Any American lefty here? how are you preparing for the upcoming war? neo-nazi are ready to kill you

any American lefty here? how are you preparing for the upcoming war? neo-nazi are ready to kill you.

At some point, their mothers will stop borrowing them their cars and they'll be helpless against us. Our victory is inevitable

There's not going to be a war.

come on bro, apply your economic analysis and realise that "neo-nazis" and anons here are the same people, economically speaking

A though guy, eh ?

For you

>the left is crused by fascists and the US becomes a totalitarian state
>there is no hope for socialism. Capitalsim has won

I'm too much of a coward to fight.

We know Holla Forums


Be honest, does anyone here actually think a war or some kind of revolution is on the horizon. As interesting as it is to think about, I don't see it happening.

there's no chance of full-fledged large scale fascism in the States, because it can survive there only in a form of a post-modern phenomenon, as long as it pretends to be something else. On the other hand, old school socialism won't work either

It's not gonna happen, but if it does you fags should come out ok if you stop masturbating to anime all day and spend two hours or so getting fit.

Debs looks like a fucking vampire on this.

A couple economic policies aside, what differentiates the current U.S. federal state from fascism?

I'm surrounded by poor people of various stripes and creeds who more or less get along with each other, who wouldn't put up with their shit. I'll be ok. They wouldn't be that ok, however.

I plan on buying guns but I gotta move out of this city first. Other than that I just work out a bunch. It's not enough I admit but at a basal level at least I won't keel over in a fight.
I also like to spend a lot of time outside, hiking, looking for edible plants like berries, growing vege. Helpful if u ever gotta go off the grid


It's more stable than you could imagine, and can effectively deal with idiots in office. Idiots can't change the federal government no matter how hard they try. See Donald, he became a docile, obedient creature in a couple of weeks, this means that federal people started working with him and telling him what's allowed in the government and what is not.
Americans blame "the feds" because it's in the interests of of large American private tyrannies, whereas in actuality the feds saved American asses countless times. That's the worst part of the whole American mentality, "blame the evil feds", how inane this is when you see that the feds were responsible for left social policies in the 20th century, resulting in the American golden age.

Did the Charlottesville attack remind anyone else of Bleeding Kansas? This time it's the bad guys attacking people.

Is stability then the only difference between neoliberalism and fascism? If that is the case then fascism hardly seems to be a thing to concern ourselves with.

Low level war like the troubles in Northern Ireland yeah I can easily see it happening.

Yea I don't think it would be armies marching in formation, collumns of rebel tanks parading through cities (US mil might though). I think it would largely be guerilla war with lots of terrorist attacks, shit like that.

Both neoliberalism and fascism inply a certain type of state which has little to do with the American state of the last century, which still exists despite all attempts to weaken it. It's the concentrations of private power that distort it and make it serve them, which has no legal basis whatsoever, in my opinion. Corporations were given incredible rights by some old court decisions. And I repeat: these are !Court Decisions!, not the Constitution or federal, or local laws.

population is demoralized, atomized and alienated . Media is unpopular and has no credibility. Politicians are considered corrupt. Religion is dying and can't unite the people. Therefore the military being the only institution trusted by the masses, we are likely to be under martial law. Once the violence takes off .

But do you actually think people would go out there and do shit like that in the modern day America? I can't see either side actually getting off their ass and doing anything
Sure, it happened but only a single person died and 19 injured. And even then Charlottesville has been the most extreme case so far. Call me a cynical asshole but I think people are too comfortable sitting around and doing nothing

neo-nazis are a secondary enemy. many are just misguided proles/morons

"The military" aren't supermen, they are the same masses with same beliefs, but with weapons. They don't produce values of their own, and never will. At best, some military junta a la Southeast Asia will exist for a couple of years making statements with big words like "the restoration order" and other slogans always used by military juntas, but soon will be dealt with in a brutal manner when people realise that a bunch of generals in funny hats have no slightest idea about economy, state, culture, education, science and life in general.

People get hangry. Take away people's food if you want to see some shit go down.
I say this not because I think it alone will cause "warfare" per say, but if material conditions for the working class degrade enough it could certainly increase the revolutionary potential of the population.

I think it depends on the part of the country, a lot of places certainly distrust the "military-industrial complex" and the pentagon, and lots of people distrust the paramilitary/police organizations such as the FBI/CIA/NSA are becoming almost universally disliked by the population. There is a distinction between the "support the troops" spook and trusting the military as a whole.
That being said though I agree with your martial law prediction. My hope is that people would sense this as a restriction on their freedom and resist it. This would actually represent a rather decent means of increasing the revolutionary potential of the populace.

polite sage for double post

That's the thing. I think no matter how much the working class gets shit on in the US, they'll never really do anything about it if they can still afford that shiny iPhone at the end of the day.

War isn't coming

The current shit makes it clear that the anti-nazis vastly outnumber the nazis. The charlottesville nazis came from all over, and the protesters are mostly local. Hell, there are counter protests in other parts of the country too. As long as nazis are few and a joke the liberals will happily side against them.

All this shit is a red herring anyway. Fascism isn't going to rise again (something else maybe similar would), and even if it did it wouldn't be in the same trappings as it had in the 20th century. People are not going to buy it. For fascism to work it has to fool people into believing that it's fundamentally righteous and here to save them. Almost nobody thinks that of nazism. If you're worried about fascists worry about liberal PC/SJW culture because that's the closest thing with enough support to matter. If anything is going to evolve into a repressive authoritarian political movement it's that shit.

This is such a retarded meme on this board

People can and often do act violently against the interests of their class, especially fascists who proudly act in the interest of the rich people of their race

I dont think they really are Neo-Nazi

They seem to want to be more identitarian

which is different.

New right in a nutshell.
By the way they're just neo-Nazis.

t. Lenin in 1912

more like Lenin in 1916


Okay, whatever

"neo" means they're not the original German Nat. Socialist party members
get it?

Next protest throw a good sum of nails over the driveways or set them on fire, just as a safety precauson. Molotov coctails are a good safety measure in any case. Also mace seems to be super effective.

have you ever encountered them?
