Do they? On Holla Forums there's a lot of focus on reading a bunch of books which makes for pretty good discussions on theory once in a while. Is it the same but with right wing literature on Holla Forums? I could just ask them but I would rather not go there.
Does Holla Forums read?
Holla Forums likes to talk about reading but never actually does it.
b-but I do
Didn't 8/pol/ ban posting pdfs of books? Or am I misremembering things?
Not many people read. There are some who do. This remains true for both boards, although Holla Forums seems to be more keen on forcing people to take interest in reading, while Holla Forums doesn't. When it comes to what they read, Holla Forums reads things related to their interests. Might be some history, religion, some existential or right wing philosophy, and idealist psychology, although nothing that conflicts with their beliefs. A lot of their pdf collection is about how the mainstream uses propaganda, how bankers manipulate money, esoteric views of history, about ancient religions and the connections to Jewish religion and satanic cults. The contrast is that Holla Forums reads more about recognized philosophy, economic tradition, historical progression related to economics and class struggle, bourgeois propaganda, bourgeois corruption, psychology in relation to materialism, and the effect of money in our current global system. In addition to leftist revolutionary praxis and theory.
I mean I read, but its not political or philosophical stuff.
they read starship troopers, listen to peterson lectures and read the wikipedia page of evola and spengler
but that's only the intellectuals
You're not imagining anything.
The verdict, Holla Forums is a bunch of brainlets
They do read it's just less regimented, more random. Lots of conspiracy theory, a mix of MSM and alternative news articles, history, shit like that.
I love dick and there is nothing you can do about it.
we constantly get raided by Holla Forumstards who spam gay porn
No. Unless you count unsourced infographics
The mark of the brainlet, folks. Rev up that Autism Level.
babby's having a fit
even if they're mostly bad (which they're not) they're neither made up nor obfuscatory
you can't make this shit up
Every time I make a post with more than a single post I get a
in response. For all their talk of being the highest specimens of humanity, they remain the most unread, unlearned and non-cerebral group of buffoons I have ever had the pleasure of lording my higher intelligence over.
They read those ebin Autism Level montages and little else.
Notice how even in this reading list - which I doubt they have even read, most of it is meme authors and general philosophical culture - IE, unrelated to their ideology.
most of them are Hitler fans but likely wouldnt listen to much less read one chapter of his drivel
reedin's a jooish trikk
What do Nietzsche, the ancient Asians, Napoleon have to do with the far right, can someone tell me? I often read them, and can't find anything "far-right" in it.
Nothing except maybe a few out of context quotes
Nietzche has some drivel about the Jews on Genealogy of Morality, but he mention on the same time that he is not anti-Semitic.
I suppose they just handpick their quotes.
Also, most of that list is general purpose philosophy to look more learned, The Prince, especially. What a meme book.
That is absolutely stunning. Of course, a singular instance is easily dismissed - it would be incredibly beautiful if someone could take the time to analyze the entirety of both boards over the course of six months and come back with concrete evidence of Holla Forums's mental simplicity.
There is no need for that, other people have done it already.
I think about doing that some times, but it really seems like a lot more work than it would be worth, and I would have to spend six months on Holla Forums. This instance was annoying in itself because finding a decent analogue to the soviet cybernetics thread took some searching.
My methodology: find two science threads, compare the first 30~35 sentences, minus post numbers and other irrelevant data. Copy-paste into analyzer, receive results.
You're right that in the interest of science it would be better to get more data, but reading Holla Forums is really just a chore.
Oh hey, I still have the text I used saved.
Holla Forums:
Maybe if the scientific community hadn't already discredited themselves by lying about environmental trends in order to get tens of billions of dollars in government funding I would care; if they are correct about this, then it's ultimately their fault that no one is listening.
Best timeline
The world is taking a big poo poo pee pee?
Massive terraforming efforts when?
And we're all going to get Dutch ovened :^(
We should have genocided the penguins when we had the chance
Methane lasts about 12 years in the atmosphere.
Not mentioned in the article.
Gee, i wonder why?
So you're saying the π¬π§π¬π§π¬π§Dutchπ¬π§π¬π§π¬π§ are planning to make the world into a big methane gas chamber while they watch from their bunkers in NZ etc? This is the secret of the poles? Not the π¬π§π¬π§π¬π§Polesπ¬π§π¬π§π¬π§.
I vote we feed the gas down into their bunkers and smash them with hammers when they come out.
Would that trigger a Ice Age?
Methane is always present in the air as is almost all known gases. The current amount is reported to be about 1700 ppb. That is 1700 parts per billion, they are forced to use parts per billion and not parts per million because ppm would be 1.7 or less than 2 parts per million compared to the mind boggling overwhelming about of CO2 at 400 parts per million. They make up this disparity by invoking the methane is "X" amount more dangerous as a green house gas than CO2 is.
Smoke and mirrors all day long lads.
about should be amount fucking spell check.
Oy vey goyim, aren't you scared of the Clathrate Gun?
Lowenergy OP, shit thread, IMPORTANT TOPIC!
Methane is a genuine threat, so lets go harvest it before it escapes.
It used to power atlantis. They could just dive down and grab it, brin it up and burn it for fuel.
It would trigger a "earth turns into venus" age
This, I heard about this story the other day. It reminded me of the holes in Russia
But is the "exploding permafrost" actually happening or are we being rused
Anyone have access to full ?
So Earth become a oven?
Holla Forums:
It's recently come to my attention recently that there are people here interested in the attempts of various computer scientists to introduce cybernetic computerized planning (a model acceptable to most Marxists and anarchists) to the USSR, to improve efficiency and put control in the hands of the workers themselves. We can learn a lot from these pioneers of computerized socialism, seeing as our own society is basically run on the basis of computerized markets - it wouldn't be too big of a leap for most people to imagine democratic planning via computer networks. Besides, even FALC will need some basis for resource allocation.
The problem for Western readers, however, is simply the scarcity of the material in English. Slava Gerovich has published most articles on the matter, but beyond him, details are scarce.
With Google's recent implementation of deep-learning techniques in its translation service between Russian and English, however, it's now feasible to translate whole articles for the most part.
My actual ability to speak Russian is fairly limited in terms of vocabulary, but I've studied a lot of the grammar and verb prepositions. If there's a sentence which you think isn't translating right, I can try to figure it out for you. No guarantees, though.
We should consider starting a project on this, this is how we take on the world guys.
Here's the first Russian source cited by Gerovich:
It's not the one that I wanted, but still useful as a perspective of someone relevant.
I'm interested, it's really amazing how much capitalism limits people's imaginations. So even if it's really old, there could be a lot of unusual or radical theory in this Soviet cybernetics.
I also found this list of sources from a declassified CIA document, not sure how useful it is:
What we need are technical details, what the planners specifically thought were relevant problems. I want to see what I can code in Python.
Paul Cockshott's linear optimization of input-output tables is a fine core, what we need are peripheral programs to feed it the right info.
Ever since I stumbled up on the topic of cybernetics, it felt like
my education has cheated me from getting to know this multidisciplinary science.
So I presume that anyone interested has read introductory books on cybernetics.
Ross W. Ashby or Norbert Wiener, Stafford Beer and many others. Oskar Lange was a pioneer of applying cybernetics on the problems of economics.
Regarding specific parts, I have found Czech scientific journal, that has most of the articles in english. And also special issues detailing some specific problems of cybernetics theory are also written in english.
A study group would be good. Also I could help with the translations from russian to english.
Every introductory book on topics of cybernetics written by an author living in Eastern Bloc has an introductory chapter saying how humans have been using labour to secure a living to themselves, but their information processing abilities were sufficient even in the era of the industrial revolution.
Essentially a historical materialistic view on how the topic of information processing and information itself came to be investigated by humans.
Also they extend the materialistic notion of matter in that all matter also has an ordering in space, whether it is random or ordered, and thus it has information. And all information is bound to matter or energy.
So they say that information and matter exist together.
really memes one's memers, huh
pol reads just as much as leftypol does (one in every 100 maybe), lots of beliefs in pol can be backed up with lots of peer reviewed papers and statistics
like what? Jewish conspiracies? the liberal hoax of human industrial impact on the nature? homosexuality being a disease? that Hitler was a moderate? that the richest 1% doesn't exist?
They do and leftypol does. It's pretty intellectual on both boards. I personally don't read books that much. I'd rather slowly absorb info from the chans and other places on the internet.
Do you really think it's that few that read on Holla Forums? I think it's way more, at least if you count people who've read basic stuff like the manifesto, principles of communism, etc. I have a feeling a lot of people have read the state and revolution too.
The magic tree house doesn't count
It seems less like Holla Forums reads, and more like they mine for quotes. Sometimes they will post links to studies that they claim say or prove one thing, and if you read through you might find the single line or quote that "proves" their point, but in context is widely removed from the ultimate conclusion of the paper, or is contradicted by explanatory information elsewhere in the link or PDF et cetera.
I'm not an expert and I don't go to Holla Forums, but that's my impression. They don't read to learn or understand, they just "read" to hunt for material to lend their variable biases a patina of objectivity or scientific legitimacy.
Holla Forumslack here (I can still call myself that). I read plenty of books on topics about culture, religion, philosophy, and politics, but I always neglected economics. I always hated our Capitalist system if you can believe a Holla Forumslack could do such a thing, so I started reading material referred to on Holla Forums. Being objective, I conclude Socialism is the best system we can reasonably achieve.
What keeps you tied to Holla Forums then?
I hate Jews, plus I hold a great deal of Fascist cultural sensibilities.
Gee, what a surprise!
But why would you hate jews?
They have some kickass outfits
>b a s i c
>e c o n o m i c s
1. I neglect reading economics in the past
2. Hold anti-Capitalist sentiments so I read Holla Forums material
3. Conclude Socialism is the best system
4. ???
5. Abolition of Profit
I have my reasons and I don't feel like listing them off to a cuck that will endlessly dismiss any points I bring up and defend Kikes anyway.
You sound like a huge faggot
You right now
Also, socialism isn't exactly so tollerant of religions as you Holla Forumsacks tend to belive, but yeah, alright
Why are you antisemitic?
Yeah, most people here will just outright deny the significance of Judaism instead of arguing with the ideas the person actually has. This is a side effect of Holla Forumsacks shitting up this board constantly. Sorry user, most people here are pretty jaded.
Oh, sorry for my previous post, I presumed you're not a basic irrational and groundlessly hateful, name-calling polyp
I'm not in the mood. Maybe later.
You should bring them up. It's important that we share the truth about Jews, and how they hijacked almost every single communist party operation in history.
It's a fact that most of the Bolsheviks were Jews.
Nigga what are you doing
This is some abstract pol tier rhetoric
Well they do read a lot of JPG collages about karltural marxism.
take that lesson and go back to Holla Forums with it
meant for our ethno-essentialist guests
of course
Tbh, there are some things which make me kind of understand why some some Nazbols and a few tankies hold the opinion
Yeah now you have to post them on some board called /polism/, or so I have heard.
I mean sure, shit like the 'holocaust industry' and the ADL line of "criticism of Israel is anti-semitic!" are awful and reactionary, but singling out jews as a race rather than zionists is dumb.
more like a focus on compiling reading lists based on the cover art
problem with leftypol is that it is all over the place, people unironically recommend Capital as an intro
or even worse they recommend a painfully outdated Communist Manifesto
pretty good intro into a Marxist way of seeing things is The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, plus it is in general a pretty entertaining read
After this read something like the first tome of Marxist Economic Theory by Mandel that further expands upon historical materialism and presents many anthropological and archeological evidence backing it up, plus Mandel was good at writing, that fucking trot
as for pol, they have no coherent political theory it's all muh bell curve and fucking kikes everywhere
Yes. There used to be plenty of book threads on Holla Forums, aswell as self improvement threads, including physical exercise.
It's all banned now, all ban worthy. Minimal dissent with what mods want you to think means you are a jew spy.
Old Holla Forums is dead.
ImKapitalist banned books and self improvement threads from the board because it took to much attention away from "Le serious discussions." like doxes and raiding in a sad attempt to capture the lightning in a bottle that was 2016.
Where to flee now? I can see why people think 2017 Holla Forums is retarded but I'm still attached to 2015-2016 Holla Forums
I didn't know that results from the 60s were outdated
Mandel specifically extensively deals with primitive tribes that still existed in the 20th century
also, what is not "outdated" anthropology? fucking Guns Germs and Steel?
Wait, seriously? I can understand banning self-improvement threads, retarded as it is, but he really did ban book threads? It's like he's trying to live up to the fascist stereotype.
The read the Bell Curve's abstract and called it a day
I read.
I even like countries like North Korea who remain independent, and laud Venezuela for being allied to countries like Iran against malicious US intent. I even have some old-left friends who I am in contact who agree with me on most things but not the JQ.
If you want some good right-wing literature to at least consider try out Kevin MacDonald's Culture of Critique series. The writer was initially politically indisposed but became more nationalisty as his studies went on - which is the best way to get into politics imo. He tries really hard to be independent and objective rather than insulting.
This is the first book:
"becawz i welly truwy believe it!!" doesn't count as "backed up" friend
Anyone has the screencap of a comr8 destroying the sources of some Holla Forums collage?
I often wonder why North Korea isn't Holla Forums's utopia:
No duhgenewacy or jews
Hermit kingdom so absolutely no globalism
You'd think they would be all over that, but I guess 'they are yellow and like the colour red' is too much for them to accept.
What the fuck? Why were they against posting books?
you know the answer to that