posting in a new thread!
That's spanish for anus.
I can't even eat anything hours before verbal ones, and tend to visit the bathroom several times an hour too. It's awful
Sounds really bad. I'm definitely way less troubled by this. Looks like you need hugs.
*pat* it'll be alright you prep'd!
You're lucky.
somewhat anyway :
Well, i don't know about lucky, everyone has good and bad sides. I'm just not very stressed. In general.
i need a coffee IV
Coffee IV: A New Hope?
Coffee: Till the end of time
Speaking of Star Wars, who saw Last Jedi? I was surprised with my own reaction to the movie.
ive been meaning to see it, probably as soon as its safe to pirate i will
Still lucky
I liked it when Harry Potter killed Jack Sparrow on the Imperial Cruiser.
Never thought I'd say this but I think this star wars might be better watched outside of a cinema. So good on you.
You're constantly posting very lewd things. What a lewd person.
I like you.
Cause anime is for lewds
Just admit your'e generally lewd.
Sucy is not for lewds.
Thanks to the viewer and those working behind the scenes, glad to donate to such a worthy cause. Put this donation towards viewer's choice!
last jedi was garbo as far as story
visuals were the only good thing it had going for it
overall pretty boring though
sorry 5/10 is too generous
i mean i might still buy it later, but i want to try it first to see if its an experience i think is worth it
shit, i pirated Undertale first too
I actually went in thinking "You know, it's a star wars movie, whatever happens it's just a light-hearted, fun adventure. I won't expect anything". I loved TFA for this reason, it was a neat little story.
And I was facepalming and going "What" all through the screening. It was a complete trainwreck.
I'm not big on notes but I definitely think the last jedi does not deserve a passing grade. It was less than passable. 4/10 it is for me as well.
I approve of this.
Seems to be quite a bit of lewd if you ask me
george doesn't like watching meerkat manor with me :(
See that's the thing. A lot of sucy hentai completely breaks her character, so I can't even consider sucy. Like, acting cute, blushing, most of the expressions are just wrong. Very few actually get it right.
I feel the same way for most characters, if you're going to remove the personality why bother even making porn of that character, just make your own nerd.
Literally look at this shit lmao
and yet it has 90% "Certified Fresh" reviews by critics on Rotten Tomatoes
only 49% of audience liked it
but then again i ended up buying the vinyl album for it too, i have it up in my closet already lmao
flying cum wads
Wait the audience rating is only 49%? What the hell, I didn't realize that. It literally made me question whether I'll watch the next one.
Did you end up buying that collector's box thing? Friend of mine got a collector's edition with a bunch of merch, including a little heart locket with a frisk photo when you open it or something. It's real neat.
Pretty much, it's awful.
Same with Momiji. She's flat as a board, yet most "artists" gives her oversized tits for no reason
Yeah, it's dumb. Best momiji stuff is the awoo~ things and that wanwan thing.
Barely got any awoo. Maybe a single pic that's it
You are literally unable to be unlewd, Hu. Admit it.
There's nothing lewd about that pic!
Anything you post becomes lewd by virtue of you being a homosex. Feel better by the way?
Now that's just mean.
not really. Won't until tomorrow's exam is done and over with either
how are your afternoons going frens
i want to awoo the hu
It's not mean if it comes from a fellow homosex.
Good, and yourself?
How lewd
I thought you said you were bi~
See, told you there's no such thing
Bi is homosex. And normalsex. That's the point.
No lewdtimes.
It's just homosex
It's always lewd time tho
Har du været sammen med en fyr før?
You are so gay you can't grasp the concept.
Welp. Time to download hearthstone on my phone.
Perhaps so
I'm ok, going to probably get myself some snacks tomorrow since I'm running on empty
Siger mig heller ikke noget, men er ret sikker på at største delen her inde har eller gerne vil.
Getting my groceries delivered has made me even lazier than I could imaginne.
Det kan der ikke herske tvivl om
yo catch me a bunny too
Ved ikke hvad der forårsager det
I'll catch you a punch in the face
that was for the Ps4 release
Posting pure girl to ward away the lewds.
Oh, interesting. I don't think he owns one, he may have purchased it just for the box.
desu I don't think I'd be comfortable knowing some person is passing judgement as he hands me my america-tier junk food
the invention of self service is probably one of the best things to have happened to me
Whoa, so tsun
Really? They don't care though. Whatever you get you're just one client out of hundreds, and far, far from the worst most likely.
You disgust me
perhaps, but my supermarket of choice doesn't do home delivery so :/
that sucks butt.. to stay on that topic i find it strange to care what a random delivery guy things of you. Fuck him.
good game to bring over and show a friend who's never heard of it, really
Internettet gør underlige ting ved folk.
Forstår mig heller ikke på traps
It is. I loved Undertale. Some people don't click with it but I'm definitely one of the ones who did.
is wish a cute boy?
Har set et par stykker hvor jeg tænkte 'ku' godt' men sgu ikke i virkeligheden
the judgemental deliveryman was an irrational potential fear, not based upon previous experience
I understand that. Still though, fuck him, who cares. Buy 2L of lube and a bunch of eggplants if you want.
vanille kranse
Er sikker på det er det samme for nogle her, men så også kun nogle.
some people here gotta learn not to worry much about judgment
Vi har en trans på mit universitet, men ud over ham/hende har jeg aldrig snakket med en.
I like sucy
And Sucy likes you.
bf sent me his sucy folder. I wish to pay you back. Also good morning.
Annoying when the weed tender sees my name and gives me poisoned weed.... Actually that poison made the weed pretty great to be honest.
So you do have a bf ?
Thats pretty gay
Så længe de ikke tvinger det ned gennem din hals, så har jeg heller ikke noget problem med dem. Har ikke gået på skole med transeksuelle, kun homoseksuelle som gudskelov ikke var ligesom Gustav
Maybe I'm lying.
Are you though ?
Do I know him ?
Åh gud vi havde en homoseksuel der var fucking slem. Når han blev fuld flirtede han med alle fyre. Måtte simpelthen skubbe ham væk på et tidspunkt, han var vildt påtrængende.
som came in da mail today
No, I do not lie.
Sucy in a box.
Look at her.
I can just ask someone who knows.
You can, but I told you, I don't. And you do not know them, they have never posted on an imageboard.
Cancer. Lyder forfærdeligt.
Giver heller ingen mening at flirte med nogen som overhovedet ikke virker interesseret
What came in the mail?
oh. hi woco :3
nothin came in the mail i have no money i just keep thinking about the deez nuts video
Det var bare fucking slemt
That actually makes it even gayer
Han havde nok virkelig bare håbet på at få noget kæp de aftener
It really doesn't, chan posters are the lowest of lows when it comes to gayness.
Umiddelbart ville jeg bare selv fatte hvornår folk ikke var klar på den slags l0l
yeah but you can't actually touch their dicks
I met my bf online as well. We only see each other ~ twice a year. It works well, but yeah, he's not a normie.
Enten var han bare overhovedet ikke i stand til det, eller så var han stang bacardi
At least you actually see him.
Probably makes a big difference
Yeah. He was over for the winter holidays, actually. It was a great time, I love him to bits.
thats adorable
happy for you both
What can I say. 2 year anniversary soon, I need to figure something out. I've been thinking of buying him Divinity: Original Sin 2 so we can play it together, it sounds like a fun nerdy date idea.
If he likes those types of games it pretty much the best one out right now.
A pretty good game to play with a friend like that
Lohse might not look like it but shes actually the coolest person in the game.
I forced him to try Pillars of Eternity and he seemed to enjoy it enough, so looks like a green light to me.
Pillars was pretty good
The combat isn't real time like pillars though
I do like the Divinity combat more though
deez nuts?
Pillar lets you pause, and it definitely goes in rounds, like KOTOR. Is Divinity literally turn-based?
Bought PoE but lost interest in it along with the rest of the backlog I never play.
have you really not seen this ever ?
Yeah it is
the combat is pretty good though
you like to laugh at the mentally disabled and less fortunate?
b-bought ? a f2p game ?
no its just a good clip
he really did get him
does someone wanna play a game of (simplified) scrabble
I need to practice this book made by BearHeart himself. It teaches how to transform into a Satir it's pretty neat.
all of my XD
I don't mind turn-based. We'll see I guess, either way we have fun playing anything. We even played LoL together at one point and god knows that game is fucking miserable.
path of exile has always been free to play unless youre talking about something else
or are you talking about the chest tabs ?
can you explain yourself
How does it feel being 30% of the thread?
I believe this is a misunderstanding. We were talking about Pillars of Eternity.
Måske en blanding
Jeg er dog heller ikke for smart når jeg er fuld.
kamuu got me like
okay i was so confused
Oh sorry I thought you meant Pillars of Eternity. I'm blind.
I sometimes play that when friend drag me into it.
It always kinda fun or miserable
Det er vel kun de færreste af os som er
Meh, I tend to post fast, I'm used to it. I apologize if it bothers you. I do not mean to flood the thread.
LoL basically always makes me feel miserable, I'm glad I stopped playing.
its okay i am too
He's just picking on you because I used to pick on him for being almost as bad as TP.
Just wanted to point it out, lol
Hey now, it's been like half a year since it was that bad
Hu is all about reverse psychology. He projects on you and calls you cute when really he is the cute.
You seem familiar.
Its not a good game
just everyone has it
you lied about dating Hu faggot
Your face seems familiar. How are you doing.
I disagree, I think it's a good game, I think if you put LoL behind a paywall and maybe put in voice chat it might just become tolerable enough that you can enjoy the gameplay.
Someone keeps making do that white pillar energy spell wtf man. Every damn day they're going to make me do this like an occupation or something.
Who dis?
Well enough. You- seem to be doing well, what's new?
You said you broke up but you didn't.
I heard they are actually going to be adding voice chat.
I dunno
I just played the game so much it feels weird
Only half a year here though!
Studying & working, I'm very happy but have a lot on my plate. I've been relaxing a bit lately though, the pros of working from home. Good to know you're well.
That'd be a good addition. People tend to be more humane with VC, and it lets people communicate better.
Excuses excuses.
But I did. In 2015, when I found out I was one of like five in part of the HuPony e-cuck circle.
Whatcha do from home?
This is bullying
I'm a software developer. I like to do more than that but atm, remotely, I can't do hardware stuff so it's good enough.
That's only because I love bullying you.
Now I can hear the 12 year olds call me a dick head.
I don't believe you faggot
Well, yes, but is that much worse than seeing them write it down instead?
*snickers* nya! ^.^
Its gonna be like xbox live again.
But you want to do something involving that, so like... what would that entail?
So go ask Ravvy, C, Esquire, Tom♥, Bready, or Cup. You don't have to believe me, but I will tell you the truth.
Bad times.
i stream drawin twitch.tv
*snickers* nya! ^.^
I asked
I see
Hu was lying to me then
I'll never forgive them
Ok but is that an improvement?
I don't mind doing general software dev but I like it when I'm doing different stuff. Most software nowadays is mobile development which I *hate*. Designing objects and working with hardware is much more fun cause you have to implement original solutions.
Indeed, bad times. I'm sorry you went through that, and I am glad you two patched up.
I won't lie
voice chat is a lot of fun
I love hearing 10 year olds tell me how they fucked my dad
I wanna hear what the people in bronze 5 sound like
Don't, nobody should
I think you may be surprised. And that's part of why voice chat is good for removing toxicity: you can't just dismiss what someone says by thinking of them as a kid, or you can excuse what someone does, knowing they're a kid.
And no I will not pet you. You've had WAY too many pets this morning.
I Fight For My Friends
I still talk to Hu regularly, and I did drag him in here, but that's the extent of it.
In talking with Hu and all his school projects software development indeed seems kinda lame.
What kind of things do you want to design? If, you can list anything like that off the top of your head.
It's whatever.
First was intended for
Good :3
Hardly had a choice in the matter either. Did get dragged in here
I'm gonna have to make another smurf and get it to bronze 5
Its gonna be a struggle
I do actually like both of you
You're tearing me apart
gonna bite off your jugular
Sure thing, go ahead, don't be a pussy
I was personally thanked - THANKED - by Grim for pulling you in here.
I have achieved accolades for my service to this community!
rip in pieces
Wait so you *aren't* still together? You two are being extremely confusing.
Well, I love prototyping. For example a big company wants to innovate in some way, for example they're Big Steak and want to use drones to watch over their cow herds. It's a silly example but, basically, making things in-house is horrible for those companies, it takes years to get anything going. So they go a smaller company and say hey, can you make us a drone that can count cows?
This is a super neat job to get, because you get to work on lots of different technologies and are always challenged in your knowledge. I'm lucky enough to work for a company that does that so, yay happy.
I remember getting to Gold. Top Silver is the worst cesspool imo.
You'll get no sympathy from me.
I fight for my friends.
Literally in multiple Pieces
go to a *
I got Diamond on a few accounts
me and a few friends boosted accounts for money
wasn't worth the time though
Thanked more times than one too!
Never asked for any either
Sounds like a great time. I really do not miss LoL. The one multiplayer game I play right now is Gwent and it's great.
We're still on friendly terms with each other, but the notion of my dating someone from across the globe after being led on like that is a little ridiculous.
Oh, okay. So exactly like how the military contracts out for all their equipment too.
It's true.
Exactly that. Nothing actually keeps a tech start-up from getting military contracts, either, especially in this high tech world.
I understand. I suppose I misunderstood then. Are you with someone else now?
...Prepare yourself
Less than half of my friends still play lol so I don't really have much of a reason to play anymore.
I don't really have a game I enjoy playing right now
its killing me
Should give Gwent a try. Unlike HS the devs are pretty generous with cards.
Is it free ?
The game is free to play.
Like all card games, you can buy for packs, but unlike HS you can get a very decent pack going without spending a single dollar.
Also unlike every single free to play game I've ever played, because it doesn't feel like the devs are literal predators going for my wallet, I've actually spent money on decks to support them.
That is the best review I can give it after spending a few years in LoL and hating myself everytime I spent a single dollar.
Just me, myself, and I.
and Cup
Sometimes that's the best company. For what it's worth, I was cheated on pretty heavily by a girl I was with for years, and I know how it feels. I'm sorry this happened to you. You seem to be past it and that's good.
Micro transactions are my weakness
Might be best if I stay away tbh
If you feel like it's a problem for you, then yes, I do not recommend Gwent. It doesn't try to exploit you but at the end of the day it could still be a money sink for someone who's addicted to those things.
I may have spent well over 1000$ on micro transactions last year.
And occasionally Cup.
Yeah, it's not bad, less to worry about.
I'm sorry to hear that... not that I wasn't, but I'd have been more distraught had it been something more- tangible, I guess is the best way to put it.
For what the relationship was, and its logistics, it was kind of a set up for easy failure, so I count myself just as responsible.
Specter and Cup having sex.
Haha no. People of God don't fuck.
That's a lot of cash.
Recognizing your own mistakes is definitely the sign that you've moved on. I feel the same way about my own past relationships now, I think it's a part of growing up to recognize your part in your own failures.
You and you having sex
I was weak
I won't do it this year hopefully
Hi I'm Lloyd I do not recognize you.
What's your name?
fun video for you all
I know who it is and no one else does !
Hm, well are you going to change anything about the way you approach these games, or stay away from them? You won't get much done by hoping!
Hi lloyd. I haven't picked a name on here. I suppose you can call me sucy user if you wish.
I am enjoying this video. Thank you.
Well I'm still gonna play Fire Emblem Heros
I dunno about the other games on my phone :/
you mean you're another new person??
it keeps happening! the new person thing keeps happening!
(jk welcome)
If microtransactions are your weakness, I recommend staying away from mobile games completely.
Or else
ya'll know that thing you don't know. well i know and i aint telling :P
Get this furry shit out of my face kid
Mm, that's gay though. You're not Discord are you?
Well met.
Yeah, it really is. And recognizing you had a part in it gives you the power to change it, so...
People want you to pick a name, and I practically want to scream the one I believe you went by.
Stop being user scum.
this is probably ironically you sometimes tbh
No one's "new" on Holla Forums, seems most people on this site are pretty damn old. I am new here though. I was kind of active on >>>/kind/ back when that was a thing.
go suck a futa dick lloyd
I would
thats fair
I haven't spent anything in 2018 yet though.
what about in the before times on Holla Forums, did you post as anything then on Holla Forums?
I hate playing the guessing game, you get one guess, if you're wrong we never discuss this again. I'm just here to post sucy in good company.
Does Fire Emblem Heroes even have any traps?
I don't think so.
if you don't want to identify your handles from before so be it, i can respect that
Lookin good. Keep at it.
Thank you.
better make it a good guess spec cause im dropping it like i said
Oh well. No shortage of big tiddy goth gfs in fire emblem.
F-uck this leaves a lot of room for failure. Let me think on this.
spectre I read and watched all of houseki and I think I love it
I'll do my best.
Someone should break my hands if I slip up.
I have a maxed out Dragon loli that kills everything.
*shakes magic 8ball*
*flips coin*
why am I not surprised you like the fat vagina killer girl ?
Give me a hammer and an address and I'm go.
Hell yeah!
Are you enjoying PTSD Phos?
*sells newspapers from a stand by the side of a alley on the street*
English a shit language I need to Learn Latin.
if you guys saw one of those creepy puppet fortune teller machines would you pay to use it?
yee, my favorite is probably diamond with how cute she is, but phos is such a good character!!
Works for me.
Nice to meet you too, lloyd. How are you?
ready for classes to start already. i find that i need the structure in my life.
Newport beach California
I don't think I ever romanced her.
First I fucced the big tiddy goth gf onee-chan
Pretty sure second time was big forehead spiky Tharja.
Third was either Peri or one of the maids.
I see great success and fortune in your life.
I had a kid with Tharja in awakening
But Nah is my favorite kid
Shes top tier
*hands you a hammer*
go nuts
what would possess you to say this
I just got home a bit ago so I'm lazing for just a bit and then I'm gonna play some gaems
Sup withchu
thanks dad. that means a lot
< Pantsu.
And thanks. I'll be watching your wallet.
I spent like 200 bucks on steam sales this winter, I feel awful myself. At least I bought a tangible product I guess.
Missed opportunity to say "witchu", lloyd, I'm disappointed. I'm pretty good, lazing in bed.
Everyone falls for Dia... that's the bait, don't go for the bait.
Phos is where it's at.
Are you ready for her to be used to betray every last gem?
I really wanted to say Tex, but then you started talking about software development, and my confidence in that answer waned.
well, on bed.
I like Dwyer and Rhajat.
American English is a garbage fiat and Latin is the gold standard
English is a functional language.
Go for the trap instead
nah man I appreciate dia on an emotional & aesthetic level.
that being said, I know Phos is #1 without a doubt.
and I just want her to be happy for once ;(( is there a season 2 or??
Don't look at the pantsu.
you probably spent that money a lot better than I did
But Nah is so cute and powerful
She made the mistake of being pedobait and being in the same game as Tharja.
Maybe. I bought Nier, I was told it's a GOTY contender. Mine is Hollow Knight so far.
They're all traps. ;)
I don't at all doubt there'll be one, with the screaming popularity it got.
Wouldn't mind at all if it takes a while for that second season though. With the pace this one moved at, they'd easily over take the manga and where it's at currently. So, more developments there before more anime is a good thing.
I also like how they expanded on the message that Padparadscha gave Phos at the end. In the comic it felt far too simple and short.
you don't lewd Nah
Divinity is my favorite 2017 game by far
Wish I could play it more
I'm sorry.
I'll do it next time.
20 bucks says I'm better at lazing than you are.
How is that so thouhg
I hope its real
sounds really fun
Tekken 7 was game of the year for me
Sounds like my kind of game.
I'll definitely try it on your recommendation.
I won't take that bet, I'm pretty active when I want to be.
"anything can be lewded if enough energy is put into it"
tekken? isnt that for colored people
I take it back, Sphene and Diamond are my fav, moreso diamond but if sphene had nicer colors I'd love her the mostest.
I kinda liked the simplicity of the comic, but I think the anime does a great job at pacing and character development.
really felt the impact of new phos in the last few episodes, makes me cri
Wise words, sounds like a wise man said that
Um.. no actually that's a stupid idea.
also i am taking c++ in a week or 2
what do i expect
Same. Fates was fun and all but the protagonist was a whiney idealist goody-two-shoes.
It's fun to be bad. It's fun to do bad things.
Shut up
Y-yeah me too, it's not like I'm in love with wasting my time or anything...
Latin. Not even once.
inb4 Hu shits on me. Here goes.
C++ is my favorite language, what can you code in right now?
Happy to hear it.
I recommend playing as Loshe and talking to the dwarf in the first town.
You're just saying that because you lewd everything
C with classes :^)
I haven't tried to lewd you so that's a blatant lie.
Jesus Christ put that baby away.
Oh yeah, the anime really made sure you knew and felt the difference between Phos and NewPhos.
I'm waiting for Aechmea to ask LaPhos if she feels like a hero yet.
i'm not even sure if thats true or not.
If you liked C, you might enjoy C++. It's a good improvement on the language, to me, and it makes C actually viable for a lot of real world applications.
The object paradigm might take a little bit to get used to but if you're familiar with ```struct``` you'll be fine.
Of course it's true.
When have I ever lied to anyone?
I've read Linus's opinion on it. You'll note his only problem is with C++ developers, and not with the language itself. Don't even start.
ohh im excited
I don't mind it at all, I just felt like posting that because you stated I would pick on you
blank post because no known instance of such a thing exists
C++ is like C except a bunch of inheritance also new bloated features.
ikt teach me how to code
I mean, depending on the class, they might teach it like that tbh.
We :rust: now
You could also dislike it. Its syntax can get a bit heavy. I don't mind it personally, I like working at a relatively low level.
And the second sentence is
Do not.
I'm excited to see how they animate the moon in general!!!
I love it dude >:) Considering capping dia or sphene pics
Yeah totally
Start with making your own CPU.
What's this new thing?
So from going from a c class to a c++ i would more be experiencing a continuation of c as opposed to something new entirely?
getting lost in it was part of the thrill of my first class.
Oh no, rust has been brought up. Abandon thread.
Just rewrite everything :^)
okay how do i do that
Besides I'm pretty sure, disregarding your extreme distaste for me, if I wanted to lewd you I would have by now.
C++ is basically built on top of C. It is a different language but you won't feel too lost once you got used to object-oriented programming.
I've taught C/C++ to newcomers and I'm fairly confident you'll be alright if you're comfortable with C.
Bullying is forbidden.
Some trippy shit on the moon.
Both. Do it up.
stick around ill need you ;)
You're gonna need one of those batman projector things but with a sucy on it.
Fucking amazes me that after two solid years of shitting on CG anime this comes along and blows everyone away.
It's beautiful honestly.
trick it into think
srsly what do you want tho
I love them so much >:)
I only add people i wanna lewd
i just wanted to talk to you to be honest ;-;
How does that make any sense ?
what a slut
Challenge accepted
thats gay
How is life treating you?
Because it does.
Hey, discord? :^)
how you doing
i hate life i wanna kill it
sup witchu
Moogs I can answer questions if I'm around :^)
I don't know what you're trying to convey with this message.
Fuck your GTA mods
No it doesn't.
You don't make any sense
I'm good. And I'm glad you're paying attention to my pun standards.
idk either
thanks rin or wish
You evil son of a...
Years of shitting on CG, with good reason, and then two shows with the most ridiculous premises are the two most popular of their respective years.
It's great tbh.
I make perfect sense all the time.
but what did he mean by this ?
Literally never
I need a translator
got a project thing delivery almost and i dont want to go because i hate it there and the dude who set up the project for us to do
and my keyboard is still not here reeeee
Yeah I didn't enjoy Kemono Friends.
im a good boy
i'm doin nice !! i hope that you also are doing nice and if not i hope u do nice soon
I'm being a lewdo. Blame Hu.
Sucks. But sounds like pretty manageable problems, so I assume life is alright.
no no it's not you it's.... ugh I'm literally a hypocrite.
it's art >:)
What did they do to you ?
It's Wish reeeeeeeeee
Me too uwu
idk maybe over 2 weeks is gonna be great forever or is gonna be suffer for at least half a year
hmm yeah dont have any other tangible problems maybe stressed out a bit for other stuff
You're just very easily confused.
Still osu-ing?
I am so, so sorry.
No I'm not.
Stress is bad. Relax, that's an order.
youre cool.
i had been wondering that for awhile but never asked. thanku
Pretty sure i'm not.
oh ? why that timing ?
stranger danger
final semester before graduation thing
next week's the last and then there's still 2 weeks next half year is be graduation thing
Pretty sure you are the danger.
Oh no. I've killed you.
I'm sorry.
I don't bite.
I think you are. You need everything explained to you.
are you truly
Are you 100% sure about that ? ? ?
Or maybe you just don't know how to talk with people
I am. But you don't seem dead, so actually maybe not.
You're the danger here
Of course I know how.
I just don't.
Not at this very second.
Rin is the one with the trip and the weeb name
Don't look at it.
Which would make you a creep i'm pretty sure
oh so
youre graduating
and then
post graduation ?
i'm confused. but i hope that whatever happens ikt (you) are happy
I can't NOT look at panties. That goes against my programming.
im bored and sleepy
short break
It makes me a shitposter
no im boutta finish my last normal classes before doing the graduation internship thing that starts in 4 weeks. next week and a half is just rounding up stuff for school but i dont like
Man thats some thigh gap
Aren't you good at programming or something ?
reprogram yourself
But you can't turn it off
you're stuck
*drinks away his guilt with mandrake root tonic*
and yeah finishing up is boring and kinda
saddening for me atleast
godspeed ikt !
truly the most tempting
Go to bed.
I don't want to. Pantsu is nice.
Thats exactly what i'm saying.
bigger than my thigh gap :/
Is this an addiction or something ?
Draw me like one of your french whores....
Do you not like pantsu
who sucy poster tho
not boring
light anxiety for the project delivery as we couldnt complete a component in time
also semester was meh as i didnt do much software making
after im done listening to this mix
Gem girls can't cut up your dick if you're dick is hard enough to cut diamonds
Okay then fine, lets have a perfectly normal conversation.
Hello Ban, how are you this fine afternoon?
I haven't seen yours or been given a measurement so I have no reference to make sense of this.
i keep misinterpretting what youre saying aaaaaaa ;;;;;
okay. well. good luck godspeed u can do it
thats not important
You have a problem and you need to accept it.
Wow this is awful
go back to the other thing
also what mix are youu listening to
who is sucy
Put it on double speed, pretend it's nightcore. Go to bed earlier.
Panties are never a source of problems. Only a solution.
Wow Ban that's pretty childish of you and only mildly insulting due to the obvious and lazy nature of the jab.
feels like that'd be plot relevant, but nah idk if dia would want to cut up your dick
If you put your dick in some kind of gemstone I'm fairly certain it would get some cuts.
Well I won't be posting anymore.
unless I forget and post more
I didn't think this far ahead
gotta smoothen it out with more of ur dick
gotta sacrifice the battle to win the war
does diamond have pus pus
well its bigger than most i think
I enjoy you liking puss puss.
I'm sure you'll be back to posting panties soon enough. I actually have a single lewd sucy pic, but I won't post it.
I don't think I've played today yet
this is fun
just use the pentagram to unlock it
Lets see it
Post it
You won't get banned
I promise
Blood is a terrible lubricant, unfortunately.
Well perhaps you should have.
Now I'd like an apology.
pantsu appreciated
No. Sucy is pure.
whats so funny bub
they're like specialty buttholes.
you should like teach me your weird beliefs i recall hearing about them
do you know that from experience?
Again, I have no point of reference for this.
A gourmet treat, to be sure.
Yes, but I would argue that experience isn't necessary seeing as when it's outside of the body blood coagulates and becomes sticky very quickly, and even faster when exposed to heat and friction.
nini !!
i might show u later
Blood is actuallly a great lubricant. Look up anything about period sex if you don't believe me. At least period blood is.
Isn't she the exact opposite though ?
but if mixed with sex juices???
anything could happen??
I'll cap the anime dia after work :3 I love her so much
IDK if I should...
its like a sandwich when its smooched together it's pretty funny.
She needs a bigger bikini.
Absolutely not. Amanda is the freaky one.
she does
so who r u
I'd rather you not.
Period blood is fundamentally different from regular blood.
Apology accepted.
Sinni, that's retarded.
So are you saying you have lots of lewds of her ?
well now i have to hang on
Ah well that's the only experience I have, I wouldn't know about regular blood.
I am user, I'd rather we leave it at that.
Of Amanda? No. I don't have many witches, you helped me make this folder remember.
Lesson One
Yeah but you said someone gave you a folder this morning.
I merged it with the one you helped me build.
what show is that im lazy
Please don't.
Yeah it has a very different composition and physical properties.
How big is it ?
ok fair enough
what bring u to the board of cunts and dingdongs
we should try blood lube
The Magicians
sure if you let me piss in you
Interesting, thank you.
108 pics, plus about 30 of Sucy X Akko in a separate folder.
Posting witches and friendly conversation. And yourself.
you have already tho??
too late
not in your eye socket
Mine has 247 Files
I could just send you it maybe
Wow that's a lot of garbage all over your floor.
You should clean up.
Specifically, there's a lot of discarded tissue, vaginal mucus, lining, and bacteria in there.
It's fine, I still have to rename a bunch of these, I'll build mine over time. Thank you.
Now you're just making me thirsty.
It upsets me that male!Morgan can't be a Manakete.
Suit yourself.
ya lately it's been nice and friendly and calm actually and it's been like over a month since there has been any bots
idk im here because i enjoy a select few people and shitposting at people i have no feeling towards in enjoyable
Why do I actually like this ?
No, you.
Sounds like a good enough reason.
Cause it's great
Do you actually play Fire Emblem ?
Well I'm not going to say anything about the pic until you clean up.
No attenchins.
Same if I hadn't lost my appetite for the foreseeable future due to publicized piss fetishism.
I have not even touched fire emblem.
I'm very sorry you had to see that. I hope sucy soothes you.
my room is always messy
also this pic is from like
2 months ago sowwy
Yeah it's alright
not much else to do on the internet
Pretty much all of them are good
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones is my favorite though.
r u home yet
I'm starting to pick up on the fact that you like RPGs.
Mildly yes.
Like I said, I'd rather you didn't in the first place anyways so it's fine.
I might enjoy them a little bit.
I enjoy you a little bit.
I agree. The internet is pretty boring.
Sucy is breddy great
Only a little bit ?
She's really quality. The whole show is good.
Holy shit this gif is huge. You're shrinking immediately.
what is so bad about leg pics
I haven't watched the movie or the show tbh.
I didn't say anything was I'd just rather not get them from you.
what do you have against me ?
Nothing I would just rather not see your legs.
Maybe I'm beinng tsun.
I recommend them both. Movies first.
but why ! i wanna quit bothering you but you keep beating around the bush >.>
Impossible to tell.
I don't have netflix rn and piracy is beneath me.
Not really but I don't feel like it.
I just don't.
I'm just full of mysteries.
That's fine, I just recommend it. Netflix is pretty useful
I've been meaning to for a while
At first yeah but a lot less so now.
I personally find it to be worth the money.
I have some left in the back!
lilli your feet are huge tho
Same when I had money
theyre not !!!!! i wear a size 7-8
If they were hairy you'd be a hobbit
do you video game?
new thread when?
lilli those are some big honkin' feet tho like wtf
What am I gonna find ?
bf and I are shopping for panties. I'm sure some of you fags have recommendations.
I do. Lately I've been playing through Dark Souls 1 and Hollow Knight.
Old Tred
It wouldn't be a mystery if I said, dummy
picture of regular sized feet
but whos wearing them ?
my feet are size 16w shoe shopping is a pain in my ass