Desensitization should be common knowledge but here you go:
Just an example, using the keywords you'll find a lot more if you want.
The "looks like a human" part. Alternatives seem cool, although again, just an assumption.
Where? How? Given the topic at hand, it seems like a sensible question.
Seems a bit reaching. I mean, sure it's not wrong but "not being a violent dickhead" is a small part of being socially adjusted. Besides, it's simply not as easy now. Back in the day you could beat up your wife and rape her and that stuff was perfectly legal and socially acceptable.
Why not both? Women aren't forced into marriages as much anymore but Internet is unlikely to do much good for the social skills of people either. Specially the already "endangered" group of people with shitty social skills.
We don't know how they affect the mental state of the "user". If they are as harmless, sure. Let the robo-waifu revolution begin.
Because they aren't forced into marriages anymore and have choice? How the fuck is their situation any different than for men?
But as already mentioned, there are multiple factors for that.
user, we noted class as a factor. It doesn't affect the majority of men, so they are clearly other things to consider. Also please, libertarian it is.
That's not what the study says. And to be extra anal, it doesn't say that 1/3 can't find partners, only that they don't have long term partners, which is actually a better support for the factor of class. If they never had a partner at all, it's clearly something else.
Not something you can fix. Maybe the 1/3 aren't attracted to these women and these women aren't attracted to these men. No partner is better than a shitty one.
Rape culture happens before that. Men being taught they if they do X, Y, Z they will be entitled to female attention. It's a bit how classcucks think that hard work will make millionaires out of them.
We're arguing over an interpretation of an implication here … and besides, time doesn't have to be purely negative. At least they are adults who know what they want at this point. Better that than some rushed teenager marriage, kids and divorce and all the shit that entails.
Economical status isn't everything even now. Don't you think that some boyband singer or an actor will be considered more attractive than a stockbroker who made as much money in an afternoon? I don't recall too many girls masturbating to the though of Warren Buffet between their legs.
The importance exists right now too, and is acknowledged by most people who aren't braindead, some important jobs simply don't pay well, but even if you take that away. You still got a guy doing a cool job that requires tons of different skills that makes him more attractive, and a guy doing a more monotonous job, that doesn't scream "pussy magnet."