos, you telling me you don't stop your car after hearing a loud thump, you telling me a thump doesn't sound exactly like a gun shot.
You telling me the driver couldn't simultaneously tell that the protestor in his blind spot that hit his car was a threat while not being able tell the road is blocked Andy since it's a road he wasn't expecting people to be in it.

and..? this isn't the right forum to be rping your fetish user

Are they trying to say she was assaulting the car in that picture? Look at the fucking cars, at this point they have already crashed, and she's probably already dead or in the process of dying. Its a nice attempt at a spin but fucking retarded upon analysis.

Yeah at least the nazi autist didn't too any Antifa bro/sister.
He took a liberal. Has value, at least could have helped in social media but thats about it, protests and riots are not for that sort of people.


i'm laffin

I know! Wait I thought he was a bad driver that hit those people cause he was panicked and didn't expect people in the road. Now he has the wear with all to haul ass down the street in reverse cause he's afraid of getting lynched?

their lives are a long series of getting btfo. they only came to Holla Forums after they hit bottom.

the world is hunting down Nazis now. All because of Carlottesville.
Holla Forums is lost.

Dig in, we've got a big catalogue.

you're the only one assuming, retard

and look at this totally different poster

The peaceful, unarmed protesters hitting his car with bats were probably just trying to scare him. We all know they deplore violence.


There was supposed to be a major happening in September of 2015. There wasn't.

you mean that one guy who tapped him as he sped off to execute his murders?


I mean the half a dozen people who hit him when he stopped. The other half of the charge is failing to remain on the scene. Would you have remained?

based twingo

Speed limits are spooks.

The bitch got what she deserved. She shouldn't have been in the road harassing motorists. The fact that she was a liberal coalburner was just a bonus.

tbh I'm glad they don't sell these things in the states. Think about how much more damage he could have inflicted had he driven one of these god slayers.

He couldn't turn around?

Neither of them will be missed. A schizoid will probably go to prison for the death of a childless catlady. Nothing of value.

If the front end of your car is in a car and the rear end has people physically in contact with it, is there any way to drive without hitting more people?


maybe don't drive into the crowd in the first place?

are you really so caught up in your virtue signalling rp that you can't consider for one second that maybe this schizo nazi was just willing to run some libs over and that's it? is that just impossible to consider?

If people are where your car is not do you not have to intentionally drive to them.

No, because I don't try to run people over with cars. lol

Either that or they are smarter than a retarded antifa walrus. We will likely never know.

If he was trying to murder people I would be neutral on that subject, I'm not opposed to political violence. It accelerates the situation. Better a civil war soon than a slow death.

You do if you want to leave before they get you for running down their friends. Mind you I don't think what he did was legal, pre-meditation seems unlikely.

Why did he haul ass into the crowd in the first place.

They looked both ways before crossing the street.



Probably because he had been hit with a bat, both the guy on the video and the dent before hand. If he did murder them, which is possible, I don't condemn that.



Car drives on road.

He drove up to the guy with the bat though.

Man caught driving car on road.

well at least you admit you just like seeing protestors get run over

kinda funny defending roads there mr.ancrap

He was hauling ass before the bat hit the car. Also if your afraid why plow into more obstacles you could get stuck on.

good any white man that isnt good enough to become pic related gets to taste concrete tbh

Man unable to see out windshield.

Run them over or be drug out of your car and beat to death, which do you choose?

Wtf I want to kill people who use Holla Forums now. People who make fun of random people who just died are scum.

Who doesn't?

To clarify my position. I don't believe the driver was committing pre-meditated violence. I don't know if he panicked, accidentally floored it etc. I do know someone died as a result. If it is a fully intentional killing, I don't condemn it. Condemning political violence is weakness.

I'm not an Ancap.

Really making some compelling arguments with your cutting a priori logic and ingrained assumptions.

ok nevermind, just another rping retard

what is avoid crowd

If all you have is that he is driving forward on a road, that doesn't require an argument.


People who pretend to care are worse.

i choose to switch my gear into reverse and drive away.


If this was a muslim would you defend him this much? There's your first clue.

lol you're a Nazi now.

I would never have to chose because I’d be with people who are on my side.

Why would you defend your enemy?

yeah because i'm not a retard. you like seeing libs get run over. you're trying to normalize it. stop rping

Look at this video.
You can clearly see she was flipped on top of that car by the force of the driver's car, she wasn't there originally.

This took me like 30 seconds. My expectations for Holla Forums are almost nonexistent and still they disappoint me.



whether you call the perp your enemy doesn't change the truth of what happened

soros-funded cgi. leftypol btfo by Logic & Facts once again!

But they feared for their life user. Don't you know Nazis at white and run people over.

Political violence is only a problem when the other side does it. If he did a fully premeditated murder I would not condemn it. I don't think he did, but we can stop pretending to care.

If i feared Nazis I would drive across 3 states to counter demonstrate their protest.

Your entire ideology is one of violence and murder and terror in the name of haplogroups.
Obviously you don't care about killing innocent people or being devious two faced scum. It's just what you are.

You find yourself driving away from this counterprotest, in a town you have never visited before and take a wrong turn. You are now on a street full of hooded klansmen. They begin to approach your car, then it sounds like one hit you from behind. So you drive forward, only to find those evil klansmen have trapped other cars on the road. So you pause for a moment and your car gets hit again. You panic( decide to murder who really cares) and hit the gas. Now you realise several klansmen are injured. Several hit the back of your car with melee weapons. You then shift into reverse and drive away.

Losing is immoral.

You can't win. All you have done is show your hand and show how disgusting you are. Worse than any untermensch.

Do you really care if innocent people are killed? Bullshit. No one has a thread parsing the two cops who died in the helicopter crash because no one cares. The reason anyone cares about this is because they have a chance to assign blame and score political points.

Cops aren't innocent though.

Because they serve a political force. No one out that day was innocent.

drop nazbol join antifa then

Antifa die, they don't kill.

The people who mock pretend to not care but they do in some way

there was noone behind him as evidenced by how easy it was for him to escape. yes i reverse and drive away.

Trudeau tier logic m80.

Just stop trying to make excuses for this.

There was no one behind him and he drove down a clear road to hit these people

Time to shut this board down - even the president has called out the alt-left's crap. We won and you lost. Deal with it.

you mean this guy? you're right, how will we ever recover?

You're right, people here need to go on Twitter where they have an actual following

where? i want to see it.

If that is true, that's ok.

Is that why you get so frusterated when innocent people get killed by cars by ISIS

I mean, if you're just going to admit you're a right wing sjw who gives up on reason, then I guess we're at an impasse.


They didn't approach him though. He ambushed them.

Ah, so now it was intentional?
You should really make up your mind to at least have a consistent narrative before you shitpost.


The reason we're upset when that happens is that is violence against us. Violence against others isn't a problem. If the Muslims in France were lynched in reprisal that would be better. Even better if moderate Muslims were targeted.

If true, good.


It was an accident, but they deserved it.



It is true. Cars move faster than people.

I'm really enjoying watching you tie yourself in knots.

have any of these Holla Forumstards even driven a car before
there is literally no way you accidentally accelerate into a crowd of people like jfc how do they think traffic lights work
you see something ahead meaning you have to stop and you hit the brake

not fuking hard
but then again

I don't believe he intended to murder them. If he did intend to murder them, that's a okay with me.

Suddenly gave up on the NAP, huh?

what a bunch of commies do when trigerd

It would've been more believable if Holla Forums didn't cheer on her death as well, making it look like Holla Forums is embracing alt-wahabism as well.

I'm not the AnCap. I don't believe in the NAP, I believe in winning. Winning nonviolently is good. Winning violently is good. Losing is bad. Apologizing is surrendering. Never apologize, because then you lose.



Wrong user.

It was probably his adrenaline kicking in - fight or flight mode - and he chose flight by trying to drive away.

there's no such thing as the alt-left, it's just the alt-right.

I'm sorry you're so spooked by apologizing.

Has apologizing or disavowing ever helped the right?

Your mom did a bad job loser

I'm sorry about that 😇

So what you're trying to say,
is he chimped out.

Two problems.
1. You say you won, but you don't sound like a winner. More like an insecure faggot who can't believe some people question the "natural order" which should favour you, but people keep ignoring it.

2. We are not the alt-left. We are the classic left.

You win all the internets.

Duh. It obviously did happen. Did YOU watch it?

trying to drive away not by leaving but driving directly into a crowd

k, sounds reasonable


Yes. Look at how the black liberation movement in the USA getting thoroughly derailed by politicians basically going "oh we're sorry for slavery won't happen again also you can sit at the front of buses now."
Apologies are an easy way to get out of losing without having to do anything of substance.

except we know he's an aut-righter with a bone to pick with lefties. i guess it was just a coincidence that an aut-right manlet drove up to a crowd of lefties and chimped out when they reacted to him driving too close?

your autism is mildly amusing. you can stay.


but i thought it was an accident?

also you're gonna have to smash pretty much everyone but you at this point. you guys really fucked up with this

Yes. You should handcuff yourself and deliver yourself to the nearest black master. And get raped subsequently.

No thanks.

MLK "succeeded" by playing good cop bad cop with radicals. The violent guys were useful idiots.

for /r9k/ meme thieves who cry about leftypol steeling memes they do like to steel a left symbol

I'm glad you finally found something more original than helicopters
I'm happy for you

nobody cares about your fetish

Basically like Holocaust denial and oven jokes walk hand in hand.
If I was a Holocaust denier I would consider oven jokes as part of the hoax, but surprisingly oven jokes are almost elusively enjoyed by deniers themselves.


Glad to see another brother embracing alt-wahabism.
Remember to visit a Saudi sponsored mosque in your proximity every Friday. We will discuss car renting and sword dancing this week.
Alhamdulillah brother.

couldn't even get a template of a murrican car eh?

inb4 BO deletes thread


is Holla Forums done with their little "raid" yet?


I like how Holla Forums condemns "Jewish tricks" but are not afraid to utilise them themselves, if it fits their goal.
That's not her. Not that you care, of course, since it doesn't serve you agenda.

what the fuck are you on about

good one Holla Forums

righists just can't into anarchyball. they all just come back to their feithses

unironically me tbh




here's a good one for Holla Forums

Leftypol is Zizek

so just to be clear, you still consider Holla Forums to be a hug-box?

ahahaha, faggot

0/10 didn't mention leftcoms

better than being a torture chamber that bans people for criticizing the president of america


How do you know his state of mind.

The person hitting the car told them they were gonna do it. They were running out of the way because they knew how hard he(she?) can hit, so hard it drove that car right into them.

I don't think so?



Holla Forums is such cancer no wonder they're convinced to become nazis by grainy infographics

The guy who tapped the car is like "What have i done!?"

I can't tell who you're dissing.

I'm glad you finally replaced the helicopter, it was the most unfunny forced meme in forever.

all those ben garrison level labels aren't helping, and just make you look more ridiculous

I posted that to laugh at it with comr8s, because Holla Forums is downright delirious by this point.

there seems to be a decent amount of contention in this thread which is good

You mean one side is simultaneously claiming conspiracy and celebrating a terrorist attack, and the other side is pointing out the ridiculousness of the former.

hey, even that's impressive for Holla Forums

Works for the cops.

I just really want to know. Is anyone aware a ==WHITE GUY== did the exact same thing in Dallas just a year prior?



Where was your outrage then?


stop bumping this stupid thread Holla Forums

Time to mow down the entire crowd with police support and be awarded medals.

I'm not much of a leftie but it's hilarious to watch the fucking meltdown on Holla Forums. It's always funny to see pretentious faggots be put in their place.


what were the replies? it would be comforting to know that not only Holla Forums takes sarcasm as bait and swallows it with hook, fishing line, and rod.

they'll all be frogposters noticing repeating integers

I'm cringing so hard for you, Jesus.
Then don't act surprised when the rest of the world treats you like the fucking animals you are.

Anyone who uses this term unironically voids anything they've just said, just thought you should know that Holla Forums.

Wow I'm shocked at this behavior from the right, honestly, I thought they were so peaceful

they have absolutely no shame and never had

They are not exactly wrong though. Just hard for me to feel sympathy for a fat fuck. Wish we had a more aesthetic martyr.

Fat sluts can't dodge, won't dodge.

Possible some antifa shitheads played with a laser blinding them.

There is now. Do you not understand how this meme shit works? You guys are stuck with that shit-tier name now and the more often Trump and the retards on Fox News repeat it the more and more it will stick.

Just accept it and embrace it.

I'm surprised there's been no thread or prominent comment here on what the classical, 2000's-era, Internet far-Right (i.e., Gateway Pundit, Ace of Spades, iOwnTheWorld, etc.) are claiming about the antifa/BLM contingent at Charlottesville: that they threw bricks, bags of shit and piss, and even tear gas. My dad, a fan of these sites, keeps harping about it and how Soros must have given them the tear gas.

How come I'm not seeing Holla Forums say this, and is there any truth to it?

Get F'd
Alt left

We memed it to life with peepee poopoo

Does your dad think that Soros personally took the shits and sent them out to be weaponized by his minions?


good strategy nazi



Not praising murder, just laughing at it.
The PR of nazis couldn't get much worse so might as well have some fun.
It is the new name for antifa, blm, and other assorted commies. Trump memed it so it is official now.

pol never stops to amaze me

lord have mercy I didnt know Holla Forumstards came in this level of retarded

Anyone STILL supporting the crooked establishment has to be pretty bad.

The statements of the president of United States carry a lot of weight whether you like him or not. The point is that the phrase "alt left" is now part of the public consciousness since Trump used it. I wouldn't expect Holla Forums to understand the nuances of memeology anyway. You have always struggled in that area.


It's also suddenly become completely untouchable to the very liberals who were its main proponents up to this point.

I don't see any nazi flags, what gives? Oh yea to you guys nazi means anyone white. Self hating Stalin cocksucking low t slaves.

From helicopters into stealing old RA memes

Trump has probably poisoned "alt-left" for liberals permanently. Only Trump could transform that term into a compliment.

Are you trying to say that nazis might be…. stupid?

There are few attractive people in the world, and you want one fewer?