Fuck antifa. Let's do our own thing

This is hardly a controversial opinion on leftypol, but I'm most definitively not the only one that is fucking sick and tired of being represented by a bunch of radlibs, vegans and idpozzed junkies.

Their entire reason of being is just a kneejerk reaction to le evil RAYCISSS, failing to see fascism, ultranationalism and racial discrimination as problems that arise inevitably from capitalism as tools of class collaboration.

They have completely failed to provide an anticapitalist answer to far right identitarian politics, and instead engage in the liberal spectacle of progressive vs conservative idpol, where any discussion about class is immediately drowned by moralism about not caring enough about muh intersectionality/muh blood and soil.

That is why I suggest we bring class back to politics. That we try to frame political discourse not in the false dichotonomy of progressivism vs traditionalism or any such bullshit, but rather of class politics in opposition to identitarian collaborationism.

The political climate in America is polarizing more and more. If all we have to represent us are self-flagellating liberals deeply enthroned in the vampire's castle, then the average person is going to be turned down from actual leftist politics, as all that aforementioned shit is what has been sticking to the surface, because identity is the only thing that is allowed to be discussed and promoted in this late capitalist hell.

Not only should we actively oppose supremacist movements from whites, but from blacks as well (like Nation of Islam and the New Panthers) plus liberal bullshit, but we should try to spread this movement to support protesting workers everywhere like during strikes. Let's really brainstorm this fucker.

pic related if all of you are really on board with this.

Nigger if you think doing anything will end up getting us nowhere no matter what and there really is nothing we can do, then why even bother complaining about in the first place.

Other urls found in this thread:


Not OP, but posted this in another thread
We don't have the numbers to do our own thing, but we do have the numbers to make influence on groups of our choosing with enough effort. None of this meme war crap, we need to make sure that we direct people to firearms and theory.

I mean there are enough idpozzed libs that can actually physically manifest into a movement, why can't we do the same thing? Let's try to build a physically tangible movement.'

Fucking Bingo negro.

Antifa are based, go kill yourself faggot

Shoo FBI. Shoo. What the fuck have antifa achieved in terms of actually building a socialist movement? Fucking Zero. Null. Nada.

We are the Union of Egoists. We are my property. We can always forgive. We can always forget. Expect our individual interests.


We should honestly remain independent of each other, look at what happens every time imageboard users team up.
Our best bet is actually going out there and getting the radlibs and antifa reading books and getting armed. I don't really buy that LARPers can't get shit done, pretty much everyone in America is a massive LARPer, it's unavoidable. We can't complain that they're not doing what we want them to do when we won't give them the information and knowledge we have because we don't like them.

I'm down. How do we start?

they've radicalized a lot of fence sitting liberals who have finally realised you can't beat power without power, and are now a lot less squeamish about using violence to fight the right

European antfia is, American antifa is fucking pathetic from what I've seen.

I thought it was funny user

All we need as an identity and an objective, we don't have to necessarily organize in real life.


sage for double post

Well, I am Euopean. I hope your crew step it up

The identity is the problem, we can't coalesce around something new or it will be coopted by feckless chancers like the alt-right (which the savvier members on Holla Forums warned against).
leftypol should have an agenda to radicalize and arm Americans, and to infiltrate any currently active group of relevance and attempt to steer it ever further left.

Except that's not what the post I was replying to said. I agree with OP.

the Kekistan shit was created by a liberal to begin with, I don't see how that proves anything.

Antifa needs to be normalised. Americans need to know it's okay to beat the shit out of fascists. It should be legalised.

They were plenty ridiculous before kekistan, kekistan was just the icing on the kek (typo, leaving it in) that made them beyond parody.

kys lad

I think we could gain a lot of ground by emphasizing the separation from both sides of the identity politics yin-yang. I've noticed that a lot of the Holla Forums posters here seem to think that liberals = communists, and that we share the exact same views. I hate to sound like a Asserite, but maybe painting ourselves as a "third way" could be beneficial. People need to know that we're not liberals.

Also, nice pics OP. I like the aesthetic.

im actually working on making a multimedia site, sort of like a egoist anarchist breitbart but not as ugly. do you wanna join in?

no worker fetishism allowed tho

I like this, let's do this.

Those are some good posters OP. Did you make them?

that's because Holla Forums was missing the "objective" part.
but I think all in all they still echo of 1488, we need something like that

I don't think joining up as as a group with one explicit modernist goal like the right and left liberal activists are is helpful to what we want to achieve. But there is nothing counterproductive with coming together to stand and declare the left in the 21st century as something radical and distinct from the mcpolitics that try to co opt some of our rhetoric today.

If you're really going to do this, at the very least get /fit/, draw in older people, and screen for SJWs. When people see pasty, skinny teenagers with neon hair it just reaffirms the right's and the public's perception of far-left ideology as a refuge for the pathetic.

Hey OP, bit nitpicky I know, but the posters alternate between and and or ie
I think and sounds better and is clearer tbh. Also make sure to keep some white versions around because red paper>10 tonnes of red toner.

Didn't we have some kind of leftist media group where people worked together before?

America itself is a LARP.

this is dumb
im certainly not a ANTIFA supporter or some stupid shit but at the end of it their some useful foot soldiers like in Charleston for instance

we are more effective at least as a solid group. having a few based anarchists in a group of 30 liberal activists doesnt do anything but either get the anarchist kicked out or have the liberals gain one more member to distribute their propaganda.

the main problem is people are so thoroughly class cucked that they cannot concieve of an alternative to the politics that is presented to them. i think it's obvious that there is an appetite for an alternative that seriously deals with the problems of liberal capitalism. Our goal should simply be to shout out our message as broadly and loudly as possible everywhere we can. With the internet there is no excuse why we can't do this anymore.

Well my problem is largely that the physical manpower pool is going to be greatly cut down due to half this board being outside the USA, then even moreso by half the board being broke and unable to travel far in the USA itself. We don't want a 4pol situation where we get blobbed by the inevitable containment zone we create to organize all the members we recruit to make up for the lack of leftypol presence. Not to mention the problem with the feds lurking here.
And as says, the majority of imageboard users tend to be pretty underwhelming IRL. This is why I personally thought distributing leaflets with required literature and local gun guides would be a better step.

yeah those were priestly leftists trying to make a magazine to "teach" people about past leftist movements and ideas. Total waste of time. It's the 21st century. The time go preaching about dated ideologies with the same talking points that have been heard by people has gone.

we still need a solid symbol and a solid name
also a clear goal, I think it should be to crucify anybody who suggests class collaboration.

There isn't any need to meet up in person and certainly there is no need to go around passing out fucking leaflets or books like a bunch of assholes. All media should at least start out online. Videos and animation with subversive aesthetic to get people's attention and to stand out. Think like OPs pics and even something like Million Dollar Extreme. All physical media should be plastered up on walls over signs and covering other posters. Our goal shouldnt be to offer information that people don't care about. It should be to attack the liberal media and culture everywhere we can. This will inevitably lead to attention and curiosity in itself.

btw OP what font did you use?

Well from my perspective, we already have the group: leftypol. We don't want to drive people here, we want to drive our ideology outwards, so if we use leftypol as not just a place for theory (kek) but as a place for sharing tips on converting people (they call it overturning in sales) and creating leaflets, literature, and strategy, we don't need a new group. We can individually target people who are at rallies, political meetings, and when you get good at it maybe even someone receptive to ideas you meet out in the street.
So instead of leftypol organizing a group for IRL activities, have leftypol be the resource pool for people doing stuff. So you can take a few friends down to a rally as ACTA, and hand out whatever you want, maybe be on a megaphone telling people something other than campfire chants for once, and having chats with people who aren't all in but are on the left side of the barricade anyway.

I am pretty sure what OP is proposing will lead to that.
Kek not handing out books you fucking idiot I mean little A5 pieces of paper with protips. I'm talking about leaflets explaining the states gun laws and recommending guns for purchase, and another leaflet with essential dummie leftists texts links, since the problem is clearly that people don't have the initiative to figure out this information for themselves.

are these good so far?

I'd say you need to back it up with an explanation like the 4th pic in the OP

Why not 'LARP'?
'Live Action Revolutionary Party'.
I get that Rebel Media is lame and all but the bold cheesiness of the name 'Proud Boys' tickles me, I think we should go for something at least slightly humorous since shit is so stuffy and up its own ass right now.

Humor is a handy way of signalling that we can talk as well as fight, bear in mind that a tonne of posters here originally came from Holla Forums.
The image of the left right now is priggish, puritanical and sort of busybody, can we have action groups that are allowed to have fun?

how about

fuck off we are already the ACTA

I think we all know what time it is.

I don't get it

Dope idea man. Can flypaste these posters

who made these ?

they almost make my benis hard
they are perfect

It doesn't make any sense. Half of the American left are class traitors, why would you call your formation 'anti class traitor action' when half of your mass is going to be pbs and academics?

Start banding up with likeminded leftists, alienated coworkers, friends, lumpen, unionists, people from your hood. People you might think are interested because:

The purpose of this is not to be just some secret imageboard club, the role leftypol and individual leftypol members is is to coordinate, to be the initial wave of people that get this thing started. What we to start is a decentralized movement that spans all of the USA

Yes, what we need to do right now is build our numbers, spread awareness through posters, internet shit (no kekistan SHADILAY MY FELLOW REDDITOR type shit), and when we have enough we engage in more tangible actions.

Yes, to anybody that is wondering, I AM TALKING ABOUT AMERICAN ANTIFA. Amerifats are so shit at leftist politics, they need a complete makeover. Completely cleansed from liberal socjus shit.

Fuck Yes. Put that on a poster.

I'm thinking we should make symbols from workers tools for each of the 50 american states.
What's wrong with ACTA? Makes us sound all official and shit.

Will do.


I know I sound like a fucking conservative grandma going all caps on some things, but I'm just doing it for emphasis.

that's the whole fucking point of the movement, dumbass

Me. I didn't draw these images, I just edited them with GIMP

I call it "Proletarian readymade"

So what, you're trying to lustrate the left?
Not actually that bad an idea, good luck with it, I doubt it'll go anywhere since the pbs and tfwtoointelligentsia are pretty much in the pilot's seat.
How do you intend on getting rid of them without crashing this plane etc.

do States have a designated tool I don't know about or something? or do we make it up ourselves?

what is the pbs?

This is weak. Not only do people not have the initiative to not find out themselves, THEY DON'T CARE. That's the point. How do you feel when some religious nut tries to hand you some brochure about jesus? I don't know about you but the fact that they are standing there giving it to me makes me not want it. It makes me not take them very seriously. It ultimately doesn't make me respect what they are doing. You can't offer something to people. You have to force it upon them. Put it up in places and situations whee they WILL see it regardless of if they want to or not. The aim is to make them want to look into it themselves by shoving it in their face, not to offer it to them meekly. Tone should always be confrontational, and subversive. You dont want to appear like every other group out there trying to proselytize

nice work fag. ought to start a twitter (ugh shit) or a failbook to spam the normies with eh ?
id follow that for sure, maybe even try to help even tho I'm not a usafag

Well Marx didn't use the leftist label to begin with, so we were always the third way.

If this means assacinating random CEO’s and CIA agents I support it.

I'm thinking go by the flagship industry of each State, for example Oregon produces a lot of lumber, Texas produces a lot of Oil.

Have fun with these images. Remember Octin Stencil font. White for printable posters and Populist Red for Internet images lads.

We ignore them. If we have to deal with them, we antagonize them. Why? Because they aren't fucking leftists. They're liberals.

In order to get this thing on a good track, we need to stop mingling with college students, unless some individuals are anti idpol then of course. I'd say this board is 50/50 workers and students. Workers should refer to this post and university students should reach outside of the areas frequented by other students, think something like community centers, purposefully go out of your way to appeal to people that you'd think would be most sympathetic to this message of pro labor anti identity leftism

That's because that's what you would do you idiot, and it's wrong. I've worked in street sales so I actually know how to approach people on the street and to convince them to do stuff. You don't stand there, leaflets in hand, like a Jehovo dipshit asking people if they've by any chance heard of Jesus Christ. You have two leaflets, a gun leaflet, and a reading leaflet (which links to an album of all state gun leaflets and this leaflet).
1) Spot unarmed black bloc member/worker (liberals will bog you down, move on between these)
2) Approach, ask him why he's not armed, make small talk
3) Hand him gun leaflet and tell him guns are cheap and it's his right to own one (If he's not from this state skip to X)
4) Conversation ensues
5) Hand him second leaflet, if he acts a bit incredulous about the unspoken implication that he doesn't know theory, merely point out it's a link to all of the gun leaflets
This is a cost effective and quick way to have multiple people arming themselves

No. People have been doing this for decades with no effect.

That isn't antifa, that is the majority of the western Left. I'm on board with exiting the vampire castle, but we have to realize a big obstacle will be our "comrades" that are likely better entrenched than us in existing organizations and will have far more influence than us. We have the material conditions for radicalization and I suggest we start by forming gun clubs or reading groups or other casual organizations that appeal to disaffected workers or students. Fostering a sense of community and solidarity is important as well, judging by the feels on this board and personal experience in real life quite a few proles are alienated from others by the daily grind of wage labor and capitalism has "solved" this with hookup apps that let you simulate a relationship by fucking for an hour or so,

If you aren't throwing shit in the street to slow down cop cars and aut-right battering rams you're an idiot. After yesterday I don't see how this would controversial at all.

i have autism

Fuck I was going to go back and change this to what is actually 5, but I thought there would be more steps. It probably does need padding out in between but I'm tired as fuck and can't think of anything right now.


Yes and despite your reddit spacing you didn't have any solutions in how to deal with them. The idpol brigade could easily infiltrate and render impotent any hypothetical organization we could form, assuming they didn't use their reach to get us branded nazi entryists and destroy the fledgling group outright. If we do not have a plan to deal with them we are fucked from the getgo and might as well embrace the armchair.

Literally everything youve just said has been done ad naseum. It doesn't fucking work.

and also

2) Approach, ask him why he's not armed, make small talk
3) Hand him gun leaflet and tell him guns are cheap and it's his right to own one (If he's not from this state skip to X)
4) Conversation ensues
5) Hand him second leaflet, if he acts a bit incredulous about the unspoken implication that he doesn't know theory, merely point out it's a link to all of the gun leaflets

What the fuck is this? There is literally no way to go about this without looking like a total sperg. It is also completely unrealistic and ineffective in the real world. The goal should simply be to get people exposed to a real alternative beyond the right and left liberals. Not to fucking go up and talk to someone about guns like some weird gun missionary.

I also dont see how it's cost effective to have groups of people going around with leaflets compared to targeted multimedia campaigns. You need non spergs to do your thing and actual physical resources. My thing only needs multimedia assets with a minimum of people to spread.

I'm actually the guy that started that thread bitching to the mods to purge redditors and namefags a few weeks ago but sure comr8

I'm sorry nigger but the OP was just a call to action. I was thinking if this gets enough traction in leftypol then I'd make an ACTA and Anti-Idpol Leftist General. But if you want me to answer you right now then sure (inb4 le reddit spacing XDDDDDD):

Okay first of all don't be disingenous, idpolers aren't some sort of monolithic organization. Second of all, they wouldn't join period because we'd be triggering and excellent brocialists.
The point is to break way from their stagnating pool of bullshit in the first place and make our own thing. If they don't like us then fuck em. They're a bunch of crazy SJWs, nobody is going to listen to them besides others SJWs, and in any case that's whats desirable, that they stay the fuck away from us.

Also don't kid yourself, the left in the United States doesn't hold any power whatsoever so I can't really see what they could do to us. If we were to get excommunicated then I don't see how that would have any effect on us outside of their little community.

Antifa is more recognisable. It doesn't matter that there are LARPers, it's how you use the banner.

But we'd be lost in the idpol. For every 1 of us there's 10 radlibs.

Bullshit, libs are getting tired of idpol and scared shitless of fascists, this is how we convert them to class warfare

When the fuck do I sign up?

Then we just have to count our numbers and bring 10x the bodybags

Defeatist af. I doubt idpolers would join an explicitly anti-idpol org my dude.

Interested to see where this goes.

No, but their goals and tactics are similar enough to count as one.

Some of them will be fine with some of it and we'll get ecelebs who join for the edge and push for idpol because tolerance.

They have far more reach within "alternative" media and existing spaces for leftists, if they were to brand us brocialist heretics or whatever the first thing people would see when looking into us is that we're all crypto-nazis who want to make women sex slaves. That will kill recruitment outside of edgy faggots. We need a preemptive response to destroy that narrative, ignoring them and hoping that won't strangle us is a recipe for failure.

Perhaps something with this dante quote?

We could point out that they're trampling free speech and giving preferential treatment to 'oppressed identities' therefore forming hierarchy and reproducing conditions of muh privilege.

Most people dont actually agree with SJW talking points, even college students. It just seems that way because the radlibs have co opted the radical left meme. So to be against it would seem to be reactionary. Call them out for what they are, unabashedly. People instincitvely know the idpol left is bullshit.

Better, imo, to stick with old Union and IWW slogans

You really don't know about American antifa do you? Most of them are theoryless individualist anarkiddies that want to "dismantle patriarchie", "end transphobia" and "destroy white muh privilege". A lot of people have been moving to the left and the right from disenfranchisement, what we need to do is move beyond these identitarian platitudes and create a class based movement that can actually create a socialist movement

Get your friends, get your coworkers. Stay the fuck way from Unis and places where idpol abounds for recruitment. Make a symbol for your state.

The other guy was suggesting that we just joined antifa instead making a explicit anti idpol organization.

I don't what to sound like a faggot but what we need right now is not only fitting aesthetic but also substance.

That is why we explicitly recruit outside of idpol breeding grounds like Unis.

What? Like the 10 fucking people that read counterpunch? This is what you're not getting. Their movement is going absolutely nowhere. Its all LBGTQDOWQNDOQWKND+ Liberation and ending CIS WHITE muh privilege bullshit. We need to create something completely new.

geez these are words and kiddos gonna grow up sooner or later

Unis are sheltered from material conditions, unless the student is taking his 3-4th try and trying to scramble money in between. US doesn't get another try because of debt.

Then let's get those big boy shoes ready for when the time comes

aye, aye

Fucking NOICE. Don't forget ACTA and "Anti Class Traitor Action"

oh yeah woops.


Well, that's it for me for the day. Have a good night gomrades.


he's implying it's time to split, hence the trot flag

This….autistic alt right act like macho backwood renegades but get triggered like tumblrinas .

Just throw diwn onbthe streets

If you look at I think we have to take some measures to make sure the movement isn't usurped by right wing trolls.
I think something as simple as a code word would work. Like the member would ask "what is morality?" and the responder would say something like "a phantasm" or "a spook".
This could be used over any form of social media really, and IRL if it even gets that far. Thoughts?


Running over CIAniggers that glow in the dark.

this is a bit nit-picky, but could you move the hyphen to make it "Anti Class-Traitor Action"? as it is now, it reads as traitor action that is anti class

Or we just arm ourselfs like the black panthers with 50 cal rifles to hit the engine block.

this isn't about larping against the alt right, that's what antifa is for. This is about creating an actual revolutionary socialist movement, not participating in the meme war.

Sure, tomorrow morning.

it's of no use but to come out as nihilist edgelord

"race is a spook" sounds better

If it does get traction it might turn into Some oppressed group like the zengakuren. Cointelpro is lurking here.

The American left could benefit a lot from a charismatic speaker that caught the public's attention and helped push the Overton window. The problem is, the press would ignore their existence unless they did publicity stunts.

Join action front

This is embarrassing. Please kill yourself OP.


What's wrong with it

So set the group up with some form of charter speficially banhammering all forms of anything vaguely idpol and an incredibly high bar to alter said charter.

You mean they'll do exactly what reddit did when they became aware of the existence of this board? You'll note that the Holla Forums userbase has grown despite this.


What do you think lads. White and black design for easier printing, but we keep the red letters for the aesthetic. I will concede though, we do need a better name, one that shows that this isn't meant to be reactive but rather constructive

That's why we keep membership selective and small, but do a lot of noise not only in real life but also in the internet and social media. No meme war cancer.

Stop being an insecure little bitch.


I think the red could be used for those who have cardstock printer paper (which isn't hard to find)

I found a better top hat. I think this'll be the final version. Also fixed the interpolation on some of the fonts

Deleting all the other ones to avoid spamming.

These are tight as fuck, dude.
I'm going to use pic related in a youtube video about making and distributing propaganda for normies. Might use some of yours as well.

Using monopoly man as it strikes recognition of capitalist greed with normies.

I had an idea for a poster. On the left side it'd read "If you want there to be more women or minorities part of the 1% instead of overthrowing the 1%: YOU ARE A CLASS TRAITOR", and on the right side it'd read "If you support the oppression of the working class as long as the oppressors are white and minorities are oppressed more than you: YOU ARE A CLASS TRAITOR", and underneath both would read "DO NOT BE A CLASS TRAITOR fight for the freedom of ALL members of the working class"

I dunno, might be a little too heavy handed.

Maybe a short explanation of surplus labor extraction would be better than just making a statement.

Earlier scrapped idea.

Can you repost the one you had where the top hat was solid? I just missed saving it before you deleted it.

here's a gallery

Well these would be a part of a series of items throughout the location of interest. I think subtle is better.

meant to attach pic related. Forgot my shitposting flag and everytthing. I'm fucking out of it today.

Nice. Thanks!. I might include these with my drop items.

heres another scrapped idea. I'm going for seeds in typically blue collar areas, nothing to overtly lefty. Just relatable propaganda.

This is wrong, though. Labour creates CEOs.

Is this parody, I can't tell anymore

How does it? regardless how would you word it?

I know this is borderline racist, but I don't think the people who see this will care.

I wonder. Try reading Marx, matey

it is not labor that creates CEOs, but rather the present mode of production


is there a problem?

topkek that's pretty funny. I think most working class people would laugh at that and make it stick in their mind.


Faggot did I mention violence anywhere? The purpose of this is to build, not to break anything.

I also want to clarify that the US is really going through no trajectory other than violence. But all in its due time.

wow lmao you're the only person who should kill themselves for having such a fucking shit opinion.

It's a good opinion though

kys cointelpro

Sweet hullabaloo. Now this I can get behind. Finally focusing on the root of all problems, instead of the detritus leaves.

I wanted to add something as someone who's been annoying the shit out of people with marxist flyers and stuff: in Europe, we do it in front of schools.
No police to fuck up your activity, no dumb fucks interrupting you or calling you a commie, it's just you, your partner and a whole horde of students.
Plus, those flyers spread really fast inside schools, because there will always be idiots who will throw them on the ground, and pretty much bringing it everywhere.
There was one time where the whole school was completely tinted in red and the hammer and sickle was covering every inch of it.
It was hilarious, but at the same time, they CAN'T not notice it that way.

How the fuck is this racist at all?
You should make one about sex/gender too.

In the US there are sometimes cops at schools. Usually because of paranoid parents who are afraid of a school shooting. If they see some random guy on school grounds putting up some shit, they'll basically pause everything and call the cops.

I hate the opposition-identity. That means the root of my identity is fashism.

What's wrong with Antifa exactly? Calling out white supremacy isn't idpol. You sound like another triggered class reductionist.

we're gonna need a proper drawfag for that, I can't do hair.

Holy shit you really showed him.

And I thought that yugoposters can't get any worse.

Proper drawfag here, at your service. I'm not going to take the time to read this whole thread, so tell me what you need.

Make Monopoly Man into Monopoly Woman

We should start coming up with leaflet ideas. I'm thinking we tailor them to our respective regions and their economies. I, for instance, live in a Midwestern Rust Belt state with a strong union presence so I'm thinking that the theme for the Rust Belt should be attacking so called "Business Unionism" in favor of radical unionism and for unionizing non union workplaces.

You sound like another reformed Holla Forumsyp that thinks he has something to say now cause he saw the light.

Literally nobody said that. Focus you stupid fucks.

Again what's wrong with Antifa. Their explicit rejection of white supremacy hurt your fee fees. Either larping or trying to splinter popular Anti fascist sentiment that rising right now.

*you are either

Shut.the.fuck.up.about.Antifa. Are you literally incapable of doing anything productive?

They're shit and filled with liberals. Class reductionism has nothing to do with why people are all of the sudden saying "well holy shit this is a good idea" it's because modern U.S. ANTIFA has been absolutely lackluster in anything and everything while at the same time getting a terrorist organization label because they're easy to publicize negatively and cringey as fuck.

because they are just that: antifa. not an inherently leftist organization and definitely not anti-idpol
plus their media accounts are run by right-wing trolls. if ACTA ever became popular it would not be in the Nazis' favor.

this. Nazis thrive on idpol and that's exactly what 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Antifa🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 gives them.

What about media presence? Having an arm which routinely produces some sort of media is going to be extremely beneficial and it's probably what many leftist orgs lack currently.


I don't think you realize how large the U.S. is

Media propaganda negates that.

I live in the United States. This is about localized activism. We'll be shut out of whatever media platform.

That's a largely unbacked assertion, and media propaganda isn't supposed to be propaganda which specifically targets the people on the medium. It's to supplement the local activism with a broader reach and message.


These are some great images. In the first image could you please change the last 'or' to an 'and' so it makes more sense? I don't know what font you used.

If these were white I would put them all over my town. It'd be easy to print and paste.

You really thing that the radical left will be given a platform?

I like the idea of axes cutting down the fascist bundle of sticks. What about old guns? There was an anarchist pistol designer in old Spain. Shotguns and small .22 rifles have a familiar image to normal people and and don't use more costly imported rounds like costly AKs do.

The only real problem with these is the "ACTA" was a name for a an internet censorship law that people protested in mass against a few years ago. It needs a different acronym.

It's actually "SOPA" and "PIPA" that you're thinking of.


No. Those were the second iteration of ACTA when ACTA failed to pass the first time because of zero public support for it.


It's alright man. Politicians frequently rename laws and push them through again when they don't pass the first time.

So yeah, farming and work tools are great, older rifles would also match the look, them being on white is really great.
The acronym needs to change, these are great otherwise.

Get the fuck out of here

What do you guys think of this idea though?

Comrade can you do me a favor? Can we get a waiter Pepe beating the shit out of one of those
kaki and polo wearing faggots from the protest?

European antifa consider anyone who criticizes islam to be fascists. They're trash.

In regaurds to

I have these.

Bretty good bretty good. Let's make leaflets and posters that people can spread around to the public.

And to answer your shitty attempt at disruption, I despise white supremacy. I don't think there's anything more stupid about than being proud about your arbitrary genetics.

My problem is that antifa has absolutely failed to provide a class solution far right politics, participating in a spectacle of progressivism vs conservatism that does nothing to challenge capitalism and thus maintaining the structure that generates fascism and racism alive in the first place.

But of course you wouldn't know that because you don't fucking read. Now either get the fuck back to Reddit or don't bother us and try to get a promotion some other way by sucking your Intelligence officer's cock.

This is what COINTEL fucking PRO looks like people.

Good shit man. Although I think we should refrain from using past socialist symbols like the Circle A and the Hammer and Sickle. We're the Communists of the 21st Century. We need a new Aesthetic.

fugg I made a spelling mistake

set the layer to "multiply" on that tack hammer (is that what it is?) to get rid of those white speckles

The text is good but the tools look weird with how random and eclectic they are. It makes the poster look folksy and outdated instead of a modern propaganda leaflet.

Man, it makes us look like genocidial manics. I like it


OP I would like you design the menu and signage of the artisanal sandwich shop I'm opening in Brooklyn.

Are you really going to use that meme?
Higher class sounds more realistic IMO.
Also, that clever looks like something a gangster would use for their edgy logo.
Other than that, i like it.

Then help me you faggots.

Shit bro how much?

Good idea.

Fuck man I don't know how to symbolically represent the modern post-industrial service-economy based working class. No one does, that's why there's joke images of the hammer and sickle being updated to a mouse and keyboard, which makes sense, but looks stupid.

The monopoly man posters look modern, maybe universal symbols like that work best. Universal stuff like hardhats or even nametags might make sense.

it should be "landowning class".
all that matters under capitalism is your relations to the means of production.

You're absolutely correct, but please keep in mind that those flyers are supposed to reach common folk.
"Landowning class" sounds a bit too complicated, probably a politics and/or economics student would truly grasp the term.
"Higher class" is easy to understand: pretty much like a "1%" without sounding too "populist" (if that makes sense).
Also, english isn't my first langauge and i dont live in the US: take my suggestion with a grain of salt as im not sure how it reflects the reality.

The 1% is a good meme that normies immediately understand. But if you want to be more precise, the ruling class is a good term.

What about these?
I live in Maine. Our economy is mostly fishing, lumber and farming.

antifa and you suck

The Cleaver is supposed to represent the service industry, like with cooks, butchers, etc etc.

You gotta go step by step comrade. People won't understand it otherwise.

And fuck me I didn't fix it. Excuse my Autism.

why do you Holla Forumsyps like you always have to whine about everything? it is the single most annoying thing in the world.

Holla Forumsyps and right wingers in general are the biggest damn snowflakes on earth

Let me give you some constructive criticism.

First, don't come up with the name or anything first until you've got a solid group of guys.

Second, drug free. I don't give a shit, big pharma wants you hooked on it for a reason.

The first two should have their titles elnarged, bolded and centered.

I like it.
Just seeing the word WORKERS in will make normies think of Stalin and Mao. Good thing I'll print them in black and white.

You're doing a good job.

Higher class sounds silly imo. Ruling class is better. Maybe change "for workers are left too divided to fight against the exploitation of their labor while they continue to generate the profit and wealth only to receive a fraction of it" to "for it divides workers, preventing them from fighting against their exploitation as they continue to generate the wealth of society, only to receive a fraction of it". The first is a bit wordy and kind of a run on sentence. Also the "A" in "a working class politics and powers" seems to be a typo. The icon is pretty sweet tho.

Not from Holla Forums. This is 20th century workerist bullshit first off… it also doesn't understand white supremacy or American capitalism irl.

According to who? You? Most of Antifa are fucking anarchists you hysterical fuck up. Where the fuck was all this panic and energy after J20, after a Nazi killed an Antifa in Feb, and 2 more in March?

Again a classic fucking class reductionist. Somehow you can magically recognize liberals using social and culture divides to obsucate the role class plays but somehow can't recognize how those same issues keep proles divided and fucking predate capitalism.

Why don't you actually listen to some Antifas fucking talk like in its going down or ex worker instead of strawmanning them as liberals

You need to read a fucking history book, if cointelpro was after you you'd fucking know it. This is just a tantrum you're trying to sell as being vigilant against infiltration.

Anything that divides the proles from organizing, that fucking includes ignoring bigotry that proles have used to fuck each other over since the beginning of capitalism. This dumb shit where you just supposed to fucking ignore the superstructure is just Bernie bro tier bullshit pushed by young white guys to much of a fucking punk to adresss the messier issues of racism and sexism.

Yeah that sounds way better.

Thanks man.

I disagree, most people are workers. This'd be a break from the 24/7 propaganda that if you're not a rich CEO by age 30, then you're a fucking loser.

Nothing is set in stone. This is all just suggestions and options.
Indeed. For all the histrionics radlibs engage in, they completely miss the importance of appearance. Your ideas can be the best there are, but appearance will always act as a short hand for them. I'm not anti drug or anything, but the problem is that we need to show the best of ourselves to reach everyday workers.

Fucking based af post right here

it's scapegoatism and nothing more, "muh ethnic pride" is simply a justification in the form of an afterthought.
who cares?
neither do you

These issues arise inherently from class society. They won't end unless we change the material basis of society. All your vagina hat wearing will be for nothing as the base changes the superstructure to survive. Capitalism has no set ideology.

No, the point of COINTELPRO is that you DON'T know about it and fight one another instead. It also isn't just shooting you when you're sedated in your bed. It is disruption, it is misinformation.

We're not ignoring bigotry or the superstructure you fucking idiot. All of my posts attack prejudice as tools to divide the working class. We embrace proletarian universalism that attacks discrimination like racism and sexism as well as attacking the who's who of Oppression Olympics where one particularism tells the other that they need to take after them because they are more oppressed.


I don't want to WASTE TIME AND ENERGY TALKING ABOUT IDPOL when the entirety of political discourse under capitalism already enthrones it.

Here's some synonyms for bourgeoisie I know of.

Which part of predates capitalist don't you understand. They are not inherent to class since they predate capitalism. Porky coopted them.

So tired. And for someone who's supposedly so materialist and is against Antifa you continue to ignore the fact that all blood spilled fending off the rise of fascism have been Antifa.

Disinformation was only a small part of cointelpro. And cointelpro was only a small part of the over all state oppression of leftists. Cointelpro straight wrecked the black panthers and they did a hell of a lot more then so discord. The police endorsed the KKK killings of civil rights leaders in the 1960s in the same way Bannon and Trump are now. I'm sure you think the civil right movements was idpol too.

You're ignoring white supremacy and Antifa doesn't, you're purposely ignoring the several hundred years of genocide and enslavement that burgerland capitalism is based on. Why not just help Antifa? You're just an opportunist that is trying to carve out a little fiefdom in the opening in capitalism that was paved with Antifa blood.

Go away, redditor.

You're the one trying to form a splinter group because of vegans in Antifa. Dividing opposition over an identity isn't idpol at all haha.

And you wanna go up against Nazis IRL?!

What about call centre kit? Every shithole I end up in: turrets and headsets. Last place would give you a disciplinary for using the toilet too much and the manager responsible for the policy was a noble.

Just because they have Circle-A tattoos and wave the red and black doesn't make them Anarchists. They probably don't have the vaguest idea of what Anarchism is besides "lol no government whatever that means"
Again the classic fucking redditor (your spacing proves it beyond your opinions). It be a "class reductionist" is it be a minimally educated Leftist. Class is what everything comes down to, any specific inequalities that face certain groups stem from the class society and the class they belong to.
What are you talking about?
Again, literally no one ITT ignores the specific inequalities that predominately face certain groups. No one is arguing that blacks make up a disproportionate amount of the prison population, or are treated unequally by the justice system. That point is the problem isn't "white supremacy", it's Capitalism, since the very fact that prisons and the justice system exists is because of Capitalism, or that blacks are targeted because they're profitable for the PIC.
Please excuse us FUCKING WHITE MALES ignoring how racism and sexism is so much more important than the liberation of humanity from Capital. We can work on smashing the state after we fix the wage gap.

Class societies have existed before Capitalism. Capitalism is just the newest iteration. The goal is to destroy all class societies.
Yes, tribalistic street fights against reactionaries and advocates of dead ideologies have been instrumental in preventing the rise of the authoritarian Capitalist system we live under.
Fuck, I almost forgot that Trump is literally Hitler.
Calling it white supremacy is insulting to the majority of whites are fucked by the system, whose rulers also include non-whites, while all they have to show for it is they're fucked a little less and a bit differently than other ethnic groups.
How the fuck is that relevant to destroying it now? And why are you conveniently ignoring that the foundation is built upon the endless bodies of whites also?
Help them with what, being radlibs engaging in hooliganism and street fights with reactionary autists? They're not doing shit to actually fight against the system, they're too busy satisfying their bloodlust by fighting with the Other.

You're strawmanning out of control bro.
I was trained to put a space between paragraphs in typing class, and that's the standard at work as well. I've never posted to Reddit in my life.
The base, or your relationship to it i.e. class, is dominate, that's not the same meaning as "everything comes down to it" the superstructure also shapes the base as well.
You continue to ignore my original point. To end capitalism do the proles not have to act in solidarity? Your fetishizing proles, they've fucked each over both on behalf of porky and to do their own exploiting. You expect a bunch of religions, sexes, races and orientations to just act in solidarity without convincingly rejecting the bigotry keeps them from acting together in the first place?
This is your brain on class reductionism, yeah all the indigenous people, blacks, homosexuals, and women were just complaining about muh wage gap, muh sexism in videogames, muh glass ceiling.
Capitalism is predominantly the problem, it not just the problem. Who gets exploited and how hard is determined by the superstructure. Is being a prole in China anything like being one in burger land? You're the type that gets triggered by third worldism so you probably think yes.
The bourgeois is waiting for the neo Nazi movement to get at least some real traction before putting real money into it. Antifa frustrated that and at the very minimum bought us time. The entire country is pissed at Nazis right now, all Antifa. You sound like some but mad boomer GOP voter.
Trump is fascist, but since you're white and he's white everyone gotta give him the benefit of the doubt
t. Holla Forumsyp
Capital classes didn't.
If you're white and triggered by talk of white supremacy you weren't revolutionary to begin with, you were either a liberal or conservative. For someone who's against idpol you sure do tip toe around white idpol.
I'm not ignoring it, whites are, because they are spooked by idpol and people like you who coddle them.
Those genocides are why minorities are disproportionately poor now. If you don't have property under capitalism you are poor and stay poor.

As much as I wish to ban the crypto-liberal in this thread, we're not r/socialism. Until user breaks the rules than no one is banning anyone sadly. Report a post that DOES warrant banning with reasoning if you every find one.

You're not referring to me are you?
I don't believe in private property, I'm not a liberal!

Stabbing Nazis is not contingent on listening to you and your insufferable US Democratic Party feminist talking points. Nor is expressing my utter disinterest in ever listening to those talking points of yours ever again a request for a safe space. Also, let me make clear that I think those boogeyman terms of yours don't actually mean anything, they're just the inverse of glittering generalities; snarl words for you to use to denounce others and paint those you dislike as monsters.

yes. will it be easy? of course not
they are, it's how that neoliberal Hillary almost came into office
and this has always been the case in class-based societies. I don't see your argument.
they really have not, if anything their violence has pushed liberals to the right because of "muh freeze peach"
he may be a Fascist, but he's not a white supremacist or a nazi.
yes, I know?…
says you. I'm not the guy you're responding to, but he's completely right and I personally am not white.
it's almost as if I'm against this or something 🤔
it is. maybe show them why they're wrong instead of punching them in the face? how is your proposal not a reactionary thing to think?

There is a difference between addressing the legitimate issues of disproportional discrimination and putting it in the forefront of every discussion, every interaction with others. The very purpose of denouncing identity politics is to be color blind. To address every issue under the context and fight against capitalism because frankly it's the damn reason those issues exist in their modern forms today. Which is the point. To FUNDAMENTALLY change the system and properly address social issues, it must be through class struggle. Members of leftypol tries to destroy the bigotry, the prejudice that you speak of by reminding posters here that they are first and foremost industrial workers of the world.

Yeah says me, you can tell because I'm the one that said it.
You don't have to be white to support white supremacy, see 4chan Holla Forums
The dominant social class in American is white. The entire superstructure revolves around it. When Eastern Europeans immigrated here in the late 1800 they were the ethnic minorities, the bought into white supremacy because blacks were at the bottom of US capitalism because they were thrown to the wind after slavery was abolished.

and your point is what?… we should engage in class collaboration?

Thanks Scoretes, and how do you propose on doing it? By yelling idpol at everyone that mentions it?

see the OP

You know this how. The MM has non stop blaming Nazis and pol for this. Even Trump had to give a begrudging statement against it.

Check this out:
This is exactly the same thought process as Holla Forums use to claim that Jews control the media.

Because the Nazis have killed one person and injured 19 this weekend. Elected Trump to the White House too. We're not obligated to heal our oppressors. You may think so but nah.

ah, so you're a hillary voter. that explains a lot.

I guess all those black people in jail for non violent crimes is just a coincidence then.
Really made me think.

First time for everything.

Identies aren't classes. But the proletariat class is divided along identities. You have to convincingly reject white supremacy and patriarchy to begin to close those divides. And raise class consciousness.

Nope voted for Jill.

So feudalist classes are the same as capitalist classes?

This is the exact thing we're trying to avoid. The only way "white supremacy" (which everybody here hates btw) and "patriarchy" can actually be defeated is through socialism. But capitalists divide the working class along racial and gender lines. Class conflict is the source of all conflict.

Oh brother saying your butt mad is painting you as a monster now. Sheesh calm down.

Do as I tell you or I'll get laid off from my job here at Langley. Please, I don't want to end up hiding in a Russian shack like Ed Snowden.

white supremacy as in what though? this could mean several different things
a) the fact that white people make up the majority of the landowning class, in which case you could take it to its logical conclusion and argue that jewish supremacy exists too (they make up half of those "whites")
b) white supremacy as in the white man's burden, nazism, cultural identity. this shit we are opposed to anyway (just as much as SJW idpol) so I don't see why it matters

they effectively were though. even some capitalist countries today still use the feudalist "class system", see India.

No, they are secular. And seeing ISIS as fascists. They just don't want nazis getting political points on immigration.

How many times do I have to explain this.
Ending capitalism requires solidarity of all proles, probably world wide but at the very least in one geographical area.
You're never going to get the proles to act in solidarity without dismantling the aspects of the superstructure that divide them now. Right now that's mostly patchriacy and white supremacy.
If you convincingly reject that, you have a real chance of getting the proles to act together.
This has to be done in conjunction with raising class consciousness.

Just started working on it. I will post the final later tonight or tomorrow.

Yeah it might be a day or two though.

Well reflexively rejecting gevencies of minorities as idpol is a start.
If you're white you could address gentrification, use your leverage to help others become landed.
It's not all going to be on the dominate social class but it's mostly going to be. It's dumb to pretend proles have no agency under capitalism.

No, you fucking retard. You are advocating that we take on the symptoms first rather than curing the disease. It's implicit in being a socialist that you are anti discrimination. It's just a given.

okay, so when will the classes be just ripe for "getting the proles to act in solidarity", hmm?… how long will I have to wait? will blacks have to make up 25% of all capitalists? 50% of them? hmm?… what about women? how long will I have to wait for that?

and even when you get ALL members of each class just as "diverse" as they need to be until they look like a nice bag of Reese's fucking Pieces, how do you know intersectionality won't continue?

what if infighting occurs among the rich black people and the rich white people? what if they just start a new election system where people vote for the "black people party" and the "white people party" so they can have more intersectionality and less class war? would this really be any different than what we have now?

your "strategy" will prove to be nothing but even more divisive and ineffective.

Strawmanning would involve me misrepresenting their position in order easily argue against it, I'm just insulting them and calling them ignorant.
We're not typing in complete paragraphs, it's mostly single or duel sentences and quotes, and common practice on imageboards is to not space between them, only between actual paragraphs.
Maybe you should begin :^)
Everything does come down to it, because it wouldn't matter if you're black, gay, or female if other people didn't have systemic power to especially fuck you up based on those qualities. It's not racism that fucks over blacks, is people having power that can act on that racism.
No one here argues otherwise. We are against racism and sexism and believe in solidarity with all workers.
Getting them to like each other is significantly more difficult then getting them to realize they need to fight together. Even then that's implying that there is particularly harsh bigotry in the West where non-classcucks would refuse to ally with each other because of their identities.
Everything they complain about is entirely because Capitalism exists. I don't want to make Capitalism fuck all the proles equally, I want it to not fuck them at all.
Are you implying Capitalism is somehow racist against Chinese, and doesn't just use the large amount of cheap labor because it can?
You have to be insane to think there could be any meaningful Neo-Nazi movement in America. Not to mention there's absolutely no need for one, Capital is unquestioningly obeyed and protected, it doesn't need Fascism.
He's literally no different than other president other then his emphasis on nationalism and populism. He's not anymore authoritarian or imperialistic.
No, not everyone is race obsessed and incapable of seeing beyond it like you.
How is that relevant?
Nice hot opinions there m8. I'm not particularly triggered by stupid opinions, I'm just capable of seeing how false and harmful they are. Calling it white supremacy makes it seem that whites as a whole are the beneficiaries from the system, when the vast majority of whites are oppressed and exploited, and the ruling class isn't even entirely white. Just because prole blacks have it worse than prole whites doesn't make it white supremacy, it just means prole blacks are especially fucked over. Try telling a opiod addicted Mid Westerner or unemployed Appalachian who lives in a trailer that they live under white supremacy and they'll tell you to fuck off and believe all Leftists are like you.
There's not many White Nationalists around here and plenty of people already argue with them and absolutely no one gives them any leeway. Half of all of these posters are speaking out against white nationalism and supremacy.
The fact the proletariat exists at all is a problem, focusing on the fact that some demographics are disproportionately part of the proletariat is to focus on pointless minutia.
You're a race obsessed (and likely racist) radlib with poor reading comprehension.

I said both have to happen at the same time. Yell at me all. Yell at me all you want, but the public is ready to hear about socialism, and the only leftists that have successfully taken advantage of it are Antifa. They're in the news, they're being talked about, you are not.
I became a leftist to change the MoP, not to be right and smug. If I have to learn about pronouns, vote, protest, advocate for women, minorities, etc, I'll do it.

Yes it litterally does.

Guess I imagined this weekend

Antifa has NOT taught people about socialism. Everyone looks at Antifa and goes "What a bunch of liberal retards" and they're right.
How the fuck are pronouns relevant to this?

this won't be the case if you fail to reminder people why
why racism is bad
why religion is bad
why the patriarchy exists
why blacks are being oppressed
WAY too many "leftists" end up missing the point entirely and you end up with social democracy, just capitalism with social justice slapped on as an afterthought. they couldn't tell you why any of it is a problem besides the fact that it causes violence. it's the equivalent of running towards the finish line and tackling your opponent without ever getting there.

No, it's actually capitalist supremacy. White rednecks are in no better position than a black worker and the reason is that they're both working class.

Here's some concept art. Is this the sort of thing your looking for?

No I'm saying one is a first world prole and one is a third world prole. They're both proles but they might as well live in different planets in terms of capitalist exploitation.
And proles in burger land could care less that the people producing their iPhones are throwing themselves off the roofs of those same factories. And you expect solidarity from each cause they're both proles. You sound like a sheltered burger that's never been to a third world country,
You don't even need to travel to China to eve this, just go to your local farm. Not gonna see a lot of white people pickimg produce for 30 cents a bushel there. But nah you got all the answers, as soon as they see they're proles just like middle class white people they'll totally risk their life and their families lives on revolution

manarcho brocialism ftw

I love how as soon as Holla Forums tries to do anything against idpol some "SJW" has to swoop in and shit up the thread with paragraphs.
totally not Holla Forums or cointelpro or anything. not suspicious at all.

Rednecks aren't persecuted by police like blacks are. It's more important to you to be the victim of reverse racism then recognize some simple facts.

move the overton window left

It's more important to me that we unite the working class against the root cause of the problem. Mods, ban this fucking attention whore already. They've already derailed this thread to a ridiculous extent.

acta can compliment black bloc well. will ACTA be bloc'ing / anarchist? i see no reason why anti-fascist action can't roll with ACTA. united front

I think I'm about to start a fresh new one.

Don't. They'll just shit up that one too and this one hasn't reached the bump limit yet.

aight, I'm still going to prepare a copypasta one for the future, possibly start a /ACTA/ general or something.

cool free wiki → leftypol.miraheze.org

Sounds good.

wasn't able to make an account for some reason

You mean after a bunch of utter fucking idiots have spent months barking at them that white people are the problem…?

Also, we have to stop using ACTA. It's the name of an Internet censorship agreement.

does it matter that though? people are aware abbreviations have different meanings. if anything, that fact will probably make it more memorable as a name.

Actually, you're right.

also this should be anti-landlord somehow too. those guys suck.

what if we make "community self-policing" a bullet point to show that we're open to the right to bear arms ? political power blooms from the barrel of a gun

Here you are comrade. Anything else you need?

perfect :^)
will try and use later if someone else doesn't.

(altered the face a bit though, if you don't mind)

looks good to me
intellectual property is a spook anyhow so do as you will

Yes user. He is referring to you.

The left in general has been super spooked by idpol. It doesn't help that the term was popularized by aut-right. We really need to point out that white supremacy/chauvinism/Christianity are peak identity politics.

I like this a lot.

Maybe an apron could represent the service industry? Doubt that would look as good as that cleaver/hammer/wrench combo, though.

I'm glad :)
If you ever need any drawings, proper drawfag is here.

The bottom text needs to be different, this is awkwardly ambiguous about whether it means:
"Labour creates wealth; CEO's don't create wealth" or "Labour creates wealth; labour doesn't create CEO's"


Provide evidence that black people are treated differently by the police specifically due to their blackness. Prove that had they behaved similarly, and had everything else been the same, a white person would have been treated better by a cop.


Why not just "CEOs don't create wealth, labour does?"

Fuck off Holla Forums

That would certainly clear it up.

I'm brainstorming something like
"[x] is not owning the means of production"

Like just shooting down everything SJW like with say
"Gender equality is nice but… it's not owning the means of production".

Maybe "[x] is still capitalism" would be better.

Most people are way too alienated to understand what owning MoP means.

That's the whole point. Spamming the shit of owning the means of production and getting the word out. Cuz that's our primary goal. Owning MoP. Hopefully some people google what it is.

Won't this just get you labeled as an ebil gommie?

"Genderless bathrooms is nice but… it's not owning the means of production".
"Office safe spaces is nice but… it's not owning the means of production".
"Vegan bagels in break room is nice but… it's not owning the means of production".
"Having a excellent Speech firing policy is nice but… it's not owning the means of production".
"Raising the minimum wage every time the prices of commonly needed household goods rises to pass the last new minimum wage hike is nice but… it's not owning the means of production".

"[x] is not owning your work"

you are derailing the fuck out of the thread though. why not make another one ? some are clearly interested in discussing stuff with you, but please, not here, mkay ? sounds good ?>>1976260

Combine these for success

Stop replying to him.

"Gender equality is great… but you still don't own your work".

Nation of Islam is awesome

What's wrong with derailing a NutSac entryism thread?

I doubt "normal" people will understand what "owning the means of production" actually means. It probably needs to be something more simple, or something that explains what "owning the means of production" actually means.
Probably shouldn't Strawman liberals either.

I wonder if it's possible to apply Zizek's teachings as well to break people free from their pure ideology?

That's why some user came with the idea of saying "…is not owning your work"

Calling it "anti class traitor" sounds like protofascism to me. Like, you're hunting traitors before we even know what you want, hardly sounds serious.

Let's go with "democratic ownership and control of the workplace."

This whole thread is just fascism trying take a foothold on Holla Forums.

Just "democratic control". "Democratic ownership" seems to imply that the company can be sold like private property.

Ah yes. Nothing more fascistic than attacking racism and right wing politics as divisive of working class politics.

Leftypol isn't Reddit friendo. We don't give a shit about progressivism or ENDING TRANS OPPRESSION. Now either go back to r/triggered or shake your boss's hand harder so one day he'll promote you from sabotaging a communist board in a maori oil painting and canvas forum

Yugoposter, fuck off. Do you really think antifa can in any way radicalize or organize the working class when it has effectively alienated the average prole not just in the USA but in europe as well? Get the fuck out of here with your spectacular bullshit, nobody takes them seriously and they give anti fascism a bad name. Where the fuck are they at strikes? Nowhere to be found because most of their members are alienated teenagers lashing out at their perceived injustices in the world, labeling anything right wing as fascist; and they have no theory or material basis for their ideology.

Look, I have experience with organization of strikes and protests as well as creating these sorts of movements, I can give valuable advice but I don't want it to be here so it is screecapped by Holla Forums, OP or someone else working on this please message me on skype; my name is Skojak.


Honestly, the term "class traitor" doesn't sound really that serious to me either.
It sounds like unnecessary, too violent and people who pass by will probably dismiss it as "a joke" or "those commies and their outdated terms".
I can't come up with a better name though.

she got some surplus suckin' lips

I think you really hit the nail on the head here. A big issue with antifa as an organization is they don't really stand for anything, just in opposition to far right politics. Don't get me wrong, I do think it's important to stand up to the right, but the unfortunate side of this is libs also oppose the right, which creates an issue of distinction. And I know there are plenty of solidly leftist antifa members, I've seen some really good interviews. My issue is you only ever see antifa come out to "defend" various identities once they are under attack by far right groups. Creates a situation such as anti-anti-immigration, as an example.

For antifa to be a viable leftist organization it needs to come out and defend workers. Why weren't they involved in the UAW unionization efforts? That plant was majority black, and deep seated sentiments from the right are holding back advancements of workers right. Why didn't they help those black folks? And how does any of this make them anything more than radical liberals?

ACTA is to be antifascist by nature. Antifa is the problem as by doing no effort in actually building class politics and power, all they are left doing is impotently participating in the spectacle that keeps Capitalism alive.


The problem with antifa is that, ultimately, the work to maintain liberal democracy, even if the individual members are communist.

Sometime like this, if it got off the ground, and perhaps took on a nicer aesthetic, (I'm thinking something softer, it seems a little harsh right now, but I'm no artist), could be a good alternative.

I would however tone down /just a little/ on the anti-progressiveism thing. I totally get it, and I totally agree, and having a black and white CEO and pointing out how they both steal is good, but putting anti-idpol at the very forefront of your ideals comes off as an appeal to reactionary liberals, and is a good way to instantly alienate yourself from the rest of the established left.

Just something to keep in mind.

Oh, and make sure to emphasize the importance of theory. No other orgs seem to be doing this.

Antifa is just an action network, the members do build class politics and power on their own. They disagree on how to do it but agree on physical confrontation with fascists, which is why antifa is purposely limited to fighting fascism. For example, if you remember the antifa guy shot at a Milo protest, he was an IWW member who was actively building class politics and power when not organizing against fascists.

Your shitty ACTA would fall apart irl in seconds as members would quickly find out that they can't just do random shit and expect it to work but need a long term plan, on which nobody will ever agree. Do you seriously believe that some shitty posters will finally bring us left-unity?

I can give you ideas about organization from experience but won't do it on Holla Forums, I'm here

all of this, this is great advice

This to be honest. You need to keep your audience in mind.

If you want to make it specifically anti-idpol, than you are going to need to market it to right wing libertarians, because this is the only sizable political demographic which is against idpol. "You are entitled to the fruits of your labor," sort of thing.

no smoking anime

Alienating ourselves from the established left is a positive thing, because the established left has alienated itself from the proletariat in general. We need to rebuild the left with better principles than before, and not let ourselves be dragged down by the dogmas of the established left.

This is a good idea.

Antifa's central problem is it's ties to socdems and social liberals; it's against our class interest to associate with them.

Don't talk about things you don't know

No, we need to convince the established left that our way is the correct one. Where do you think any numbers are going to come from?


You didn't think this through, did you?

you're pretty on your aesthetic at this point, but I would urge you to consider a 'normie' version that is less tattoo-chic/oldy leftist nahmean

lmao, can't believe nobody else pointed this out but we have picked up like 400 redditors in the last few days.

I ain't a redditor though.


Take glass ceiling out of quotes, the question of whether it's real or not detracts from the main point.

so they shut down the debate entirely and ironically leave the far-right to be the only ones willing to discuss it, thus endearing them to the spooked masses? It's not smart at all.

k. gonna delete the other ones
sage for triple post

No fuck you. Antifa is fighting the most antimarxist ideology out there and actually doing something unlike you internet warriors.

haven't you derailed the thread enough you demokkkrap-supporting faggot?

Im one of the 100 yugofaggots out there so no this is my first post.

They are too spooked to do things differently. None of our arguments is going to do anything against their dogma. We need results first, and then maybe they will join us, and, instead of being dogmatic towards their older ideology, be dogmatic towards ours.

This. This not just simply deluded, but counter-productive. Not to mention that the pictures look like something done by the Traditionalist Workers Party, not actual leftists.

I'm almost convinced that this is just Holla Forums trolling.

kys cointelpro

Hello polyp.

i highly doubt pol gives a shit about baiting lefties into antifa

class traitorship sounds "nasty". Rich people are, after all, poor people with money. you'll see better results if you demonise the system not people who've gotten lucky through it.

I think we should tone back all the worker shit. no one in the western world feels like a worker anymore. a worker is someone who does hard labour, which isn't common. Most people sympathise with "employee" - an employee is an insignificant speck who has to sit there and get stomped on by mind numbing office shite.

Not to mention, whenever someone who is blatantly not even close to the idealised communist "worker" talks about being an ally to the "worker" it just creates hilarious right wing propoganda. Like yes you probably don't have it great working at starbucks, but at the same time you're not close to the kind of communist ideal propaganda man.

all religion is trash. Christians in africa exist on the same level doing the same shit as muslims. Anyone in such a mind numbingly shit situation coupled with completely useless by any modern degree ideology thought up thousands of years ago is gonna live like a caveman.

I suggest you go fuck yourself, because you don't know what "actual leftism" is.
There is absolutely nothing reprehensible about any of the pictures. Opposition to them paints you as an idpoler.

Literally explain to me what is wrong with the pictures.

Proto-fascism is not anti-idpol.

Yes we should support extreme right wing because anything else would be idpol. Talk about traitors to leftist cause.

How is it proto-fascist or extreme right?

Wow nice criticism retard

They look like shit done by "workerist" far-right.

For all the office workers and FBI niggers in the Thread


They have made no effort to link their antifascist efforts with class. I mean fuck me, most of the times they don't even attack far right types, just run of the mill trumplings and conservatives, that's how much they are drunk in idpol and righteousness.

Golly fucking gee I'm sorry I haven't dismantled Capitalism from the two fucking days this shit has started.

Has its own defense committee that does things not reducible to retard smashism.

From the alienated masses of workers that couldn't give a single shit where trannies go to the bathroom?

WEW. You really a want that raise don't you faggot?

How about these?

I have literally never heard that from a liberal.

You really have no idea what right wing is?

That is fucking idiotic. Tell me exactly how the pictures themselves have any far-right message, besides "looks like it". Otherwise, shut the fuck up. You are a hindrance to ideological progress.


ALMOST ALL of Antifa media is controlled by NAZI TROLLS.

Mind over body. Mind over body. Mind over body. Mind over body.Mind over body. Mind over body.Mind over body. Mind over body. Mind over body. Mind over body.Mind over body.

Opposition of social emancipation and fetishization of the proletariat (which is necessarily the fetishization of alienation).

I mean, it's really the least you could do.

Where are you seeing that. Point me to the exact text that expresses this.

You forgot that only the proletariat is capable of bringing about socialism.

You forgot that the proletariat brings about socialism by stopping being proletariat.

You would prefer if the posters said "communism" instead of just "democratic control of the workplace"?

How many times have I fucking tell you that antifa is not an organization? It's an action network, made up by actual organizations that deal with class. The IWW defense committee participates in antifa events, they are "part of antifa."

just no

kill yourself already

those are just to anoy people

what I mean is pol couldn't organise a targeted birthday party, i doubt they're playing media games on leftypol


I'm kinda uncomfrtorbale with antifa tbh, from like a george orwell meme socialist perspective

if we produce an organization with an actual anti-idpol goal it stops nazis from subverting in the first place, why don't you get that?

Thank you very much for your contributions comrade. After having thought about it a bit I think we need to step away a bit from the memes if we are doing serious propaganda. How about a regular waiter…just beating the shit out of one of the rich assholes he'd be normally sucking up to for a bigger tip under capitalism

you're missing the "ACTA" branding on both of those.

I know but now that I think about it, not only is it too early to have a name, but I think we need one that is less reactive and more constructive for Class Socialism.



personally i think we should all masturbate to twink porn untill the great revolution manifests itself

I really can't see what's so hard to understand about antifa.
It isn't an organization, it's just you and your friends (or collaborators, if you met them in a community centre) doing your best to make fascism and fascist related ideologies not acceptable.
It's just that, for fuck sake, it isn't a special mafia or some kind of super secret drug smuggler network.
In the US, from what i could see, they ALSO push some idpol stuff: that shouldn't bother us in the slightest: it's implied that we, socialists, will be against discriminations in general, but OF COURSE we value the ownership of the means of production more than that.
We shouldn't play Holla Forums's game and point the finger toward "ze liberal boogieman" or people will think we're somekind of third way bullshit.
We stand against the ruling class, both "left" and right: this is the message that should get through.
Stop derailing threads with this bullshit for christ sake, it's fucking annoying

Why are you so sympathetic towards pro-capitalists?

You mean beating the shit up, even killing, random normie republican voters, making other normal people afraid of the left (with a very good reason to do so) and more simpathetic with actual fascist -> Allowing fascists to look like victims and making facism more acceptable than communism

Obvious, as long as it is a REAL fucking nazi

Can you read?


Obvious, as long as it is a REAL fucking nazi and that's not what antifa does*

Haha you only wish, now go back to >>>Holla Forums

Opposing all race supremacists can bring a lot of followers to this movement.

We're gonna do just that boys. Black Supremacists will get the bullet just as much as Nazi Filth ones. No kiddie glove "PUNCHING UPWAAAARDS" bullshit.

Thinking you are allowed to punch normal people because you called them nazis before does

Learn to read, retard

Since fascists and the far-right do what they can to co-opt leftist, working class rhetoric, how about some short and sweet flyers or posters to counteract that? I'm no draw fag but I can do simple designs, make it appealing.

I have no idea what "antifa" means in the US, but i've personally never hurt anyone outside of neo-fashie cunts.
People that actually call themselves neo-fascists.
It's surreal to think that an antifa would go and bash some random right wing voters.

So you are telling me you brose 8ch and you know nothing about what has been happening the last months with antifa in USA

ok, then go search for it

In this vid I doubt they even know who the guy is or what does he believe

To be fair, a lot of far rightists are sneaky fucks. Still, american antifa have by and far devoted so much of their time fighting normie ass conservatives. It's terrible praxis..

They don't, it's just the usual "oh you just call everyone fascist… I'm not a fascist just because I would love to suck Hitler's cock and dream of genociding niggers" excuse.

In my country fascist have genocided Communist and now these faggots are apologist? Traitors are worse than the most powerful bourgeoisie.

So is this thread a knee-jerk reaction to the fat women who got run over, or the sperg who shot up that grocery store over cartoon ghost girls? I can honestly never tell when it comes to you guys…

some good brainstorming in here
it'd be about goddamn time that a anti-idpol anti-fascist left would show up

its a reaction against the impotence of antifascism as we know it

So you're basically advocating we become like Holla Forums in that we become a circle jerk attempting to out do each other when in comes to "who has the most radical beliefs". Nico Nico go fuck your self…

Seriously tho,

Any political movement will have to be explicitly anti-racist and feminist. I mean look at the alt-right they are always going on about how they actually love minorities and woman but then regurgitate some bs the contradicts that.
That is because they know they have to appear that way to get a foot in the door anywhere.
I'm worried people wont be able to discern between anti-IDpol and full on racism tbh.

It's also going to have to be very upfront about its democracy. People just will not join a socialist org that isn't very explicitly democratic.

In addition, isn't "anti class traitor action" a bit specific? Maybe something more anti heirarchy or anti current system. Maybe just anti capital? Try to be constructive? Pro-union action?

I'm going to make circular logos and flags for each of the 50 States. Including the regions like Appalachia, New England, the Mid-West, the Far West, the Rockies and Dixie.

this board has always been a kneejerk reaction to idpol you dumb faggot.

racism IS idpol

Which is why we stand against Nazism and White Supremacy as well as Oppression Olympics

It is all Idpol

It is all moralist trash that drowns out the class struggle.


Has the OP not made it clear to you? Let alone this entire thread?

I really want people to go back to talking strategy instead of this shit.

Yea I worded incorrectly.
But would Mr Average Joe know that?

Pretty sure he would. Particularly because none of the posters say racist stuff.

I think they would as well. Average prole feels left behind by the constant media stream of black rights this, gay rights that, trans bathrooms…ect ect.
Not to say I don't support those things, but I think this represents a unique opportunity to at least reach those people. Let those guys know there are people out there that aren't nazi fucks who have their back.

I think the core of my issue was I wouldn't want media to put a dismissive spin on any movement by just labeling it not for minorities.
But then I realised they've done that for the DSA ffs so whatever.

Will any of this really work as an alternative to antifa? I think it'd be really hard to posit this as a sort of label that people use when organizing against fascism, since antifa has been exactly that for decades. For this to work it would have to be an actual organization/party imo.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding what y'all are trying to do here, so correct me if I'm wrong.

That might definetely happen. The media always lies.

How do these look lads? I have no fucking idea how to arc text so any help would be appreciated.

Bretty gud. Got some catchy phrases to go is the white space?

Not really, I was thinking -org name- then the at the bottom the state/region

Truth be told bro, I think that ascetic is dope af

thanks nigga

"ALL lives matter".

Fuck off op. This is massivley sectarian and retarded.

I like it overall, but the anchor looks too hipsteresq for me.
Maybe Twin Harpoons instead? They would be both cooler looking and more unique.

Also can you make one for Missouri with a Scythe blade and the yoke of a mule?
For me. . .

Sure friendo

how about four horizontal harpoons? I feel crossed tools are becoming too one trick


The second set is well designed but the things mentioned are kinda trivial and not really something people regularly talk about. I wouldn't call them "nice" either. The second part is really vivid and powerful tho. Also:

How about oil and cattle for Texas? Maybe an oil rig and steer horns?

The anchor looks better imo.

I like it.

Can you guys even fight? Have you ever even got into a fight?

Yes. I am from a low income town in the southern Missouri with a very big Methamphetamine problem.

Honestly I'm not that big on the black outer circle of the logos. What about you lads?

How about Rhode Island gets the Anchor and Maine gets the Harpoons?

Yeah I just noticed it was meant to say "problematic"

Shit that was a long ass time ago in school. Never lost a fight tho.

Is this good enough comrade? Personally I'm not satisfied but I don't really know how to go from here, I'd gladly take suggestions.

Can you make a special board for this?

Maybe tilt the yoke to be parallel with the wood of the handle?
Honestly I am just happy that my state gets represented.

Can you make a symbol for Illinois which features the Chicago skyline and some rolling fields? Also, around the edge, have a banner that says "Individual Sovereignty, Class Union"

We could use a baggie for Missouri? I kid. California should have some Anchor, agriculture (DDR Wheat kinda thing? that aesthetic makes me diamonds) Or replace the Anchor with something aeronautic, possibly a bear?

COMRADES. I would love to hear about the suggestions you have for your own home states, but there seem to be a lot of badly payed FBI agents ITT so I strongly suggest you refrain from speaking about your own home states and/or the ones you are living on right now.

Like this gomrade?

"Class Union". I like that. Could be mistaken for class collaboration though.

You should say "Third of your life" rather than "Third of your day".

mate, I would include some Reed-like stuff, or something symbolising IWW, same for new york as they had major strongholds there

If we are to distinguish ourselves from the establishment left, we are going to need to appeal to a broader base than just the left. I think we ought to appropriate libertarian and classical liberal imagery and rhetoric (such as the gadsen flag) and frame our argument in such a way that could appeal to such people. We should frame workplace democracy as an extension of liberal democracy. Here is some concept art for a poster I want to make. Let me know what you think.

My suggestion, delete every image you have made. You propaganda is shit and will only have the opposite of its intended effect.

Here ya go.

We could do that too.

I love you

this is better than everything else here

I think it looks much better, but still kind of empty. Maybe add Wheat?
P.S. Thanks for all the work.

I want to fuck you in the ass.

All for my niggas


Also for the text I was thinking something minimalist but still prideful. Like A.C.T.A (Insert State) for the top and a small relevant quote for the bottom (Maybe a Mark Twain quip for Missouri)


nice. I agree with previous tankie on the california matter though, They have big agri and aeronautics, as well as technology. Something blending the two techs with the ddr grain thing, put a bear on the centre of the propeller maybe?

Honestly I like this one the most. I had to remove the scythe to make space for everything else.

Looks ominous tbh. Maybe make the steer bigger, and not dead.

Now this is absolute posterkino.

A ?"softer"? name may be in order because workers who rather the term "employee" (You know who I'm talkin' bout) might see Anti Class Traitor Action as "crazy commies"
I fucking love the art style tho.

I just want worker militias dammit… the revolution can't come fast enough.

Also, to those who say this is sectarian, antifa is well… Idpol and liberals who are a scapegoat for the right. A much more class focused organization would be beneficial. We have enough Anti-X organizations but not a strong pro-worker organization. (Unless I there is one)

I'm trying to think of a good name. Working Class Action sounds nice, but runs into the problem that most workers don't think of themselves as "workers" or part of the "working class"

Maybe there could be a poster just for this, saying how all proles are part of the working class, even if they don't do hard physical or manual labor. Maybe like:

I still think ACTA is a good name.
It leaves no room for breathing, we need to show these liberals that their identity politics shouldn't be tolerated.

United proletarian front?

I prefer "working people" to "working class," because it has less baggage and gets the point across that if you work, you are a worker.

Not a bad idea. Add technician and engineer to it as well.

There is a line from Solidarity Forever that gets the point across:

"Without our brain and muscle not a single wheel can turn."

well, it was we who ploughed the prairies, and built the cities where they trade. Hell, even built the workshop and endless miles of railroad laid. So why must we stand outcast and starving amidst the wonders we have made? but the union makes us strong

Comrades. I'm going to be busy these next days so I'm not going to be able to make more posters. I'm leaving the template so all of you can continue regardless of whether I'm making these or not.

The font I have been using is Octin Stencil:

And I have been using GIMP entirely to make these proppos:

So far we have got:
Maine: 4 Harpoons
Rhode Island: An Anchor
Texas: An Oil Rig and a Steer
New York: Two Crossed Wrenches
Illinois: The Chicago Skyline
Missouri: Yoke and Wheat
Oregon: A Wagon wheel and a Two men Saw

Now the idea is that these have arced text with the top containing the name of the organization and the bottom has the name of the state.

I heard Texans open carry when they go out to eat. They'll like it.
Why thank you-
Oh no. No friend. These aren't posters. These are Emblems. The Idea is that comrades throughout the States form a network of these organizations with these emblems for a distinguished and revitalized Aesthetic depending on where they are. There they'll spread the posters and propaganda we have made ITT as well as leaflets and brochures, recruit people, and occassionally protest and counterprotest with an entirely anti-idpol, class based rhetoric and theory.

I'll make a separate thread for praxis and tactics the moment this one hits 450 replies.

Tsk tsk tsk. Niggers, niggers, niggers.

Haven't you learned anything?

As much as I hate American exceptionalism. America simply is not like Europe. We need to act different, look different, sound different, think different. Because we are also the Communists of the 21st century. Not the 20th, not the 19th. So we need to make something new apart from our old symbols, our old rhetoric and our old mentalities.

If you want my two cents. I'm thinking something like "Labor Class Union" or "Labor Class Unity". Or, I know this may sound edgy, but if you want something completely fresh, why not "Iron Age Movement".


nah, ACTA.

actually nvm, Labor Class Unity is good.
sage for double post

yes, I know, it wasn't meant to be direct quotation of the song, it was a failed attempt at reference and shitty humour

Cool name, but won't really attract normies.

Labor class sounds really strange. If not Working Class Unity maybe Working People Unity.

true true. Workers' Anti-Exploitation Union?

You gotta think BEYOND stereotypical, derivative commie shit

That's how you mindfuck people.

Thesaurus time!

Union: accord, agglutination, commixture, centralisation, consolidation.

Working Peoples Agglutination
The Communist Commixture.
Socialist Symbiosis for you Bookchinites out there.

might as well call it "Autism"

Labor Class sounds academic and removed, Iron Age Movement sounds fashy as all hell.

I don't think it is bad to honor our past. We just want to avoid overusing terms that sounds archaic, academic, or too ""communist"".

No proletariat. No bourgeoisie. Class is okay, but don't overuse it. Working people is good.

I also really like the word Solidarity, so any way to work that in would be good.

I for one, think that a healthy dose of American exceptionalism is just what the movement needs. We need to go beyond the Left-Right dichotomy, and present workplace democracy as a natural extension of American ideals: liberty and democracy. We should draw from the aesthetic of the American revolution.

Pic related is the idea I've been working on for this.

We also need to emphasize that working people are the brain and muscle not just the muscle. Tech workers are a growing, and powerful section of the professional proletariat in this country, and are in an ideal position to engage in radical unionism; industrial sabotage could take on a whole new meaning.

To appeal to these types, we need to emphasize the scientific elements of socialism, and the inefficiencies of capitalism.

Top kek holy shit.
How about ==CCDPA: Counter Caste Deserter Procedure Agglutination==

I dislike murican exceptionalism. I feel a more international approach is best.

They don't. They will go like "hmm so they are against feminism, that must mean they are white supremacist alt-right scum."

Based on what's going on in this thread, they are not even wrong.

this has probs been said before but it should be called anti class action

I have the subreddit /r/WorkingClassSocialism if anyone cares

This is a dumb idea that I find to be overwhelmingly and excessively sectarian. You may not agree with some aspects of antifa, and I'd even welcome you critique antifa for not being explicitly communist enough, but I see no reason to reject antifa outright, and that we should instead, whilst criticizing them and talking about further actions to be done, still have solidarity with them in their struggle. Whilst I agree it is extremely important to distance your self from liberals and their way of thinking, I think it's become very clear that the racists are out there and organizing, so dismissing it outright is not only tone deaf, but counterintuitive. Social Justice most of the time are a case of either theoretical disagreement or an incorrect placing of priorities. Whilst misguided they aren't on the level of outright racists. What you gotta do is constantly relate back to the class war. Constantly point out how race is used to divide the working class and how minorities are used as scapegoats for the failures of capitalism. Constantly point out the role of the state and the police in letting the identitarians to run amok with little pushback. Did the police act this way towards even something as benign as Standing Rock?

Even now the ruling class is still concerning themselves over some debate over whether or not both sides were justified or not, whilst the antifa, the IWW, the anarchists and the communists who came out to defend Charlottesville have been either been outright ignored so the liberals co-opt our struggle once again, or condemned in the same bin as the scum.

If you've gotten your theory, your history and your praxis down, you will be able to relate current events to the past, make the correct decision as to what to do based on history past. When the people on the ground, the people paying attention see that time and time again we have predicted how events would turn out and ultimately been correct overall, they will take our side. However, I'm not convinced that many on this board are there yet. Most of us on leftypol have a basic grasp on theory, but to me it seems to me that most posters have limited grasp of history and the historical context of the theories the espouse. For now, just take leftypol for what it is, a chan board for leftists to talk online to each other, with all that implies. The internet can help for organizing, but organizing solely off of the internet has clearly shown time and time again to turn out as failures.

Did you just come from Holla Forums, user? Because this style of posting looks like I could find it on Holla Forums with its paranoia. Not to say that stuff like COINTELPRO isn't still around, but don't just respond to any criticism with calling people idpolers, derailers, fbi, smashies, etc. I do like those 2 posters you posted on there, its pretty decent agitprop. And on the bathroom thing, reminder that it was the rightards who first made it an issue to begin with. As for the name "anti-working class traitors" it has some problems, just conceptually. For one thing it's another anti-x thing, same as antifa is. It's not explicitly for communism, which leaves it susceptible to co-optation by other groups. And on the more theoretical point, it kinda fetishizes the working class. Whilst we Marxists see the working class as absolutely vital as the revolutionary subject, the whole point is for the working class to abolish itself.

ANTIFA has been turned into looking like the paid tools of elite Democrats. I know quite a number of left-wingers of the Bernie/Stein flavor who are feeling the itch they can't scratch but who can't shake the suspicion that ANTIFA is just part of the Dems' 2016 midterm strategy.
It's hard to blame them, quite frankly, because it seems ANTIFA gave the Dems a completely free pass during the rise of the surveillance state and the increase in Middle Eastern devastation. Not to mention that there were more than enough deportations during the Obama years.

Are you a retard?


I'm not trying to cramp your style, if that's what you mean.

So all in all, I definitely support a leftist movement that has ANTIFA-like tactics but that's going to have some semblance of distance from the Democorporate Party and its calendar.

You americans are the ones who are suffering the most from idpol, so you need this more than us europeans. I say take full advantage of american exceptionalism.

here are some name ideas, ACTA has to go, and I agree with american exceptionalism here, we are making an american movement. I'd even go a step beyond and make it regional since issues vary wildly from state to state, pro gun propaganda is good for texas bad for cali, what you cant state on posters you can state to people once you meet face to face, it is best this way since the only first impression you leave is positive and then you radicalize them.
Free Workers Action
Free Workers Association
New Workers Movement
Workers Front
Work Front (everyone works not everyone considers themselves a worker)
United Workers Front
Counter-exploitation league
Counter-exploitation action
Labor Front
Democratic Workers Front
Democratic Labor Front
Labor Action
Free Labor League
Labor Bloc
Workers Bloc
Workers/Labor Front United
Free League of Labor

keep away from anything explicitly pro-gay on states outside cali and more liberal parts or you will alienate them, stick to calling out the new right on their persecution of these people. Support worker unity on a racial basis trough images and not words, like black and white workers breaking chains, etc.

fascists co opted socialist symbols. It is time to take it back, they can have their cartoon frogs and wojaks; see how well it applies to people who work for a living.

we need to stop this, we should align along common interest which for everybody is class interest, be they straight gay black white fem or male. You shouldnt chase these unicorns they rarely pass a workers mind. Make separate posters targeting women however, most wont connect to pick axes and meat cleavers and they make up 51% of all workers, the designes are great but we need a few different ones.

never put propaganda in work places, the employees get fucked because of it and hate you. plaster bus stops in industrial areas and plaster garages, use grafitti and stencils since it tales longer for the public sector to take it down. Tape mini versions across buses and cheap bars.
Grafitti is good for large industry as long as you dont work there, hide yourself so they do not recognize you by cams. Emphasize buisness (not property) owning as undemocratic, make infodump archives and put the web adress everywhere.

also, good universal symbols are cogs, lightbulbs, hands over a keyboard, fists, etc.

You have the right ideas about what words to use. Good drawing.


Holy crap, these are all so good!

I love this! My home state! I love this, I really do. We don't do whaleing here. Everything is fishing and lobstering.

Ah! Yes! These are so good! Thank you! You're doing such a good job.


Can we not used tired names like "socialism". The alt-right avoided terms like Nazism and Fascism and even nationalism in their group names for reasons.

Let's be flashy goddmit, not /lit/ all the time.

And yes let's exit the vampire castle.

But we need more than WSWS and leftypol, we need people to start their own shit. More youtube gamers rambling about politics, more news websites, more artwork, more everything.

shit i audibly laughed at that, thats a really funny pictyure haha

We are antifa, they need us and we need them. They can do our dirty work for us, while we can claim to be ideologically pure and the saviors. We just have to figure out an argument to the "if jews get isreal, whites should be allowed to have a nation too" sentiment. Were going to eliminate them all eventually but the world won't last if it takes 100 years.

Bump. We need a wiki! Do we have one yet or should I find one?