Tfw another event happens where proles attack and now kill other proles

I'm starting to genuinely think the antifaggots here and the regular faggots on Holla Forums are either COINTELPRO or victims of it. Interclass conflict between radical, disenfranchised workers is exactly what the state wants to protect itself as things get worse. Every time between when a neo-nazi or a white nationalist kills or attacks an innocent, Capitalism has killed, enslaved, imprisoned, or brutalized a million. Fucking BLM is a better movement than antifa, because at least BLM was directly protesting against the state and its methods, antifa just wants to focus on defeating the evil Other.

Other urls found in this thread:

pretty sure the majority of people here understand that the events that transpired are not revolutionary in any sort of productive way in terms of overthrowing capitalism

As a victim of American imperialism I'm just hoping for you to have another civil war.

let it go, the 'commies' out on the streets love their lefty bourgeois masters and coffee too much to do anything but keep fighting other lower classes.

Sorry, but if you think the Fash is a comrade, you're wrong. Fash is the historically the last ditch defender of capital against socialism, they need to be removed before socialism can happen. This is 20th century leftism 101

1945 will commence again, deal with it faggots
no reason i cant put a bullet in the fash's head and porkys at the same time

Yet almost every thread is talking about it and talking about how to fight back against neo-nazis instead of the fascists in power.

Unless Capitalism is destroyed, imperialism will always exist.

i think neoliberalism is well entrenched on the left. not enough people calling it out. it bothers me more that liberals cling to the center and are allowed to call themselves 'anti fascists' and court the left while not moving to the left in their positions at all. fascists even if irrelevant are still dangerous and ought to be fought wherever, i'm all for that. i just wish people realized how entrenched liberalism was among 'the left' and 'progressives'. its getting old because it makes it hard to know who your real comrades are. the last thing you want is to ally with a liberal, and have them hand over your personal info to the FBI when your little 'antifa' group decides to splinter over some issue when the class struggle intensifies.

I'm not so convinced, I think Nazis are mostly part of the petite-landowning class.

oh yes they are sweetie. I sued to think think the American system was monolithic until a fucking Oompa Loompa became president. Now it's a fucking joke all of it it's power is collapsing internally and externally. This society is crumbling and all it needs is a little nudge


i think identifying as a blood red commie helps to combat this. not couching your politics in 'democratic socialism' or some other nonsense scares off the normies.

porky is going to let you exhaust yourself fighting random nazis on the street and then finish you off after your usefulness is up to maintain the status quo.

I want to gas Jews. No reason I can't gas Jews and gut Porky also. Fascism may by definition mean defender of Capitalism, but in actuality these days Holla Forums has become disillusioned with the evils of the Capitalist status quo cuckery.

Case and point. None of you know who your enemy is. Honestly at this point I'm certain if you all knew better 20% of you would defect to IM or something.

You replaced ethnic tribalism with class tribalism because you think that after you're done you are going to transcend tribalism and make everything fair.


t. Nazbol

Then help to know better and desist your pretentious faggotry. A reasonable compromise, I believe, has already been reached in Asserism, so let's start there.

So are the "antifa" fighting them in order to protect the capitalist state. Majority of them have their slave-labor cell phones and credit cards from mom and dad and will be heading home after picking up some Coke at the store and a mcdouble when they're done for the day.

They're not comrades, they're brainwashed proles. Fascism being a defender of Capital is just pure memery, Fascism has been used opportunistically be Capital but it's never been some grand conspiracy. Focusing on "Fascism" and not the actual authoritarian Capitalism that we exist now is idiocy. LARPers waving fucking tiki torches are the defenders of Capital, the badged thugs with guns are, and they're in no significant danger at the moment.
Absolutely no one is talking or thinking about the second one.

Reactionaries are as dangerous as any other criminal, all of which pales in comparison with state violence.

I know we don't literally live under Fascism, I'm saying it's essentially the same. There doesn't need to be a nationalistic one party dictatorship with a charismatic dictator.

Nazbol seems too tied with Dugin, a jew-lover.

There's literally nothing wrong with disrupting fascist organizations. We need to keep them scattered and disorganized so that when capitalism has its next crisis they will be too weak to seize power.

Best/Quickest I got for you is Slavros' autistic PDF

Lots of people on here who think of themselves as intellectuals have a set view on alternate ideals and philosophies that paint them in ridiculous or untrue lights, fascism included. It's retarded. I see that shit on Holla Forums and IRL too.

If you're going to be opposed to something know it.
So lesson one, which I'm sure will get me banned and garner a million
replies is:
fascism isn't ideology, ideologies are built OFF of it. Fascism is a philosophy that doesn't automatically tie itself to politics nor economics.

The sooner you realize this the better.


So then if Fascism is a philosophy, what does it say? If it's not tied to an economic system, why not tie Fascist philosophy to Communist economy?

We're a year out from any meaningful elections and 3 years away from the big one. there's literally nothing wrong with stomping the fascists

Exactly. These antifascist are not hardened serious communists. They are larpers of the same quality as the torch beards in charlottesville.

There is no cohesion of ideology on the left at all besides the ideology of victimhood. Someone has to be the scapegoat. Better they make it "white people" than capitalists. The nu-left eats it up too.

Some white people get offended and bent out of shape for being maligned all the time and they go to Holla Forums or reddit and they start going down the rabbit hole.

Some fat nerd goes to a rally because "support muh people" gets surrounded by protestors and neckbeards into a crowd.

What does the corporate media say? "White people"!!!! Same fucking playbook they have been using for years. Its wrong. At least the faggots on Holla Forums talk about it openly and dismiss it for what it is.

Once the ominous Nazi villains are eradicated you will realize that was all that even held the left together and it wasn't even true. Your fucking idiots and I'm sick of this shitty site.

wew, I'm sure True Proles(tm) just feed themselves with Whey Protein.

The fascist philosophy (somewhat misleading word, they use worldview which does better but I know would confuse someone) is to adhere to perceived natural order as best as possible and mitigate human abstractions.
It's pretty vague but that's the basest definition/policy of it.
Political fascism builds ideal off of this, so you end up with (I wouldn't call it a utopia) utopian state models like the "Organic State" which is essentially an eternal revolutionary state that is supposed to be designed to act like an organism that changes itself depending on the need of the whole body. It's actually quite interesting.

And you could theoretically tie (non-Marxist) communism to a fascist state. I suppose that sort of commune would just be a more advanced version of a tribe in practice.

Why stomp Fascists when you can stomp Porky WITH Fascists. Both Holla Forums and Holla Forums seek to abolish Capitalism, but of the two only Holla Forums have an actual alternative. Holla Forums is halfway there - it already acknowledges the problem - so give them/us the solution. I already personally know the (Socialist) solution, I just want my Fascist brothers in on the secret.

I doubt even a redditor could be this naive.

Stop redditspacing. Write in proper paragraphs.

Try true socialism faggot. No pretending, benefit your people without lying to yourself that there will be some fancy end state as long as the people submit themselves to a tyrant or (corporate) oligarchy.

Why not a Marxist Communist Fascism?

Who said anything about oligarchy or dictatorship? What about a council of elders?

Marxist theory, or at least Marxist communism implies things like statelessness and equality which fascists don't view as natural.

You're right. Fascism is at it's root reactionary.
You can be a fascist defender of capitalism, racism, or in the case of most of the people destroying the left, a fascist defender of controlled speech.

Council of elders could work, but you can't let them become some kind of an estranged elite.

Lol retard
Go back to Facebook.

Ye, and I mean a Senate under the Council, with the members of both being elected.

So let's write all this out
anything else?

Its amazing how certain you are of yourselves that your ideology is the right one, that you dismiss its blindspots so readily. Despite its global track record, and despite capitalism having more or less defeated it. If capitalism doesn't work it will eventually fail. Not partially like it did recently, but fully. Why not just let it take its course and fail? Economic failing led to the new deal. More economic turmoil should lead to more socialism which should according to the far left "lead to" communism. So then why not just let the structural fallacies of capitalism collapse in on itself?

Sorry, long day of work. Just a Senate as the governing body.

No capitalists, nor materialists of any kind, will ever conquer truth.

Socialism has been actively sabotaged by capitalists every time it has been tried. If I give you a test on a subject and then deliberately change your answers to make you fail is that reflective on you as a person?

Are you trying to write a fantasy novel or an actual political system user?

They dismiss it for what it is. a mirage. The act of forfeiting your individual property in favor of equality has got to be the most laughable parlor trick ever. It requires a level of trust and incorruptibility that humans are not capable of. That is the glaring problem with marx. Sure at smaller scales collectivism is perhaps sustainable but when you start looking at large scale collectivism the variables make it impossible to manage without authoritarianism.

Uh, I guess I'm just reinventing the wheel when S trasserism already exists. "Take from the Right Nationalism without Capitalism, and from the left Socialism without Globalism" and all that.

If by "abolishing capitalism" you're referring to the removal of jews and any others you deem undesirable from positions of power, while maintaining white capitalists, then sure.

That's not Holla Forums you're thinking of white nationalists, who also think fun is fine as long as it's whites doing it.

Marxists don't advocate for taking away people's personal property, they advocate for abolishing private property. Taking away everyone's individual property would be bad, but nobody wants to do that. Private property is property that you yourself don't use, but instead use to make a profit. An example: owning a house that you live in would be fine, owning a house that you charge people to live in isn't.

You have no fucking idea what the truth is you fucking tendie dipping, lace curtain, communist dipshit.

Communists are materialists
Watch your fire private!

No. Capitalism is what they "oppose" (They do not know that to a 100% degree yet, but they understand the gist).

I too oppose Jews and disease carriers, but that's it.

Holla Forums doesn't want whites to become minorities in their own countries. It shouldn't even be seen as a farfetched request because it isn't. Why don't you just convince them that capitalism is canibalizing their countries ethnic cultures? I mean thats what mass immigration is about. Cheap labor.

pomo pol pomo pol
truth is subjective my mind is smol

Lol, i insist you make a thread just mentioning your interest in Asser and witness how many times you get called a jew, bolshevik, traitor, etc.

I'm not the Asser guy

There should be no convincing, it's simply true.
Why do you think the capitalists are so pro-open borders and try to make everyone the same? Migrant workers are cheap.
Hell I live in a state where they ship in Mexicans and pay them next to nothing, if any are smart enough to protest they get turned in to ICE.
If you report these activities ICE *might* go round up a couple. Govt agencies are bought.

It's a big game.

What's in a name? I'm not advocating S trasserism wholesale, of course not, because all systems can be improved. All that needs to be done is to recalibrate the balance of Fascism and Communism within the S trasserism, and then rebrand it.

And it's also why they want everyone to become mutts. They're true believers in racial intelligence theory, the int. capitalkikes.
Easier to exploit browns than whites.

That's irrelevant. You're proposing the majority of Holla Forums is sympathetic to actual socialism and yet as i have said, you'll be called a cuck on Holla Forums for being even to the left of the Hitlerite faction in the Nazi party.

This is objectively false because Holla Forums has a common goal which it seeks to accomplish.

Its not just neckbeards spouting the same 20 talking points all the time. It engages in campaigns to fight against things it perceives to undermine what are in the interests of the board and its participants. This entire screenshot is a low level meme that pretends to really cut through the bullshit but in reality is just bullshit.

except that it kind of is

I never said that, I only agreed most are anti-capitalist.
Since when was the definition of socialism
Wouldn't the opposition come naturally in a socialist system anyway?
(the answer is yes)

Anyway fuck that retarded
Shit. It's obvious socialism and capitalism are opposing. But neither are involved with their definitions.

This is objectively false because Holla Forums has a common goal which it seeks to accomplish.

Its not just neckbeards spouting the same 20 talking points all the time. It engages in campaigns to fight against things it perceives to undermine what are in the interests of the board and its participants. This entire screenshot is a low level meme that pretends to really cut through the bullshit but in reality is just bullshit.

That's bullshit and you know.
Or maybe you don't and you're a sheltered pussy who's never browsed.

Wow ha ha ha ha. Where would I even begin.

Then yet another compromise is necessary. If Holla Forums is to be interested in Socialism, Holla Forums will be required to desist defending Jews. An anti-Semitic S trasserism will appeal to both.

Actual socialism not Marxist socialism. I told you watch your fucking fire.

If they're not even open to Straser how are they as anti-capitalist as you claim them to be?

There have always been counter-revolutionaries.

It's not one person. But in order to make that shitty screenshot valid it would need to be. Holla Forums has a variety of posters but I still stand by the statement it collectivizes and accomplishes goals when it wants to. So that postmodernist shit is a meme. Sometimes they just sit around posting merchant memes too. Either way the argument in that screenshot is wrong.

We already don't defend jewish capitalists.

Truly, the only thing keeping Holla Forums from accepting true Socialism is the fact that it's seen as too Jewish. Just ramp up anti-Status quo sentiments there, make them MAD at Capitalism (EZPZ since Capitalism already commodifies stuff we Holla Forumslacks value, and give them an anti-Semitic Socialism.

Did you actually read the screenshot? He doesn't talk about Holla Forums not doing shit, just that it's pomo due to it being feels over reals


It's already been said that gassing Jews and gutting Porky aren't mutually exclusive. We help you gut Porky and achieve Socialism and in exchange you give us the Jews.

Again, Asserism already claims to be just that and yet my point about the majority of Holla Forums detesting it stands but fuck it, don't take my word for it, ask your fellow Holla Forumsacks.

There's plenty of true socialists on Holla Forums naturally
(cough cough NutSac cough cough s tr asserists)

You've never met true revolutionaries.
Revolutionaries don't announce their plans, they act.
Fascists are doing a better job at bringing about their goals than any keyboard warriors on this board.

Not really. S trasserism only opposed Jews for economic reasons. We just tinker with it a little to make it anti-Semitic enough.

Prolly the best method. Make them realize muh d.egeneracy really stems from capitalism. Alienation, depression, the erosion of traditional societies, erosion of family values, mass flooding of immigrants, rampant materialism, all of it done in the name of cheap labor and the promotion of consumerism. Might be a thread that can be tugged here

Make one? I would but on mobile so can't.

This shit started right after occupy. Its pretty obvious honestly. They've been forcing the deeply triggering and problematic and neo nazi since 2009. Ruling class have been using the race trick since the begining of civilization, and it works every fucking time.

I have a feeling i already know what "enough" is for you.

Ohoho, you really got us there, you poz cummies.

By the by, I don't know whether you're using 'true socialist' in the sense that Engels used it - i.e. as a pisstake - or whether you're just being loose with terminology.
Tighten up boy or I won't even be able to nut.

That's a fair line of reasoning, until you recognise that communists intend to provide the material basis for indefinite indulgences, which will engender alienation and degeneration for peculiar reasons of its own.

I can't accept that deprivation or scarcity is the singular source of degeneration, we see already that certain forms of 'abundance' can have disturbing effects on how we behave.

That's just an aside. Capitalism does need to be superseded, I'm simply not confident that the solution has been established.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Get your head out of your ass.

You might but I wager I know how much anti-Capitalism is "enough" for you.

*Marx used it

Confused German Ideology with Anti-Duhring.

Negroes aren't filthy or evil, they've just got a fucking massive sack of potatoes on their shoulder and an obligation to one up us whenever possible.
Fonias negron like you won't understand.

I mean by Socialism the "For use" mode of production. That's all.

Not necessarily scarcity that leads to degen. It's simply an active subversion by the system itself to promote materialism and thus consumerism. We lose sight of meaningful things that make us happy and fill the void with purchases, objects and property.
And as for communism, biggest reason I am an ancom is because it places huge emphasis on the community. IMO big factor in the degradation of society is the fostering of the individual over society. In medieval times community was life, whereas now we are pitted against one another in competition, be it business or for jobs. On the contrary communist society would foster strong relationships, pride in your craft (through democratic control of the means of production) and foster community organization, such as communal kitchens and gardens. IMO I feel best about my place in the world when I take place in community events, see myself in the bigger picture, meet people, etc. and since Ancoms care a lot about direct democracy, community politics would bring people together for discussion and debate by placing more emphasis on town halls and public forums, like we used to do in europes earlier history

Its tribalism none the less.

If anything they would hurt the left even more

Strengthen, more like.

Nah, I meant specifically 'true socialism'.
Marx was a real shit sometimes, he was wow rude.

The pursuit of what makes us happy has led down this road. We work hard for it, and when we get it, it is ultimately unsatisfactory. Happiness is a treadmill, not a lasting condition, ultimately.

Personally I wouldn't say that fetish objects are wholly bad things, nor are they chaff that fills a void. People can derive great comfort or strength from these objects, because they are just - oddly enough - 'alienated' extensions of yourself, which can change and even 'grow'. Personal, intimate and exclusive relationships with objects are one of the few things we have left, now that most other relations are ground down, yet its fashionable to consider all objects disposable and unimportant, which seems a ghoulish way to live.

Community is, I agree, something absolutely precious, but I can't see how you can have that sort of town hall organisation in a community of all humans, its one of these 'friend to all' situations.
Its because of this that I maintain the value of exclusion, even an anarchist commune would have to practice the exclusion - perhaps even liquidation - of the propertied.
I see more hope in 'regenerating' the bonds of nationality into something spartan and fraternal than in battering out new 'nations' among the ruins of a totally smashed capitalist system -
hell, I'm not entirely certain that the end of capitalism will come at the hands of the working class, at this point is as likely to go down under a horrific tide of immiserated lumpen barbarism worse than the collapse of Rome.

Such a society as I regard to be most free and most amenable to the fullest realisation of individual life through a participatory community would be poor, granted that this isn't the 'world republic' the old socialists dreamed of, but equitable distribution of power should check inequality between 'homoioi' within a discrete, autonomous community.
I think a modest fare equally shared is better than grotesque inequality predicated on a hierarchical division of labour, community can't exist under those circumstances, as I'm sure we all know.

Sorry if anything is vulgarised, its actually been a long time since I talked shop. Haven't been here for years.


They can convince other Nazis.
I stupidly proselytised a Holla Forumsack back when I was in SA, and now he's gone and set up a branch in a different town, has about as many bodies as my old branch did XD
Don't tell Holla Forums pls

Really made me think.