Leftypol gets just as uptight about trans ppl as pol


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I'd bang.

yeah id like to get uptight in a tranny gahahaha




i don't
no matter what's your opinion on the medical aspect, you shouldn't bully the trannies themselves

Have you done your stenches this hour?

Nothing wrong with the female form.

Nooo, they removed the best part

Does it?
just because we don't think much of this hot new 'gender' notion doesn't mean we're uptight

I hate gay people. Now report back to r/Socialism or Tumblr with the info you gathered.

it's gore u fag censor it dumbass

Yo yo yo, who be up in here stealin my trips? Naw mean I be fuckin all sorts of transsesuals up in here.

I hate black people, deal with it.

What does your gender have to do with economic theory though?

it's gore
I'm trans.

ayy baby u want some dark chocolate?

*masturbates furiously to picture of marx*
*reads lenin's crappy anthropology*

Leave me be Afroplasm
Homophobia is 89iq, especially when you toss away all the traditionalist shit

I hope you overdose on estrogen pills, queer.


I hope you get lynched.

Wanna join me or what?

Trans people are victims of capitalism. They are so alienated or are so narcisit thet they create this fake issue on their minds.
They allow their geneitals dictate what their look like. I love how most trannies MFT become generic barbie dolls and FTM become bro's. What a fucking cliche…
I don't think trannies should be killed tho…i believe that with the right help, lots of love an dunderstanding they can understand how wrong they are. They were fooled by the capitalist establishment and Porky doctors.

post on this thread when you can actually type

ayo can these mothafuckin cracka ass mods deal with this tripthief


has dialectics gone to far

I hope your wife gives birth to a mixed race son.

*smacks lips* ay hol up *throws popcorn at monitor* ay you be stealin my shit dawg

They literally give away their means of reproduction. Classcucked and hard.

"self-hating trans" because I don't like seeing pictures of gory pics on my screen?

It could have taken you two seconds to censor that shit. Why don't you get yourself some thought for others, a lil empathy wouldn't hurt you

traps are gay


Ain't bout traditionalism. Gays and lesbos can fuck, marry avoid whoever they want, I don't care.

It's tranny propaganda that gets on my nerves more than anything.


its thievin ass cracka mothafuckas like joo dat get on mah nerves… punk ass bitch wanna pretend he da real afroplasm, fuck wrong witchu

No they don't. I've been amazed at how trans friendly this board is. Stop trying to start shit.

1. I'm still trans, I like how you ignore this or rationalise it as me being "self-hating"
2. I am literally going to go through this surgery
3. You have no idea what "authentic" means
4. How the fuck is not wanting to see gore equivalent to saying "I hate this surgery and no one should have it"

you are absolutely dishonest


*Rolls eyes*

stop getting baited you tranny retard

This idpol shit is not lefty, its liberal bullshit. If you need a torture chamber just go to reddit.

u wot

Think this through, m8. If gender's really a spook why can't you just be happy being a guy who likes traditionally feminine stuff or a tomboy if you're a girl? Don't do it.

why cant you stop being a sub90 nigger who makes the shittiest GOD damn posts

Think this is Holla Forumss new strategy: shitposting ultra-identitarian anti-straight and deeply triggering and problematic nonsense and then saying that is real 'leftism'. Have seen a lot of this lately.

gender isn't a social construct. That's some dumb shit libs made up "ahhaaa why don't we let everyone just be every gender why not have a third genderrrr". Trans ppl are still valid.

censor your picture next time, I think I've made my point clear. And stop using "muh self-hate" to rationalise people disagreeing with u.

have you read his 'Material and Empirio-criticism'?

no one brought up stirner

I dunno man, most people wouldnt want to watch tape of themselves being born out of their mom's bloody stretched vagina, doesnt mean they wish they were never born.

I wish I was never born =(

thank mr filter

u wot

It's a book…. by Lenin?

that was my point dummy

not by that name, fo sure

You really want a festering wound for the rest of your life?

I got the name slightly wrong, it's marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1908/mec/

materialism and empirio-criticism

Cuz I feel comfortable in the skin I was born in unlike you, bender.

Do you want to be an insufferable fag for the rest of your life?

Then why do you wanna do it? Lemme council you.

you should feel ashamed for posting so badly. im going to phone your mother and tell her that her son is a shitty poster

Go live in the wilderness you useless fag. What are you doing here on the internet?

I want nothing to do with you

I switched my flag, it was meaningless

Jokes on you, she's already ashamed of me for more reasons than you could possibly imagine.

Yeah, also I'm seeing some flags I didn't even know were available because I never saw anyone use them before this thread. The fuck is anarcho-authoritarian?

I am one of the freudposters, the anfem, the annil, the christcom, the anprim and now bunker, I switch my flags to throw ppl off my trail.


Afroplasm isn't really a black guy. He's a british dude and the other he posted a picture of himself holding The Capital volume 2 and everybody could see he wasn't black…and that he also hates nail clippers.

The feeling's mutual. I still don't think you should go through with it, but should see a head doctor instead and I don't mean that sarcastically in the least bit.

y'know I had to see a head doctor to get access to pills right?

Except all the mods and board volunteers can see your whole post history.

Have you considered just not using a flag?

that doesn't matter, as long as you can't =)



I personally don't care all that much and I'm sure quite a few people don't care either. You can love, fuck and marry any adult you want and you can do whatever you want to your body.

I'd argue that the current obsession amongst certain parts of society with sexual preference and gender, stems from a lack of economic and political freedom. People then look for other outlets to express their individual desires, in the case of some it is their gender and sexual preference. They then channel all their desires into this realm to the point of sheer fetishism and become distracted from the larger, economic problems of society.

My personal concern is that this is happening under capitalism, I'm increasingly concerned that a person's gender is simply going to become another product to be commodified. On this topic I would argue that in time, this current obsession with gender and sexuality will lead to a false individualism. As Oscar Wilde described in his essay 'The Soul of Man Under Socialism', capitalism and its obsession with private property has created an empty form of individualism based on what a person owns and not what they have done, what they strive to be etc. My worry is that gender and sexuality will be reduced to mere objects, to be bought, sold and coveted. To be gained through torturing one's self through overwork, with only the richest in society being able to afford the best of surgeries, with the common man and woman being left with the proverbial scraps.

I'd argue that this stems somewhat from the Fukuyama-ist, cynical view that Neoliberalism is the endpoint of human economic development, that all struggles must now be cultural or social and that we can only strive to make capitalism a little more tolerable here and there. People believe that simply if we were to enshrine in law, rights for those who identify as a different gender or a particular sexual persuasion, all of a sudden the ills of capitalism with dissolve and society will become perfect. I am of course talking of the ideology discussed by Samuel Brittan and Slavoj Zizek, "Capitalism with a human face". This indeed is what sets Holla Forums apart from the Liberal centrists. The problems of oppression or exploitation are not rooted in some abstract social phenomenon, that can be solved by passing a few laws and getting big corporations to adopt progressive hiring policies. I would argue that the majority of people on this board believe that society must be radically changed, a new economic order must be created that satisfies the needs of all and not the few. When our economic needs are satisfied, our social and cultural needs will then fall into place.

there are people who actually believe this on this board

ehehehe every trans folks thread on Holla Forums ends up like this…
The probnlem is with americans "leftists". They don't understand what leftism really is because of their retarded country, so they really struggle understand how conservative the left can be. While they think left is always progressive and shit…
The communist party in my country for instances voted against gay people adopting children in parliament…the right wing party on the other hand, gave freedom to vote for their members and some of them votes in favour, others against.

I am a social conservative, but I am also trans. These two are not contradictory.

Rare colourized photo of Afroplasm flexing in bedtime swag for Holla Forums (circa 11th August 2017)

woahhh woah woah there buddy ur A COMMIE X🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧)

You cannot transition between genders because gender isn't a thing. There is no male or female brain, therefore its all genitals. hormones and XY/XX. Sorry Xirs.


And yet you felt the need to say it.

Thank you.

They have no place in socialism

The state shall provide what is necessary, the people shall create what is beautiful. Read some Oscar Wilde user.


But Wilde was an anarchist:

I perfectly understand that, he desired for the state to be a purely voluntary organisation responsible for the distribution and management of resources rather than as a tool of oppression. Is it hard to believe that this is also something I desire?

1. that's not true, there are countless science articles contradicting that.
2. If there's no m/f brain, and it's all hormones, then I can change my hormones and transition.

Wilde is not as reductionist as that.

But you specifically said you hate gay people

Only the christfags


They are, completely
Unless you're ideologically masochistic

Sarcasm, m8. We've all got freaky shit we're into and we all live it out behind closed doors. Gays and lesbians ain't no different. Still ain't keen on pride rallies and what I consider "propagandizing" though.

only faggots get triggered by transgenders
they can be comrades, can be enemies, identity issues are not defining class struggle, it's class struggle that merely is expressed individually by identity.
the priority is absolutely clear, anyone talking shit about any identity is an idpol faggot either way.

This isn't the first time this has happened. If u don't know how to make trip codes read the FAQ

I've been living as a girl since I was 14, anti androgens until 16, estrogen since then, got an orchiectomy 3 years ago too. I'm 151cm tall and weigh 45kgs, I'm 23 years old.

I'm very happy with myself and I'm very cute too. I have a boyfriend who loves me a lot and I'm a really good student who gets top grades all the time.

Convince me I'm unhappy and should detransition, Holla Forums